Chapter 425
The ins and outs of the matter were basically clear. The middle-aged man took out a portrait. Such a big event had already recorded Lynch's appearance.

"Seven Star Temple, I want all of you to be buried with me!"

The old witch put away the portrait, put Hua Yan's body into a crystal coffin, and those stumped limbs and arms, and left here quickly.

In the cave, calm was restored. A battle involved three superpowers. Fengcheng Restaurant and Tea House were talking about the same person everywhere.

After some gossip, I have already found out about Lynch's origins. The disciples of the temple even found out their names, and what they did in the temple was spread all over Fengcheng.

Lynch didn't know all this, he took Cao Rende back to the manor, and Li Lao and others were already in a panic.

The occurrence of the mysterious cave has spread throughout Fengcheng, including here naturally.

"Lynch, you've caused a disaster!"

Seeing Lin Qi, Mr. Li, Su Wei and others surrounded him one after another, Mr. Li had a reproachful tone.

"Go in and talk!"

Lynch ignored it, grabbed Cao Rende and entered the hall.


Cao Rende was thrown to the ground so hard by Lynch that his kneecap was almost crushed, and he grinned in pain.

"Tell me, why do you want to manipulate monsters and target our temple!"

Lynch sat on the chair, with an interrogative tone, his tone was very cold, and his eyes pierced Cao Rende's eyes.

"Little bastard, you killed Mr. Jin and Mr. Bai, and wait for Yiyuanzong's revenge!"

Cao Rende saw with his own eyes that Lynch went on a killing spree and killed six to seventy people. So many Martial Emperors were killed by Lynch alone.

It's one thing to hear the news, but another thing to get it out of Cao Rende's mouth. Su Wei and the others looked at each other in blank dismay.

Wu Zongjing beheaded the second-rank Martial Emperor, but still so many people besieged him, how did Lynch do it.


With a flash of sword light, Cao Rende's right arm disappeared, and Lynch sat on the spot without moving.

"Ah ah ah..."

Cao Rende let out a shrill scream, lost his spiritual power, unable to heal the wound, and could only let the blood spurt wildly.

"Ask you again, why did you manipulate monsters to attack the temple industry!"

Lynch's tone was cold and heartless, and everyone present couldn't help but shuddered. Even Su Wei, at the moment, only felt awe of Lynch.

Cao Rende wanted to yell, but facing Lynch's cold eyes, he shrank his neck, and there was a clear look of fear in his eyes.

"Speak out, and I will give you a happy ending, otherwise I will slowly torture you in a thousand ways, making your life worse than death!"

Cao Rende must die. From the moment he was caught, he had no intention of letting him go, but the matter has not been investigated clearly.

Elder Li and the others also held their breaths. Over the past month, monsters have been attacking the temple industry continuously, like a mystery that can finally be solved today.

"It's that bastard Yuan Gang, he killed my family, I want revenge!"

Cao Rende suddenly yelled, and the person who scolded was actually Yuan Gang. Everyone present was at a loss, and things became more and more bizarre.


There was a loud slap, Cao Rende was slapped flying by Lin Qi, and called his master a bastard, as a disciple, how could he swallow his anger.

"Say it word by word from the beginning. If you dare to say a bad word, you know my tricks!"

Lynch returned to his seat, his eyes swept over Cao Rende, who was trembling involuntarily as if he had fallen into an ice cave.

Cao Rende struggled to get up and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. It was difficult for him to die now, and he only wanted a relief.

"It all started ten years ago!"

Cao Rende went all out, his eyes radiated hatred.

"Ten years ago, we only killed a man named Ruan Hua, but our family was wiped out overnight. I was the only one who escaped alive. It was Yuan Gang's masterpiece."

When Cao Rende thought of the past, the veins on his face swelled up. This was anger. Looking back on the scene that day, Cao Rende couldn't stop trembling all over his body.

"Ruan Hua?"

Lynch lowered his head and thought for a moment. Ruan Hua was his seventh senior brother. Ten years ago, when he was out training, he encountered a bully who bullied a girl. Ruan Hua beat the bully away and rescued the girl.

Who would have thought that the bully's identity was not simple, he was a direct disciple of a small sect nearby, after returning, he moved in to rescue soldiers, trapped Ruan Hua in a valley, and finally framed him with poisonous schemes, Ruan Hua's death was unknown.

Knowing that his disciple was framed to death, Yuan Gang was enraged and slaughtered hundreds of people from this small sect. Unexpectedly, there was another evil left.

"Hmph, you dare to argue. A group of despicable people use vicious schemes to kill people. After investigation, you have committed all sorts of crimes, including rape, murder, and looting. Killing all of you is also doing harm to the people!"

Lynch snorted coldly, Luo Chang had already told Lynch about these things, so Lynch knew it very well.

"If you kill one person, hundreds of us will be buried with you. Could it be that your life is more precious than ours? Speaking of it, you are still arrogant and domineering in the Seven Star Temple, relying on your strength to do whatever you want."

Cao Rende continued to yell. For more than ten years, he has kept his name incognito, hoping that one day he can avenge his hatred.

