Chapter 410
Walking on the street, I blended directly into the crowd. Fengcheng is no smaller than Wuchang City.

Because Wuchang City is close to the Seven Star Temple, the people inside are relatively well-behaved and dare not make trouble, but it is different in Fengcheng, where the forces are intricate and all kinds of fights will happen.

"Lynch, our Seven Star Temple has a lot of properties in Fengcheng. The place we are going this time is a manor, which is just right for us to settle down!"

Su Wei had a better understanding of the situation here, and began to introduce Lynch.

In just one night, Su Wei's attitude towards Lynch changed greatly, and Leng Yu and others noticed it.

Su Wei has a high vision. After what happened last night, he suddenly made such a big change. Leng Yu and others also noticed Su Wei's change. There must have been something important last night, otherwise Su Wei would not have changed so much.

This is respect for the strong. Su Wei is also a warrior, so of course he respects the strong.

"it is good!"

Lynch nodded. Living in a manor is more comfortable than an inn. The purpose of their coming out is to find out why monsters often attack Fengcheng. There is no danger, and they can easily earn 100 million points.

Only few people know that the temple did this to train them, and more importantly, to train Lin Qi. After the Hunyuanding incident was over last time, the suzerain Yan Wuji found Yuan Gang.

According to Yuan Gang's intention, Lynch needs to practice more in order to grow up quickly, so he asked them to go out and exercise more.

As for Su Wei and others, it was also a temporary arrangement. Lynch had no other friends in the temple, and Miao Renyu and others in the Fire Cloud Palace were too weak, so following Lynch would be a burden instead.

Su Wei and the others are talented, and they can help Lynch at critical times. All of these are carefully selected. Naturally, Lynch and the others don't know that they are almost at the gate of the manor.

The manor is very large and grows a lot of elixir. In Fengcheng, the temple has more than one property, and this manor is just one of them.

The reason why he chose this place was that Su Wei had been here before and was familiar with the people there.

The guards were two little boys, looking lazy and drowsy, and usually no one passed by.

Someone was coming, and the two boys cheered up and looked at Lynch and the others.

"We are temple disciples, and we plan to settle down here, so let us know!"

Su Wei took out the Elite Disciple Token, and the two children hurried in after seeing it. The Elite Disciple is in the temple, and they belong to the mainstay. Wherever they go, they will be respected.

Those who manage the industry outside are all at the Wuzong level. If they can't get ahead in the sect, they can only go out to take care of some industries. Not only are they self-sufficient, but they also earn a lot of money a year.

Some high-level industries need to be managed by higher-level people. Even sects will have elders sitting in charge, and some low-level elixir manors have not many guards.

After a dozen or so breaths, an old man came out of the manor. He was the housekeeper of the manor. When he saw Su Wei, he immediately stepped forward to salute.

"Uncle Li, long time no see!"

Su Wei greeted warmly, and it was obvious that the two of them were very familiar with each other.

"Su Wei, I haven't seen you for a few days, but he has become an elite disciple, not bad!"

The old man patted Su Wei on the shoulder with a kind tone.

"Old Li, let me introduce you, this is Uncle Lin, Bai Wuyi, Leng Yu, Xu Qing, Luo Feng."

Su Wei introduced them one by one, and when he heard the words Master Lin, Elder Li was shocked.

"You are the closed disciple accepted by Palace Master Yuan Gang!"

The old man obviously also received the news. He has contacts with the sect every day, so he naturally got the news. This incident caused a sensation in the entire temple.

"I've seen seniors!"

Lynch was very polite and stepped forward to salute.

"Don't be too polite. We should be called brothers and sisters. Don't call me senior in the future, just call Brother Li!"

In terms of seniority, the two are the same, and it is really confusing for Lynch to address seniors.

"Everyone is informal, let's go in and talk first!"

Su Wei quickly smoothed things over, Lynch didn't like to use his status to overwhelm others, and he always treated them as equals.

"Please, please!"

Elder Li hurriedly led the six people in. The manor is very spacious, usually there are only a dozen or so drug boys to take care of the manor, and there is not much to do.

After the elixir is mature, someone will come to take it, and then it will be a matter of sales. There is a special sales channel in Fengcheng Temple. The operation of a huge sect requires the accumulation of countless resources.

When they were ushered into the reception hall, they were immediately served with tea, and each of them sat down.

"Old Li, we came here this time to learn about the fact that Fengcheng is often attacked by monsters. Tell us about it!"

Su cut straight to the point. The purpose of their visit was to investigate the recent frequent monster attacks on Fengcheng, which affected many industries.

"It's a long story. It has been going on for more than half a month, and Fengcheng is also in panic!"

Old Li sighed, it seems that the matter of the monsters is very tricky this time, many people have come to investigate, but they can't find any clues, it is very strange.

"When do monsters usually attack humans?"

Lynch asked at this time, wanting to know more information.

"In the past month, monsters have attacked a total of ten times, an average of once every three days. Most of the time is around Shen Shi at night, which is the time when people are about to enter deep cultivation."

