Chapter 2529 The Change of Saint Ruthless
There are too many legends about Moyuanlin in the Demon Realm, and there are various versions.

The two did not dare to stay, the Moyun Tide was born, and it would not take long for the pursuers behind them to arrive and leave the Moyuan Forest as soon as possible.

Continue to go deep and walk for about a day.

"This is the waist. The two mountain ranges have merged and gradually widened. If I'm not mistaken, the heart of the gods and demons must be at the heart of the giant. Let's go to the left."

A bold idea was born in Lynch's mind.

I plan to take a risk and try it, even if I don't have the heart of gods and demons, I have to go deep anyway and go in and have a look.

Sheng Wuqing nodded, he should have guessed it, even if it is not true, he should give it a try.

Speed ​​up your pace, follow the mountains, and move forward rapidly. There are many trees and some rare fruits in front of you.

"This is a devil fruit!"

Lynch screamed, so many devil fruits are of great benefit to the demons, especially Sheng Wuqing.

Sacrifice the tree of Tianyuan, try to absorb the energy in the devil fruit, can it increase the immortal essence, and help him cultivate.

A large amount of demonic energy poured in, piercing into the root of death, and Lynch's immortal essence was rapidly increasing.

"It really works!"

One person and one devil plucked wildly. Every devil fruit is of infinite value. The more you swallow, the stronger your body's magic power will be.

Sheng Wurui's magical power continued to increase, and he swallowed ten devil fruits in full, and his realm went straight to the fourth-rank Demon Emperor.

This scene shocked Lynch, but unfortunately he is not a demon. Refining two devil fruits and increasing the root of death is also very rewarding.

Continue to go deeper, there should be devil fruits.

"Quack quack..."

A lot of rattling sounds came from the sky, and a large group of demon-eating crows flew over. They were also attracted by the devil fruit and entered the depths of the abyss forest.

"Ready to fight!"

Without hesitation, Sheng Wuqing sacrificed the magic mirror, unleashed a brilliance, and attacked the demon crow.

Crowds of demon-eating crows swooped down, covering the sky and covering the ground. The magic mirror covered a wide area. Those demon-eating crows rushed up and hit the magic mirror with a cracking sound. These demon-eating crows were too powerful.

Lin Qi held the Scarlet Star Sword, and the demon crows rushed down. They were split by the long sword, and black blood flowed out on the ground.

There are more and more of them, overwhelming, and they can't be killed at all. Sheng Wuqing is fine and can escape calmly. Lynch is not so lucky. His left arm was torn several times by the demon crow, and he grinned in pain.

Except for the last battle, I haven't been injured for a long time.

Being bitten by a little demon crow, the feeling of aggrieved and angry made Lynch roar, and the massacre technique appeared, evolving into a sky full of flames.

A large number of demon crows were roasted to death by the flames, Lynch's body was crumbling, and his soul power was exhausted.

The battle here drew attention from a distance, and the flames were so bright that they could be seen clearly even in the dark night.

"They are over there, let's chase after them!"

A hundred miles away, the voice of Raksha's lineage came, and a large number of demons, using their body skills, approached quickly.

Sheng Ruthlessly knocked the Devil Crow into the air, not daring to fight, grabbed Lin Qi, and plundered deeper.

If you encounter a small devil fruit on the road, give up picking it, so as not to waste time.

"Leave me alone and run away alone!"

Lynch didn't want to be a burden, so he let Sheng Wuqing escape alone. There was still a chance. The tide of the magic cloud destroyed many trees, so he should be able to find another exit.

There was no reply, and he continued to grab Lynch's shoulder and fly forward without saying a word.

In the bones of the two of them, there is pride flowing, how can they do things like abandoning their teammates.

Penetrating from the waist a little bit, gradually entering the abdomen, the road ahead is getting wider and wider, and there is a dark hole, bottomless.

"You can't escape, stop quickly and catch them!"

The distance is getting closer and closer, bringing Lynch with him will greatly affect the speed of Sheng Wurui. Flying alone, followed by another person, the gap is too big, only a few dozen miles away.

The body ejected continuously, and every time it flew out, it was a hundred feet away. The front view gradually widened, and the dark hole released a terrifying demonic energy, seeping out from the ground.

"This is the heart, why is it a dark hole!"

Both of them were very surprised. As they walked further, the mountains became narrower and narrower, and as they had guessed, they entered the deepest part of the Demon Abyss Forest.

The magic cloud rolled, and the tide of the born magic cloud was released from the black hole and impacted all around.

The rocks on the ground were rolling, and the two of them couldn't stand steadily, and they were almost thrown away by the magic cloud.

"Let's go down!"

Sheng Wuqing was very decisive. He didn't give Lynch time to speak, and led him to jump directly into the dark hole, with the wind blowing in his ears, and his body fell rapidly.

At the moment when the two disappeared, a large number of demons arrived, and they also appeared around the black hole, watching the demon clouds rolling, showing palpitations.

"My lord, they jumped down!"

Several demon kings came over and reported respectfully to the powerful demon king.

"You guys go down too!"

The two powerful fifth-rank demon emperors waved their hands, asking those lower demon emperors and demon kings to go down together to find out the reason.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

A large number of demons jumped from the hole and entered the black hole.

