Chapter 498 Restraint
Lynch could see Shangguan Feiyun's concern and naturally feel it.

"It's getting late, let's go to Feiyu Pavilion!"

The two left the inn and went straight to Feiyu Pavilion.

Not long after Lynch left, several furtive figures appeared, quietly following behind Lynch.

Since Lynch left the temple, people have noticed it. The people in the Jade Palace must have discovered that Lynch left the temple.

"Lynch, you're finally here. The yard has been found for you. Let's see if it works!"

Seeing Lynch, Deacon Xu came out and greeted Lynch warmly.

"There is Deacon Lao Xu!"

Lynch said politely that the location of the yard and some records were clearly marked. Lynch was very relieved when Deacon Xu was working.

"Deacon Xu, I have to trouble you with one more thing!"

After the two sat down, Lynch asked Deacon Xu for help, and it was inconvenient for him to do anything now.

"Please say!"

Deacon Xu had a serious expression on his face. Since Lynch asked him, it must be a very important matter.

"It's like this. You also know that it's not convenient for me to show up in public at the moment. Can you arrange for my friend to live in, and I'm looking for some servants."

Lin Qi doesn't want to bring Shangguan Feiyun into trouble now, if the people in the Jade Palace find out, they will definitely blame Shangguan Feiyun, which is not good for Lin Qi.

"I originally intended that. Since you said it, I won't continue to talk nonsense. The servants have already prepared them for you. They are all carefully selected. There is absolutely no problem with safety."

Deacon Xu is very clear about Lynch's matter, and has already arranged it, even the servants and other matters have been properly arranged.

"That's great. Don't thank me for your kindness. If you can use me in the future, just ask!"

Lynch stood up and bowed to Deacon Xu. He could think of so much and already guessed what happened recently.

"You're too polite, the future will last forever!"

Deacon Xu doesn't mind either. For him, these are all things that can be done with little effort, and it is already very worthwhile to get Lynch's love.

"Then I'll take my leave, my friend will leave it to you!"

Lynch didn't stay in Feiyu Pavilion for too long. He bought a yard and spent 10,000+ spirit stones. Lynch got a lot from Nine Demon Tower. 10,000+ is a small amount for him.

Shangguan Feiyun was also aware of Lynch's current situation, and was surprisingly not with Lynch.

Because she knew that being with Lynch would restrict him instead. It would be better to practice quietly. After she became stronger, it would not be too late to help Lynch.

Xiaoqian continued to stay by Shangguan Feiyun's side, somewhat taking care of her. After dealing with it, Lynch went straight to the Seven Stars Temple.

As soon as I arrived outside the city, I felt several groups of people behind me.

Leaving Wuchang City, entering the scope of the temple, and walking forward, we will reach the mountain gate.

He stopped suddenly, because the road ahead was blocked by someone, and dozens of people stood in a row, all in golden robes.

"Jade Emperor Palace, can you finally hold back!"

Lynch sneered, Jade Palace had endured for so long, and finally got the chance.

"Lin Qi, you killed my six disciples from the Jade Emperor Palace, you are so brave, and you still kneel down obediently and beg for mercy!"

There were more than ten people, all of whom were ninth-rank Martial Emperors, and one of them, Lin Qi, couldn't see through, wandering between the ninth-rank Martial Emperor and the first-rank Martial Lord.

Seeing that Wu Zun's law is not very strong on him, he should have stepped into the threshold of Wu Zun with one foot, and he is only one step away.

"Just relying on you to make me kneel down, you are really beyond your control!"

Lynch sneered. He knew that the Jade Emperor Palace would definitely send someone to intercept this trip. He did not expect such a strong lineup.

More than a dozen ninth-rank Martial Emperors, even if they meet first-rank Martial Venerables, they may all perish.

"Lynch, you're still stubborn when you're about to die, do you really think we can't do anything to you!"

A dozen people suddenly moved, surrounded Lin Qi, and prepared to attack together. Such a lineup, killing a seventh-rank Martial Emperor, can be described as unprecedented.

"Who wins and who dies, is it too early to speak now!"

With a movement of Lynch's body, the Thunderbolt Seal appeared and rushed towards the ten people, with tyrannical power, there was a thunderclap.

The golden dragon, soaring into the sky, suddenly swept over and restrained all ten people.

In just four days, another shocking change took place in his strength. Lynch was practicing almost every moment.

"Subduing Dragon Strength!"

Suddenly, a cold shout came from the Jade Palace, and a strange energy appeared, easily breaking Lin Qi's Hongtian seal.


Subduing Dragon Strength was mainly aimed at his own Golden Dragon Seal. It seemed that Jade Emperor Palace had a very thorough understanding of some of his martial arts skills, so he came here this time for a specific purpose.

"The Golden Dragon Seal is nothing more than that, the Dragon Subduing Strength of our Jade Emperor Palace is designed to restrain your Golden Dragon Seal!"

The leading man let out a cold snort, obviously he had expected that Lynch would definitely use the Golden Dragon Seal.

"so what!"

Lynch drew out his long sword, and the Golden Dragon Seal was not Lynch's final trump card. Since the opponent came prepared, Lynch had to deal with it carefully.

"Senior Brother Zhao Cheng, his swordsmanship is very weird, we have to be careful!"

They can restrain the Golden Dragon Seal, but Lynch's swordsmanship has been seen by many people. It is very weird and elusive.


Zhao Cheng was also the leader this time, and he was responsible for killing Lynch.

