Chapter 556 The Cursed World

Under the watch of many giants, Lynch made an unimaginable movement, turning 180 degrees in the void.

It avoids the giant mouth of the Shui Ji Yao and appears in its abdomen, which is the weakness of the Shui Ji Yao.

No matter how Shui Jiyao pecked at Lynch, he cleverly avoided it, and Shui Jiyao's head could not reach his armpit.

In desperation, Shui Ji Yao suddenly rose up, stretched out her sharp claws, and grabbed Lynch.

At the moment Shui Ji Yao lifted into the air, Lynch also lifted into the air, the giant claw fell into the air, and a crack appeared in the space.

The two sides were at a stalemate like this, and the giants below looked terrified.

Lynch is playing with fire. If he makes a mistake, Shui Jiyao will seize the opportunity and tear him apart.

After a stalemate for a full cup of tea, Shui Jiyao was furious and roared. Lynch kept hiding under his armpit, but refused to come out.

Although Lin Qi was safe for the time being, it was infinitely more dangerous than the outside world, and he dared not relax for a moment. No one knew what Shui Ji Yao was going to do next moment.

Also keep an eye on the ground to see how the big net is weaving.

As time passed by, Lynch showed a trace of fatigue, and continued to circle around. I am afraid that he will be the one who suffers.

"Human beings, the big net is about to be woven!"

The giant giant roared loudly below, and Lynch, who was about to lose his hold, showed a gleam of joy on his face.

"Find four strong men, climb to the four highest peaks around, each hold a corner, and wait for my order!"

Lynch spoke out his thoughts, and the giant old man quickly gave orders.

The strongest men from the four tribes were selected and rushed towards the four peaks, and a large net covering the entire valley appeared.

A big net has been formed, but how to let Shui Ji Yao fall into it is a difficult problem.

Shui Ji Yao is not stupid, of course she will not take the initiative to rush into the big net, Lin Qi will also rise as her body grows taller, and soon the big net will be invisible.

This is what Lynch wanted, and suddenly four golden figures flew out.

After reaching the Martial Venerable Realm, Lynch can create four clones, but the strength is not as good as the main body.

The more clones, the lower the strength, and the fewer clones, the higher the strength, which is directly proportional.

In sacrificing his avatar, Lynch's purpose was not to fight Shui Jiyao, but another purpose.

The big net below was no longer visible, and a man and a demon flew above the clouds.

The strange thing is that Lynch couldn't see the Vault of Sky Realm, as if the giants were separated from the Vault of Sky Realm by a layer of fog.

With a rapid change of direction, Lynch left Shui Ji Yao's belly and appeared in front of him.

Shui Ji Yao was furious, nodded, and pecked at Lynch.


There was a clicking sound behind Lynch. He thought he had been pecked, and broke out in a cold sweat. It turned out that there was a rupture in the space.

The body suddenly accelerated, and all the strength of breastfeeding was used up, playing a game of spinning with Shui Jiyao in the void.

After Shui Ji Yao turned more than a dozen times, her speed was obviously not as good as before, and she was dizzy by Lynch.

As everyone knows!
When it was not paying attention, the huge Skynet approached quietly from the distant void, which was Lynch's real purpose.

Four clones, occupying the four directions of southeast, northwest, and big nets, appeared above Shui Ji Yao without any warning.


Lynch's body suddenly fell, and the speed was extremely fast, and Shui Jiyao rushed down with him.

Lynch's falling speed was obviously not as good as Shui Ji Yao's, because it was bigger and fell much faster.

The distance between them was only tens of meters, and Shui Ji Yao could catch up soon.

It is getting lower and lower, just now it was still at an altitude of [-] meters, and soon it will only be about [-] meters high, and the buildings on the ground are all displayed.

Lynch suddenly mobilized the power of the Nine Absolute Sword Soul, flapping his wings, his body moved up a little again, and distanced himself from Shui Jiyao.

Seeing that humans were about to get rid of their own pursuit, Shui Ji Yao was very angry, and her body also accelerated, getting lower and lower, only a few hundred meters high.

The mountain peaks in the distance have already been revealed. The strange thing is, where did the big net go when we rushed down just now.

Shui Ji Yao seemed to have forgotten that there was a big net waiting for it just now.

About to rush to the ground, dozens of spears were aimed at Shui Jiyao. In desperation, Shui Jiyao suddenly stopped her body and flew up.

"Since you're down, don't even think about leaving!"

Lynch sneered suddenly, and the four clones landed on the four peaks, and a huge net fell down, trapping Shui Jiyao in the big net.


Shui Ji Yao roared angrily, and unexpectedly fell into the trap of humans.

Lynch deliberately lured it to a high altitude, using four clones, moved the big net to a high altitude, and suddenly fell, the big net was always behind them.

When it reached a certain height, the big net returned to the hands of the four giants.

The four giants suddenly jumped down from the mountain to avoid being escaped by Shui Jiyao.

The Shui Ji demon's wings kept flapping, and it actually flew up with a huge net and four giants, trying to escape from here.

