Chapter 2539 Star Moon Valley

Lin Qi hesitated to speak just now, and some words were inconvenient to mention in front of King Kunpeng.

"There is indeed something that I have never had a clue about. In desperation, I went to Wansheng Island to try my luck."

Xiaoqian is no longer a child. She has grown up for decades, and her temperament and IQ are not inferior to Lynch.

"Brother, please tell me what you need to do."

He agreed immediately, no matter what request, Xiaoqian would fulfill for him, without Lynch, let alone him, he would remember this kindness for the rest of his life.

"I need a Wankucao. Only the demon world can be born. I don't know if you know where to find it."

To bluntly state the purpose of this time, only Wankucao can heal the injury of his primordial spirit.

"Your soul is damaged?"

Xiaoqian didn't know the function of Wankucao, and with a blank face, King Kunpeng spoke.


Nodding his head, King Kunpeng has lived for tens of thousands of years, and he has much more knowledge than Lynch.

"Wang, what is Wankucao, do we have it on Halloween Island?"

Xiaoqian asked urgently, if there is one, he would have to get one at all costs.

"Don't worry!"

King Kunpeng signaled Xiaoqian not to worry, and told him to calm down.

Lynch looked forward to it. The old man can tell the function of Wankucao. He must know the whereabouts of Wankucao. There is a trace of hope in his eyes.

Yuanshen's injury cannot be delayed for too long.

The longer the time, the more difficult it is to fix.

"Senior, please clarify!"

Lin Qi stood up and bowed to King Kunpeng, hoping that he could guide a clear path, where to find Wankucao.

King Kunpeng didn't speak, stroked his beard, fell into deep thought, remembering something, no one interrupted.

After pondering for about 3 minutes, the old man raised his head, and there was a hint of palpitation in his eyes, which surprised Lynch.

Is Wankucao something evil?Why does the old man's eyes show fear and fear.

"Before you come, you must know where the Wankucao grows!"

The old man said slowly, not many people know about the origin of Wankucao. It is recorded in some ancient books, and it has not appeared in the demon world for many years.

"I know, I have searched many places, but there is no whereabouts of Wankucao."

Nodded, Wanguku, Wankucao.

Only by burying tens of thousands of dead bones can a plant of Wankucao grow. There has been no racial war in the demon world for many years, and it is difficult to find a place where tens of thousands of corpses are buried.

"If you really need Wankucao, I can show you a clear path. Since you are my friend, I would like to remind you that if you go this time, you will almost die, and the hope of surviving is extremely slim."

The old man finally compromised and was willing to tell Lynch about the land of withered grass.

"Senior please speak!"

There was a gleam of joy on his face, he wanted to go to such a dangerous place, the dead grass was related to his future path, the primordial spirit could not be repaired, the realm would never stop, and he could not protect his family.

Xiaoqian concentrated his attention, wanting to hear, there is still something he doesn't know about the demon world.

The Kunpeng lineage is powerful, occupies an island, and has a large number. In the demon world, it absolutely dominates one side.

"Star Moon Valley!"

The old man uttered three words, and Lynch memorized them silently. At this moment, Xiaoqian staggered and almost fell over.

"No, big brother can't go to Star Moon Valley!"

Stand up and stop him, he can go with Lynch anywhere, but Star Moon Valley makes him so afraid.

King Kunpeng had a normal expression, expecting that Xiaoqian would stop him. Where is Xingyue Valley, a forbidden place in the demon world.

"Xiaoqian, wait a minute, where is Star Moon Valley, why do you react so strongly?"

Lynch was at a loss, listening to the name, it didn't look like a dangerous place.

"Big brother, you don't know. For tens of thousands of years, none of the monsters who entered the Star-Moon Valley have come out alive. The accumulation is more than a few million. There must be a mountain of bones inside. After that, ten deaths and no life."

When mentioning Star Moon Valley, Xiaoqian felt palpitations on his face. He was ignorant back then, and went to the outskirts of Star Moon Valley, but reason told him that he could not enter.

He looked at the old man, waiting for his answer, whether it was as Xiaoqian said.

"What you said is right. Star Moon Valley is a dangerous place. It has been tens of thousands of years, and none of the monsters who entered it came out alive."

King Kunpeng didn't want to tell Lin Qi because he was afraid that he would take risks and die in vain if he went in.

In every world, there are dangerous places.

The fairy world has it, the demon world has it, and the demon world has it too.

"Senior, can you tell me the origin of Star Moon Valley? What's going on? Since it is a dangerous place, why do those monster races continue to enter it?"

Lynch quickly grasped the main point of the topic. Millions of monsters were buried inside. They had high IQs, and they knew there was danger, so they wanted to break in, which was a bit weird.

"You are very smart, you quickly grasped the point!"

With a hint of admiration in his eyes, he motioned for Lynch to sit down and speak slowly.

"Thank you senior for your praise, junior is all ears!"

He signaled Xiaoqian not to make a fuss, but he didn't say he had to go in, he just asked about the whereabouts of Wankucao, how old it was, and his personality was still frizzy.

"The stars are turned upside down, and the blood moon rises into the sky. This is also the origin of Star Moon Valley!"

