Chapter 2354 Demon King City

The development of a sect is at least a hundred-year plan.

Super big sects, the formulation is a millennium plan.

Lynch doesn't expect too much, as long as he is given one year, he can accomplish what many people can accomplish in thousands of years.

The noise from both sides woke up Lynch, and it was on the verge of breaking out.

Nine Heavens Sword Sect did not give an inch, angering the Yaozu.

Although they are just some little demons, they still have some status in the Demon King City area, and these human races don't even think about them.

"Human race, since you are looking for death, then you will be fulfilled and crushed by me!"

The three-headed demon venerable, the realm is not high, the highest is only the third rank, and the lowest is the first rank.

The little demons behind them are basically at the level of the Demon King and Demon Emperor. Such a large number still makes one's scalp tingle.

"Are you coming from Demon King City?"

Lynch suddenly said calmly, grabbed behind him, and the big monster who was screaming just now, couldn't move, was grabbed by Lynch with his hand, and knelt down in front of him.

Everyone was stunned, especially those disciples who didn't know why, they didn't know Lynch existed.

For them, Yao Zun already exists like the sky, and Nine Heavens Sword Sect currently doesn't have a single Immortal Zun.

"You... who are you!"

This big demon panicked. He was only a third-rank demon master, and he was easily lifted up. He had no power to resist. It could be felt that Lin Qi was countless times stronger than him.

"Let me ask you, are you from the Demon King City!"

Lynch asked coldly without any emotion in his voice.

"No, we little demons are not qualified to live in the Demon King City, we can only survive on the periphery!"

The third-grade demon master doesn't even have the qualifications to enter the Demon King City, which shocked Lin Qi again.

Hearing that they were not sent by Yaowangcheng, he breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that they are the ones who decide on their own and want to ask for some benefits.

Under the banner of Demon King City, he forced Nine Heavens Sword Sect to hand over some human races for them to eat.

"Tell me about the situation in Demon King City!"

Fan Zhe knew it was only one-sided information, after all, he had never entered the Demon King City, and he learned it from other demon clans.

"What do you want to know?"

The big monster was trembling, not daring to move, Lynch suppressed him with a breath of breath.

"Tell me everything you know!"

If Lynch guessed correctly, forcing Nine Heavens Sword Sect to hand over 1 people was not the idea of ​​the Demon King City, but the result of these big monsters nearby.

There is also a possibility that the Demon King City has this intention, and the nearby big monster will take a share of the pie in advance before the demon clan in the Demon King City arrives.

No matter which one it is, it is very unfavorable to Nine Heavens Sword Sect.

"My status is humble, and I am not qualified to live in the city. If I want to enter the Demon King City, I must first have a pure bloodline, and secondly, I need a demon master above rank five to be eligible."

The big demon showed a look of helplessness, he did not expect that the Demon King City was so harsh that he had to require a demon master of rank five or above to enter.

The Monster King City is the dream place of many monster races. I heard that the environment inside is more suitable for the monster race to survive.

Unlike the outside, the environment is harsh, and is often harassed by other natural enemies, and the death is unknown.

The living environment of the monster race is not much better than that of the human race, fighting each other and grabbing territory.

Hearing this news, Feng Wuyan and the others looked at each other in blank dismay, all shocked.

They knew about the Demon King City, but they didn't know that the Demon King City was so powerful.

For now, there is no movement in the Demon King City, and it has been peaceful.

It is estimated that they did not fancy Jiutian Jianzong either, for them, these human races are too weak.

The strong have the dignity of the strong and disdain to attack the weak.

Those big monsters guarding around may not be so, they have been coveting the Nine Heavens Sword Sect for a long time.

"Besides you, what other races are nearby, who have been playing the idea of ​​Nine Heavens Sword Sect!"

Spiritual consciousness swept around, there were many big monsters living in the nearby mountains, and the monster clan in front of him was just one of the tribes.

"There are tiger demons, snake demons, monkey demons, scorpion demons, mouse demons..."

The big demon said more than a dozen in a row, and everyone's hearts sank to the bottom of the valley.

"We drew lots collectively, and we won. The first to attack Nine Heavens Sword Sect, they can only follow behind and eat some leftovers."

After saying these words, it is obvious that the surrounding temperature has dropped a lot.

He actually treated the human race as food, and after they captured, other monster races waited for the opportunity to completely carve up the Nine Heavens Sword Sect.

"Hehe, tiger demon, snake demon, monkey demon, scorpion spirit, mouse spirit, I don't think you need to exist anymore!"

With a pinch of his big hand, the body of the big monster crawling under his feet shriveled a little bit. All the laws and spirits disappeared without a trace, leaving only a piece of monster skin.

Those big monsters and little monsters outside went crazy, their king was actually killed by the human race.

"Run away!"

The other two Yaozun hurriedly fled to the distance, not daring to stay for a moment.

"No one wants to leave!"

Since it has nothing to do with the Demon King City, let's start a massacre today to clear away those monster clans around, at least within the next year, no monster clans will come to harass them.

As for the Demon King City, Lynch is not worried. There are many treasures in the mountain range. As long as he can find a few treasures, he can use the treasures to break through the rank nine immortals.

