Chapter 416

"Quickly tell me, what are you doing here in Fengcheng!"

Lynch's tone became much colder, Jin Xiu shivered, and a smell of urine came from him.


Lynch scolded coldly, he just slashed his face twice, and he was so frightened.

"I received news that a treasure has appeared in Fengcheng. It's in a canyon in the southwest. At the moment, many people are gathering here, wanting to snatch the treasure. That's why I'm here!"

Jin Xiu's psychological defense line has collapsed, and he said it in detail. It turned out that he had received news that there was a treasure in Fengcheng, so he came here on purpose.

"Why do you Yiyuanzong target the Seven Star Temple and mobilize monsters to attack their property!"

Lynch asked the second question, Yiyuanzong and the Seven Stars Temple have never been in conflict with each other, why did they repeatedly provoke the Seven Stars Temple.

"I really don't know this!"

Jin Xiu trembled, and stared closely at the dagger in Lynch's hand. If the answer was not satisfactory, there would probably be another scar on his face.

"You don't know, do you think I will believe you!"

Lynch continued to slash Jin Xiu's face with his dagger, and a pig-killing roar came from Jin Xiu's mouth. Behind Lynch, a large group of people followed, and Butler Cao's face was gloomy and terrifying.

"Even if you kill me, I don't know. I'm just here to find treasures. I don't know anything about the Seven Stars Temple that I told you!"

Jin Xiu's psychological defense has long since collapsed, and he was on the verge of crying. From his expression, Lynch could tell that he wasn't lying.

Obviously, Yiyuanzong may still be in the dark about the Seven Stars Temple. Someone secretly wants to stir up grievances between Yiyuanzong and Seven Stars Temple.

If you want to find out, you have to ask Steward Cao for clarification. With Lin Qi's current state, he is no match for Steward Cao unless he reaches the tenth rank of Martial Sect.

"You just said that you came here for the treasure, what is going on!"

Since the other party didn't know about this matter, Lynch changed the subject, and he also found out that many people have poured into Fengcheng recently.

"It seems that a few nights ago, there was a colorful light shooting into the sky, which is the direction I mentioned just now. Everyone guesses that this is a sign of the birth of a treasure!"

Jin Xiu almost shook out his underpants, and he didn't hide anything.

"Thank you for your cooperation, but I still need to use you to get out of here, so I have to wrong you first!"

After Lin Qi finished speaking, an arc appeared at the corner of his mouth, and then he blew his whistle, Xiao Qian appeared, Lin Qi jumped up, Xiao Qian spread his wings and flew high, leaving Butler Cao's sight in an instant.

Cao Steward and the others following behind changed their faces drastically, and Jin Xiu was kidnapped and taken away by the other party. If there is any trouble, how to explain it to the deputy suzerain.

After entering the clouds, Lynch circled around, and suddenly a figure fell from the void, it was Jin Xiu, who had already passed out.

As for Lynch and Xiaoqian, they had long since disappeared without a trace. Steward Cao and the others rushed up and found that Jin Xiu had just been knocked out, and a prince had been carved on his face with a knife.

"Jin Shao, Jin Shao..."

Everyone stepped forward one after another, and after some rescue, Jin Xiu slowly woke up.


The first thing he did when he woke up was that Jin Xiu slapped Steward Cao on the face, and the latter was sent flying before he knew what was going on.

"Cao Rende, today's matter is not over. If you can't catch them, I will make your life worse than death!"

Jin Xiu could only vent his anger behind Steward Cao, who dared to resist, Mr. Zhong who followed Jin Xiu was also a second-rank Wuzong, and he was the son of the deputy suzerain.

"Don't worry, Mr. Jin, these little bastards can't get out of my hands, I will catch them all in front of you, and leave them to you."

Cao Rende stood up, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and stood in front of Jin Xiu, without any temper.

"What are you still doing, why don't you help me go back!"

Now that Jin Xiu pissed his pants, he didn't dare to stand up straight, so as not to reveal his secrets, so he asked Steward Cao to help him back.

"Look, isn't that Jinxiu, why is it so embarrassing!"

At this time, a few people came out from the crowd, who seemed to be no strangers to Jin Xiu, with a mocking tone.

"Hahaha, Brother Bai, did you see that someone peed on their pants!"

A total of three people came over, and it seemed that they did not have a good relationship with this Jin Xiu, otherwise they would not have ridiculed them.

Hearing that Jin Xiu peed his pants, the three of them laughed together, people on the street were also whispering, obviously someone had found out Jin Xiu's identity.

"Bo Songnian, you are courting death!"

Jin Xiu's voice was very cold, if the news about him peeing his pants got out, not only his face would be lost, but even his father's face would be lost.

"Jin Xiu, others are afraid of you, but I'm not afraid of you. Being forced to piss your pants and cut off an ear is really embarrassing for us!"

The man named Bai Songnian ignored Jin Xiu's threat at all, and his words were just sarcastic.

As for Steward Cao, he could only stand aside and smile wryly. He couldn't afford to offend either of the two people who appeared in front of him.

