Chapter 585 Interception
Lin Qi and Jiang Qiong were chatting in the stone house, but couldn't come in at this time.

"You two, come with me!"

Unable to greet Lin Qi and Jiang Qiong, under the watchful eyes of other guards, they left the stone house and went straight to the central hall.

Walking into the main hall, the atmosphere was a little depressing, and it was the first time for both of them to come in.

Lynch looked calm, but Jiang Qiong was a little nervous, after all, he had a ghost in his heart.

"The subordinates have met Zhang Junshi and Commander Mo!"

On the way here, Fu Fu had already explained to the two that it was Zhang Junshi who wanted to see them.

"Don't be too polite!"

Zhang Junshi took a meaningful look at Lin Qi. When he was in the Lonely Canyon, he had a relationship once. At that time, Lin Qi was already in a coma.

After saluting, the two stood on one side, waiting for questioning.

"I heard that the monster attacked that night, and the two of you cooperated very well. Is it true?"

With a faint smile, Zhang Junshi's eyes fell on Lynch's face, wanting to find something.

"Returning to the military division, I have been in the Xiliang Mine for more than a month. During this time, I have been taken care of by Brother Jiang. The two of us usually communicate a lot, so we cooperate with each other tacitly."

Lynch answered without saying a word, the fact is the same, I am afraid that Junshi Zhang has already investigated the movements of the two of them for a month.

The reason is a bit far-fetched, but it makes sense. Knowing someone is more or less tacit.

"Do you want to go back to the City Lord's Mansion and continue to be guards!"

Zhang Junshi couldn't see any fluctuations in Lin Qi's eyes. If he was lying, he would definitely be able to see through it with his foresight.

"Everything is arranged by the military division!"

Lynch didn't say he wanted to go back, nor did he say he didn't want to go back. He left the decision to the military adviser, and his answer was so ingenious.

If the answer is that they want to go back, Lin Qi is probably a dead person now. Zhang Junshi can conclude that Lin Qi is deliberately cooperating with each other in order to return to the City Lord's Mansion.

This ambiguous answer neither revealed Lynch's ambitions, but also showed his loyalty to the City Lord's Mansion.

No matter where he was, he obeyed the arrangements of the City Lord's Mansion, and even Commander Mo gave Lynch an appreciative glance.

If it were someone else, I'm afraid he would have knelt down long ago, thanking Master Zhang for his arrangement, hoping to take him back and leave this ghostly place.

"Although your performance is good, it is not enough to want to go back. I will discuss it with the city lord before making a decision!"

After asking some questions, Lynch answered fluently, as if every time Zhang Junshi asked a question, Lynch had already thought of the answer in his mind.

Jiang Qiong stood aside, her palms were sweaty, for fear that if there was a mistake somewhere, it would be a death penalty if Zhang Junshi discovered it.

"Subordinates obey!"

Lynch bowed to Junshi Zhang, and then led Jiang Qiong out of the hall. From the beginning to the end, Lynch was calm and unhurried.

When the door was closed and the outside air was breathed, Jiang Qiong's back was unknowingly wet.

"Scared me to death, I thought I was discovered!"

When they couldn't be brought into the hall just now, Jiang Qiong once thought that their affairs had been investigated, but luckily they were just asking for a question.

"This is not a place to talk!"

Lynch glanced at Jiang Qiong, and sighed helplessly. In terms of mood, Jiang Qiong was much different from himself.

The hall returned to calm, and Zhang Junshi looked at Commander Mo.

"Don't you think this Qi Lin is too calm?"

Zhang Junshi asked with a smile, everyone in the room trembled when they saw him, except Lin Qi, who was calm and unhurried.

"I also discovered this. Maybe he thinks that the military advisor is amiable, so he doesn't feel so much pressure. This is also true that those who don't know have no fear!"

Commander Mo gave a reason. Although it was a bit far-fetched, it made sense. After all, Lin Qi didn't know Junshi Zhang.

"Pay close attention to this person in the future to see if he has contact with other people!"

Master Zhang is still skeptical, as long as there is something suspicious, he must investigate it.


Although Commander Mo was slandering in his heart, he did not dare to disobey the order of the military adviser.

"Okay, I'm going back tomorrow, and I have to rely on you to take care of the mine veins!"

Zhang Junshi changed his tone, without the aura of a superior just now, it became an equal dialogue.

"The subordinates must complete the plan designated by the city lord, and the entire mine vein will be completely hollowed out within half a year!"

Commander Mo made a promise, which was delayed for more than ten days, and I am afraid that he will have to hurry up the progress of mining every day.

The next day, Commander Mo led Lin Qi to send Junshi Zhang away, and the Xiliang mine resumed operation, and Lin Qi and Jiang Qiong also returned to the underground mine.

In the past few days, Lynch did not receive an order to transfer him back to the City Lord's Mansion. Even he began to have some doubts. Could there be something wrong?

The other guards had gotten closer to Lynch a lot in the past few days. After all, Master Zhang had said that he wanted to be transferred back.

If they really go back, they may be able to transfer them back with a few good words in front of the coach in the future.

"Qi Lin, we can't get out!"

Jiang Qiong complained, it has been half a month, and there is no news, maybe Zhang Junshi has forgotten the two of them.

