Chapter 2520 Son of Primordial Meng
Hongmeng World!

It is full of colorful colors, each color is drawn in front of Lynch, and he has tried countless methods, but he can't break away the colorful clouds around him.

Trapped in it, like a huge cage.


"What is maternity?"

Lynch asked himself, looking for the answer, where does the mother's energy come from in the world, and what is the mother's energy?One question after another troubled him.

There is no concept of time, he can feel that a long, long time has passed.

"Could it be that, return to the mother's body and conceive again?"

Thinking wildly, there is no fixed route, only the mother body can have the mother spirit, and only by returning to the mother body can one find the mother spirit.

The colorful clouds around are so similar to the mother's body, like cotton candy, soft, as if returning to the mother's body.

It reminded him of the phoenix's nirvana, returning to the mother's body, and giving birth again.

This place is the land of primordial origin, which is the source of the universe and contains the mother spirit of heaven and earth.

"It should be like this. My consciousness is like a baby. It is still conceived in the mother's body. It can only be conceived after absorbing enough maternal energy!"

His consciousness became clearer and clearer, and he figured out a lot of truths. He still doesn't know where the maternal spirit is.

When I was very young, it was connected through the umbilical cord to absorb the yang qi in the body of the mother qi to maintain vitality. This is the mother qi.

He is a ray of consciousness without an umbilical cord, not in the mother's arms, but in the body of the mother of heaven and earth.

"The mother of heaven and earth, the sky is yang, the earth is yin, yin and yang merge, and the universe turns!"

A paragraph of cryptic words echoed in Lynch's consciousness, as if he had caught something, and that kind of mysterious and mysterious atmosphere was brewing around.

He is right, the sky is yang and the earth is yin. When yin and yang merge, the sky and the earth will separate, giving birth to the universe, the sun and the moon, the five elements, and the yin and yang...

Comprehend the power of the five elements, comprehend the power of yin and yang, add the Nine Absolute Sword, and countless kinds of aura are brewing around.

The colorful clouds decompose a large amount of colored gas, which is rare in the world.

It is not the Qi of nothingness, let alone the Qi of Yin and Yang, but the Qi of primordial essence.

The most primitive gas in the world is also the first ray of mother gas in the birth of the universe.

Nourishes all things!

The mother's breath enveloped Lynch's consciousness, making him suddenly enlightened, like a big hand from heaven and earth, stroking his body.

At this moment, he is an elf conceived by heaven and earth, he has transcended mortals, he is no longer a fairy, he is no longer a god, he is the son of primordial origin.

Breaking the curse of the ninth world, the heavens and the earth are immortal, and the primordial realm is immortal.

Being nourished by the primordial energy, the consciousness grows little by little, from a young baby, it develops rapidly and becomes the size of a baby.

Growing up step by step, the endless maternal energy around him merged into Lynch's body, and the stiff stone carvings melted little by little, exuding colorful air.

The groupings fell off, revealing a new body, nourished by maternal energy, and the body released a purple light beam, which was more mysterious and stronger than before.

A terrifying aura grows inside the body, and the mysterious and mysterious aura reappears. It is not the god king, but the law of the god emperor.

Lynch is completely unaware of all this, and is still being nurtured in the mother of heaven and earth, receiving the nourishment of motherhood.

I don't know how long it has passed, the consciousness is getting clearer, all the memories are returning, and I finally know what happened.

"Rong, don't worry, I won't die, and I won't let you die either!"

With both hands, he grasped Rong's little hand, and poured his mother's energy into it.

Rong's body released a purple light, which was really beautiful.

The bodies of the two were already covered by colored light, and their bodies floated up, about to break out of the cocoon.

The colorful clouds were slowly dissipating, and the mother spirit inside them merged into the bodies of the two of them, and the sky returned to its original state.

The mother's energy disappears, and the consciousness leaves the mother's body and returns to the body.

Just like a dragon returning to the sea, the moment it returned to the body, there was a tremor in the surroundings.

A trace of cracks are brewing in the sky, and the land of primordial mystery is disappearing.

The Son of Primordial Meng was born, and from then on, there will be no place of Primordial Enlightenment in the world.

Opening his eyes, a terrifying breath burst from Lynch's body into the sky.

The yin and yang merged, and with the help of the yin energy of Rong's body, he had already broken through to the first-rank emperor.

Turning into a stone sculpture, I didn't know that the moment my consciousness returned, I finally couldn't suppress it.

Being nourished by the mother energy of heaven and earth, the realm continues to rise. This is a ray of primordial energy at the beginning of the universe, which is incomparable to any treasure of heaven and earth.

Ten thousand Buddha relics are not worth a ray of primordial spirit.

It is conceivable that the purity of Primordial Qi has improved Lynch's physical body, and also changed his realm with Rong.

Rong's eyes opened slowly, his eyelashes flickered, and his eyes met each other, revealing endless tenderness.

No one spoke, they looked at each other silently, and soon got entangled together and returned to the Hades.

When he opened his eyes for the second time, it was already a day later, Lynch tidied up his clothes and walked out of the Hades.

Obtaining the memory of the god of the underworld allowed him to understand more and more thoroughly about the catastrophe of heaven and earth, as well as the events of his previous life.

Especially the understanding of the realm, the god of the underworld was in the realm of the god emperor back then, so tyrannical.

Still being assassinated to death, the god emperor will also die, not eternal in heaven and earth.


Rong put on his clothes, stepped down from the soft bed, snuggled up to Lynch, and called softly.

The concentric knot in Yuanshen disappeared, and the two had long been inseparable from each other.

"Rong, don't worry, in this life, I will never leave you alone again!"

Holding Rong tightly in his arms, he kissed her white forehead.

