Chapter 2339 The key is in hand
Find the key to the treasure house, a heart falls, and then continue to wait.

"Young Master Tong, what should we do, should we rush back to the family, or wait for the family information?"

The disciples of the Tong family who survived were worried, fearing that the Black Bear King would take advantage of the victory and pursue him.

Just as they were talking, the communication symbol in Tong Ao's hand lit up, and it was the voice of the Great Elder.

"You wait where you are, we will arrive tomorrow!"

After the voice finished speaking, the communication talisman dimmed, and the Great Elder came in person to find out the reason and what was going on.

Set up camp in a safe area and wait for the elder.

It was a peaceful day, and Lynch took out a memory talisman and handed it to Tong Ao, who will perform next.

The black bear tribe returned to the tribe. After the victory, they should be happy. Every bear spirit returned to the tribe full of doubts.

"My lord, something is wrong!"

The black bear's IQ is not low, and it feels that something is unusual.

"Where did that black bear go?"

After killing the three elders, the smaller black bear mysteriously disappeared.

"We didn't know either, his speed was too fast, and by the time we realized it, he had already run out and left Bird's Nest Ridge."

Several powerful black bear spirits were at a loss, their speed was not slow, but the speed of that black bear spirit was even faster, a few longitudinal shots easily got rid of them.

"I suspect that someone is playing tricks, deliberately making our black bears fight against the human race."

The Black Bear King has lived for thousands of years, has been exposed to countless things, and quickly figured out the truth.

"My lord, could it be the ghost of the scorpion spirit and the crocodile spirit? They have always wanted to occupy our territory, use the human race, and wipe out our black bear race."

The spearhead quickly pointed to the scorpion spirit and the crocodile gold. The three major races have always been fighting. The black bear has the best territory. The two races are eyeing each other.

"This possibility is not ruled out. Pay close attention. I suspect that there is a second wave of human action. You guys, take the young black bears and leave here. After the matter subsides, bring them back."

In the mountains, there are monsters everywhere, and it is very dangerous to enter other people's territory rashly.

There is no other way now, the black bear line must be preserved so as not to be cut off.

In one night, about half of the black bears left, leaving only the old, weak, sick and disabled.

"My lord, why don't you go, we can just stay!"

Several old black bear spirits asked puzzledly, if they stayed, they would die in vain.

"I haven't investigated the matter clearly, so I can't leave for the time being. If you let me know who did it, I will definitely not let him go."

The black bear king was about to burst into tears. Not only did the child die, but he also offended the Tong family. There was no room for retreat.

As soon as the sky was bright, the Great Elder walked over with a gloomy face. He didn't bring anyone with him, and even he couldn't help it. No matter how many people he brought, it would be unnecessary.

In the vacuum hometown, the Half Immortal Emperor is definitely a peak-level figure, just like the fairy world.

"Great Elder, you are here!"

Tong Ao snotted and burst into tears, narrated what happened yesterday, and took out the memory talisman.

The scenes of Hei Xiong killing Deacon He and beheading other Tong family disciples were presented in every detail.

"Why didn't I see the picture of the third elder being killed!"

There is nothing wrong with these pictures, the Great Elder asked gloomyly.

"The situation was critical at the time, and we escaped. The Third Elder died, and there was no record of everything. When we returned, the Third Elder had already..."

Tong Ao couldn't go on anymore, and the other disciples followed suit. They were all present at the time and could testify.

The Great Elder fell into deep thought, and read the memory talisman over and over again. The only thing that puzzled him was that the smaller black bear was so powerful that he killed Deacon He with one move.

"Stay here, I'll go to the Black Bear Tribe!"

After thinking about it, the Great Elder decided to go in person and let them stay where they were.

"The Great Elder must avenge the dead disciples and kill all the black bears."

A few disciples stood up, and only by killing all the black bears can those disciples rest in peace.

Nodding his head, the Great Elder disappeared in a flash.

"I'm going to make it easier, you come with me!"

Tong Ao beckoned and asked Lin Qi to go with him, while the other disciples returned to their original places and continued to rest.

The Scarlet Star Sword appeared and turned into Lynch's real body. The real body quietly left, followed in the footsteps of the Great Elder, and entered the Black Bear tribe.

"Black bear spirit, get out!"

The moment the Great Elder appeared, he let out a stern shout, causing countless leaves to rustle down, and the ground was covered with broken leaves.

The Black Bear King and the rest of the Black Bear Clan came out of the cave, showing anger.

The moment he saw the Great Elder, the Black Bear King was horrified.

"Okay! You black bear clan's wings are hardened. If you dare to kill the third elder of our Tong family, you will all die today!"

His face was gloomy and terrifying, the Great Elder was really intent on killing.

In the past, the Tong family turned a blind eye to the small fights and passed by. As long as they don't hurt their muscles and bones, everyone will live in peace.

Every time the black bear king robs the goods, he usually does not kill people, at most drives them away, and leaves after grabbing the goods.

The Tong family will not take the initiative to exterminate the Black Bear Clan, kill the Black Bear King, and don't even think about doing business with the Yaozu in the future. After all, the Yaozu is still a family.

They can fight each other within, and the human race gets involved, and things go bad.

"You human race killed my heir, and you killed several human races, what's wrong!"

The Black Bear King took a deep breath. Facing the Half Immortal Emperor, the odds of winning were extremely low, but he still had to fight, and the Black Bear Clan hadn't gone far.

