Chapter 489 Nine Demon Tower

Three days later!

Lynch finally saw the legendary magic cave, which turned out to be an underground magic palace.

It is so huge that I don't know how many years it has been built, and a stream of dark devilish energy gushes out from the ground.

The entrance to the Demon Cave has not been opened yet, so most of the Demon Race are stationed around.

Lynch also noticed that on the other side, there were also many tents stationed, but no demons appeared, and they were all killers of the Blood Sea Pavilion.

After a brief filter, there are at least sixty tents, and it is estimated that a small hundred people entered here.

Moreover, Wu Zun's aura is extremely strong, not only Wu Zun comes from Blood Sea Pavilion, but also from the demon clan's side.

Lynch concealed his aura to the extreme, activated the dragon-slaying sword, and transformed into the shape of demons, which also deceived many low-level demons.

Find a safe place, remove the dragon sword, Lynch is not coming out, it is far away from the magic cave.

This time, I intend to watch the fun and practice myself. As for snatching treasures, Lynch doesn't even dare to think about it.

Tens of thousands of demon troops, thousands of demon kings, more than a dozen demon venerables, and a group of perverts at the Blood Sea Pavilion, unless Lynch gets impatient.

"I've been waiting for almost ten days. When will the bullshit devil's lair be born!"

On the other side of the Blood Sea Pavilion, someone came out of the tent and complained a lot.

"Three Four Zero Eight, why worry, it should be yours, it's yours, you can't even run away!"

Another person came out from the tent. He was about 30 years old. He was actually a first-rank Martial Venerable. As soon as he appeared, the demons on the opposite side immediately became alert.

"This group of demons are like bedbugs. After so many years, I want to kill them all, but I can't kill them all!"

Blood Sea Pavilion has no name, they only have codes, and everyone is wearing a silver mask, covering half of their face.

[-]'s tone was gloomy and cold, and it seemed that many demons had been hunted and killed in recent years.

"Who made their reproductive ability super strong, and the time is ten times longer than ours. We have passed a year, and others have passed ten years, and a large number of them have already reproduced!"

The man standing beside him showed a helpless tone.

"One day, I will conquer the entire Golden Demon Realm!"

[-]'s tone was cold, and the demons on the opposite side also sensed it.

A powerful demon came out, released a provocative aura, and immediately angered [-].


[-] held back for ten days, and the demon cave has not been opened for a long time. These days, many demons were crushed to death, which made the demons very angry.

"Human boy, do you want to go out and fight!"

The demons on the opposite side continued to provoke, and got angry in threes and fours. With a sway, they flew directly out of the high ground and landed on a plain.

Immediately, the Demon Lord arrived, one person and one demon stood against each other, and a powerful aura radiated out.

On the other side of the Blood Sea Pavilion, dozens of people came out of the tent, and some of them were not interested and did not show up at all.

Here the demons roared, cheering for their leader.

Lynch popped his head out, quietly paying attention to the changes on the battlefield. He had a feeling that the magic cave should be opened soon.

Shura Jue is ready to move, as if there is something underground that can attract it, the same feeling as Lynch met Nine-Color Sword Heart.

As long as the Shura Jue breaks through to the sixth floor, Lynch's physical body will undergo earth-shaking changes.

Every time you upgrade a level, the bones will change accordingly!

A strong physical body means that the strength will also be strong, and the spiritual power that can be contained is even more terrifying.

"Bug, let me kill you today!"

[-] drew out the blood-red scimitar, and slashed at the first-rank Demon Venerable opposite him.

The strength of the two is almost the same, it seems that it is not only the first time to fight, but they are very familiar with each other.

"Chatter, these days I ate a lot of humans, and today I'm eating your head!"

The disciples of the Blood Sea Pavilion will inevitably die at the hands of the demons when they come in. After they catch them, they will not eat and kill them immediately.

Instead, they were raised together, men and women were put together, and after mating and reproduction, the Golden Demon Realm raised a large number of humans, all of whom were captured after the disciples of the Blood Sea Pavilion came in.

After being raised, it will be used as food for the demons to form a food chain, which is very cruel.

It's like humans feeding monsters and killing them for food, but in the eyes of the demons, humans are food.

A big battle is inevitable, and this kind of thing is not new to Lynch.

Back then, he met a devil emperor who raised a small world full of human beings, and caught a few when he wanted to eat.

The most frightening thing is that the human beings inside still don't know that they live here to feed the demons.

One person and one demon fought together in an instant, but at the level of Wuzun, the impact caused by the battle was like the sky falling apart, and hills and hills were pierced everywhere.

After fighting for a full cup of tea, no one could do anything to the other, and finally both sides retreated to the distance.

"Humans, try my magic!"

Mozun was really angry and prepared to use the method of disintegrating the blood demon, which was equivalent to increasing his strength several times.

[-]'s eyes showed a trace of fear, obviously he was still concerned about the blood demon disintegration method of the demon clan.


Before the disintegration method was performed, there was a sudden booming sound from the ground, and the door above the magic cave was slowly opening.

"The magic cave is open!"

The Mozun gave up and continued to perform the blood demon disintegration method, and looked at the sky above the Demon Cave together with [-].

The underground world is becoming clearer and clearer, the entrance gate is gradually revealed, and the restrictions above are also disappearing.