"Keep calm!"

Lynch was digging the veins, and his tone was not very firm. It stands to reason that Master Zhang must have doubted him.

If they want to investigate clearly, they must be transferred back to the city lord's mansion and placed in the mine vein, so it is difficult to show their feet.

Lynch pretended to be calm in front of Junshi Zhang, which was done on purpose, to make Junshi Zhang suspicious of him.

When you have doubts, you will always remember yourself and dare not relax.

If the behavior is too normal, I'm afraid Lynch can only stay here for the rest of his life.

This is a big gamble. If he loses, Lynch may not be able to find his old friend, and his life is not in danger. He wants to leave, and even Commander Mo can't stop him.

Dragging his exhausted body, Lynch returned to the stone house, but was unable to walk in just as he was about to sit down.

"Qi Lin, come out with me!"

Unable to shout, Lynch stood up, walked out of the stone house, and followed Unable to the corner.

"My lord, do you have any orders?"

Lynch still asked respectfully, suddenly found himself, there must be something wrong.

"The transfer order has come down, and you are limited to three days to rush to the City Lord's Mansion!"

Unable to take out the transfer order, it was handed over to Lynch.

"Thank you, Mister Unable!"

Lynch still pretended to be grateful. He waited for the transfer order for more than half a month.

"Congratulations! Entering the Xiliang Mine, you are still the No.1 who can safely return to the City Lord's Mansion from here!"

Unable to pat Lynch on the shoulder, it is also a little inconceivable, how Lynch did it.

"I would also like to thank Mr. Zhang for his appreciation, and also thank Mr. Unable for taking care of me these days!"

Acting to the end, now that the order is down, a heart finally falls.

"You're welcome, pack up and go back tomorrow!"

Unable to pat Lynch on the shoulder, everyone has noticed Lynch's diligence these days.

"Subordinates send off Mr. Unable!"

Unable to leave the stone house, Jiang Qiong came out at this time, looking at the transfer order in Lynch's hand, with a look of envy on her face.

It seems that Zhang Junshi only sent him back alone, and he will continue to mine here.

"You can finally go back!"

Jiang Qiong's tone was a little sour. Although she knew that Lynch had helped her a lot, Lynch was about to leave, and she felt a little uncomfortable.

"Don't worry, you will leave soon. I'm not here these days, so don't show your feet, otherwise all our plans will be in vain!"

Lin Qi was afraid that Jiang Qiong would show his feet when he was not around, so he specially instructed him to do so.

"Don't worry, it's been three years, I know what to do, waiting for your good news!"

A smile returned to Jiang Qiong's face. He had seen Lynch's methods before, and they were all within his calculations.

All he has to do now is wait!

As soon as the sky dawned, under the watchful eyes of many guards, Lynch left the Xiliang Mine and returned to the City Lord's Mansion.

"Take care of yourself!"

After hugging Jiang Qiong, Lynch set foot on the way back, and quickly disappeared on the mountain road.

Not long after Lynch left, Wutian suddenly disappeared with several people.

Walking on the mountain path, he didn't choose to fly, but used his agility to move forward quickly.

A day later, Lynch suddenly slowed down when he was far away from the boundary of the Xiliang Mine.

"Master Wutian, you have been with me all day, are you going to follow me to the City Lord's Mansion?"

Lynch suddenly said a word into the air, and three figures appeared not far away, and they couldn't bring two personal guards with them.

Leaving the Xiliang mine site, Lynch suddenly stopped and looked behind him with a playful look.

From the bushes, the three of them slowly came out, with murderous expressions on their faces, and Lin Qi saw through them, showing surprise.

"It's interesting, how did you find us!"

After all, Wutian is a fifth-rank Martial Lord. How did Lin Qi discover it? Judging from his tone, it seems that he has discovered it since he left the Xiliang Mine.

"Tell me, do you want to kill me by following up!"

Of course, Lynch would not answer his question, but asked coldly, following the day, definitely not to see him off.

"You are very smart, but it's a pity that you can't return to the City Lord's Mansion!"

Wutian showed a hint of admiration, Lin Qi was still calm when death was imminent, and he didn't even show any fear.

"Who told you to kill me?"

"Commander Mo?"

"Mr. Zhang?"

"Three instructors?"

After saying several names in a row, he really couldn't figure out who would want to put himself to death halfway.

Everyone has suspicions, forcing themselves to reveal the truth, once it is arranged by the military adviser, I am afraid that this road will be more dangerous.

Lynch quickly denied that if the military division wanted to make arrangements, there was no need to wait so long, and it was completely possible to leave without anyone noticing.

Besides, on the way here, he had already been tested once, so Zhang Junshi was excluded.

The second is Commander Mo. Lynch thinks it is unlikely. First, there is no enmity between them. Commander Mo praised them in front of Zhang Junshi, so they can be ruled out.

As for the three coaches, Lynch is not clear yet, and thinks it is impossible. Since they have tried it in the Lonely Canyon, the news will pass on to them, so their possibility is not high.

"It was Gao Hui who sent you the message, let you kill me!"

Lin Qi's mind suddenly brightened. The news of his return to the City Lord's Mansion must have been known by Gao Hui, so he took the first step and used Wutian to kill himself.

(End of this chapter)

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