Chapter 583
More than forty guards, all of whom participated in the battle, still couldn't stop the monster beast's attack.

There will always be weak links, after being washed away, monsters enter the camp.

In the camp, besides Wu Tian and a few personal guards, there is only Mo Tuan.

Those miners were all locked in stone prisons, shaking with fright.

Wutian drew out his weapon and killed the rushing monsters, but couldn't stop more and more monsters, and was soon entangled by a powerful seventh-rank and fifth-rank monster.

The remaining monsters rushed around, some rushed into the stone house where the guards lived, some rushed into the hall where the commander lived, and the rest rushed into the stone prison.

There was no one in the stone house for the time being, and the monsters were allowed to attack. The monsters that rushed into the Commander's Hall were easily beheaded by Commander Mo.

Some of them rushed into the stone prison and were stopped by Wutian, but there was no danger for the time being.

Ordinary monsters are not in danger at the camp, unless they encounter higher-level monsters, they will cause losses.

Unable to lead more than forty people, slashing wildly, there is already a thick layer of monsters lying on the ground.

Many guards have given up their cultivation in the past few years. When fighting, they are obviously restrained, and their bodies are not controlled by instinct.

A guard watched helplessly as the monster opened its huge mouth and swallowed him, leaving no bones left.


Deep in the jungle, there was a loud roar suddenly, and several powerful monsters appeared again.

"No, this is the ancient elephant herd!"

Unable to realize that something was wrong, he swayed his body, avoided the opponent, returned to the camp, and immediately reported to the commander.

"Brother Jiang, follow me closely!"

Without helplessness, the guards suffered heavy casualties, even the personal guards on the wall were not immune to being eaten by monsters.

Lynch slashed down with a knife, seemingly powerless, but he could easily limit the speed of the monster, which was extremely strange.

At this moment, Jiang Qiong understood that Lynch was by no means as simple as it seemed on the surface, even if he couldn't, he couldn't catch up.

There were more than forty guards, and in a blink of an eye there were only twenty or so left. They couldn't hold on any longer, so they had to retreat more and more and return to the camp.

This gave the monsters a chance to rush into the camp. The scene was chaotic for a while, and the piled houses collapsed.

"Commander, a herd of ancient elephants is rushing over!"

He couldn't immediately report back to Commander Mo. With his own strength, he couldn't withstand the impact of the ancient elephant herd. Only the Commander had this ability.

"Hold here, the ancient elephant **** to me!"

Commander Mo also realized the seriousness of the matter. He shook his body and left the camp to stop the ancient elephant herd. He entrusted the safety of the hall to the helpless, and he must persist until he came back.

The pressure on Wutian's side was getting bigger and bigger. After all, the number of people was too small. In an instant, several monsters rushed into the stone prison and ate people recklessly.

Jiang Qiong was very anxious at the moment, if the monster rushed into the stone prison, wouldn't that elder also become the food of the monster.

Now I can't take care of it anymore. The powerful monster instantly overturned him. If Lin Qi hadn't used the dark force suddenly to injure the monster, Jiang Qiong would have been a dead man.

Jiang Qiong cast a grateful look at Lynch, he knew very well that Lynch saved his life.

"Hold on, they will be able to escape from here soon!"

Lynch immediately sent a voice transmission to Jiang Qiong, telling him not to mess up and almost be eaten by monsters.

In the stone prison, there was chaos, and suddenly a dark shadow appeared from the corner, standing in front of Elder Gu and the two.

The two of them have been held alone, and when they saw the shadow man, they showed a look of horror. They didn't realize how this shadow man entered their stone prison.


A cold light appeared, and the bracelets and anklets of the two were cut off. At this moment, the monster also broke through the stone prison.

"Take off your clothes!" As soon as the voice fell, the black shadow disappeared.

The two didn't dare to hesitate, quickly took off their clothes and threw them on the ground.

The black shadow went back and forth, with two people still in his hand, with a sweep of the long sword, the two monsters that rushed into the room were mercilessly beheaded.

"Put on their clothes and follow me!"

Hei Ying took off the clothes of the two men who brought in and asked them to put them on, and then changed their clothes for the two men captured by Lynch.

The civet cat is exchanged for the prince, pretending to be the real one!

Then put the bracelets and anklets on the bodies of the two people. After they were done, the black shadow grabbed one person with one hand, disappeared quickly, and left the camp through a hole in the back.

A large number of monsters rushed in, and the faces of the two people in the stone prison had already been trampled to pieces. It is estimated that no one could recognize them.

"They left safely!"

Lynch sent a voice transmission to Jiang Qiong, reassuring him that things had been arranged.

Commander Mo quickly left and returned, and the ancient elephant herd was retreated by him. He found that the stone prison had been broken in several places, and he was furious.

The eighth-rank Martial Lord was absolutely terrifying, powerful monsters were thrown out, and those weak ones were too frightened to go forward.

Under the strong suppression of Commander Mo, the monsters gradually retreated, leaving behind a devastated camp.

"Lawless, clean up the battlefield immediately and see how many people are lost!"

Commander Mo's tone changed, and a strong killing intent was released from him.

Lin Qi's voice gave Jiang Qiong a reassurance, put away the long knife, and the monster almost retreated.