After thousands of years, the Devil's Nest appears!

One person and one demon also stopped fighting, and gathered in the sky above the devil's lair, waiting for the gate of the devil's lair to be completely opened.


As if the space was split, the door of the magic cave led to no one knew where it was leading, and a vortex appeared in front of it, and the humans and demons standing around were all stunned in place.

No one dared to go forward, who knows if there is any danger inside, what to do if you can't get out after entering.

After all, some people will not be able to bear it anymore. After all, it is a treasure left over from thousands of years ago. I don’t know how many good things will be inside.

There are already demons who are ready to move and rush into the vortex. After finding that there is no danger, more demons rush in.

Clearly, the Blood Sea Pavilion had made enough preparations. Someone sacrificed a magic weapon, wrapped himself up, entered the vortex, and then disappeared.

In the blink of an eye, thousands of demons disappeared and all entered the demon lair.

The little hundred people in the Blood Sea Pavilion have almost entered, and the rest outside are all low-level demons, who dare not go deep.

Without a powerful demon standing in charge, Lynch walked out cautiously.


Those powerful humans disappeared, and after the demons found Lynch, they surrounded him one after another.

"Kill this human!"

It may be because Lynch's aura is too weak, but the aura of the fifth-rank Martial Emperor and the sixth-rank Martial Emperor have not leaked yet.

Those low-level demons pounced on them like locusts, and there were a few seventh-rank demon emperors among them.


The dragon-slaying sword appeared, as well as the burning furnace, and the raging fire fell from the sky.


When the fire fell, thousands of demons screamed, all of them were refined into magic pills.

The dragon-slaying sword was even more disdainful, and the seventh-rank demon emperor was beheaded as soon as he met his face with one breath.

One swept away thousands of troops, and thousands of demons were killed and wounded. The remaining demons fled to the surroundings one after another, not daring to approach.

"What a scary human being!"

Although the people in Xuehai Pavilion hunted and killed the demons, they could not create such a scene. Thousands of demons died with a single strike.

Compared to the Blood Sea Pavilion, Lynch's method of hunting and killing the demons was too terrifying.

In just a short moment, thousands of demons died, which required a lot of terrifying strength.

In the blink of an eye, all the demons from all directions escaped completely, leaving Lynch standing alone.

With a wry smile, Lynch glanced at the vortex in front of him, hesitating whether to enter or not.

Maybe if you go in, you can get a share of the pie, and naturally you will fall into infinite crisis.

If you don't go in, you may miss an excellent opportunity to improve your realm. This is a dilemma.

"Fight it, the purpose of coming in is to improve the realm, if you are afraid of wolves and tigers, why come in!"

Lynch gritted his teeth. If he went out like this, he would not be reconciled.

What's more, if the sixth-rank Martial Emperor goes out, nothing can be solved, and there is still no chance of winning when he meets the ninth-rank Martial Emperor.

This time the Jade Emperor Palace is coming in a menacing manner, there must be many masters, Lynch must be foolproof.

After thinking about it, he jumped forward and entered the vortex.

A powerful suction force appeared, dragging Lynch's body into the pitch-black abyss. He lost control of his body and was at his mercy.

After five or six breaths, Lynch's body sank and his feet landed on the ground.

Suddenly shocked by the sight in front of him, a nine-story demon tower appeared in front of him, emitting billowing black air.

Under the demon tower, a hundred people and a group of demons stood in a stalemate with each other.

"This is the world-shaking treasure of our Golden Demon Realm, the Nine Demon Pagoda, how can you humans get your hands on it!"

A Demon Venerable let out a monstrous roar. The world-shaking treasure of the Golden Demon Clan they were looking for, without any clues, was unexpectedly placed here by the ancestor.

Suddenly a person appeared, making the Demon Race and the Blood Sea Pavilion stunned.

Especially one of them, a man and a woman, glanced at each other and saw the shock in each other's eyes.

In their eyes, Lynch should have died long ago.

The demons ignored Lynch, thinking that he was the killer of the Blood Sea Pavilion, who was with them.

Only the people in the Blood Sea Pavilion knew that Lin Qi was not a disciple of the Blood Sea Pavilion, so how could he emerge from the Golden Demon Realm.

In front of the confrontation with the demons, no one paid any attention to Lynch, mainly because his realm was too low to be worth mentioning.

Lynch was not interested in their fight, but stood aside.

Turning his eyes to the Nine Demon Tower, it is a thousand feet high and a hundred feet wide. If Lynch guessed correctly, this Nine Demon Tower should be an eighth-order magic weapon.

Even the level is still above Hunyuanding, which can be distinguished from the billowing devilish energy emitted from it, as well as the powerful laws of the devil world.

It has reached the eighth-order magic weapon, which claims to be a space, and the treasures robbed by the ancestor of the demon race should all be placed in the Nine Demon Tower.

Whoever gets the Nine Demon Pagoda will naturally get all the things left by the ancestor of the demon race.

With the strength of both parties, it is obviously impossible to snatch the Nine Demon Tower, but the things inside are not necessarily so.

Wu Sheng couldn't enter the Golden Demon Realm, and it was almost impossible for Wu Zun to snatch the treasure of the Demon Race, so the two sides were deadlocked in place.

(End of this chapter)

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