"If I'm not mistaken, after you escaped, you joined Yiyuanzong, practiced sorcery, can control monsters, and intentionally attacked the temple industry. I am right to reap the benefits of the fisherman!"

Lynch basically understood, and many problems were easily solved. If they were connected together, he could understand Cao Rende's ambition.

"That's right, Yiren is not your opponent in the Seven Star Temple, so I will use Yiyuanzong. As long as there is a fight between you, the more people die, the happier I will be."

Cao Rende let out a smirk, and Su Wei and the others couldn't help showing horror. This Cao Rende was really vicious and was planning to stir up disputes between the two factions. Fortunately, they discovered it in time.

"It's a pity that your plan can't succeed. Now that it falls into my hands, there is only one dead end."

Knowing the whole story, Lynch suddenly relaxed his expression.

"Hmph, Yuan Gang killed ten members of my family. I can't personally avenge this revenge, but it won't be long before your Seven Star Temple will be completely wiped out."

Cao Rende became more and more agitated, and his plan failed. Lin Qi killed Jin Xiu and Bai Songnian, which provoked disputes between the two factions, and sooner or later a big battle was inevitable.

"It's a pity you won't see that day!"

With a wave of Lin Qi's right hand, Cao Rende's head tilted, and he died directly in the middle of the hall. The dignified second-rank Martial Emperor died so miserably.

The hall fell silent, and the matter was investigated clearly, but then he was going to face even bigger problems. Lynch killed Jin Xiu and Bai Songnian, completely putting Seven Star Temple and Yiyuanzong on the opposite side.

There is also a mysterious Red Lotus Sect. Thinking of these, Li Lao felt dizzy for a while.

"Lynch, what do you plan to do next?"

Su Wei asked Lynch, the matter has come to this point, complaining is useless, if they would do the same, how can they just sit and wait for death when they are besieged by so many people.

"Back to the temple!"

It is not appropriate for Fengcheng to stay any longer for the time being, go back first and talk about it later, if something happens, the sect will come forward.

"That's right, Fengcheng is in a mess right now, so hurry back!"

Mr. Li suggested that now that the truth has come to light, the monster attacking the temple was planned by Cao Rende and has nothing to do with Yiyuanzong.

"I'm afraid it's not so easy to go back now!"

Lynch stroked his smooth chin with an inscrutable tone.

Xiaoqian turned into a small monster, and has been lying around the manor to keep watch. Just now, the news came back that several groups of masters were approaching.

"Does anyone dare to kill people here!"

Bai Wuyi's tone was a little angry, Lynch was just defending himself, now it seems that Lynch is wrong, they justify it.

"They don't dare to kill people here, if they block outside, it will be very troublesome!"

Old Li murmured, this is the site of the temple, if you dare to rush in here, the two sides will completely tear their skins apart, and we haven't reached that point yet.

Zongmen fights will not affect the property in many cases. If one Yuanzong dares to kill people here, the Seven Star Temple will also kill people in Jiyuan Medicine Store for a reason.

If you go out of this door, it's not necessarily true!

The sky gradually darkened, Lynch and others returned to the house, and no one spoke.

In the middle of the night, Lynch moved his ears, and Xiaoqian sent back the news.

"Big brother, there is a mysterious master who has been hiding in the manor. The few waves of masters who came just now were all chased away by him!"

Xiaoqian's voice sounded in Lin Qi's soul, Lin Qi frowned, as if thinking of something.

"Could it be that Master is worried and has sent experts to secretly protect me?"

Lin Qi talked to himself, but was quickly denied. There are only a few people in the Fire Cloud Palace, and they can force back the masters of the Red Lotus Sect and the Yiyuan Sect, at least they are at the level of Wuzun.

It couldn't be Luo Chang, if it was Luo Chang, he would have met Lynch a long time ago, obviously this master secretly didn't want Lynch to know.

"Then who will secretly protect us?"

Lynch fell into deep thought, and soon his brows relaxed. Since he couldn't figure it out, he simply didn't think about it, and went back first.

When they knocked on the door of Su Wei and the others' rooms, no one was asleep, and the six gathered together.

"Lynch, you woke us up in the middle of the night, did something happen again?"

Su Wei asked Lynch, and several other people also looked over.

"We have to rush back to the sect overnight!"

Lynch glanced at the five people and expressed his thoughts. Since there are experts protecting them, Lynch doesn't have to worry about safety.

"Go now?"

Leng Yuxiu frowned slightly, rushing on the road in the middle of the night, once encountered an expert intercepting, it would be difficult to escape.

"That's right, it's now, don't you believe me?"

Lynch glanced at the six people, and their doubts were not unreasonable.

During the day, he also said that there are masters lurking around and will leave at night. Could it be a trap deliberately set up by people outside.

"I believe!"

Bai Wuyi spoke, he believed Lynch unconditionally.

"I believe too!"

Xu Qing nodded, willing to go with Lynch now.

The others couldn't say anything more, they set off immediately, greeted Mr. Li, and the six of them turned into a shooting star and flew out of Fengcheng.

As soon as a few people jumped out behind them, they were suppressed by a black shadow, and it was not until Lynch and the others completely disappeared that the black shadow followed.

(End of this chapter)

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