More than a dozen people formed an iron barrel formation, trapping Lynch tightly, preventing him from using his sword skills.

Every time the sword was about to be drawn, the opponent's flood of attacks instantly knocked Lin Qi down, and he could only rely on his speed to deal with them.

In order to kill Lin Qi, Jade Palace has investigated countless information these days, all about Lin Qi.

So this time the siege was very targeted and restricted Lin Qi's martial arts skills. As long as he exhausted his energy, he would be captured alive by more than a dozen of them.

Attack after attack, they all returned in vain. Their arrangements were seamless, with almost no flaws at all.

Even if they were wearing dragon armor, it would not be so easy to cut a gap through a dozen of them.

It is no secret that Lynch is wearing a dragon armor, and they must have arranged it.

"Lynch, stop fighting trapped beasts, you won't be able to escape today!"

Zhao Cheng let out a grinning laugh. In order to arrange this formation, they spent several days and got the guidance of Wu Zun to achieve today's achievement.

"Kill me now if you have the ability!"

Lin Qi kept changing his tactics, wanted to find a breakthrough, and was about to perform his righteousness, but was easily suppressed by Zhao Cheng.

The battle circle is getting smaller and smaller, more than a dozen peak ninth-rank Martial Emperors, Lynch wants to kill them all, it is more than a difficult word.

It can be said that it is almost impossible to accomplish, even if it is a first-rank Martial Lord, it is extremely difficult to break through.

Zhao Cheng and the others were also more and more frightened as they fought. They had done experiments and used this formation to fight against a first-rank Wu Zun. It took an incense stick of time to successfully defeat Wu Zun.

Lin Qi has been insisting on it for a long time, not only Zhao Cheng's heart is full of turmoil, but the other Jade Palace disciples are even more determined to kill Lin Qi.

If Lynch didn't die and they were alone, Lynch alone could sweep over a dozen of them, one-on-one, and no one was Lynch's opponent.

It is also impossible for more than a dozen of them to stay together all the time, such opportunities are rare.

"Boom boom boom!"

Terrifying air waves rushed around like a flood. Lynch was in the middle of the flood and was under great pressure.


After continuous shots, unable to break through the formation, Lynch was greatly impacted, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

Seeing Lin Qi injured, the disciples of the Jade Palace were even more excited. Under Zhao Cheng's leadership, they kept changing their tactics, and Lin Qi had fewer and fewer chances to fight back.

"Everyone is working hard, he won't last long!"

Zhao Cheng shouted loudly that the battle must be resolved quickly, lest some masters from the temple pass by here. If you want to save Lin Qi and want to kill him, you need to plan again.

Lin Qi gradually fell into a passive position, unable to use the Nine Slashes of Mieqing, Jinlongyin and the others had a way to restrain them, and Kong had a whole body of skills, but they had nowhere to use them.

"Very good, your calculations are so deep, you must not have expected that I have practiced other martial arts in the past few days!"

Lin Qi's eyes suddenly showed a gloomy look, the opponent was coming menacingly, and the mechanism was calculating, if this is the case, then kill them all.

With a strike of the sword, the formation of the dozen or so people suddenly changed, completely negating Lynch's sword energy.

The Nine Slashes of Mieqing gradually became familiar to them, and Lynch would be very disadvantaged in the fight.

The only way is to change tactics.

It's not enough to rely on the thorn of the god of the underworld alone, it can only kill one person at most.

And after casting it, the primordial spirit will be exhausted, which is not conducive to the next battle.

The Thorn of Hades is a lore, and it is not suitable for such a large-scale battle.

A strange mark appeared beside Lynch, and with a movement of his right index finger, the death spirit root suddenly roared.

After being silent for too long, I finally had a chance to be released.

The black air of death wanders through the veins, but it is a fixed route, different from other martial arts.

It is impossible to achieve the effect of increasing, but Lynch is not in a hurry, and slowly opens up other tendons, at least to achieve twice the increase.

Zhao Cheng's eyes froze, as if he had discovered something, but he couldn't say it.

Lynch is very passive now, why does he feel a threat.

"What are you still waiting for, use all your strength and kill him as soon as possible!"

This intuition was very bad, Zhao Cheng shouted loudly, a dozen people quickly changed their moves, and the terrifying sword energy mixed together, overwhelming the sky.

Lynch's skin seemed to be ripped apart, extremely uncomfortable.

If it wasn't for the ninth-turn golden body reaching the sixth turn, I'm afraid they would have already torn the body to pieces.

"Arhat golden body, points!"

Lynch sneered, it took time to cast the Burning Finger, and under their suppression, it was impossible to have a chance to cast it.

A golden tutuo appeared and separated from Lynch's body.

Although it can't reach Lynch's body strength, it has about [-]% of it, and can last for more than a dozen breaths.

As Lynch's strength continues to rise, the time of Luohan clone will naturally be longer and longer.

Arhat's golden body punched out, and the golden dragon appeared, forcing them to use Dragon Subduing Strength.

In this way, Lin Qi had a solution. The long sword swept across the sky, and Zhan Yi appeared, forcing the ten people to take a step back.

He himself was not feeling well, and another mouthful of blood spewed out, but suddenly his right finger pointed to the sky, and a pitch-black magic peak appeared.

No, this is not a magic peak, but a magic finger, similar to One Finger Mountain!

"Finger Finger!"

With a cold shout, after three days of practice, Lin Qi has already been able to simply use the Burning Finger, which can only be regarded as an introduction.

(End of this chapter)

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