The great assassination technique appeared and swept across the scene. In front of thousands of disciples, big and small demons died and fell to the ground.

In just a few breaths, more than 1 monsters came, and all of them were killed or injured.

"Everyone follow me, wipe out all the monster races around, and plunder the elixir!"

These monster races have occupied this place for many years and accumulated countless elixir, which is what Lynch is extremely lacking now.

The human race roared excitedly, volunteered, followed Lynch, and started a big sweep.

The tiger demon tribe was wiped out, the monkey demon, the mouse spirit, the scorpion spirit...

Tribes disappeared one after another. In just two days, Lynch swept across tens of thousands of miles, and he couldn't find a single monster.

Everything has been cleaned up, and the human race can walk here with confidence in the future.

This is something that has never happened before, plundering countless elixir, and returning to the Nine Heavens Sword Sect with the spoils.

Hearing the news, everyone cheered up and down.

Then enter the quiet period, everyone enters the practice room and starts to practice.

Including Lin Xiaotian, Shangguan Gu, Yu Wenchong and several senior officials of Qingyun Mansion.

Mr. Wen and Shui Yuji, together with Feng Qingyang and Ke Wensheng, pointed and communicated with each other.

In the training room, there are people breaking through the realm all the time.

Every once in a while, everyone would come out and learn from each other. As long as their lives were not in danger, Lynch suggested that they fight to the death.

Blindly cultivating is not the solution, which leads to the mismatch between their realm and combat effectiveness.

There is only fighting to digest the changes brought about by cultivation.

The few girls, Lin Xuan and Lin Lan, Lin Qi personally taught, and their cultivation is improving with each passing day. One week has passed outside, and seven years have passed in the practice room.

Especially the white fox, she is a nine-tailed fox, and her promotion is extremely fast.

Yuan Gang led a group of senior disciples to practice together. Thousands of people gathered in each practice room. Lynch kept patrolling and giving pointers to them.

The new year is spent in cultivation, and a month has passed in the blink of an eye, and the entire Nine Heavens Sword Sect has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Finally someone was promoted to Immortal Venerable, and it turned out to be Xiaoxue.

"Brother Lin, they are so happy!"

Bai Shuang came out, not ready to face Xiaoxue and others, and stayed in Babao Pagoda.

"Don't worry, they are very reasonable. It's not a solution for you to stay here without seeing them. Don't you want to see them all your life?"

Lin Qi understood Bai Shuang's mood at the moment. It was one thing to know it before, but another thing to actually see it.

Like a child who did something wrong and robbed others of their beloved things.

Lynch already has a wife, if Xiaoxue and others do not forgive her, she is not qualified to be with Lynch.

"Give me some more time!"

Nestled in Lynch's arms, it will take a while to slowly adjust.

"Well, I'll arrange a banquet for you to meet, so that the atmosphere won't be awkward!"

Xiaoxue is his wife, and Baishuang is also his wife, so one should not favor the other.

"I listen to you!"

Bai Shuang didn't want to stay at Babao Pagoda for a moment, seeing them together sweetly made her feel very uncomfortable.

In the evening, everyone was practicing, and Lynch prepared a lot of delicious food.

"Brother, you called us all out just to have a meal?"

Xiaoxue was a little puzzled, everyone was busy practicing, only he was the most leisurely.

"A combination of work and rest!"

Hug Xiaoxue, let her sit up first, and the others sat down one by one, looking at Lynch strangely, which made him a little embarrassed.

"Tell me, are you hiding something from us?"

Hong Yun could tell at a glance that there must be a demon if something goes wrong. These days, she has been urging them to practice. What happened today? They gave up training and prepared so many delicious food.

Must be doing something wrong.

"Seeing that you have been a little tired from practicing recently, I will reward you."

Rubbing his hands, he couldn't hide anything from them, even though he tried his best to hide it, the sneer in the eyes of the women made him shudder.

One by one, like hens with fried feathers, firmly defended their position, Lynch retreated a little bit, whether to let Bai Shuang come out or not.

"Brother, did you bring other women back with you, and you haven't come out to meet us!"

Xiaoxue grew up with Lynch, and she couldn't hide anything from Xiaoxue's eyes.

The other girls showed anger and gritted their teeth with hatred.

They are not around these days, and they are messing around everywhere.

"Brother Lin, why are you doing this!"

Su Qing started to cry, and the other girls were also in a bad mood.

"Tell me, how many did you bring back this time!"

Jiang Yu is already a mother, and her words carry weight. She asked Lin Qi coldly, warning him that if there are too many, don't blame them for being rude.


I had no choice but to bite the bullet, fortunately there was only Bai Shuang alone, if I knew there was Xiaoyi, they would probably swallow me alive.

"It's a long story. If it weren't for her, I would have died in the fairyland long ago. My life was saved by her."

Lynch had no choice but to briefly talk about what happened after stepping into the fairyland, and the girls fell silent.

They all knew that Brother Lin's temperament and temperament were not normal for women not to like him.

"Let her out!"

Xiaoxue pondered for a moment, took a deep breath, and calmed down her emotions.

Even Xiaoxue had spoken, and the others had no objections. Everyone knew that only Xiaoxue was Brother Lin's real wife.

(End of this chapter)

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