"Hmph, today I will completely destroy you, and from now on, there will be no more black bears!"

The Great Elder flipped his palm, as expected of the Half Immortal Emperor, the terrifying Half Immortal Emperor law crushed down, overwhelming, those old, weak, sick and disabled were crushed to death in an instant, only the Black Bear King was still struggling.

The Half Immortal Emperor and the Ninth Grade Yaozun are a whole realm apart. The Black Bear King is strong, and he has no power to fight back against the Half Immortal Emperor.


He let out an angry roar, raised his palm, and flew towards him, intending to die with the Great Elder.

One person and one bear, so silent that in the midst of the battle, they didn't even know that a figure approached quietly.

"Wild Dragon Seal, it's up to you!"

There is only one chance to kill the Great Elder and snatch the second key.

It must be a fatal blow, using the wild dragon seal, the best solution, the Eternal God Fist erupts, and it is easy to leave clues.


The Black Bear King was thrown out, covered in blood, and was seriously injured by the Law of the Half Immortal Emperor.

As expected of the monster clan, but also the powerful black bear clan, they didn't die, so they tried to stand up and continue to attack.

The Great Elder was indifferent, the monster race had rough skin and thick flesh, and if it was a human race, they would have been killed by him long ago.

Raising the palm of your hand, a more terrifying force roared in. The surrounding trees were razed to the ground, and the entire black bear tribe was completely destroyed.

At this critical moment, the wild dragon seal suddenly appeared.

It turned into a big golden seal and suddenly pressed down.


By the time the Great Elder reacted, it was too late. His aura, as well as his laws, were all mobilized to deal with the Black Bear Clan. There was no extra strength to counter the Wild Dragon Seal.


The body of the great elder was torn apart and crushed to death by the wild dragon seal.

Who would have thought that the dignified half-immortal emperor would die so aggrieved.

The Black Bear King froze in place, at a loss, with a dazed expression on his face.

After beheading the Great Elder, the corpse disappeared. From the beginning to the end, Lynch did not appear.

A generation of half-immortal emperors died just like this.

Leaving behind the devastated Black Bear tribe and the silly Black Bear King, Lynch has long since disappeared, taking the body of the Great Elder and his storage ring.

"The second key is in hand!"

In addition to a large number of divine crystals and some materials, what Lynch values ​​most is the treasure house key.

He has no shortage of resources, at least he won't worry about resources until he breaks through to the Ninth Rank Immortal Venerable.

He quietly returned to the camp, and changed identities with Chi Xingjian.

"What's going on, it's been a day, why hasn't the Great Elder come back?"

The disciples of the Tong family were complaining, the Great Elder is a majestic half-immortal emperor, even if the scorpion spirit and the crocodile spirit come, they are no match for the Great Elder.

The little black bear family is not easy to catch.

Tong family!

"It's not good, the Great Elder's soul monument is shattered!"

The disciple of the Tong family who was guarding the Soul Hall suddenly rushed out.

First it was the soul stele of the third elder, and today it is the stele of the soul of the great elder. The whole Tong family was full of sorrow.

Tong Leiqiu's face was gloomy. The Tong family lost one of the two half-immortal emperors. In the future, it will be more difficult for the Tong family to gain a foothold in Wangshan City. Other families will gradually eat them away.

In just a few days, the Tong family lost two ninth-rank immortals, dozens of disciples, and a half-immortal emperor.

All the high-level people gathered together and remained silent.

"Patriarch, I feel that there is a conspiracy here!"

The Fourth Elder stood up with a gloomy expression, someone must have caused trouble in this matter.

"I suspect that the monster clans united to deal with our Tong family. The elder will definitely be killed by the half-step demon emperor. We must find a way to take revenge."

The fifth elder stood up, this revenge must be avenged, how will the Tong family gain a foothold in the future.

If you say something to me, if the Ninth Grade Immortal Venerable goes, it is like cannon fodder. Only a half-immortal emperor has a chance of winning.

"Let all the remaining disciples of the family withdraw, this matter needs a long-term plan!"

Tong Leiqiu took a deep breath and asked Tong Ao and others to come back first before making plans.

After receiving the information from the family, a group of seven people walked back along the original road.

Two days later, when we returned to Tong's house, everyone lowered their heads.

Lynch was not eligible to attend the Tong family meeting, so he had to go back to his own room.

The memory talisman was repeated countless times in the hall without any sign.

The point is that the deaths of the Third Elder and the First Elder are like a mystery.

"Uncle, I suspect that the Black Bear Clan joined forces with the Crocodile Clan and the Scorpion Spirit to set up an ambush in the depths of the Bird's Nest Ridge. If they are not eradicated, the First Elder and the Third Elder will die in vain."

Tong Ao stood up with a heartbroken look, and it would be difficult to eliminate the hatred in his heart if he didn't kill them.

"There's no rush on this matter, I'm making plans after I investigate clearly!"

Tong Leiqiu will not easily get involved in danger, and the revenge will definitely be reported, after the investigation is clear.

"Wait, they all ran away. The Great Elder died in vain. Uncle, why are you still hesitating? According to my opinion, we might as well mobilize the Tong family army and crush them directly."

Tong Ao said bluntly, which made Tong Leiqiu very angry.

If it wasn't for his nephew, he would have slapped him long ago.

(End of this chapter)

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