Chapter 2206
It takes two hours for the Tiangong clan to refine a cannon, and one hour for it to be slow.

The artillery is very powerful, and every time it is used, the energy of the god crystal is needed, which is very terrifying.

It has been popularized for thousands of years, but it is still impossible for the Tiangong tribe to have a hand.

Because there is not so much supply of god crystals, only those core members have artillery in their hands.

The offensive weapon is rarely opened to the outside world by the Tiangong clan. Even if there is a god crystal, it is impossible to reach it.

An hour has passed!

There was not much movement on Lynch's side, occasionally there were a few strong metal impact sounds, but most of the time, it was very calm.

In Elder Huang's mechanical room, the sound gradually subsided. It should be almost successful. A new cannon is about to be born.

Everyone was very excited to witness the appearance of the artillery.

Usually, the Tiangong clan refines it in the tribe, and outsiders can't see it at all.

Although the core technology could not be seen, those jingling sounds, like pleasant bells, echoed in everyone's ears.

To the uninitiated, this is noise.

Nearly two hours later, Elder Huang opened the door of the mechanical room and walked out with a new type of artillery in his hand.

After his improvement, the power of this artillery has increased a lot.

Brand new and shiny, it doesn't look like a fake, it should be refined.

The used cannon has the imprint of laws on it, but this cannon has no imprint at all. There is only one possibility, it has just been refined successfully.

Next, let's look at Lynch. It has been two hours, and there is still no movement in the mechanical room, and there are bursts of hissing from the street.

Think Lynch is putting on airs, get out of the machine room quickly, don't be ashamed.

Mo Xie was very anxious, he knew very well that there were at least a few immortal emperors of the Chongwu clan who died under the artillery.

The difficulty of refining artillery is very high, and the Chongwu tribe has not yet found a way to overcome it.

The cohesion of the law requires a kind of core energy to activate. The Chongwu tribe tried it, but the artillery exploded by itself, injuring the person who cast the artillery.

Since then, the Chongwu people have never dared to touch the artillery, so as not to hurt themselves.

After two and a half hours, the door of Lynch's mechanical room slowly opened, holding a strange thing in his hand.

It is like a cannon, but it is about half smaller than the cannon, and it is more compact. It is more convenient to carry or use it. I don't know how powerful it is.


Seeing the strange cannon in Lynch's hand, everyone laughed.

Although he didn't know how to make it, the artillery of the Tiangong clan held a place in the center's mind, like a god's arrival, and it was actually desecrated by Lynch today.

"What is this, why is it so small?"

Everyone was confused, and Lynch made something, which was small and ugly.

There is no way, the aesthetics of each era is different, and the artillery of the Tiangong clan has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

If you want to subvert their thinking, there is only one way to completely defeat the Tiangong clan.

"Brother Lin, are you sure?"

Mo Xie hurried over and asked in a low voice, in terms of size, Lynch's cannon is much smaller, how can it compare to it!

"Try it and you'll know!"

Lynch smiled slightly, and didn't care. Only after trying it will he know how powerful it is.

"Go and take out the test tablet!"

Every cannon is born and needs to be tested, because the power of each cannon is different.

Different people have different refining effects, which is normal. The Tiangong clan developed a test tablet to test the power of the artillery.

The so-called test monument turned out to be in the shape of a barrel. Cannons attacked the inside of the test monument. On the surface of the test monument, there would be a scale to measure the power of the artillery.

There are five colors in total, white, pink, purple and black.

Most of the artillery of the Tiangong clan are at the beauty level, and the pink is basically eliminated, and the power is too low.

White is a defective product and will be destroyed directly.

As for the black color, only one person of the Tiangong clan has created it for tens of thousands of years, and it has been lost since then.

"Little brother, you come first, or we come first!"

Ren Zhi asked Lynch with a smile, whoever will try it first will see how far the artillery can go.

"It's better for you to come first!"

Lynch was not sure in his heart, to what extent the power of the artillery reached. Although it was built, it still needs to be verified.

"Okay, get ready for the test!"

With an order, Elder Huang took out five divine crystals and stuffed them into the cannon. There was a crackling sound inside, and countless laws gathered into energy, which was about to explode.

A terrifying energy fluctuated around, and countless people covered their ears to avoid being affected.


The artillery formed a halo, all of which were absorbed by the test monument.

Once it breaks out, it will definitely bring harm to the innocent.

Lynch was secretly surprised. It was the first time he saw the Tiangong clan using artillery, which made him horrified.

The last time the two sides confronted each other, Lynch had never seen the power of artillery, but today it really happened under his nose.


The crowd exploded, and the purple cannon was still dark purple, representing the highest skill of the Tiangong clan.

"Congratulations to Elder Huang, there is only one step away from being black. I believe that the power of the cannon will definitely be carried forward in the hands of Elder Huang, reaching the level of a black devil."

Countless Tiangong disciples and people were celebrating and cheering.