The Nether Hall gradually recovered, and reached the peak of the Divine Emperor Weapon, which is extremely powerful.

"Rong, how long have I been away from Dragon Realm?"

Lynch's consciousness has been groggy, as if 1 years have passed, Chao Rong asked.

"Almost almost six months!"

Rong's speech gradually became normal. He didn't speak before, for fear of revealing his feelings.

"not good!"

Lin Qi realized that something was wrong. After leaving for so long, the world outside the world was completely merged. I am afraid that the dragon world has long been reduced to a battlefield.

Rong also realized that something was wrong, and the two of them controlled the Nether Hall together and flew towards the Dragon Realm very fast.

"Rong, when you arrive at the Immortal Realm, you take the Netherworld to gather the Hades and enter the Netherworld to practice. I will go to the Dragon Realm first, and we will meet in the Dragon Realm!"

Lynch quickly said that it is more proficient to control the Netherworld than Rong. After three days, he will enter the fairyland.

The two separated, Rong entered the Immortal Realm, and Lin Qi hurried back to the Dragon Realm.

At this moment, the dragon world is burning with raging fire, and the crystal wall of the dragon world was completely opened three days ago.

A large number of strong men entered the Dragon Realm and plundered wildly.

A large number of monks die every day.

There are fewer and fewer fighters in the Invincible Hall, and they are powerless to resist the impact of the God Emperor.

Xuanyu Sect, Nine Heavens Sword Sect, Tianya Haige, Mi Yuezong, Giant Clan, Angel Clan, all threw themselves into the battle.

There were countless deaths and injuries among the Dragon Clan. Long Huang led the Dragon Clan army to contend with the Heavenly Court.

The Dragon Clan also had the return of the Dragon Emperor, facing such a powerful team from the Heavenly Court, they gradually fell.

There are countless masters from the three thousand worlds, they don't participate in the battle, they are only responsible for plundering.

Corpses littered the field, and the Nine Heavens Sword Sect suffered heavy losses.

"Brother, we will be brothers in the next life!"

Holding a long sword, Yu Wenchong stood proudly in the sky, was pierced by a god emperor, and was one step ahead of Lin Xiaotian.

"Brother, you take a step first, and my brother will catch up soon."

Lin Xiaotian held the dragon staff in his hand and swept it out. He was only a peak god king, and compared with the god emperor realm, there was a huge gap.

Watching the children die one by one, they all rose up from the mortal world step by step with him, and the corpses were strewn all over the field.

The fighting situation was extremely tragic, and the number of fighters in the Invincible Hall became less and less, and those who survived continued to fight with wounds on their bodies.

"Do you still want to fight to the end? As long as you tell me where Lynch is, I will consider it and save your life!"

Until now, Lin Qi has not shown up yet, Nine Heavens Sword Sect is almost destroyed, and the army of Invincible Hall is depleted. This kind of tragic situation has never happened before.

A middle-aged man, standing proudly in the sky, a majestic fifth-rank god emperor, so tyrannical, led a hundred strong men to the fairy world.

Heaven has long since ceased to exist, the treasury has been plundered, and the Tiantian Gate has been smashed to pieces. The first thing they do when they return to the Immortal Realm is to destroy Lynch.

The Long family sent a large number of experts to come to help, but it was like a drop in the bucket, without any effect, and they all died in vain.

"Young Master Liang, stop talking nonsense, kill as soon as you want, and when God returns, you will all die!"

A strong man in the dragon world stood up and knew this man. He had fought against him in the outer world.

"You are stubborn, if that's the case, then I will kill you completely, I don't believe that he can hide for a lifetime!"

Gong Ziliang sneered, waved his hand, and the hundred emperors behind him continued to move forward.

Wherever he passed, corpses flew across and were ruthlessly wiped out.

Countless spectators from three thousand worlds came to witness a massacre with their own eyes.

The Dragon Realm was ransacked, and countless treasures were robbed.

The strange thing is that the strong Buddhist clan did not appear. It stands to reason that they should also show up, and together with the heavenly court, they will kill Lin Qi and destroy the Dragon Realm.

The death rate is still increasing, reaching one million people, which is similar to Lynch's massacre of millions of troops in the Heavenly Court.

That day in the Immortal Realm, 100 warriors from the Invincible Hall wiped out an army of [-] million from the Heavenly Court.

Today the situation is reversed, and the Invincible Hall is almost destroyed.


A powerful dragon emperor was thrown on the ground and killed by the masters of the heavens. This is a dignified first-rank dragon emperor, comparable to the god emperor of the human race.

Countless people were crying, those children were crushed to death under their butcher knives.

The Nine Heavens Sword Sect has encountered countless crises over the years, and every one of them has been saved, but this time, it is inevitable.

"God, remember to avenge us and kill them all!"

A group of disciples of the Nine Heavens Sword Sect rushed out, defending their dignity by self-destructing, and rushed towards the strong God Emperor.


Flesh and blood flew everywhere, and the God Emperor formed a mask. Before these people approached, they all died.

The God Emperor has already stood at the pinnacle of this continent, the God Emperor does not come out, and the God Emperor looks down on the sky.

In the three thousand worlds, there are only a handful of god emperors.

There were more and more deaths, and the blood pooled into a sea, filling the entire canyon, forming a waterfall, and hitting the ground.

Countless people are weeping and shedding tears, why are they wrong, why should the Heavenly Court be aggressive all the time.

From the beginning to the end, they just want to work hard to survive, and it is the heaven that does not give them the space to survive.


Aleigh's body fell down with a bang. His huge body crushed countless trees and mountains.

The shrill screams, mixed with the endless killing air, penetrated outside the Dragon Realm.

"hold head high!"

A golden dragon roared into the sky and pierced through the crystal wall of the Dragon Realm.

(End of this chapter)

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