The old man's memory seemed to be pulled back countless years ago, the stars were upside down, the blood moon rose into the sky, and the entire demon world was in chaos.

The sky split, and there was a huge roar from Star-Moon Valley, and then the entire Star-Moon Valley was shrouded in a layer of mist, cutting off contact with the outside world.

Many monsters went in, but disappeared mysteriously, and never came out again.

"You mean, there is something that has occupied the Star Moon Valley, and all the monsters that entered it have been eaten?"

Lynch tentatively asked, this is the only possibility, what exactly entered the Valley of Stars and Moons when the sky split open, is a complete mystery.

"I don't know the details. Every thousand years, there will be an extremely strange fragrance from the Star-Moon Valley, which will attract nearby monsters. I can guess."

King Kunpeng sighed. Back then, the Kunpeng lineage and several powerful Kunpeng royal clans entered it and fell together.

"This time the blood dog swallows the moon, it won't be another millennium reincarnation!"

A large number of human races entered the demon world, probably due to the influence of the blood dog swallowing the moon.

The stars turned upside down, the blood moon lifted into the sky, and the sky split open, exactly as the old man described.

"Nine times out of ten, there were people who came to Star Moon Valley in previous years, and never came out again, so we, the monster clan, did not stop them and let them go in."

A large number of human races entered the demon world, which has already alarmed many powerful people in the demon world, acquiescing to their entry.For the Yaozu, the only way for these human races to enter the Star Moon Valley is to die.

On the night when the blood dog swallowed the moon, a war broke out among the monster clans. Thousands of monster clans broke into the Star-Moon Valley and were out of control.

"Big brother, you have to think about it carefully, you really can't enter Star Moon Valley."

Xiaoqian was so anxious that she was about to cry, she finally met her, and she didn't want Lynch to take risks.

"Xiao Qian, you go out first, I will talk to the old man alone."

Afraid of affecting Xiaoqian's mood, Lin Qi asked him to go out and wait. Some words were not convenient for Xiaoqian to be present and communicate with King Kunpeng alone.

Reluctantly, he stood up and walked outside the stone hall. A large number of Kunpeng people surrounded him and asked Xiaoqian about Lynch's background.

"Senior, to be honest, I must get the Wankucao. Please tell me more about Star Moon Valley."

Lynch's tone was firm, no matter how dangerous it was, he would make a breakthrough.


King Kunpeng sighed, and from Lin Qi's eyes, he had already understood that this person had a resolute character and would never change what he had decided.

"You come with me!"

The old man stood up, led Lynch out of the main hall, walked out from behind, and walked further and further into the depths of Halloween Island.

After walking for about half an hour, he had already deviated from Halloween Island and entered a nearby isolated island.

Passing through the dense woods, there are many fences in front of it, enclosing a large open space, which is very strange.


At the gate of the fence, two Kunpeng statues were guarding, and when they saw the old man, they all saluted.

Very few kunpeng come here, and many kunpeng do not know this place in the forbidden area of ​​Wansheng Island.


King Kunpeng ordered that the two Kunpengs open the fence and let them in.

"Senior, where is it?"

Lynch looked curious. There were very few Kunpeng set foot here, and it was not in the Wansheng Island. The surroundings were closed, and there was only one way in. The fence surrounded it, which made it even more mysterious.

"You'll know when you go in!"

King Kunpeng did not explain, and continued to walk in with Lin Qi. The landscape inside is very beautiful, and it should be carefully built.

The island is not big, passing through several rockeries, there are strange noises, like singing or talking to himself.

The front line of sight suddenly widened. In an open space, a Kunpeng was lying on the ground and counting ants, and the sound came from his mouth.


Lin Qi was completely confused, how could Kunpeng, a majestic beast, do such childish things.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, Kunpeng, who was lying on the ground, raised his head, his eyes were confused, and he looked at King Kunpeng and Lin Qi.

"The soul is damaged!"

Lynch immediately made a judgment. Judging from his eyes, his primordial spirit was severely injured, resulting in memory loss, and the soul sea was under great pressure, which is why this happened.

Unexamined, slurred speech, low IQ, not as good as a three-year-old child.

"That's right, his soul sea was broken, and I locked him here!"

Looking at Kunpeng lying on the ground, his eyes were full of pain.

Walking closer, he touched Kunpeng's head. Two turbid tears flowed from the old man's eyes, which surprised Lynch even more. Could it be that this Kunpeng is the heir of King Kunpeng?

"He is my son. 1000 years ago, he broke into the Star-Moon Valley, escaped from his narrow escape, and ended up like this."

Lin Qi was stunned in place, how could it be like this, the son of King Kunpeng entered the Star-Moon Valley, managed to come out alive, his soul sea burst and became a waste.

"Senior brought me here, wanting to learn some secrets of Star Moon Valley from him?"

He asked speculatively, the soul sea was broken, and only Wankucao could heal it. His condition was infinitely more serious than Lynch's.

Even if he got Wankucao, at most he could repair his soul sea, and from then on, it would be difficult to improve his cultivation.

"Take a look at this. In the past few years, every night when the moon is full, he will make tearing roars, and describe these things on the walls and the ground. I hope it will be of some help to you."

(End of this chapter)

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