Chapter 2400 Changes in the Invincible Hall

Lu Wentang was retreating, and when his consciousness moved, he quickly stood up.

"The last ten years?"

I began to think about it. In recent years, several major events have indeed happened in Nanzhou. The Xuanyu Sect has become the largest sect since the Huai family and the Gui Sect were wiped out.

Several major events did not cause any harm to Xuan Yuzong.

"What you said reminded me that a strange thing did happen. Seven years ago, when you were not in Zhongzhou, you went to Dragon Realm. Nanzhou found a mysterious forbidden area. A large number of monks entered, and all of them died. No reason was found."

If it is a big event, this is the only one. At that time, more than 1 monks died, which shocked the whole Nanzhou.

"Sure enough!"

Lin Qi secretly said, let Lu Wentang continue to practice, as he guessed, the ancestor of beast control has come to Beizhou.

After starting the funeral ceremony twice in a row, his strength should have almost recovered, at least at the level of an immortal emperor.

10,000+ years ago, dare to challenge the heaven, the strength is not below Ling Xiao.

Relying on a small Yushouzhai to compete with Heavenly Court, he definitely has extraordinary skills.

Knowing that the ancient ruins were discovered in Beizhou, this is an excellent opportunity for the old man who controls the beast.

It is not so easy to gather so many monks at once.

For the third sacrifice, ordinary monks will not help him much. It is best to be extremely strong, who can make him break through to a higher level in one fell swoop.

The fairy world is in turmoil, and it is very difficult to gather so many monks at once. If the ancestor of Yushouzhai is really alive, he will not miss the golden opportunity and waste the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Lynch was a little conflicted, he didn't want to go no matter whether it was caused by Yushouzhai or not.

To break through the Immortal Emperor, ordinary resources cannot satisfy him.

The ancestor of beast control is at the level of a demon emperor at most, and he is a third-rank demon emperor.

He doesn't have many good things on him, so it's no fun to rob him.

As for the life and death of these monks, I really don't care.

Rong seldom spoke. Normally, he sat quietly by the side, bowing his head in thought.

Choose to give up and rush in another direction.

As soon as the sea of ​​souls moved, a group of people approached rapidly in front of them. Their strength was not low, and there were actually two immortal emperors.

With a sway of his body, he and Rong stood on a big tree, looking into the distance.

"Master Zhu!"

Lynch was taken aback. How could Suzaku be here? Could it be that there was a major change in Tianyahaige.

Followed by a group of Invincible Hall fighters, about 100 people.


There was a trace of guilt on Suzaku's face, and he hurried over. Behind him, Liu Tiequan successfully broke through the Immortal Emperor Realm. It seemed that he had some kind of romantic fate. Suzaku was there to protect him and guide him to break through the realm.

Liu Tiequan hurried forward to salute. In the past six months, without Lin Qi's cultivation, he would not have broken through to the Immortal Emperor Realm so quickly.

The other Invincible Hall fighters have improved in strength. It seems that they have experienced a lot of battles in the past two months.

"Where did the others go?"

Looking around, there are more than 100 Invincible Hall soldiers behind them, with their heads down and shame on their faces.

Lynch's heart sank, could it be that they were all lost.

If the time of death is too long, even if you have the gate of reincarnation, you cannot resurrect it.

The key point is that Lin Xuan is not in the team, which makes Lin Qi realize that something is wrong.

"God, subordinates are incompetent!"

Suzaku suddenly knelt down on one knee, and everyone behind him knelt down on one knee, and some people sobbed softly.

"Stand up, Invincible Hall, Invincible World, this setback will knock you down."

Lynch yelled and asked everyone to stand up and talk, while Rong stood aside and remained silent.

Everyone stood up, lowered their heads, not daring to look into Lynch's eyes.

"Tell me, what happened?"

Taking a deep breath, regardless of whether it was bad news or not, he had to hold on, and closed the Eight Treasures Pagoda so that the people inside would not know.

"Returning to God, we are guarding the Tianyahai Pavilion and have been safe and sound. Just ten days ago, the heavenly army came."

The warriors of the Invincible Hall behind him automatically separated and went to guard to prevent others from breaking in.

The next conversation should not be known to others.

"How many troops have come to Heaven!"

Lynch asked, the general army can't pose a threat to the Invincible Hall, not to mention there is Suzaku, and it will definitely retreat unscathed.

"One hundred thousand army, four immortal emperors came. Fortunately, we made preparations in advance. Some people escorted Tianya Haige to leave, and some stayed where they were, waiting for orders. Tianya Haige was not affected. Our Invincible Hall lost a few brother."

These people lived and died with him, watching their brothers die in front of him, the pain in their hearts can be imagined.

"Thank you for your hard work!"

The time of death is too long, even if you have the gate of reincarnation, you can't resurrect it.

With the advent of troubled times, no one, including Lynch himself, can survive safely, trying to reduce the death of people around him as much as possible.

Fortunately, the loss this time was not big. The three Invincible Hall warriors were beheaded by the Heavenly Court. This revenge will be recovered sooner or later.

"How did you get in here?"

Lynch asked, Suzaku obviously had something to hide from him.

"God, you must hold on!"

Suzaku's face was full of grief and indignation, as well as shame, like a child who did something wrong.


