Chapter 2391
Including the five immortal emperors who came in, were imprisoned in it.

Experts from outside are still coming in a steady stream. There are countless human races in the fairy world. They have developed for tens of millions of years, and many old antiques have been unable to retreat.

The world is in turmoil, this kind of opportunity cannot be missed.

When I learned that the ancient ruins were discovered, I came here as soon as possible.

Standing on the high tower, the fighting continued. The number of people in the Meditation City would not decrease because of death, and the number of foreign monks who came in had truly decreased.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and the spiritual consciousness covered the entire Meditation City, trying to find some clues.

"Lin, look over there!"

Ruomei suddenly pointed to the front right, and a group of people appeared.


Lynch slipped on the soles of his feet and almost fell over. A group of people appeared in front of him.

"I remember that they were already dead just now, how could they come back to life again? Could it be that someone used the reincarnation technique to reverse the way of heaven?"

Lynch was horrified, with an unbelievable expression on his face.

He saw with his own eyes just now that some foreign monks died, why were they all resurrected.

There is a red beam of light in the eyes, that is to say, after death, he was resurrected, which is completely consistent with the law of this place.

The fact happened right under their noses, and they couldn't help but believe that the dead foreign monk became one of them.

"Lin, do you still remember the Sky Domain?"

Ruomei suddenly reminded Lynch that the scene in the Vault of Heaven was the shadow of Lynch's life.

Countless people died, and finally met Paris, and it was also at that time that he knew the giants.

Solve the mystery and help the giants know how to fly. They return to the Xuanwu fairyland and merge with the giant tribe.

Paris has died of old age, and now the patriarch of the giant tribe is in charge of Aleigh.

"You mean, the Hades!"

This race is too strange. Lynch has never figured it out. It looks very similar to humans, but it is not a human race. After death, there seems to be a virus in the body, which continues to spread.

Anyone who is bitten will instantly infect the other party.

Back then in the Vault of Heaven, when entering the underground, countless red coffins were obtained from a mysterious woman with a nine-color sword heart.

After ascending to the fairy world, I have seen many alien races, but the Ming race has never appeared.

Many of the three thousand worlds have already disappeared, either died, or escaped from the original plane.

Including the human race, the dragon race, etc., there are traces in the three thousand worlds.

"It's very possible. Judging by the way they are infected, nine out of ten are the Hades. There must be a powerful Hades tribe hidden here. It's underground. We just don't know."

The Ming clan is very ancient, having been born tens of millions of years ago, not in the fairy world.

It should be another plane. After the destruction, the race migrated here, blocked the Northern State, and became their territory.

No one knows this information.

"Then it will be troublesome. The Hades are too weird. Once they are all controlled by the Hades, it will be a disaster for mankind."

The Witch Clan is eyeing the Immortal World, and now there is another Hades. Lin Qi can't imagine that the outer sky is only partially opened. When it is fully opened, the strong Hades returns, and the three thousand worlds will be in chaos.

"Lin, first think of a way to break through the Immortal Emperor, and only after reaching the Immortal Emperor will you be eligible to live!"

Lynch sometimes considers issues from the perspective of the righteousness of the human race.

He is not a savior, his idea is good, if there is a real crisis, others will try to escape immediately.

"That's right, first find a way to break through the Immortal Emperor!"

The eyes pierced the sky, extending to endless depths.

The glacier was cut open, the underground world was completely revealed, and the sky changed, and it was no longer what it was before.

"It's not that easy to break through the Immortal Emperor!"

With a wry smile, how many people have spent their entire lives searching for countless treasures of heaven and earth, and refining elixir and miraculous medicines, in order to break through the Immortal Emperor Realm.

It took him only a few years to break through to the Half Immortal Emperor. In terms of background, it is far inferior to those ancient antiques that have accumulated for thousands of years.

In terms of treasures, it is far from enough. The materials needed to break through the Immortal Emperor are extremely rare, and it takes millions of years to be born.

"Meditation City, do you need to meditate?"

The killing is still going on, monks are constantly being assimilated, and the virus is spreading all the time.

A large number of monks infected with the virus approached rapidly, reminding Lynch of a species, zombies.

A special energy is released from the living people, like food, constantly attracting them. The Hades are very strange. They are like humans, but their bodies are also infected with this deadly virus.

This is definitely not a zombie, just an example.

The speed of action is not affected in any way, and he can still have all the memories and make accurate judgments. Except for the red light in his eyes, he is no different from ordinary people.

The five immortal emperors gradually approached the Meditation City, with the compass in their hands flickering.

The exact location of Lynch will be found soon.

It has been more than ten days since he entered the ground, besides the five immortal emperors in the heavenly court, several other immortal emperors approached quietly.

In just a few years, many immortal emperors appeared in the fairy world.

"Get off!"

A group of monks rushed over, wanting to eat Lin Qi. With a sweep of their long swords, dozens of monks exploded, turning into blood and seeping into the ground.

Slaughter was born all the time, and many foreign monks cried bitterly, escaping but unable to escape.

"It's strange, why have you been reborn without limit? Could it be that the Hades have reincarnation spells?"

