Chapter 2568
The innocent look made Zhao Xiao and others go crazy, they had never seen such a shameless person.

When he was about to die, he was still pretending to be crazy.

"What do you want to talk nonsense with him, just kill him!"

Zhao Lin desperately wanted to kill Lin Qi, so he was the first to rush forward, crushed by the tyrannical Taoism.

Others took action one after another to deal with Lin Qi, not daring to hide their clumsiness, and showed their strongest combat power, before he turned into a demon, they fought quickly.

"Brothers, come to live, kill them!"

The Scarlet Star Sword appeared in Lin Qi's palm, rising against the wind, and the four brothers Jin and Shui suddenly appeared, like a tall tower, in front of more than 30 people.

The beating caught everyone by surprise, how could it be like this, the four powerful Holy Spirit clan punched them down.

After more than a day of grinding, the strength of the four brothers Jin, Shui, Zhi, and Zhu became stronger and stronger, and their physical potential continued to increase.

Lynch modified some parts of the body training technique he had obtained to make it more suitable for the cultivation of the Holy Spirit race, and integrated the cultivation method of this era, making the fighting strength of the four of them close to that of a half-step god emperor.

There was no warning, and he shot suddenly. In addition, the human race and the Holy Spirit race rarely fought, and they didn't have much experience.

What was even more frightening was the laws of heaven and earth formed by Zhao Lin and the others. The four brothers rushed in front of them like no one in the land, and punched them face to face.

That kind of destructive power is enough to destroy a huge mountain and hit the human body, it is conceivable.


Zhao Lin's body exploded, blood flowed horizontally, and he couldn't pass on the memory, just like that.

At this moment, everyone finally understood who killed Ji Wenao and others.

It is true that Lynch did not kill the man, but he has a great relationship with Lynch. Zhao Xiao guessed it, but he couldn't guess the process.

The four brothers Jin, Shui, Zhi, and Zhu are red-eyed and have natural hostility towards the human race. In the past two days, their strength has soared and they need to vent.

With every punch, a life can be harvested.

They were caught off guard, and quickly stabilized their camp, and the two sides formed a stalemate.

Zhao Xiao's strength is extremely high, and the power of the sledgehammer in his hand is very strong. When he swept out, Jin didn't dare to take advantage of it, and chose to retreat, allowing others to seize the opportunity.

Relying on the speed, the long sword in his hand cut across, leaving a long gash on Jin's body.

Speed ​​is indeed not the strong point of the Holy Spirit Race, just like the Giant Race, the disadvantages are obvious.

"Everyone give up using Taoism and use speed to win!"

Only Zhao Xiao's power was present, and he was able to maneuver a little bit to make other people change their tactics. Against the Holy Spirit, they couldn't follow the conventional style of play.

Dozens of people changed their strategy in an instant, and the advantages of the four brothers Jin and Shui were lost immediately.

If you don't fight them in close quarters, you can't exert your strength to the extreme. If Zhao Xiao and Ji Xue and others seized the opportunity, the long sword cut continuously, and the wounds on the four of them continued to increase.

Zhao Xiao made a wink, and immediately five people approached Lin Qi. They restrained the Holy Spirit Clan, and the remaining five beheaded Lin Qi.

The physical body of the Holy Spirit Race has a strong recovery ability, and this kind of injury is not life-threatening.

Lynch's goal is to train hard. Only in this way can the four brothers' full potential be stimulated. They can't bear even a little injury, so they are not worthy of following him.

The blood stimulated the nerves of the four of them, let out a roar, rushed out suddenly, hugged the two masters, endured more than ten times of slashing with the long sword, and hugged the two to death alive.

Blood flowed down Zhu's chest and onto the ground.

The scene was extremely bloody!
The five of them approached Lynch, and they could not help but show their strongest fighting power, killing each other with one blow.

After killing Lynch, the remaining four holy spirits are nothing to be afraid of, they will leave by themselves.

"I really thought I could be bullied!"

They didn't make a move all the time. They all believed that Lynch had survived for so long relying on the Holy Spirit Race.

The aura on his body changed suddenly, from the fifth-rank god emperor to the seventh-rank god emperor in the blink of an eye, which scared Zhao Xiao and Ji Xue's face to change suddenly.

"not good!"

Ji Xue realized something was wrong and wanted to withdraw, but it was too late. Once Lynch's aura was formed, he was unrivaled, as if destroying the dead, freezing the five of them in place.

The Eternal God Fist turned into a cosmic galaxy, and the five people were deeply trapped in it, unable to find a way out.


You don't need to turn into a demon, and you can easily kill a ninth-rank god emperor, just like slaughtering pigs and dogs.

Before even the screams could be heard, all five people died, and the terrifying breath of death enveloped the surroundings.

Ji Ligulu said some words from the last era, the four brothers Jin and Shui understood, and swept in four directions, trapping the remaining 15 people inside.

Lynch taught the four of them a set of attack formations, fighting together, comparable to 16 people.

"Lynch, you hide so deeply, you actually pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger!"

Zhao Xi was about to burst into tears, but he didn't expect this kind of result. In the beginning, they were hunters, and Lynch was the prey.

Now it was reversed, Lynch was the hunter, they were the prey, they were lured into the trap without knowing it.

"You guys are so stupid!"

There was a hint of disdain in his eyes, his body shook, and the body training technique combined with Taoism, whether it was speed or the use of Taoism, had reached the level of a half-step god emperor.

