Chapter 2229
He and the elder said nonsensical words, seemingly unintentional, but everyone present was shocked into a cold sweat.

None of them thought about the problem.

"That's right, when our ancestors left, they left behind a mess. After so many years, no one in our Thousand Machine Sect has been able to solve it. Could it be that..."

The meaning is obvious, the old man Qianji didn't teach Lynch anything else, just the art of chess.

What is the purpose?
There is only one possibility, let him solve the ancient chess game, and all the mysteries should be solved.

"Sovereign, you might as well let Mr. Lin have a try. Even if you can't find the Nine Palaces Divine Algorithm, if you can break the chess game left by your ancestors, our Qianji Sect will have a huge harvest."

Many elders stood up collectively and let the suzerain make the decision.

"Not urgent!"

Shen Mencius waved his hand, this matter is not urgent, there are still many things that have not been clarified.

"Little brother, you said just now that the god estimate has been contacting you. Tell me, what does the god estimate look like?"

Everyone's eyes focused on Lynch again. They overlooked one thing, who is the god?
Another portrait appeared and placed in front of everyone.

Shaking his head, he didn't recognize this person.

"It's strange, the god appraiser is the ancestor's first disciple, and now he has been retreating in the small world. He is the only half-immortal emperor left in our Qianji sect."

This is very strange, no wonder Liu Tiejun's two attendants were shocked when they heard the words "God's Appraiser".

Unexpectedly, the semi-immortal emperor of Qianjizong is also called the god appraiser.

"The ancestors' methods are outrageous, maybe it's because they scattered beans into soldiers and missed the ancestors of the gods, so they created a new gods!"

This is the only possibility, the god appraiser is the only disciple of the old man Qianji, and the immortal emperor's methods are so outrageous that he can turn beans into soldiers, but it is also possible.

The first question was that the old man who looked slightly similar to old man Qianji was the hundredth great-great-grandson of old man Qianji, no wonder he had been very excited just now.

From the small Qianji Sect at the beginning, to such a large and super large sect, the Qianji Clan has contributed a lot.

"Sovereign, it's getting late, should you let Mr. Lin go to the ancient chessboard and let him find a way to break this game?"

The matter of God's appraiser is over for the time being. When there is a chance, Shenmencius will go to the small world to ask the god's appraiser's ancestor if he knows the trace of his ancestor.

"Don't worry, Mr. Lin is tired too, take a rest for a day and talk about it tomorrow!"

Shen Mencius is not in a hurry, he needs to sort out his thoughts and crack the ancient chess game, this day is not bad.

The main thing is to let Lynch recharge his energy and store up his energy. He has consumed too much energy just now, and let him break the chess game at this time, and his energy will definitely not be able to keep up.

Now that the suzerain has spoken, everyone can't force it, the door of the main hall opens, and before you know it, it's already dark outside.

"Let Mr. Lin live in Tianlin Courtyard and treat him with the highest courtesy. These matters must be dealt with by the elder minister himself. Don't blame me for being rude if you neglect Mr. Lin."

After Shen Mencius finished speaking, his body disappeared in place and he left the hall.

The elder Minister of Rites came out, bowed to Lin Qi, and asked him to go to Tianlin Courtyard with him. It was the Qianji Sect, an absolute place to entertain VIPs.

The environment of Tianlin Academy is much better than Lynch imagined.

It has everything you need, a first-class training room, enjoys a lot of resources and treatment, and has dedicated staff to serve you.

Several peerless beauties took turns serving Lin Qi's daily necessities.

Lynch didn't have much interest in these things. After a night's rest, when the sky was bright, he and the elders personally came to invite Lynch to the ancient chessboard.

The road is very quiet, and I seldom see other disciples. This place is already the core of Qianjizong, and even Liu Tiejun's generation cannot set foot here.

Passing through several mountains and entering the back mountain, there is only a solitary building, which was surrounded by Qianji sect as a forbidden area, and it was the place where old man Qianji lived.

The temple is a bit dilapidated. It has been 10,000+ years and has not collapsed. It has been preserved after countless repairs.

This is the birthplace of the earliest Qianji sect, and it is about an hour's journey from the current sect.

Later, it developed and expanded, and the old areas were gradually eliminated, especially the place where the ancestor Qianji lived, has long since become a cultural relic.

The inside is spotless. It seems that there is a reason why I didn't come here yesterday. I did a cleaning overnight to clean up the dirt here.

All the high-level members of the palace gathered together yesterday. Except for Liu Tiejun who was not there, Lynch had seen everyone present yesterday.

"Little brother, you're here!"

Shen Mencius came out to greet him in person, and led Lin Qi into the building.

Passing through several long corridors, a huge courtyard appeared, and everyone stood on both sides. The ancient trees in it had grown for tens of thousands of years and had already matured.

Some trees turned into human faces, bound here, unable to escape, guarding this place forever.

There are also a large number of flowers and plants, all of which are planted in the later stage, and the year is extremely high. There are also some fairy medicines, which are planted around, competing for beauty.

In the center of the courtyard, there is a stone table, strictly speaking, it should be a chessboard.

