Chapter 521 The Prisoner
Yuan Gang's sudden intervention made things even more complicated.

"The secret of Hunyuanding?"

Everyone was at a loss, it was left by the Seven Star Sage Monarch, and no one knew what secrets were in it.

"When you learned that Lin Qi had climbed the Tongtian Ladder and entered the interior of the Hunyuan Cauldron, you had planned all this time to kill him. The person in the Zongmen who wanted to put him to death was actually you!"

Yuan Gang continued, Wei Ping's face became paler and paler, as if he had been stripped naked, feeling ashamed.

"That's right, it was indeed I who wanted to kill him, that little bastard, I have used so many methods, but he has survived until now."

Weiping took the initiative to admit this time, Bao Buping suddenly trembled, feeling something was wrong.

"So you encouraged Bao Buping, united with Zheng Ce, deliberately attached to Hou Yan, and thought they were all in the same group. You manipulated everything secretly, poisoned Xiaoqian, asked Hua Jun to kill Lynch, etc., etc. From your hands."

Yuan Gang seemed to be talking about unimportant things.

Every time he said a word, Wei Ping's face changed, it became even paler, and now it was covered with a layer of dead gray.

"Sovereign, I don't know! I was also used by him to frame Lynch!"

Bao Buping suddenly fell to his knees and confessed his mistake, which was taken advantage of by Elder Wei.

"You also have the collusion between Zheng Ce and Hou Yan. I already know about it. After dealing with Wei Ping, the matter between you will naturally be dealt with in a while."

Yan Wuji let out a cold snort, and kept holding back until now, because Weiping's business is not over yet.

Zheng Ce's mind was shaken suddenly, and he sat limply in the position of the Lord of Qiankun Hall.

"Sovereign Master Mingjian, I have also been used!"

Zheng Ce suddenly stood up, knelt in the center of the hall, and admitted his mistake.

"Hou Yan, what do you have to say!"

Although Hou Yan is not an inner ghost, he is timid and afraid of getting into trouble, sowing discord everywhere, and he has been silent and forbearing for a long time these years.

The temple was in crisis, Hou Yan withdrew to the end, the war ended, and there was no harm at all. As the Supreme Elder, this is a kind of irony in itself.

What's more, they joined forces with Bao Buping and Zheng Ce to form a clique for personal gain, making the temple a mess.

"Sovereign, this is the end of the matter, I don't want to say anything, I take the initiative to think about the cliff face for a hundred years!"

Hou Yan seemed to have aged a lot all of a sudden. He admitted that he had some selfish intentions these years and wanted to fight for power and profit, but unexpectedly, his feet were deeply sunk and he was unable to extricate himself.

"Elder Law Enforcement, take him to Siguo Cliff!"

After Yan Wuji ordered, Hou Yan and the law enforcement elder left, while Bao Buping and Zheng Ce still knelt on the spot.

"You two are first-time offenders, and the temple is employing people again. You two have been assigned to guard the Donglin Mine for ten years. Do you have any objections?"

Yan Wuji didn't kill them all. After all, they didn't do anything too extreme, it was just a battle within the temple.

"We are willing to accept punishment!"

The two looked grateful, as long as they were not expelled from the temple, they could come back in the future.

The matter of chasing down the inner ghost finally came to an end, and when everyone left the hall, they were all sighing.

This incident not only involved the elder Taishang, but also the elders of Benlei Hall and the acting master of Qiankun Hall, so many people couldn't believe it when they left.

As for the secret of Hunyuanding mentioned by Yuan Gang, no one continued to ask.

The secret lies in Lynch alone. If you want to know, you must capture Lynch alive.

In the Seven Star Temple, who would dare to touch Lynch, unless he didn't want to live.

"Junior brother, the man behind the scenes has been caught, and you will be completely safe in the sect from now on!"

Luo Chang returned to Fire Cloud Palace and briefly explained to Lynch about the high-level meeting.

"I never expected that the inner ghost is Elder Wei!"

Even Lynch sighed, the black hand hiding in the dark would be the elder he respected.

Luo Chang didn't mention the secret of the Hunyuan Ding, Yan Wuji issued a gag order, and no one is allowed to mention this matter in the future.

The temple returned to calm, and the annual recruitment of disciples began. This time, the temple decided to recruit 5000 people at one time.

To make up for the previous loss of 3 people, this time, the talents were relaxed a lot, but the loyalty and character were made a big fuss about.

Fire Cloud Palace absorbed 3000 people, and it became lively all of a sudden, but it was a pity that Lynch couldn't see it.

"Master, how long is the journey!"

In a teahouse, Lynch wiped off the sweat from his forehead, and the temperature gradually rose as he walked south.

"There are still three days to go to Nanminghai. The summit of the elite disciples of the five sects will be held here!"

Yuan Gang didn't have any pretensions, he restrained all the martial sage's aura, and the master and apprentice, like father and son, hurried on their way.

Among the ten disciples, except for Lin Qi who was qualified, the rest were beyond their age. Yuan Gang took Lin Qi alone to attend the Elite Disciples Summit.

This summit brought together countless elite geniuses from the entire Five Heavens.