Unparalleled power envelops 15 people, and the suffocating power squeezes the space apart, forming space crystals and smashing them to the ground.

The four brothers, Jin and Shui, saw Lynch make a formal attack for the first time, and were deeply horrified by his strength and combat effectiveness. It is true that they will not suffer a loss if they follow behind him.

"Great Reincarnation Technique!"

"Big Space Technique!"

"Great Yin-Yang Technique!"

"Great Twilight Technique!"


All kinds of Taoism shot out from Lin Qi's body. The power of the Great Twilight Spell was unrivaled, even for a white-haired woman.

The realm of 15 people fell rapidly.

The moment when the Great Twilight Technique was cast, the four brothers Jin and Shui were stunned. This kind of Taoism also appeared in the last era.

The realm fell, and the four brothers seized the opportunity, slashed wildly, and exploded one after another, and their bodies were blown up alive by them.

"How could this be the case? We are the majestic Ninth Grade God Emperor. Standing at the pinnacle of this universe, when the heavens and the earth are exhausted, we will spray a rare substance. All of us will break through to the God Emperor Realm. I am not reconciled!"

Zhao Xiao is not reconciled, he is already infinitely close to half-step god emperor, before the world is destroyed, step into the god emperor realm, there is a high probability that he will live to the next era.

Lynch's great reincarnation technique was crushed, all his dreams shattered, and the primordial spirit exploded, disappearing along with his dreams.

In less than a cup of tea, the battle ended, and more than 30 masters were all annihilated. This kind of fighting power made even Lynch feel palpitations.

"That's right, even if you meet a master in the Heavenly Court, you can give it a go. I hope to break through the Ninth-Rank God Emperor as soon as possible, and build an invincible hall in the outer world to gain a firm foothold."

After tidying up the battlefield, they have gained a lot. They have lived for countless years and have countless treasures on their bodies.

"Lord, do you know the Taoism of the last era?"

Jin walked over and asked Lynch, he still had a fresh memory of the Great Twilight Spell just now.

He didn't come from the last era, only Xi, and several other high-ranking members of the Holy Spirit Race insisted on surviving and procreating.

I saw it from some remaining books of the Holy Spirit Race, about the Great Twilight Technique.

"Do you know the Great Twilight Technique?"

Continuing on the road, Lynch sat on Jin's shoulder and asked him.

"I know a little bit. This is a mysterious race that has lived for many epochs. Their bodies are very strange. Even if they are not god emperors, they can survive. Because they are creatures of the first epoch and have mastered the way of the epoch, they have been live to this day."

Jin told Lynch everything he knew. Lynch knew almost everything about the Wu clan. They were definitely a great race.

Their vitality is tyrannical, their lifespan has a long history, and their combat effectiveness is very strong.

"They have mastered the way of the era?"

Lynch asked, even he still doesn't know what the way of the era is, the way of the witch clan.

"I heard that they have a mysterious ax that gave birth to the first era. Only it can split the sun and the moon and give birth to the universe."

Jin continued to say something, which made Lynch startled. Could it be the Holy Ancestral Tomahawk.

"is it this one?"

Sending out the Ancestral Battle Ax and floating in front of them, the four brothers Jin and Shui showed a look of horror. Although the state of the Ancestor Battle Ax has not been improved, it is still a peak divine weapon, and the energy fluctuations it emits are extremely strange.

"It seems that he, like Jiujuejian, was born in the first era. First, the battle ax was born, and then Jiujuejian was born. The moment the sky and the earth were split, the elements were born."

These news were passed on to them by the same habitat, experienced the changes of the era, and passed on the scene of the formation of heaven and earth to future generations.

Jin was also not sure if it was this battle ax, which looked very similar in shape. After all, he had never seen it before, and it was Xi who told him about it.

"When the heavens and the earth first opened, there was chaos!"

Lynch seemed to understand that he had heard many legends about Pan Gu opening up the world in his previous life. Could it be that there really was a Pan Gu in this world who split the world with a giant axe, gave birth to countless elements, and formed the Nine Absolute Sword.

"Yes, the ejected matter is like a piece of chaos. There is no sun and moon in the sky and the earth. It has been conceived for countless years before it looks like it is today."

This Xi told them that after the change of the era, it took a full [-] million years for the universe to form.

In [-] million years, the monks who successfully survived the change of the era could not bear the torture of [-] million years, and died one after another. In the end, only a very small number of monks survived.

"Sure enough!"

Lynch suddenly realized that all the mysteries were solved. The holy ancestor's battle ax split the sun and the moon, and the Jiujue Sword was born in the first era.

After walking on the wasteland for three days and three nights, without being hunted down again, he finally reached the depths of the Yunyao battlefield. Lin Qi was very uncomfortable with the distorted space around him.

"Lord, it's here!"

Pointing to the chaotic world in front of them, the four brothers were a little apprehensive. The ideas they instilled had a lot to do with it. Few of the monks who went in before came out alive.

Those who can come out alive, without exception, will become peerless powerhouses and break through the realm of human emperors.

"Okay, let's go in!"

Together with the four brothers, even if he meets a real emperor, he will have the strength to fight, and he is not worried about the danger inside.

It's even better if you can get the treasure, and you won't be discouraged if you can't get Lynch. If you continue to practice like this, at most three to fifty years, you can also break through to the peak god emperor.

Immemorial Chaos Divine Art, the speed of cultivation is getting faster and faster.

(End of this chapter)

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