The chess pieces placed on it have not been moved for many years. So far, no one in Qianjizong has been able to crack this game.

For many years, the suzerains of all dynasties will come to try it, and those chess geniuses will come to try it.

Without exception, all ended in failure.

In the past tens of thousands of years, the disciples of Qianjizong have long forgotten this mysterious chessboard, and only some high-level people know about it.

Except for the succession of the suzerain every time, come to observe it, no one has set foot for hundreds of years.

Chess pieces are made of special materials, integrated with the chessboard, embedded in it, unable to move, and can only rely on divine sense to play chess.

What a weird board!

These are the words in Lynch's heart at the first sight.

Standing in front of the chessboard, this was a chess game he had never seen before.

In the first stage of chess, Lynch can be called a master level. Looking at Qianjizong, there are not many chess players who can surpass him. Many of these old antiques present have made great achievements in the first stage of chess.

When encountering such a weird chess game, there is no way.

"Little brother, can you solve this game of broken chess?"

I'm not in a hurry, cracking a game of chess can be as fast as a day, or as fast as a year.

In less than 20 days, Lynch will leave Zhongzhou and go to the ancient battlefield of Dongzhou.

"I try my best!"

Lynch had a premonition that the whereabouts of Xiaoxue and others must be hidden inside the chessboard, and the old man Qianji must have calculated everything well.

Helping Qianjizong is actually helping himself, and it's just a try.

Ruomei started to move quickly, coupled with Lynch's chess skills, she couldn't find the remnants of this game, it was really weird.

"Lin, there is no solution to this situation!"

Ruomei's wisdom can be called an immortal emperor, even if she can't do anything about it, it really can't be solved.

"No hurry, we are thinking about whether there is something missing."

There is plenty of time, so watch for a while, and after you think it through, enter the chess game and start playing.

On the road just now, I explained to the elders that once a game is played, an enchantment will be formed, completely losing contact with the outside world, and only after winning or losing can one leave.

In other words, when he entered the chess game, no one helped him, and no one reminded him, he had to rely on himself for everything.

Half an hour has passed...

An hour has passed...

Lynch remained indifferent, Ruomei turned on the highest computing power, but still couldn't find a way to break the situation.

"Lin, I calculated 850 and six methods, and the final result was all failures. There was only one chance, and it ended in a draw."

There is no chance of winning. If there is a first-line chance of a tie, firstly go according to the position Ruomei calculated. The old man Qianji is scheming. Who would have guessed whether there is another move.

"Let's do this first, you continue to calculate, I will go in first!"

Time is running out, and with a big stride, sitting in front of the chessboard, the surrounding scene changes suddenly, cutting off all contact with the outside world.

The strange thing is that I can't communicate with Ruomei anymore, everything will depend on Lynch himself.

Everyone gathered around, one layer inside and one layer outside, staring at the chessboard.

Lynch sat upright, without using his hands, his consciousness sank into the chessboard, like a puppet, with his eyes closed and motionless.

A vast chess game like a sea of ​​smoke appeared in front of Lin Qi, and the stars evolved, and each chess piece evolved from the stars.

It's not the first time Lynch has seen this kind of scene. It happened the same way last time when he played against Old Man Qianji.

"Interesting, the sky is the pan, the earth is the kun, the chen is the child, and man is the force!"

After entering, Lynch said something. He had played chess with the old man Qianji back then. He has devoted himself to research in chess all these years. Looking at the fairy world, there are no more than one person who surpasses him.

"Boy, you are here!"

An ethereal voice rang in Lynch's ears, and his whole body shook like a lightning strike.

The body moved slightly, and the people outside could see it clearly.

"What's the matter, his expression is not right."

Before the chess game started, what did Lynch encounter that made his expression so strange.

In this game of remnant chess, more than half of the people present had entered, and ended in failure.

"Could it be that this game of chess really has something to do with him?"

Everyone began to speculate, if this was the case, what exactly did the ancestor want to do, to set up such a big chess game.

"Look, stop making noise!"

Shen Mencius said something, telling everyone to stop talking and watch quietly, the chess game has already begun.

The first flag moved slowly, and Lynch made a move.

The voice rang in Lynch's ears, it seemed far away but not far away, or near but not close, but he could hear it clearly.

"Is it Senior Qianji?"

When the first chess piece moved, Lynch yelled to the void, if it was really Old Man Qianji, that would be great.

"Boy, don't talk yet. Everything you want to know is in this game of chess. As long as you can crack it, you will naturally find the answer you want."

The voice of the old man Qianji, Lynch can be sure this time, it should be a ray of thought, which has existed for 10,000+ years, and it will be automatically activated when Lynch comes.

"Senior, can you tell me the whereabouts of my wife and family?"

Lynch couldn't wait to ask again, after so many years, I miss them very much.

"No hurry, no hurry, let's play chess first!"

After the old man Qianji finished speaking, he ignored Lynch, and the two sides started a game, you come and go.

The people outside watched mesmerized. They had experienced it personally and knew the difficulty of this round. It was the most complicated endgame they had ever seen.

No one can unravel it, unless the Immortal Emperor comes, and relying on powerful calculations, he may be able to find a way to unravel it.

(End of this chapter)

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