Chapter 484 Magic Pill
Many old antiques that have never appeared in the small world have appeared at the entrance of Xishan.

Looking at the intact seal, everyone was at a loss, but they didn't know who could pass through the seal and enter the Golden Demon Realm.

"Impossible, unless you are a high-level warrior, you can break the seal and enter the Golden Demon Realm!"

An old man with white hair muttered to himself, obviously someone went in, but they couldn't find any clues.

"It's impossible for the Martial Saint to enter, then the ban will definitely respond, and it should leave clues!"

Another old man stood under the restriction and checked again, the seal was not triggered.

"Could it be that the seal was opened by itself and let people in?"

Someone showed disbelief, the only possibility was that the seal would be undone by itself, let people in, and closed by itself.

After discussing for a long time, no one could find a clue.

"Just now I remembered that a Taoist spirit came in and deliberately led me away!"

The old man covered in white frowned, remembering that the divine sense he had left here had been led away just now.

"I can feel it too, the aura of divine sense is not very strong, it seems to be only in the Martial Emperor Realm!"

The elders of the two wives are higher than Elder Wei, the most hopeful to break through to the Martial Saint Realm, and they have been stuck for hundreds of years now.

"Martial Emperor Realm?"

Not to mention those Supreme Elders, even Yan Wuji showed a hint of doubt.

"That's right, it's the aura of the Martial Emperor!"

The elder wife said it affirmatively.

"Since this is the case, I will immediately order this place to be blocked. If anyone comes out, we will know as soon as possible!"

Yan Wuji immediately gave the order to seal off the area, hoping that the person who entered would come out safe and sound.

"This is the only way to go!"

Those Supreme Elders have no other good solution, they can't break the seal, and waiting is not an option.

Besides, after entering, it is still unknown whether they can come out alive.

After everyone left and Yan Wuji arranged for people, he did not return to the small world.

Soon some information came to him, and there were three people standing in front of Yan Wuji, sorting out the information they had just inquired about.

"What did you all find out!"

The three of them were all Yan Wuji's confidantes, they didn't dare to hide anything, and told out the news they just investigated in detail.

"In the morning, Lynch entered the library and looked up information about the Golden Demon Realm!"

The man on the far left spoke first, this is the news he found.

"At noon, Lynch went to the exchange hall and asked the elder on duty how to get to the Golden Demon Realm. The inquiry was fruitless, so he left directly!"

This time it was the man in the middle who spoke, and it was found out so quickly.

"In the afternoon, Lin Qi appeared in the Yanlong Hall and asked Dianzhu Dong about the entrance to the Golden Demon Realm!"

The man on the far right spoke, and the information of the three people was gathered together. Lynch appeared in three places that day, all of which were related to the Golden Demon Realm.

"Did Dianzhu tell him?"

Yan Wuji had already seen the answer from the eyes of the third person, Dianzhu Dong owed Lin Qi a favor.

Lin Qi found him and thought for a long time. Anyone can refuse, but Dong Dianzhu cannot refuse.

"Sovereign, please forgive me for speaking bluntly, the Jade Emperor Palace is forcing the palace more and more, what should we do!"

The three of them said together that they had followed Yan Wuji for decades, and they didn't shy away from some things, they asked them directly.

"You mean to let me hand him over!"

Yan Wuji's eyes suddenly turned cold, and he looked at the three of them.

The three of them trembled in fright and fell to the ground.

"I'm only thinking of the suzerain when I'm convicted, and I shouldn't implicate the entire Seven Stars Temple because of one person!"

They were fearful, but boldly spoke out their thoughts.

"Sovereign, it's fine for Yiyuanzong to come to ask for someone. After all, Yiyuanzong and Seven Star Temple are almost the same in strength."

"The Jade Emperor Palace is different. He is a super sect, standing tall in the sixth heaven, with several Martial Saints in charge. Just two people can wipe out the entire Seven Star Temple. Please think twice!"

The three continued talking, prostrate on the ground, wanting Yan Wuji to hand over Lynch.

"Needless to say, you all go down!"

Yan Wuji waved his hand, and the three of them immediately fell silent, they could only stand up and back out.

In the main hall, Yan Wuji was the only one left.

"Lynch, don't let me down!"

How could Yan Wuji hand over someone who was recognized by the Seven Star Sage Monarch so easily.

In the dark passage, billowing demon energy hit Lynch's body like a flood.

The strange thing is that those devilish qi could not harm Lynch, and were absorbed by the death qi.

It was pitch black all around. This is a space-time tunnel, which can only be opened by martial arts masters, and it takes a lot of people to get through.

It took a full incense stick of time before the feeling of traveling disappeared. Lynch's body suddenly sank and landed on a desolate land.

The heavy breathing and firm rules made Lynch very uncomfortable.

The air here is very turbid, almost no spiritual energy can be absorbed, only the killing energy is floating above the sky.

"It really is the devil world!"

Lynch glanced around, and he could conclude that the place he was in now was a plane called the Golden Demon Realm.

There are tens of thousands of demon worlds, just like the human world, and the golden demon world is one of them.

The scarlet ground, the scarlet sky, and the bloody moon all created a doomsday scene.