"It's too late to leave now!"

Lynch suddenly flew into the air, and slashed at Shui Ji Yao's wings with a sword.

With a large net restraining its body, Lynch's attack was much easier.

Those giants were not idle either, holding spears, they kept inserting them into Shui Ji Yao's body.

It was only a few hundred meters high, and every spear was very accurately inserted into the belly of Shui Ji Yao.

Blood poured down like a heavy rain, and Shui Ji Yao rolled on the void in pain.

Enduring the severe pain, he continued to fly upwards, but at this moment, Lynch cut it down with a sword.


Even if he couldn't kill Shui Ji Yao and destroy its wings, Lynch could still do it.

A huge gap appeared on the right wing, and Shui Jiyao's body suddenly lost its balance and fell rapidly.

The giants continued to seize the opportunity, and without their spears, they drew out arrows and shot at Shui Jiyao continuously.

Some people even picked up rocks and threw them on Shui Ji Yao's body.

The gash in her abdomen was getting bigger and bigger, and Shui Jiyao's physical strength was rapidly exhausted, and her struggle was obviously not as good as before.

Although they didn't understand each other's language, they cooperated very tacitly in the battle.

Whenever Lynch is in danger, the giants will sneak up on him and find opportunities for Lynch.

One sword after another, the wound on the right wing changed from more than one foot long to more than one meter long, and several bones inside were broken.

Shui Ji Yao lost her ability to fly and fell headlong from the void.

Those giants avoided one after another, if they were hit by Shui Ji Yao, it would be enough for them to drink a pot.


At a height of more than a hundred meters, a Shui Ji demon the size of a mountain smashed into the valley, hundreds of houses were destroyed, and only a small half of the entire valley remained intact.

The Shui Ji demon fell to the ground and was subdued by the giant in an instant, killing it easily.

The giant was no match for it in the air, but on the ground, the giant was so powerful that it could tear a bone of the Shui Jiyao with one hand.

The mighty Shui Ji Yao was killed, and the giants couldn't believe it was true.

This Water Fairy Monster has hunted and killed their giant race for hundreds of years, and every once in a while, it will capture a giant as food.

For the giant race, this is a nightmare. Every year, dozens of giants are captured by the Shui Ji demon.

We came again today. Fortunately, Lin Qi showed up in time to help the giants and killed the Shui Ji demon.

The giants began to cheer, and they no longer had to worry about the Shui Ji demon's attack.

The giant old man walked up to Lynch and bowed to Lynch.

"Humans, thank you for your action and helping us kill the Shui Ji demon!"

The old man's tone was very respectful. No matter what, without Lynch today, more than one giant race might die.

"Senior, you are being polite. I would also like to thank you for not killing me. Now that I have met you, I am honored to do my best!"

Lynch was very polite. The giants didn't kill him for some unknown reason.

It is precisely because Lynch was not killed, and Lynch helped them destroy the Shui Ji Yao, that the two parties owe each other nothing.

"Human, come with me!"

The giant elder took Lynch into the valley, and never mentioned anything about letting Lynch leave.

Lynch could only obediently follow behind the giant old man, and the other giants cleaned up the battlefield.

After dragging Shui Ji Yao's body to an open area, some giants began to build houses, and those collapsed houses were recovering very quickly.

A wall can be built by just lifting a huge boulder. This kind of construction speed made Lynch secretly smack his tongue.

The old man led Lynch into a huge house, which was tens of meters high. Whether there were chairs or tables inside, Lynch couldn't even imagine how big it was.

"sit down!"

The giant old man sat on the chair by himself and signaled Lynch to do whatever he wanted. In such a big place, Lynch could only look at the old man by sitting on the table.

"Senior, can you tell me what's going on here?"

The things Lynch refers to here are, firstly, the Vault of Heaven and the Kunlun Realm, and secondly, the giant race, how could they survive here.

"This is a cursed world!"

The old man sighed, with a sad look on his face, obviously there were some things that he didn't want to mention.

Lynch fought a cold war, and the cursed world alone made Lynch's imagination run wild.

"My name is Paris, the patriarch of the giant clan, you can call me Pa patriarch!"

The giant old man introduced himself. It turned out to be the patriarch of the giant. No wonder he knew human language.

"Patriarch Pa, how do you know human language?"

Lynch was very curious. Except for his patriarch, it seemed that all the giants here did not understand human language.

"It's a long story. We giants were once the darlings of Tianjiao, but we were exiled to this cursed world to fall into this situation!"

Chief Pa's speech became more and more fluent. He hadn't spoken a human language for hundreds of years, and he didn't adapt very well at first.

After communicating with Lynch, I got used to it a lot, and expressed some words better.

"Junior all ears!"

Lynch looked curious, wanting to find out what happened in the Vault of Heaven.

The people in the ancient city should all be aborigines in the Vault of Heaven, so why did they become monsters.

The Kunlun Realm should be connected to the Sky Realm, the two complement each other, and who sealed the Kunlun Realm?
(End of this chapter)

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