Chapter 463

The black snake that Jian Gang couldn't cut open was easily killed by the flames, and his whole body turned into coke.

"No wonder these black snakes are afraid of flames!"

Lynch seemed to have found a way to kill the black snake, stood up, and an extremely tyrannical breath burst into the sky.

"hold head high!"

Immediately there was a dragon chant, breaking through to the fourth-rank Martial Emperor, and his strength changed drastically.

The heart palace is opened again, and the power of flames can be used in the future to make martial arts more powerful.

"It's a pity that there is no martial skill of the fire element at present. If you can practice it, you can use the fire element to its limit!"

Lynch is also very distressed, the death element is currently unable to exert its maximum energy, and lacks death martial arts.

The same is true for the element of fire. At present, it can only use the simplest fire attack, but it has no rules.

Lynch was not in a hurry, if he couldn't find it in the fifth heaven, he went to the sixth heaven to find it, and if he couldn't find it in the sixth heaven, he went to the seventh heaven. He didn't believe that he couldn't find a suitable martial skill for him.


Holding the dragon-slaying sword in his hand, he swept across, and the flames spurted out, like fire dragons, and those black snakes screamed mournfully.

But in the blink of an eye, Lynch killed hundreds of black snakes with one sword, turning them all into coke.

"Very good, these Black Snake Neidan can be exchanged for a lot of resources!"

Collect all those black snakes, these are good things, especially their skins, which are extremely strong, and can be used to refine weapons and stomach armor.

After a few breaths, Lynch shot tens of meters away, and black snakes fell from the cliff.

No matter how hard it was to drink tea, the black snakes around them never approached again, and were shocked by Lynch's terrifying flames.

The body kept climbing up, only a hundred meters away from the top of the Black Wind Cliff, and the flames wrapped Lynch to resist the Black Wind, no dragon armor was needed.


The Snake King appeared, and his huge body swam towards Lynch. Xinzi let out a hissing sound, with a trace of poisonous air.

"Also, killing thousands of black snakes is not as good as a snake king!"

The snake king is dead, and the remaining black snake is not to be feared, and will definitely flee in all directions.

With his eyes narrowed, the Snake King actually has the sixth rank and the sixth rank, which is equivalent to the sixth rank Martial Emperor of a human being. Lynch was also secretly surprised.

"Fortunately, I broke through the realm. If not, I will definitely die in the mouth of the Snake King!"

Lynch was lucky for a while, even if he opened up the heart palace, if his own strength is not strong enough, it is still difficult to escape.


Slashed with a sword, carrying a destructive flame, enveloping the Snake King completely.


As soon as the Snake King moved, an icy aura spread, and the flames could not get close to the Snake King.

"Demon Gang!"

After reaching the sixth level, the monsters will form a layer of monster gangs to protect their bodies, which is equivalent to a human's protective shield, and it is extremely difficult to break through.


The strength continued to increase, and the spiritual power and law of the fourth-rank Martial Emperor were already comparable to the sixth-rank Martial Emperor. Facing the sixth-rank and sixth-rank Snake King, Lynch was not at a disadvantage.


The Yao Gang flickered, although it didn't break open, but there were many cracks. The sword just now had some effect.

"Thousand handprints!"

With a movement of his arm, a thousand handprints appeared, and he pressed down on the Snake King. If it was on flat ground, Lynch would have already killed the Snake King.


The Snake King's body suddenly backed away, and he was obviously afraid of being suppressed. A thousand handprints, like a mountain peak, would not give the Snake King a chance at all.


The Snake King's body made a cracking sound, and the demon gang was about to burst.

Lynch had the upper hand now, but he didn't dare to step forward. It was impossible for the snake monster to have this ability, and there must be other tricks.


The Snake King suddenly roared, and pitch-black scales emerged from his body, extremely ferocious. On each scale, a small snake head appeared, and it was also spitting out a message.

"The body of ten thousand snakes!"

Lynch's face suddenly changed. This snake actually has ancient blood. The demon pill is a good thing, at least it can be sold for a sky-high price.

The little snake emerging from the scales looked even more terrifying, spewing out clouds of black air, actually corroding the thousand handprints.

The thousand handprints that were originally like a mountain peak, but in the blink of an eye, turned into a cloud of black water and dissipated between the sky and the earth.

"What a terrifying dissolution rate, what kind of toxin is it that can dissolve my Golden Dragon Seal!"

Lin Qi's face showed a serious look, and he didn't dare to be careless, and continued to turn his palms, this time it was the Zhenyue seal.


The Zhenyue Seal suddenly fell, even more terrifying than the Thousand Hands Seal just now, before those little snakes decomposed the poisonous gas, they were the first to smash down with the powerful suppressing force!
The Snake King shivered, and there were a lot of cracks in the demon gang on his body, and it was too late to repair it.

The little snake in the scales continued to spray, and a cloud of black mist soon filled the entire void, and the Zhenyue seal also began to dissipate.

"What a powerful poisonous gas!"

Lynch clicked his tongue secretly. If these poisonous gases were collected, they might be able to threaten the high-ranking Martial Emperor.

The corrosion rate of the Zhenyue Seal was obviously much slower than that of the Thousand Hand Seal, which gave Lynch a chance!

"Cut off!"

This time, the sword gang was even stronger, and the surrounding black wind was cut open, forming a vacuum channel.

There is Zhenyue Seal on the top and Jian Gang on the bottom. The Snake King is in a dangerous situation.


When the sword light fell, the demon gang burst instantly. It was originally suppressed by Zhenyue Yin, and it was already on the verge of collapse.


