Chapter 552 Dragon Vein
Lynch's eyes lit up when he heard the top-quality spirit crystal.

Continuously breaking through the realm, the tens of millions of spirit stones on his body are running out, and it won't last long.

The later the cultivation base, the more terrifying the resources needed.

With a flick of his body, he also entered the palace, wanting to get a share of the action, but as for the catacombs, he has already ignored it.

After a few shots, they entered the palace, which was already dilapidated. In the depths of the palace, a huge dragon vein appeared in front of Lynch.

Like a real dragon, lifelike.

It is rumored that for the birth of a country, a dragon vein must be established before it can become a country.

The stronger the country, the stronger the dragon veins, and the dragon veins are different from the spiritual veins.

Spiritual veins belong to mineral veins, and after mining, one day, they will be exhausted.

Although dragon veins are also a kind of spiritual veins, they are pregnant with dragon spirit and can grow continuously. The stronger the dragon veins, the stronger the country will be.

This dragon vein took root in the ground. After a storm, the building above was lifted, and the dragon vein was exposed to the world.

One after another, the highest-grade spirit crystals were dug out, and everyone was very busy, even the fourth-rank Martial Lord was not exempt.

Some weak people, just dug up some top-quality spirit crystals, were snatched away by powerful people, dared to resist, and killed them directly.

In desperation, some people could only hide in the distance and excavate in places with fewer spirit stones.

Lynch glanced at the place with the most spirit stones, at the dragon's head, more than a dozen figures were mining, and top-quality spirit stones fell into their pockets one after another.

Among them, there are several figures that Lynch is not familiar with, and they are the people in the beginning.

But Mu Hua and Kitano Lynch didn't see it, so didn't they notice it?
It is also possible that after collecting the spirit stone, they have already left.

There are more than tens of millions of spirit stones in a dragon vein. Even if these people dig for a month, they will not be able to extract them all, unless they can remove the entire dragon vein.

I am afraid that only the Martial Saints come to have this kind of means, to move the dragon veins.

These are tens of millions of top-quality spirit crystals, and if converted into top-quality spirit stones, it is estimated that there are more than a few hundred million.

The annual harvest of the entire Seven Stars Temple is only a few hundred top-grade spirit stones. Here, a dragon vein is worth hundreds of millions.

Because the spirit crystal is very strong, it is extremely difficult to mine it. It has been less than half a day, and those fourth-rank Martial Lords have only dug out a few hundred pieces.

Walking to the edge of the dragon's veins, I didn't go to the place where the dragon's head was, so as not to be discovered by Taichu, but walked to the place near the dragon's tail, keeping a distance of about a thousand meters from the dragon's head.

He moved his arms and didn't use his energy, so that no one could find him.

The tyrannical strength is not weaker than that of a third-rank Martial Lord, and Lin Qi actually wants to forcefully break off a piece.

It was too slow to dig one piece at a time. Lynch had to collect a large piece at a time, and when he returned, it was slowly decomposing.


With a loud shout, several men around him jumped up in fright. Everyone was digging well, but Lynch suddenly called out something.

The arm suddenly emitted golden light, the cage-like muscles bulged, and a spirit vein as thick as a water tank was dug out by Lynch alive.

"Fuck me!"

A few people around showed a look of horror, is this still a human being, a large piece of water tank, this is hundreds of top-quality spirit crystals.

Even for their second-rank Martial Masters, after digging for a long time, there were only more than ten complete top-grade spirit crystals.

Lynch's actions stopped all the diggers who were digging the dragon's veins, and all of them cast strange glances as if they had seen a ghost.

Ignoring the eyes around him, as long as everyone didn't attack him, Lynch continued to stretch out his arms and grab the dragon's veins.

Many people followed Lynch's example, using all their strength to move out a large piece at once.

It's a pity that they underestimated the hardness of the dragon veins, which are crystals, and the pure power contained in them is dozens of times that of the top-grade spirit stones.

Putting his hands into the ground, he yelled again. After a cup of tea, a larger dragon vein appeared, and Lynch put it in the storage bag in front of everyone's sight.

Now everyone is not calm, even Taichu showed a fiery look, and walked towards Lynch.

"Boy, come here!"

Taichu beckoned and asked Lynch to hurry over, probably because he wanted Lynch to help him collect the dragon veins.

"Don't go!"

Lynch's voice changed slightly, he rejected Taichu, and prepared to continue carrying.

"court death!"

Taichu was furious, with such a big dragon vein, he couldn't eat alone, it would arouse public anger, after all, thousands of people gathered here.

Lynch's eyes showed a cold killing intent, he did not act rashly, stopped his body, and made a defensive posture.


Suddenly, the ground began to collapse, and the entire ancient city was sinking. Many of them didn't pay attention and sank along with the ground.

Lynch was taken aback, and a monstrous corpse aura shot up to the sky and went straight to the ground.

The dragon veins turned black after being contaminated with the corpse aura. Several men were digging when they suddenly became infected with the corpse aura and let out shrill screams.