Jin Xiu is the son of the deputy suzerain, so why not Bai Songnian? There are two deputy suzerains in Yiyuanzong, one is Jin Xiu's father, and the other is naturally Bai Songnian's father. One generation, still the same.

"Very well, you remember it for me, sooner or later, I will tear your mouth apart!"

Jin Xiu didn't intend to continue fighting with Bai Songnian, he was in a hurry to go back and change his clothes.

"Cao Rende, take me to where I live!"

Jiyuan Medicine Shop is a branch of Yiyuan Sect. Many disciples come here and live in Jiyuan Medicine Shop. Bai Songnian gave a direct order.

Butler Cao was depressed, now he was supporting Jin Yao with one hand, how to separate himself to lead Bai Songnian.

"Master Bai, this..."

Butler Cao is in a dilemma. Neither of the two masters can offend. Now that he wants to die, he can only vent his anger on Lynch and the others. When they are caught, they must taste a hundred and one hundred. Eight kinds of torture.

"Why, what I said doesn't work!"

Bo Songnian's face darkened, and Steward Cao trembled with fright. He was just a small person, compared to the two of them, if he disobeyed them, he would be asking for trouble.

"Mr. Bai misunderstood. Am I helping Mr. Jin? How about this? I will immediately arrange someone to give Mr. Bai the best room. It is my apology!"

Steward Cao could only bite the bullet and say, that either of these two people would crush him to death like an ant.

"No, he has hands and feet, why does he need someone to help him!"

Bai Songnian sincerely made Jin Xiu look ugly, and returning to Jiyuan Pharmacy smelling like urine will definitely become a joke through the ages.

The two sides were deadlocked, and no one wanted to let it go. Bai Songnian made it clear that he wanted to make Jin Xiu look ugly, and the latter had nothing to do.

"It's enough for me to help, you go!"

Mr. Zhong stood up at this time, glanced at Bai Songnian, hesitant to speak, wanted to say something, but did not continue, supported Jin Xiu, and walked towards Jiyuan Pharmacy.

Steward Cao felt as if he wanted to cry, but just now he could feel that Jin Xiu was already angry, and he would definitely mobilize all forces to deal with him.

The only way to resolve the grievances with Jin Xiu is to catch Lin Qi and others, so that Jin Xiu can calm down.

Lin Qi made a few refractions in the void and returned to the manor. At this moment, Su Wei and others had already contacted Mr. Li, preparing to mobilize Fengcheng's masters to rescue Lin Qi.

In Fengcheng, there are still many masters in the temple, among them there are several third-rank and fourth-rank Martial Emperors. It is impossible to arrive immediately, and they still have to wait, and Elder Li has to ask for instructions.

"Lynch, you're back!"

Lin Qi landed in the yard, Su Wei and others immediately surrounded him with worried expressions on their faces.


Lynch nodded. This trip to Jiyuan Pharmacy was a near-death experience, and almost everyone stayed there.

"Lynch, it's all my fault. If I listen to your advice and stop as soon as possible, the trouble won't be so stiff!"

Su Wei blamed himself a little. Lynch had already stopped Su Wei, and he accepted it as soon as it was good. Their purpose was to test the truth, not to confront Jiyuan Pharmacy head-on.

"Forget it, things have already happened, let's discuss what to do next!"

Lynch waved his hand. Speaking of which, Lynch himself had miscalculated. He didn't expect that Jiyuan Pharmacy would really dare to kill people in front of everyone.

If he had been provoked like this, he would still be annoyed, and it was only human for Su Wei to do so.

"You guys are so messed up, you actually went to Jiyuan Medicine Store to make trouble, and now the whole Fengcheng is looking for you, trying to dig you out."

Elder Li was very angry, he didn't expect them to be so bold that they went to Jiyuan Medicine Store to make trouble.

Lin Qi and the others were silent, and Mr. Li also had good intentions, fearing that they might have some troubles.

"I have already reported to the Zongmen. I have reported to the Zongmen about the monster attacking the temple this time. It is estimated that the Zongmen will come down with news soon."

Elder Li glanced at them and sighed.

"You are still too young, you are too impulsive!"

Knowing that Jiyuan Pharmacy was responsible, the six of them couldn't wait to make trouble. Unexpectedly, it would be so big. Lin Qi almost abolished the son of the deputy suzerain of Yiyuanzong. This matter has spread throughout Fengcheng.

"Old Li, I have caused you trouble!"

Su Wei smiled wryly, the matter has come to this point, what else can be said, it depends on what the sect said, whether to send other people to deal with it, or let them continue to investigate.

"Okay, you all go down and rest, when the news from the sect comes down, we are making the next move!"

The safety of the few people staying here is still guaranteed, and the people from the Jiyuan Pharmacy don't dare to openly kill people here, it will provoke a battle between the two factions.

The reason for using monsters is because they are afraid of being caught.

The six people looked at each other in the yard, and then smiled wryly. This time, they made a huge mess.

"Lynch, don't worry, all of us are responsible for this matter. If Zongmen pursues it, we will bear it together."

Leng Yu said at this time that Lynch cannot be held responsible alone.

"That's right, since we came out together, if something happens, all of us will bear it together!"

Bai Wuyi nodded, knowing what responsibility is in the face of big right and wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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