The Snake King let out a roar, and a more solid layer of demon gangster appeared to protect him.

The Zhenyue seal disappeared and was melted away by the poisonous gas, and the little snakes on the scales suddenly became extremely scarlet.

"It's interesting, it seems that I can only use that trick!"

A wicked smile appeared on the corner of Lynch's mouth, and he stood up slowly, finding a support point for his feet.

The Snake King also seemed to realize that something was wrong, a breath of death shrouded it, and the monsters had keen perception.

The Snake King suddenly moved and stepped back, not to continue entanglement with him. Could it be that he was afraid?

"Booming Sky Seal!"

Before the Snake King escaped, the third seal of the Golden Dragon Seal appeared.

Lynch has been thinking about it these days, but it's a pity that his physical strength can't display the Hongtian Seal.

After reaching the fourth rank Martial Emperor, Lynch was finally able to condense the Hongtian Seal, which was just a phantom.

There is still a big gap from the real Hongtian seal, even a phantom is hundreds of times stronger than the Zhenyue seal.

Even the sky can make a gap, let alone a little snake king.


The demon gang shattered and was ruthlessly crushed by Lynch. The little snake on the scales let out a shrill scream.

One after another, the heads of the snakes exploded, turning into a rain of blood, and a stench filled the entire Heifengya.

Losing the Yao Gang, the Snake King's physical body could not resist the Hongtian Seal at all, and he fell suddenly, with cracks appearing on his physical body.

"The law of death!"

In the Hongtian Seal, there is a law of death, as long as a hole is opened, it is enough!

The King Snake started to twitch, then became stiff, and his body gradually became numb. Lynch swept his hand and put the King Snake into the storage bag.

Those snake sons and grandchildren in the four directions were so frightened that they didn't dare to move, they retreated one after another, never daring to approach Lynch again.

Lin Qi took the initiative to give way to a path in front of him, and Lynch did not kill them all. Instead, he used his agility and rushed upwards rapidly.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, he found a few more black wind fruits, which can be sold at a high price when he returns home, in exchange for spirit stones.

During tea time, Lynch returned to the top of the Black Wind Cliff, and the strong black wind hit, but was blocked by the flames.

"It's time to leave!"

After a few jumps, he left Heifengya, and it has been more than half a month since he came out of Tianqin Villa.

If they don't go back, they won't be able to catch up with the Tian Qin assessment, and if they don't win the championship, they won't be able to take Shangguan Feiyun away.

The journey was swift and swift, and finally on the last day, Lin Qi returned to Yinzhou City smoothly. Today is the day of Tianqin's assessment, and it is estimated that it will start soon.

Tianqin Villa!

Today is very lively, and the triennial Tianqin assessment is about to start again, gathering talents from hundreds of thousands of miles away.

To get the top three, not only get a lot of treasure rewards, No.1 can enter the Holy Land of Tianqin for three days, and comprehend the way of Qinqin.

There are countless people who love Qin in the world, and Tianqin Villa is the holy land of Qin Dao.

Not many of them came here for the treasure, and some wanted to see the fairy's true face. Everyone had different thoughts.

"Do you still remember that the champion of the last Qin Dao, in the holy land of Tianqin, received a trace of the inheritance of the Qin Dao, and now he has stepped into the realm of the Venerable, becoming a master of the Qin Dao!"

In Tianqin Villa, there were hundreds of people who came to participate, all of them were top-notch piano masters and spirit pattern masters.

Tianqin Villa is only a second-rate family, and the fact that it can attract so many talented people is enough to prove that the Tianqin assessment is not that simple.

Ninety-nine out of ten people are aiming at the inheritance of Tianqin, hoping to get the score of Tianqin!

It is said that Fairy Feiyun inherited the Tianqin score, but few people know that Feiyun is only proficient in the upper half of the Tianqin score, and the most powerful part of the Tianqin score is in the holy land of Tianqin, and no one has passed it down. .

Tianqin score is divided into upper and lower parts, the upper part is a hand-written copy, which can be passed down from generation to generation, which is why Tianqin Villa is today.

The lower part is an intangible inheritance, which must be passed on to people who are destined to continue the inheritance.

For hundreds of years, countless disciples of Tianqin Villa entered the holy land, but they were unable to inherit the Tianqin score. In desperation, Tianqin Villa opened its gates widely.

The first is to absorb the essence of the world's spirit pattern, accelerate the development of Tianqin Villa, and strive to refine the seventh-order high-end guqin as soon as possible.

The second is to use the Tianqin assessment to find someone who is destined to inherit the lower part of the Tianqin score. At that time, he can stay in the villa or buy it at a high price.

In a courtyard, under the plum tree, stood a young girl, it was Shangguan Feiyun.

For the past 20 days, I have stood here every day, turning a deaf ear to anything from the outside world.

"Feiyun, the Tianqin assessment is about to begin, let's go out too!"

Shangguan Ling appeared at this time, changed into a suit of formal attire, and wanted to take Shangguan Feiyun to participate in the Tianqin assessment.

"Is he here?"

Shangguan Feiyun's tone was very indifferent. After experiencing the incident last time, Shangguan Feiyun's attitude towards his aunt changed.

If Lin Qi hadn't appeared in time, he would have become Hua Ruyi's taboo. Although Shangguan Feiyun didn't say anything, he already had a grudge in his heart.

"Since he said he will come, he will definitely come. If he doesn't come, such a person is not worthy of your entrustment for life!"

Shangguan Ling is someone who has been there, and he can tell that Shangguan Feiyun has been devoted to Lin Qi until death!
(End of this chapter)

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