Chapter 546 Mysterious World
Condensing the law of Wu Zun in the Wuhuang Realm, if it is spread, it will definitely shock the world.

It's impossible for a normal person to do it.

For example, Emperor Wu's physical body is just a water tank, which can only hold water, and if it is filled with sand, it may explode.

As for the stone, it will definitely end up cracked after entering it.

It is even more impossible to load a boulder, and it will be smashed directly.

And Wu Zun's law, even surpassed the boulder, is equivalent to a meteorite, suddenly smashed into the water tank, the result can be imagined.

Lynch's physical body not only withstood it, but also withstood the laws of the second-rank Martial Master. Added up, there are dozens of them.

Although it is only the thickness of chopsticks, as the realm continues to improve, the rules of Wu Zun will become more and more, and finally cover the whole body, reaching the peak of Wu Zun.

The dantian swelled, almost as Lynch expected, and successfully broke through to the tenth rank Martial Emperor.

Once again, millions of spirit stones were exhausted, and the tens of millions of spirit stones obtained from Walengzhai could not withstand squandering.

After breaking through to the first rank Martial Lord, it is estimated that the consumption will be even greater. These spirit stones will soon be consumed.

After adapting to the tenth rank Martial Emperor, he punched once in the cave, feeling comfortable all over.

The Asura Jue exudes billowing scarlet gas, and it is very close to the seventh level of body training.

"It's time to go deep!"

Lynch left the cave, and as soon as the sky was bright, he was ready to set off and enter the depths of the Sky Domain.

There are many buildings left by the original aborigines there, and there are also many dilapidated big cities, which have long been depopulated.

Lynch never believed that there was no human being in such a large sky domain, so it must be hidden somewhere.

After walking for half a day, Lynch came across a small village. There was no one in it. After countless years of baptism, the village had long been corroded.

Some buildings will collapse with a slight push, and it is estimated that no one has lived there for hundreds of years.

Walking and watching like this, I met several groups of people on the road, who were not strong enough and were easily beheaded by Lynch, while some innocent people were let go.

Lynch was very strange. There were very few monsters here, and the few were pitiful. It was completely inconsistent with what the elder brother said, there were monsters everywhere here.

Although there are no traces of humans, there are so many monsters, many people came in, and they were passed into the mouths of monsters unintentionally.

The sky gradually darkened, Lynch glanced at the sky, and found that the night tonight was a bit abnormal.

Above the sky, there are a few blood-red clouds hanging, like a few beasts devouring people.

Finding a hidden boulder behind, Lynch sat down cross-legged, continued to practice, polished the Wu Zun law in his body, and strived to break through to the Wu Zun realm within half a month.

When night came, Lynch stood up, and the air suddenly became extremely dull, as if a storm was coming.

Even if the air is humid, water can be squeezed out, which is very weird, and Lynch always feels that something is abnormal.

There were more and more blood-red clouds, almost filling the entire sky, blocking the big moon. Lynch looked at the shadows on the ground, and they all turned red.

"The blood moon lifts into the sky, this is a sign of great evil!"

Lynch frowned tightly, and the red clouds in the sky seemed to be fierce, suppressing them a little bit.

He also experienced it once back then. The moon was red that night, and many people went crazy that night. They only wanted to kill, and killed everyone they saw.

Whether it is brothers, children or parents, kill them all.

At that time, Lynch was still determined and avoided disaster. Many people survived that night and didn't know what happened the next day.

At that time, I felt that there was a demon awakened in my heart, wanting to be bloodthirsty and killing people continuously.

As for what they did, it was all forgotten the next day, and it was not at all clear.

Encountering such a blood moon rising into the sky again, Lynch realized that something was wrong. Could it be that the Vault of Heaven has changed, or they have caught up with something.

The night was getting darker and darker, but the sky was getting redder and redder. Suddenly, a strange cry pierced the tranquility of the night.

A strange big bird flew over Lynch's head suddenly, it was the size of an airplane, and it was extremely terrifying!
Then the ground began to shake, like an earthquake. From the ancient forest in the distance, there was a roar of a beast, and then the giant beast like a mountain stood up from the ancient forest.

Even if Lynch's concentration was strong, he still showed a look of horror. Such a huge monster, I am afraid that the peak warriors would have to back away.

The strange thing is that the eyes of these monsters are extremely scarlet, as if they have lost their wits, their feet left the ground, and suddenly collapsed, and the ground shook.

Above the void, there was a layer of red mist. Lynch inhaled a little, and a frantic mood was brewing.

Then Lynch wanted to let out a low growl, and had the idea of ​​killing someone urgently!

This feeling became more and more intense, Lynch's will could not be suppressed any longer, and he wanted to leave the rock and go out to look for prey.

The willow leaf imprint that was silent in the sea of ​​souls suddenly moved. This was the imprint of the underworld god, and suddenly suppressed that violent emotion.

Lin Qi regained his sanity, and secretly thought that it was dangerous, and he almost fell for it just now.