Sheng Wuqing was very decisive, jumped into the black hole, gave up and continued to fly forward.

Continuing to fly, he was already overtaken by the powerful Demon Emperor and became their prey.

The consequences can be imagined!

I don't know how long they fell, their feet landed on the ground, the surroundings were still pitch black, billowing demonic energy came from all directions, the two staggered and almost fell over.


With Lin Qi, he swept towards the depths, and with the help of the terrain, he threw away the demons behind him.

Not long after the two disappeared, a large number of demons came down behind them, and they were also blown away by the demon cloud, rolling on the ground, and finally stabilized their figures.

The empty underground world seems to have entered the abyss of the demonic sea, billowing demonic energy, pouring in from all directions, releasing it through the dark hole, this should be the origin of the demon world.

The entire demon world is covered by demon energy.

Today, Lynch understood where the devil energy came from. It was released from the dark hole and permeated the devil world.

The devil cloud tide erupts once every 1 years, and it is even more powerful. Tens of thousands of miles around, are shrouded in pitch-black devil energy, and the scene is extremely terrifying.

Putting down Lynch, the two slowed down. The underground world was huge, and it was not so easy to find them.

"Sheng Wuqing, what's wrong with you?"

After Sheng Wuqing put Lynch down, he suddenly squatted on the ground, looking very uncomfortable, Lynch asked quickly.

"Why are you so hot!"

Sheng Wurui's body released an extremely strong heat wave, thousands of degrees, which normal people couldn't bear, and the black devil energy around him continuously gathered towards him, condensing around him, forming terrifying demon kings one after another.

"It's so hot, my blood seems to be boiling!"

He struggled to utter a few words, his blood, like boiling water, rolled in his body, the pain was self-evident.

I feel uncomfortable all over, unable to stand upright, and the expression on my face is extremely ferocious.

Every inch of the veins in his body swelled layer by layer, the boiling blood hit the veins, the pain, Lynch didn't need to guess, he knew it, the pain was overwhelming.

"What's going on, your blood has come here, how can you react?"

Lynch possessed the real fire of samadhi, and the heat did not affect him. He supported Sheng Wuqing and walked deep, and footsteps could be heard in the distance.

The more he walked in, the more blood boiled in Sheng Wurui's blood, and he let out a deep roar, like a wild beast.

"Stop yelling, if they find out, we will all die!"

There must be a way to let Sheng Wuqing bear it. Ice spells were used to cover Sheng Wuqing to relieve his pain.

"I'm dying, you go!"

Sheng Wuqing was about to be unable to hold on any longer, and asked Lynch to leave first, leaving him alone, his blood was almost dry, and his body was drying up rapidly.

"To shut up!"

Let Sheng Wuqing shut up with a scolding sentence.

The same scene was played out twice, less than an hour apart.

Just now Lynch wanted to stay alone, letting Sheng escape mercilessly, and the latter took him, galloping all the way into the black hole.

Now the situation is reversed, Lynch took Sheng Wuqing, and quickly shuttled through the black hole to avoid the army of demons behind him.

After about a cup of tea, Sheng Wuqing was dying, his breath was weak, and he fell into a coma.

Lynch was tired and out of breath, his whole body was sore, he still didn't dare to be careless, and continued to walk inside with Sheng Wuqing on his back.

Rolling demonic energy hit his body, the demonic nature began to roll, the demon pill was about to be overwhelmed, and it might erupt at any time, devouring Lin Qi's primordial spirit.


The two fell down together and lay on the ground, Lynch panting heavily.

Sheng Wuqing was still in a coma, lying on the ground, his tendons had dried up, and he couldn't find a drop of blood in his body.

The breath is extremely weak, on the verge of death.

Lynch was not feeling well either. There were more and more rifts in the primordial spirit, and the power of faith released could not maintain his high-intensity consumption. He was carrying Sheng Wuqing all the way, and his physical strength was seriously exhausted.

"Dong dong dong..."

The ground suddenly jumped up, like a giant running on it, Sheng Wurui's body suddenly jumped into the air, if it fell down, it would definitely be torn apart.

Reaching out to catch Sheng Wuqing's body, Lynch's body became unstable, and the two fell down together.

"What's going on, what's jumping?"

Lynch was shocked, the underground world is so big, what is it that can cause such a big commotion, making the whole underground world jump.

Carrying Sheng Wuqing on his back, following the beating sound, he continued to go deeper.

Every step was extremely difficult, and every time there was a bouncing sound, Lynch's heart contracted continuously, and he was about to be unable to bear it.

Like a war drum, every time it is struck, there is a severe pain in the heart, which is very uncomfortable.

Terrifying demonic energy struck Lynch's body from all directions, and Sheng Wurui's body suddenly trembled violently, as if frightened.

The dry blood made a rolling sound, and a new force was brewing in the blood, and the terrifying Shura Qi flowed down his chest and entered Lynch's body.

"This is the Qi of Shura!"

Lin Qi was shocked. Sheng Wuqing had the blood of Shura, and had not yet fully evolved to become the God of Shura.

Entering this place, Lynch was really surprised why the bloodline began to change, evolving towards the Asura God.

"Could it be that……"

Lynch didn't dare to think about it. There was only one possibility for Sheng Wurui's bloodline to evolve and become a great Shura God.

(End of this chapter)

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