Then an even more unbelievable scene appeared. After being contaminated with corpse aura, several men grew fangs, their eyes became extremely scarlet, and they shot at the people around them.

The entire ancient city was in chaos, and many places were collapsing. Some buildings that were originally intact suddenly sank into the ground.

One after another, strange corpses emerged from the ground, eating everyone they saw.

Everyone panicked, they had never seen such a man-eating monster.

What's even more weird is that those humans who were bitten soon turned into monsters and continued to eat people like a plague.

Wherever he went, there were casualties!
In the early days, he didn't have any scruples about getting angry with Lynch, so he went straight to the outside of the ancient city, and people shot out one after another.

Lynch was even faster, almost turning into a shooting star, heading straight for the outside of the ancient city.

No one knows better than him how terrifying these monsters are.

It took only dozens of breaths before and after, and the entire ancient city was filled with monsters, and some people who hadn't had time to escape in the future became the food of monsters.

After those monsters caught a living person, they bit down on them, making crackling noises in their mouths, and chewing flesh and blood in their mouths. Everyone felt the tingling horror.

Not long after these monsters came out, a red mask suddenly appeared over the ancient city, covering the entire ancient city, and the zombies could not break through the red mask.

"let me out!"

Many warriors have not yet reached the Martial Venerable Realm and cannot fly. They can only walk with their feet, which is still a step behind.

The red light mask trapped them in the ancient city, and the monsters smelled the smell of fresh blood and came straight here.

On the outskirts of the ancient city, thousands of people who had escaped stood in fear, and no one dared to go forward to rescue them.

Even the people closest to him are helpless at this moment.

More and more monsters appeared. Every kind of monster had never appeared in Tianyan Continent. They looked like humans but not humans, and some monsters had already deformed their bodies.

In addition, they mainly eat meat, and they are more cruel than the demons, making people afraid to approach them.

Demons eat people, they drink blood at most, relatively speaking, they are more civilized.

These monsters don't care, they pull your intestines out of your stomach and put them in your mouth to eat. Some women couldn't take it anymore, and retched unceasingly.

Millions of monsters filled the entire ancient city, like walking dead, looking for the next prey.

In just one stick of incense, thousands of people died, and many people sighed secretly, their fresh lives were ruined here.

More than 1 people came in, and it is estimated that they can survive now, but about 5000 people, more than any other session, the number of deaths is higher.

"Help, help!"

The ancient city was in all directions, and there were still people struggling desperately. They were hunting monsters, but they could not tear off the red mask in front of them and escape from the ancient city.

The people standing outside fell silent, watching their companions die helplessly, Zeng Jin's former friends died one by one in front of them.

This ancient city, as well as the small world I encountered last time, were all sealed.

Lynch suddenly saw a familiar shadow, his eyes narrowed, and the long whip in his hand kept flying, throwing away some monsters that were approaching.

These monsters move very slowly, without any martial skills, and are extremely powerful. In addition to the huge number, even a high-level Martial Lord cannot resist so many monsters.

"Tao Ling!"

Lynch quickly recognized this woman. She had done a mission for the Tao family last time and had some interactions with her. She actually came to the Sky Domain.

There are still a few people around her, struggling hard, and are quickly overwhelmed by the monsters, becoming one of them, and Tao Ling alone can't hold on for long.

After coming in for more than 20 days, it is very rare to break through from the fifth-rank Martial Emperor to the ninth-rank Martial Emperor.

It's a pity that I couldn't fly, so I was a step slower and failed to escape the ancient city.

Lynch hesitated for a moment, his body suddenly flew out of the red light barrier, he slashed down with his sword, the red light barrier suddenly flickered, but failed to break through.

"Boy, what are you doing, destroying the red mask, all of us will die!"

Someone jumped out to stop it. Although the Vault of Heaven is huge, the number of these monsters is incredible. Many people will be killed by these monsters.

You can't kill them even if you kill them. If you are bitten by them, you will instantly turn into a monster. No wonder everyone is afraid.


With a wave of Lynch's hand, the few people who came to stop them were sent flying by him, holding a long sword, and continued to slash towards the red mask.

There was another shake, and the mask was unbreakable.

Seeing that Tao Ling was about to die at the hands of the monster, Lynch suddenly thought of the corpse pill.

After taking out the box and opening it, the breath of the corpse pill spread to the ancient city along the red mask, and those monsters suddenly stopped their bodies.

Those empty eyes were all gathered in Lynch's palm.

Of course, those people outside were all attracted by the thing in Lynch's palm, thinking it was some kind of treasure.

Holding the corpse pill, he approached step by step. The red mask could not stop Lynch's footsteps, and he could easily enter.

Those monsters didn't do anything, they gathered around Lynch one after another, absorbing the strong corpse aura.

Lynch was drenched all over, surrounded by monsters inside and out. If it was someone else, his heart would have collapsed.

After spending a stick of incense, he finally walked to the exhausted Tao Ling, and found that she was also drenched.

I don't know whether it was from fright or tiredness, but seeing Lynch, his body suddenly went limp, and he fell into Lynch's arms.

(End of this chapter)

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