Those monks who died just now, continued to come back to life in the blink of an eye, which drove Lynch a little crazy.

If this continues, no one will even think about leaving alive.

Unlimited copying!

"Lin, Meditation City, all things, are they all meditated? You try to meditate, don't look with your eyes, look with your heart."

Ruomei has a very high IQ and discovers some clues, which makes Lynch change his tactics.

Whether it is the Ming clan, it is not sure yet, since it is called Meditation City, there must be some mystery.

Maybe this place is a huge labyrinth, which confuses everyone's sight.

Only meditation can solve the mystery.

"Let me try!"

Close your eyes, with Ruomei here, don't worry about your safety, not to mention Cai'er.

Cai'er's target, in case there is a sneak attack by an immortal emperor, Ruomei is in charge of analyzing it.

At the beginning, I didn't feel much, and tried to touch the law. The law here is completely different from the outside, probably because of the environment here.

Because it is different from the fairy world, there is a strange smell floating in the air, and when it comes in, the body is very uncomfortable, and Dan Hai has the urge to run away.

"Like the Hades!"

Back then in the Vault of Heaven, this was the feeling, restlessness, wanting to explode.

Continue to touch, reach out to grab the surrounding buildings, and suddenly grab an empty space.

The railing on which to lean was gone, and the surroundings were empty.

"Romei, Ruomei..."

Lynch kept calling, trying to open his eyes, but found that his eyelids were sunken and unable to open, and kept calling.

No one answered him, and Ruomei lost contact with him.

Including the Eight Treasures Stupa, everything disappeared, as if entering a boundless dark world.

Trying hard to open his eyes, it seemed like a heavy weight was pressing on his eyelids, making him unable to move.

After an unknown amount of time, the burden on her body finally eased, and she slowly opened her eyes.

The Meditation City disappeared, and instead of a tall tower, it was a dilapidated building.

The abandoned tower had long since been destroyed. On the ground, there were piles of bones and bodies that had not completely rotted. The disgusting scene made Lynch's stomach churn.

"Lin, it was dangerous just now!"

Ruomei's voice reached Lynch's ears, asking what happened just now.

"Mei, what's going on? Why did I lose contact with you just now? I seem to have sunk to the bottom of the water."

Before he knew it, Lynch was drenched, as if he had been fished out of the water.

"I don't know. The surroundings suddenly fell into darkness, including the Babao Pagoda. It was pitch black inside. Everyone panicked. Countless ghosts and wolves came from all directions. We kept calling for you, but there was no response."

From Ruomei's tone, one could hear how thrilling it was just now, and she had never experienced such a thing before.

The Eight Treasures Stupa space was formed by itself, and it was actually restricted by the laws here.

"Is this the real Meditation City!"

The light is very weak. It doesn't look like it is in Beizhou, but it is in Beizhou. The environment has changed. Everything outside is an illusion.

"It's possible. You have to be careful. Others should be able to guess soon. All the monks who were killed will enter this place. I'm worried that they will be resurrected just like the Sky Domain."

Those monks who died had their corpses piled up at their feet. In the phantom, they were constantly being reborn. In fact, the corpses had already become like this.

Get out of here as soon as possible, find the exit, and find a way to leave Meditation City.

Stepping on those corpses, some have rotted, and the stench emitted by them is disgusting.

He simply closed the Eight Treasures Stupa completely, lost contact with Ruomei, and was calling her when needed.

Ruomei vomited several times just now, Lynch couldn't bear it.


A hand grabbed Lynch's ankle.

"help me……"

The faint voice can still be heard clearly, but it is not completely dead, only half of the body is left.

Wanting to break free, the opponent grabbed Lynch tightly with both hands, refusing to let go.

"How can you save me if you grab me like this!"

The Scarlet Star Sword appeared in the palm of his hand, and if he was in danger, he would be beheaded immediately.

Hearing Lynch's words, he let go of his hands, and saw something extremely terrifying from his eyes.

"Tell me, how should I save you?"

The surroundings are quiet, if there is a living person, there will be a care for each other.

"Ah ah ah..."

The half-length man was about to speak when he suddenly let out a shrill scream. Inside his body, a ball of flame burned, instantly burning his body to ashes.

This scene made Lynch even more horrified. What is going on? Is this hell?
Even if it was the ghosts of the Mingzu, the Mingzu is too powerful, and all kinds of evil tricks are hard to guard against.

They don't know anything about the Hades, and they only have a few clues in the Vault of Heaven, which is not enough to solve the mystery of the Hades.

"white phosphorus!"

The space is filled with a smell of white phosphorus, which will burn when it encounters air.

"It seems to be done by manpower. The Hades hide in it and have been multiplying here. The glaciers isolated them, and the outer world opened up, which led to changes in the environment. Cracks appeared in the glaciers, and this is what happened today."

This is Lynch's guess. The Ming clan has not been completely extinct. They have been living under the glacier. The opening of the Outer World led to a great change in the world, the glaciers split, and the Ming clan tribe was discovered.

(End of this chapter)

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