Elder Li thought for a while, and quickly replied that the application time was about ten o'clock in the evening, and most people began to enter the state of cultivation.

At this time, humans are most likely to relax. Once there is a sneak attack by a monster, it is likely to cause casualties.

In most human cities, there are very few monsters breaking in. Every race has its own territory, and monsters and humans are no exception.

It is obviously illogical to break into human territory.

"When the monsters attack, there is a fixed location or they attack indiscriminately!"

Lynch continued to ask, there are a lot of doubts in it, Lynch has never encountered monsters attacking humans, unless he encounters a large-scale beast attack, which is equivalent to a war between humans and monsters.

At present, it seems that this is not the case. The monsters entered the city in batches, and it is very likely that they did it on purpose.

"You asked about this, but I remembered it. It was hit ten times. Our Seven Stars Temple suffered the most damage. Three of the shops were destroyed, and one manor was destroyed. It is currently being cleaned up."

Elder Li also thought about this issue, but he didn't think deeply about it. The monster beasts have no enmity with the Seven Stars Temple, so why did they attack the territory of the Seven Stars Temple.

"Can you show us where we were attacked?"

Lynch is fine for the time being, and wants to see the location where he was attacked, and finally confirm whether the monster did it on purpose.

"You're all tired from the continuous rush. I've arranged for someone to prepare a dinner and rest for a night. It's not too late to go tomorrow!"

Elder Li suggested that everyone rest for the night first. The damaged area has been sealed off. When people from the sect come down to investigate, Lynch and the others are undoubtedly the representatives sent by the sect.

In the temple, in a hidden small world, Yuan Gang and Yan Wuji were sitting face to face.

"Yuan Gang, we haven't sat together properly for almost a year!"

Yan Wuji smiled and poured Yuan Gang another tea.

"The suzerain asked me to come, just want to catch up on the past!"

Yuan Gang picked up the tea and drank it all in one gulp, with that resolute expression on his face all the time, to put it bluntly, it was inhumane, giving people a kind of stern and selfless expression.

"Reminiscing about the old days is one aspect. Last time at Tongtian Ladder, I didn't say anything directly. Now there is no one here. Tell me what you think."

Yan Wuji and Yuan Gang had a very good relationship when they were young. At that time, both of them were candidates for suzerain, and the one who appealed the most was Yuan Gang. For some reason, Yuan Gang withdrew from the election in the end, and Yan Wuji was elected suzerain of the temple.

"What do you want to know?"

Yuan Gang looked at a loss, not knowing what Yan Wuji wanted to express.

"Of course it's your precious disciple!"

Yan Wuji also picked up the tea on the table and tasted it carefully.

"nothing to say!"

Yuan Gang didn't want to have any comments on Lynch. Before he grew up, any planning would be superfluous.

"If I'm not mistaken, you have already planned to let him climb to the top of the Tongtian Ladder in the Wuzong Realm. You are clearly all for the temple, but you pretend to be indifferent."

Speaking of this, Yan Wuji's tone became more serious. Yuan Gang devoted himself to the temple, but he didn't want anyone to know. Only Yan Wuji knew it best.

"You gave me the position of suzerain back then, and I still feel that I owe you something. This time, I let your precious disciple investigate the monster. You don't mind, do you?"

It turned out that Lin Qi's going to Fengcheng was deliberately mobilized by Yan Wuji. The purpose was to temper Lin Qi. Odd paving.

"You deserve the position of suzerain!"

Yuan Gang curled his lips. Lin Qi had already guessed about the matter of going to Fengcheng.

"As far as I know, the matter in Fengcheng this time is not simple. It seems that someone is targeting our Seven Star Temple. I will send your precious disciple there. You won't blame me!"

Yan Wuji looked at Yuan Gang with a smile on his face. What he wanted to do most in his life was to see Yuan Gang angry.

But no matter what he said, Yuan Gang always had the same face, so did he when he was angry, excited... Ahem, it seemed that since Yan Wuji knew Yuan Gang, he had never seen him jump up excitedly.

"Since you have made all the arrangements and everyone has arrived in Fengcheng, tell me what these things mean!"

Yuan Gang looked confident and didn't seem to be worried about Lin Qi's safety.

"Oh, it's been almost a hundred years, we are all old bones, you still have to look like that, it hasn't changed at all!"

Yan Wuji could only sigh if he couldn't stimulate Yuan Gang, he knew Yuan Gang too well.

If Lin Qi is really in danger, Yuan Gang will do whatever it takes, and he will also punish the nine clans who murdered Lin Qi.

Lin Qi's seventh senior brother was besieged and killed. Yuan Gang slaughtered hundreds of people from a small sect overnight.

"Don't worry, I've arranged for experts to protect them at any time. The purpose this time is to train them. If it's not a last resort, I won't do anything!"

Yan Wuji didn't continue to tease, but said calmly.

Hearing these words, the expression on Yuan Gang's face obviously relaxed.

(End of this chapter)

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