Some trees in the distance exude a shocking demonic aura. They are actually demonic plants, like demonic trees!
This kind of tree can only survive in the devil world, absorbing the devil energy to nourish itself.

There is no day and night in the Golden Demon Realm, but only a blood moon, hanging above the sky all the time.

And what surprised Lynch was that the time law here is many times faster than that of Tianyan Continent, which is equivalent to more than ten times.

One day in Tianyan Continent, ten days have passed here, no wonder the demons are developing rapidly.

In terms of time, humans lost too much to them.

Back then, Lynch created a small world by himself, one day a year outside, and hundreds of years of practice inside, and less than a hundred days passed outside.

Concentrate your breath, this is the Golden Demon Realm, and there are golden demons everywhere around you.

Moreover, the demons like to live in groups, once they meet, it will definitely be a big battle.

Demons, like humans, also have a strict hierarchy.

They are: Human Demon, Earth Demon, Sky Demon, Demon King, Dao Demon, Demon Emperor, Demon Venerable, Demon, Demon God, Demon Saint, Demon Emperor.

Humans and devils correspond to warriors, and so on, and devil emperors correspond to human emperors.

Lin Qi is currently in the Martial Emperor Realm, corresponding to the Demon Emperor, he is almost the Emperor of the Demon Clan, and can lead the Demon Clan army.

The Golden Demon Realm belongs to a relatively low-level plane. It is estimated that the Demon Lord is already at the highest level, which is equivalent to a human Martial Lord.


There was a rustling sound in the distance, as if something was gnawing on an animal, or the sound of teeth rubbing, it was very unpleasant.

A thousand meters away from Lynch, there is a small group of demons, about a dozen or so, of low rank, robbing food.

Demons are carnivores, they like all kinds of blood, and humans are their favorite food.

The second is the monster beast, which will also be eaten by them.

In the demon world, the demon clan survived, and the monsters naturally also survived. They are equivalent to the monsters in the human world.

Most of the monsters will become the food of the demons. This is the food chain of the demon world.

With a sweep of his body, he appeared not far from the Demon Race.

More than a dozen demons seemed to smell the human essence and blood, and raised their heads one after another, looking towards Lynch.

A few demon kings and a few dao demons are equivalent to the level of Wu Wang and Wu Zong, and they cannot threaten Lynch.

All of them are very ugly, and their bodies are pitch black. Only when they reach the Demon Emperor Realm can they evolve into golden colors.

The demons are larger than humans, and their appearance is three points similar to humans, but their eyes are more ferocious, with a pair of fangs, like wild beasts.

With a deep roar, he rushed towards Lynch.

For so many years, no humans have set foot on them, and they have even forgotten the taste of human essence and blood.

It's like taking drugs, forget it, and when you smell it again, it's really hard to resist.


The purpose of Lynch's coming in is to kill, and through killing, he can improve his realm.

There are too few treasures to improve the level, and it is difficult to reach the sky if you want to increase a level in a short time. In desperation, you choose to enter the Golden Demon Realm.

The thousand handprints appeared, and when they were suppressed, more than a dozen demons all exploded, and demon cores popped out from their bodies.

Pick up the magic core and put it in the palm of your hand. It is only the size of a walnut, and it emits a billowing magic energy.

Humans can't absorb it at all. The magic energy enters the human body, directly assimilates it, and becomes a demon.

"Burner, appear!"

Lynch sacrificed the burning furnace, threw the magic core into it, and started refining with the fire of the soul, to see if he could refine it into a human pill.

The magic core let out a hissing sound, a dozen or so breaths passed, Burning Heaven's furnace returned to calm, and several pitch-black beads appeared.

"Magic pill?"

Lin Qi looked suspiciously, human pills were refined by humans, and magic pills were refined by demons.

Instead of absorbing it hastily, Lynch first disassembled it and experimented, and found that the magic pill was extremely pure, and eliminated some of the hostile energy of the demon race, leaving only the essence.

"That's right, that's right, there is a magic pill to practice, which greatly speeds up my speed!"

There is a lack of spiritual energy here, it is impossible for Lynch to use spiritual stones to practice all the time, and he can't afford to spend it.

Now there is magic pill to absorb, which greatly shortens Lynch's time.

A few magic pills were swallowed, turned into a violent energy, and exploded in the dantian.

Especially the Nine Absolute Sword Soul, which absorbs quickly, and the body is no exception, plundering wildly, a few magic pills, but in the blink of an eye, they are completely absorbed.


Lynch uttered a swear word, and before he could absorb it, it was all divided up.

"It seems that you have to find a higher level of demons, so that you can get some soup to drink, otherwise, it will be difficult to improve the realm in the long run!"

With a wry smile, he went straight to the center of the Golden Demon Realm, where the demons gathered. Lynch's goal was to kill the Demon Emperor.

Wuchang City!
The people in the Jade Palace became more and more presumptuous, and began to destroy the property of the Seven Star Temple.

In the past two days, I couldn't meet the temple disciples, so I could only smash some restaurants and tea houses in the temple, and they were all affected.

The temple remained silent all the time, and several hall masters joined forces to find Yan Wuji, but Yan Wuji suppressed him.

They get only one answer, and they continue to wait.

(End of this chapter)

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