Lin Qi thought that Lin Xuan died in battle, and he was one of the three.

"The young master was taken away by the army of heaven!"

Suzaku slammed his fist on the boulder fiercely, flesh and blood flew all over the fist, and a warrior of Wuditang rushed over to bandage him, but Suzaku stopped him.

Only in this way can you feel better inside.

Lynch was surprisingly calm, without anger or anger, he had expected this result a long time ago.

The worst news is that Lin Xuan died.

Just being taken away, Tianting intends to use Lin Xuan to threaten Lin Qi, as long as he does not die, there is a way to rescue him.

"How could news about Xuan'er leak out?"

The Invincible Hall is their own people, and the news about Lin Xuan is extremely secretive, and it stands to reason that no one will know.

"Tianji map!"

Suzaku gritted his teeth with hatred, all this must have been leaked by the secret map, and Lin Xuan and Lynch were similar in appearance, so they could be recognized at a glance.

"Very good, catch my child, I will let the whole heaven be buried with me!"

A terrifying murderous aura shot out from Lin Qi's body.

"God, we are the ones who neglected our duties, failed to protect the young master, and ask God to punish us."

Suzaku knelt down on one knee, hoping that Lynch would punish him, so that he would feel better.

"Come on, Xuan'er is also a member of the Invincible Hall, and there is no extra treatment. If any Invincible Hall fighter is captured by the Heavenly Court, I will not let it go."

Supporting Suzaku with both hands, facing an army of [-], plus four immortal emperors, only lost three Invincible Warriors, Suzaku did well.

If it were an ordinary person, the loss would be heavy, even if the entire army was not wiped out, there would be a large number of casualties.

It was much better than Lynch expected, but he did not expect that Heavenly Court would send so many troops here.

"God, after we came in, ten people got separated and went in that direction. What should we do? Should we go find them?"

The environment here is very complicated. After several battles, everyone got separated, and some Invincible Hall fighters entered the southwest direction, which is the area where the mysterious hall appeared.

"Leave the rest to me. When you enter the Babao Pagoda, you are not allowed to leak any news about Xuan'er. If Xue'er asks, she will say that she has other tasks outside."

Lin Qi reminded Xiaoxue that she must not let Xiaoxue know that Xuan'er was taken away by Tianting, for fear that she would not be able to bear it.

All the warriors of the Invincible Hall remained silent. They had an unshirkable responsibility for such a big incident.

"God, please save the young master!"

Everyone knelt down again, and the Invincible Hall was established. The previous battles were almost one-sided. This was the first time they collided with the Heavenly Court. This kind of loss was a huge blow to their confidence.

Only by rescuing Lin Xuan can morale be boosted.

"Master Zhu, do you have any relics of the three lost fighters?"

He had his own plans for Lin Xuan's matter. Since he knew it was his son, Heavenly Court would not treat him badly, at least his life was not in danger.

that's enough!

Every warrior of the Invincible Hall has a special token, which is infused with soul power.

Although the person is dead, the remnant soul is still there.

"Very good, bring them back to the Eight Treasures Stupa, and I will find a way to revive them."

As long as there is still a trace of remnant soul, Lynch has a way to let the warriors of the Invincible Church continue to fight.

"Thank God!"

Every soldier, just like Suzaku's children, especially in this battle, the losses are all younger generations, who still lack experience.

After going through this battle, it was of great help to their growth.

"go in!"

The Eight Treasures Stupa was opened, and everyone walked in. From the beginning to the end, Rong stood aside, Suzaku didn't ask, and the other fighters were not qualified to ask.

Watching everyone enter the Eight Treasures Stupa, Lynch's eyes released an infinitely fierce light. Rong happened to look over at this time, and frowned slightly. He didn't like Lynch's current appearance, the killing spirit was too strong.

"Let's go to the mysterious hall!"

Three Invincible Hall fighters have already been lost, and further losses are not allowed.

It was not Lynch's purpose to resurrect them with the help of the gate of reincarnation. To reverse the way of heaven, it would be extremely harmful to him.

Unless it is absolutely necessary, the gate of reincarnation will not be used.

The two quickly approached southwest. After an hour, many people gathered in front of them, and they saw a mysterious hall.

"Beast Controlling, it's really you!"

Seeing the familiar gate, Lynch can be sure that this mysterious hall is the treasure of Yushouzhai.

It can be large or small, and can be moved at any time.

Yigao people are bold, after breaking through to the Immortal Emperor, there is nothing to be afraid of, it's fine if Yushouzhai doesn't provoke him, if he dares to provoke him, he will be destroyed directly, refining Yushouzhai.

Most of the monks went in. Lynch didn't find any trace of the Invincible Hall, so he should follow the flow of people and enter the mysterious hall.

"You stay outside, there may be danger inside!"

He turned around and asked Rong to stay outside. For the time being, he didn't know how far the beast-controlling patriarch had reached. If there was danger, there would be people outside to support each other.

This time was very strange, Rong agreed and waited for him outside.

Leaving a communication talisman, although I know it's useless, it's a kind of comfort, and we've been together for more than a month, and Rong hasn't said a word.

At most one time, she used her spiritual sense to transmit voice and told Lynch her name.

(End of this chapter)

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