The stronger the Tiangong clan, the better they will protect them and Tianya Haige.

As for Lynch, it is estimated that he has been forgotten, thinking that his artillery can't even reach pink, let alone red.

The cheers lasted for 5 minutes before everyone subsided, because there was still one person who hadn't been tested yet.

"Brother Lin, come on, don't worry, even if I lose, I will ask my father to save you!"

Mo Xie's face was sincere, not perfunctory, which moved Lynch very much.

Go to the test monument, take out a god crystal, and put it into the cannon.

Elder Huang released five, unleashing the strongest blow, Lynch only released one, what did he want to do.


His cannon is much smaller, and it can't hold the energy of five god crystals at all.

There are not too many clicks inside, and it is silent, so that when fighting, the opponent does not know what you want to do at all.

Tiangong clan artillery, there are a lot of metal impact sounds inside, and they are constantly combined. When you release it, the opponent has already taken precautions.

Silently, a surge of energy surged out suddenly.

The people standing around felt a wave of heat coming, their bodies took a step back unconsciously, and a golden light appeared in front of them.


The test monument let out a shocking roar, and the scale on it kept changing, from white to purple in an instant, and it was still rising.


Renzhi was not panic, but horrified. The moment Lynch's artillery was released, he was already shocked.

"It's black!"

I don't know who yelled, the scale on the test tablet has reached the black level, and it is still climbing. Unfortunately, there is no new scale above the black.

The power of the artillery is still impacting, the test monument is emitting a constant roar, and countless laws are overflowing from it. Compared with Elder Huang's, it is completely beyond the level, not a level.

"This is impossible!"

Elder Huang was the most shocked. No one knew better than him that the difficulty of refining cannons, the black level, no one in the Tiangong clan could do.

The key is to use only one god crystal, and the energy has been reduced by five times.

There are four missing crystals, and only half of the refining materials have been used to reach the black level. It is like a loud slap in the face, slapping everyone on the heads of the Tiangong clan.

At this moment, their sense of superiority was gone, and it was a little scary.

Once this kind of artillery is mastered by the opponent, it will be a disaster for the Tiangong clan.

In terms of martial arts talents, the Tiangong clan is far from other big sects. They rely on mechanical skills to gain a foothold in Beizhou.

Without mechanical skills, they were completely reduced to a second-rate tribe.

Heads were buzzing, everyone seemed to be crushed by a huge mountain, unable to breathe.

The roar of the test monument continued, and after more than ten minutes passed, it gradually stopped, and the scale remained on the black top, unable to go down.

There is only one possibility. The power of the artillery developed by Lynch destroyed the internal components inside the test monument, causing it to temporarily fail.

There is no need for a referee, everyone can see clearly that Lynch's artillery surpasses the Tiangong clan by several levels, whether it is material, materials, or power.

Even if the five cannons of the Tiangong clan are added together, it is not worth Lynch's one.

"Brother Lin, you know how to use mechanics, which really impresses me!"

Mo Xie seemed to have discovered a new continent. If the new artillery technology was mastered by the Chongwu tribe, wouldn't it become the largest tribe in Beizhou.

It is possible to crush the Tiangong clan and unify Beizhou, and the blood boils just thinking about it.

On the contrary, the Tiangong clan seemed to have seen a ghost. It was impossible to imagine what kind of freak they had encountered.

"Boy, you stole the cannon refining craft of our Tiangong clan!"

A disciple of the Tiangong clan shouted, thinking that Lynch had stolen the skills of the Tiangong clan to make the new artillery.

Renzhi was taken aback for a moment, and then stopped talking. If he could, he wouldn't mind letting Lynch work for the Tiangong clan in the future, even if he paid a huge price.

"That's right, he must have stolen our Tiangong clan's artillery refining method. No one in the world can refine artillery except our Tiangong clan."

Numerous Tiangong disciples stood up and denounced Lynch, believing that he violated the rights and interests of the Tiangong clan and stole their secrets.

At that time, there was no sense of copyright.

In fact, there is also no copyright awareness now. (Satire)

"Can you be more shameless!"

Lynch sneered, and looked at Renzhi, who waved his hand, and the noise around him disappeared.

Others can't see it, but Ren Zhi knows very well that Lynch's cannon manufacturing technology has never been heard before, and it is countless times ahead of the Tiangong clan.

Compared with him, the skills of the Tiangong clan are not worth mentioning. Who would steal mechanical skills that are countless times inferior to him.

For example, if you have 1000 million, would you steal ten dollars?
That's it!

Because Lynch's artillery mechanics, even Renzhi can't understand it, which is very embarrassing.

"Little brother, your cannon mechanics are better than our Tiangong clan. You won this round!"

The Chongwu tribe learned that someone was provoking the mechanical skills of the Tiangong tribe, and many experts came. In addition, Tianya Haige gathered countless geniuses from Beizhou, and the Tiangong tribe did not dare to back down.

(End of this chapter)

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