"What happened, why is it so unusual tonight!"

Lynch also couldn't figure out where these red clouds came from, there was no sign, and there was no information about it from his memory.


On a huge mountain range in the distance, two huge monsters fought together, making a deafening sound, as if it could pierce the sky.

late at night!

There were beast roars everywhere, and Lynch also saw a group of people fighting from a distance, and both sides died of exhaustion.

I didn't understand why I lost my mind until I died.

The killing lasted for about three hours, and the blood cloud in the sky gradually receded, and everything returned to normal, as if nothing had happened.

The monster retreated, leaving behind a scarred ground, collapsed trees, and severed rivers.

Human beings woke up and looked at their companion, Zeng Jin's brother, who died by his hands.

"What's going on, why are we all here?"

In a canyon, dozens of people stood together, and there were several corpses lying on the ground, in a terrible state of death.

"I don't know either. I woke up suddenly in the middle of the night, as if I was summoned by something!"

Everyone shook their heads blankly. In the middle of the night, their heads sank, and they didn't know what to do next.

The entire Sky Domain was discussing what happened last night.

Walking outside, Lynch looked up at the sky, it was the same as yesterday, and no one could remember exactly what happened last night.


Suddenly there was a huge roar in the sky. A hundred miles away from Lynch, a canyon suddenly collapsed, like a heavenly gate, being pushed open by force.

Tens of thousands of people stopped to watch, even if they were separated by tens of thousands of miles, they all saw that under the sky, two mountain ranges were separated, and a gate of heaven appeared.

Countless people are crazy, who would have thought that there is another world in the Vault of Heaven.

Lynch jumped up and flew into the air. Looking into the distance, the crack was getting bigger and bigger, and the two worlds were quickly connected together.

Turning his eyes, he tried his best to look behind the mountains, and found that the green mountains and green waters inside seemed to be a piece of heaven and earth.

Some people who were close to each other passed over the mountains one after another and entered the new world.

More and more people flew in. Everyone in the Vault of Heaven has searched for hundreds of years, even searching every corner, and it is impossible to find any treasures.

The emergence of a new world immediately aroused everyone's high attention. Regardless of whether it is dangerous or not, let's go in first.

After waiting for half a day, Lynch decided to try it too. With a shake of his body, he flew towards the mountain range.

For an hour, Lynch looked from the void, and the two mountains were completely a gate, as if they were guarding something.

It is estimated that in the battle last night, a certain powerful monster touched the restriction, which triggered the automatic opening of the two mountain ranges.

Lynch was deeply shocked at the spot, how powerful it was to use the mountains as a gate.

Lynch used to be a master of the emperor, even he dare not imagine, let alone an ordinary person.

"This must be the method of an immortal!"

Lin Qi was surprised inwardly. It was rumored that if one broke the Nine Heavens, he could become a fairy and ascend to the fairy world.

This is just an ancient legend, no one has seen it with their own eyes, no one has experienced it, and there is no way to verify it.

But here are the living examples in front of him, the emperor can't do it at all!
This inspired Lynch even more, wanting to find out.

The body turned into an afterimage, flying high in the sky, and found that there were still people advancing inside, which Lynch had long ignored.

It's late, maybe all the treasures will be snatched away, the sooner you get in, the better.

Entering the new world, a faint fragrance was introduced into Lynch's nasal cavity, which smelled very good.

What makes Lynch even more incredible is that the laws of space here are stronger, and the difficulty of flying with two wings has greatly increased.

The old trees below covered the sky and the sun, and Lynch had no choice but to give up flying and return to the ground.

"What is this place?"

Lynch looked around, it was so weird, like a small world.

From a distance, there is an end to the sky, so this world is obviously smaller than the Sky Domain, and it is countless times smaller.

Walking into the ancient forest, Lynch found that the ground here was very clean, and it was paved with bluestone, which was as smooth as a mirror. It seemed that people often walked on it.

Along the bluestone ground, Lynch walked forward step by step, the more he walked, the more empty it became.

An hour later, Lynch saw an incredible scene.

Behind the stone steps, there is a huge temple, I don't know how many times bigger than the Seven Stars Temple,

This is a super sect, even if Lin Qi is the heart of an emperor, he was deeply shocked.

The largest sect he has ever seen has only a few hundred thousand people.

And these buildings in front of us can easily accommodate even tens of thousands of people, which is equivalent to a country. Is this still a sect?

What made Lynch even more incredible was that there were people coming and going in the palace.

This is not enough to surprise Lynch. The real surprise is that those martial artists who poured in entered the palace. The people inside seemed to be busy without seeing outsiders.

It's too weird to treat the foreign visitors who come in as transparent people.

Lynch couldn't even imagine a sect with millions of people.

Tens of thousands of palaces are connected into one piece, and it may take a month to walk through.

The strange thing is why the people here turn a blind eye to them, or they are not human at all.

(End of this chapter)

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