Along the way, I saw many birds and beasts passing through the air and headed straight for Nanminghai.

"Master, besides me, there should be many people going to the temple too!"

Lynch took a sip of tea, not understanding why Master didn't join other people, so that it would be more lively.

It's been a month of traveling, and his skin is tanned, and Yuan Gang didn't fly the whole way, allowing Lynch to experience the entire continent.

"The market is lively, do you need to bring the whole market with you!"

Yuan Gang didn't strike a single word, and his tone was much harsher, Lynch shrank his tongue.

Along the way, Master never intervened in matters big or small. Whether he encountered bandits or hooligans, Yuan Gang was only a bystander.

One month in advance is to allow Lynch to hone more along the way, which will be of great benefit to his future growth.

"Drink quickly, let's continue on the road after drinking!"

Lin Qi stopped talking, and Yuan Gang said coldly that he was about to go on the road after drinking.

After paying the Lingshi, the master and the apprentice left the teahouse and headed towards Nanminghai.

"Master, it seems that someone is following us sneakily!"

After leaving the teahouse, Lynch suddenly whispered to Master.

The two of them were busy with travel and dust, and they had been traveling for a long time, so they were tired and had no temperament. They looked like two ordinary woodcutters.

As for the realm, it completely disappeared. This is Yuan Gang's purpose, to polish the realm.

In a month, all the edges and corners of Lynch's body were smoothed away, like a piece of smooth jade.

At the first sight, you can't see the edge, and you are covered by invisible stone chips.

Once exposed, it will absolutely shock the world!

As for Yuan Gang, he seemed to be a follower, following Lynch all the time.

To break through to the Martial Sage Realm, you don't have to rely on retreat, you have to constantly understand the laws of heaven and earth, and understand the joys and sorrows of the world.

"Don't pay attention to them, just wait and see!"

Both of them passed the sound transmission with their spiritual consciousness, pretending that nothing happened, left the small town and continued to set off.

Stepping into the sunset, admiring the beauty, one old and one young, dragging a long shadow, disappearing at the end of the town.

Not long after they disappeared, three people emerged from the small town, holding whips, and quietly followed.

"Catch the two of them, and this month's mission is complete!"

As soon as the voice fell, he disappeared and left the town.

By the creek!
Lynch took out the water bag, filled it with water, and washed his face, which made him feel much refreshed.

"Master, drink water!"

Passing the water bag to Yuan Gang, Lynch sat on the boulder to rest.


There was a rustling sound in the distance, which was the sound of human footsteps.

Three sneaky figures appeared from behind Lynch. They looked very fierce, their faces were full of flesh, especially the leather whip in their hands was stained with a lot of pieces of flesh.

Lynch glanced at Master, and found that he was drinking water quietly, and was indifferent to the three people who suddenly appeared.

Even the master pretended not to know, Lynch simply pretended not to, sat on the boulder, humming a ditty.

"Brother Cheng, these two are not very good! The young one can be sold, but no one wants the old one!"

When the three of them walked up to Lynch, they began to comment on how they looked like human traffickers.

"What are you doing!"

When the master didn't speak, Lynch stood up and scolded the three of them.

"Boy, follow us obediently!"

The whip pointed at Lin Qi, and the violent breath crushed him. It was actually a ninth-rank Martial Emperor, and Lin Qi was also secretly surprised.

"Why go with you!"

Lynch didn't act rashly, and the master didn't signal, so he could only circle back and make the next step.

"Just rely on the whip in our hands, if you don't leave, I will tear you apart!"

After speaking, he waved it, and the whip exploded in the air, shaking the space.

"Follow him!"

Lin Qi was about to refute, when Yuan Gang's voice suddenly sounded, and Lin Qi took back the words that came to his mouth.

" are robbers..."

Lynch immediately changed his expression, pretending to be scared. Since Master said so, there must be some reason.

"You are right, we are robbers!"

They were called devils, horse thieves, and bandits. This was the first time they were called robbers, and they laughed.

"What are you going to do!"

Trembling, Lynch took a step back with a frightened expression.

"You'll know when we arrive, just follow us obediently!"

The man in the middle spoke harshly, and the remaining two were going to escort Lin Qi and Yuan Gang.

"We don't need you, we will go by ourselves!"

After Yuan Gang spoke, he walked down from the boulder, but he didn't resist. Lin Qi was at a loss.

"Master, I took care of these three little thieves myself, why did I agree to go with them?"

Lynch sent voice transmission, not understanding why Master would do this.

"Go and see first, I think these three people are not easy!"

Yuan Gang didn't explain, and Lynch couldn't ask any further questions, so he could only obediently leave with the three of them.

The two masters and apprentices were escorted away from the creek, and instead of returning to the town, they rushed towards a mountain peak.

The mountain is steep, and there is only one way to go up.

In addition, the sky is covered with overcast clouds, and there are very few fighters flying. This is a natural dangerous place.

The two walked on the cliff, and there was only one man-made stone step, which was very narrow and could only accommodate one person.

Circling on the cliff, walked for less than half an hour before reaching the peak.

Lynch only realized today what is another village!
After entering the peak, the whole scene was beyond Lynch's expectation.

(End of this chapter)

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