Lawless led his personal guards to check the entire camp. Twenty guards were killed, ten were seriously injured, eight were slightly injured, and only Lynch and Jiang Qiong remained intact.

Six personal guards died, four were seriously injured, and five were slightly injured.

25 miners died, seven of them were missing and were eaten by monsters.

The corpses were carried out and placed on the square of the camp. There were more than 50 people, and the scene was very bloody.

Two of them were injured and wore anklets and handcuffs to avoid being eaten by monsters, but their appearances had been trampled to a blur, and it was impossible to distinguish between men and women.

They could only be identified from their clothes, and they were quickly determined to be the two sent by Quan Tu.

After seeing the bodies of the two, Jiang Qiong looked at Lynch, and found that Lynch was calm and calm, and ignored Jiang Qiong.

"Naturally, they are just scapegoats!"

Jiang Qiong was too nervous, so as not to show his feet, Lynch immediately sent him a voice transmission, don't look around.

In the mountains, the black shadow ran quickly, leaving the camp thousands of miles behind before letting the two of them down.

"You are safe now!"

The black shadow covered his face, so he couldn't see his true face clearly. Elder Gu and the two looked at each other in blank dismay. They didn't expect to escape alive.

"Thank you for saving my life, I don't know what to call my benefactor!"

Elder Gu stood up and saluted the black shadow, trying to find out who saved them.

"It doesn't matter who I am. The important thing is that I have something important for you to do. Whether you can save the old city lord depends on the two of you!"

Heiying's voice was hoarse, without a word of unnecessary nonsense, he called the roll call straightforwardly, everyone's purpose was the same, to rescue the old city lord.

"Our life was saved by our benefactor. We should follow the benefactor's wishes. We should have some relationship with the old city lord. If we need to do anything, just tell us!"

The two of them are not hypocritical. Since Sombra is unwilling to reveal his identity, there must be something hard to tell.

"Go back to Windy City in disguise, sort out the clues you have found in the past two days, and someone will talk to you at that time, remember not to reveal what happened today."

Heiying arranged a mission. Lynch didn't have time to stay here for a few years. The City Lord's Mansion is too big, so he searched it inch by inch.

The two of them have been lurking in the City Lord's Mansion for two years, and they definitely have a lot of information and materials, which will facilitate Lynch's next mission.

"it is good!"

Elder Gu did not hesitate, and agreed to Soi Ying.

"After we go back, we will draw a detailed map and some hidden places in the City Lord's Mansion!"

The other person also nodded in agreement, the matter has come to this point, there is no room for maneuver.

"Can we still get in touch with Feng Qingyang's old subordinates? With a few of us, we have little hope of rescuing the old city lord!"

Lynch is still quite rational, even if he rescues Feng Qingyang, he is weak and can't beat Yang Hu at all.

After several years of careful training and renovation, the City Lord's Mansion can be said to be as solid as gold.

"There are some old subordinates, we can try to contact them, the number will not be too many!"

Elder Gu thought for a while, and he should be able to find a few people.

"It doesn't need to be too much, just be responsible for containment when the time comes!"

Soi Ying nodded, probably almost all of them were wiped out by Yang Hu, and counted as many as he could find.

"But our cultivation base..."

Elder Gu sighed, their cultivation base was sealed by Yang Hu, this is the seal of Martial Saints, it is impossible for ordinary people to unlock it.

"Let me try!"

Lin Qi's consciousness entered the bodies of the two, and found a mark on their dantians, which was similar to the mark Lynch had entered the Golden Demon Realm.

"I have a way!"

Without hesitation, he sacrificed the air of death, eroded a little, and those marks gradually loosened.

Before dawn, the two of them finally recovered and smiled.

"I forgot to tell you, there are old city lords in the Xiliang Mine Lode, try to contact them, maybe they can help you!"

Elder Gu slapped his head suddenly, remembering that Jiang Qiong was still in the Xiliang Mine.

"I know who it is, don't bother you, just do your own thing!"

The black shadow's eyes were like sharp swords, so Elder Gu didn't dare to look up.

"It's getting late, get out of here quickly, Yang Hu will definitely send someone to check on such a big incident!"

With an orderly tone, Heiying told them to leave quickly, so as not to encounter Yang Hu, all plans would be in vain and implicate himself.

In the camp, the corpses were all buried, and the rest of the people, who did not leave the mine today, were unified together.

Commander Mo listened to the lawless report, and looked at the twenty remaining guards.

Ten people who were seriously injured were treated for their wounds, and their lives are not in danger for the time being.

His eyes fell on Lin Qi and Jiang Qiong, because they had no wounds except blood.

"Last night, your performance was very good. If you know how to cooperate, you can avoid being devoured by monsters and reduce a lot of losses in the camp!"

Last night, I couldn't see the movements of both of them clearly. The reason why they were not injured was that Lynch and Jiang Qiong cooperated with each other to barely survive.

"Thank you Commander for the compliment!"

Lin Qi and Jiang Qiong saluted Commander Mo, thanking him for his compliment.

"Don't worry, I will truthfully tell the city lord what happened last night. You have meritorious deeds, and you will naturally be rewarded!"

Commander Mo was fairly fair. After all, Lynch killed many monsters last night, protected the camp, and minimized losses.

(End of this chapter)

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