Invincible Sword Soul

Chapter 62 Defending Glory

Chapter 62 Defending Glory
Lynch frowned. Emotionally, he didn't want Xiaoxue to leave him and stay with each other for the rest of his life.

Rationally, Lynch can't do this, it's unfair to Xiaoxue, and without strong strength, even in the secular world, it can't be regarded as a real foothold.

Besides, Lynch's goal is not the secular world. One day, he will step into the Nine Heavens. In terms of love and reason, Lynch wants to let Xiaoxue grow up.

The brief separation may be for a better reunion.

"Since both grandpa and father agree that I will go, then I will leave with them!"

Xiaoxue didn't ask for Lin Qi's opinion, she made her own decision and was willing to leave with the three of them. After speaking, she stood up and went back to her yard.

"This child..."

Seeing Xiaoxue leave, Lin Xiaotian sighed. For some reason, both Lin Qi and Xiaoxue were acting weird today.

Only Lynch knew best in his heart that Xiaoxue agreed to leave only because he wanted to fulfill Lin Qi and the third princess. The more this happened, Lynch felt that he owed Xiaoxue.

"Lin Qi, Xiaoxue is too simple. Will she be able to adapt to the sect?"

Lin Xiaotian was more worried, Xiaoxue was so kind-hearted that she wouldn't even dare to trample an ant to death.

"Don't worry, there is no problem with the Zongmen, just leave it to me!"

Lynch also stood up, instead of going back to his own yard, he walked towards Xiaoxue's yard, who was still practicing.

Seeing Lynch coming in, he didn't say hello, and continued to practice swordsmanship. He waited until sunset and dusk before putting away his sword and standing.

"Xiaoxue, you really misunderstood, if you don't want to go, just stay in the imperial city with peace of mind!"

Lynch walked to Xiaoxue, knowing that Xiaoxue had misunderstood. In the afternoon, Lin Qi used Xiaoxue to reject the emperor, and Xiaoxue was a little angry.

"No need, join the sect to become stronger!"

Xiaoxue's expression became quite indifferent, she turned around and walked into the room, ignoring Lynch.

As soon as the front foot stepped into the room, tears flowed out, and she threw herself on the bed, crying bitterly.

"Brother, I'm sorry, I know your feelings for me, but Xiaoxue can't delay your future, Xiaoxue does this, I hope you can understand!"

After Xiaoxue finished crying, she showed a firm expression, and she kept her feelings for her brother at the bottom of her heart.

The next day, Li Zhi and the Eldest Princess came early in the morning, and Lin Xiaotian entertained them with the utmost courtesy. First, they were martial arts masters, second, the Eldest Princess came in person, and third, they were members of the sect.

Adding these three together, the weight can be imagined, and it shocked the entire imperial city.

Xiaoxue has packed it up, it's just a simple baggage, a few changes of clothes.

Lin Qi, Lin Xiaotian and the others had already been waiting in the hall, Xiaoxue stepped out, her eyes were red, she seemed to have cried.

"Girl, you must know how to take good care of yourself when Grandpa is not around in the future!"

Although she is not her own granddaughter, she is better than family affection, and she has long been regarded as her own child.

"Grandpa, I will take care of myself!"

Xiaoxue wiped away her tears, hugged each other with her grandfather and Lin He, and glanced at Lin Qi with resentment.

"Brother, in the future, if Xiaoxue is not around, I won't be able to serve my brother!"

After Xiaoxue finished speaking, tears still couldn't hold back and fell down.

"Silly girl, it won't be long before my brother will find you!"

Lynch took out a porcelain bottle. Last night, using the fire of the soul, Lynch refined the elixir for a night, and almost used up all the materials, a total of a thousand pills.

From the first-order ninth-rank to the second-rank third-rank, it is very complete. Lynch didn't sleep a wink this night, hoping that Xiaoxue can rely on these pills in the future to grow up quickly.

"This is my brother's last wish!"

Lin Qi handed over thousands of pills to Xiaoxue, feeling the strong fragrance of pills, and seeing the burn on Lynch's palm, Xiaoxue turned her head away.

After explaining, Lynch walked up to the eldest princess, and took out a letter from his arms, with a special plum blossom mark drawn on it, which was very weird.

"Princess, Xiaoxue has entrusted it to you. No matter what, you have to hand over this letter to Xiaoqian for me. You are also your old suzerain. Please do it for me!"

The eldest princess took the letter and put it in her arms.

"Don't worry, we will definitely send it to the old suzerain!"

They can still do this and help the sect to recruit a monstrous disciple. It is estimated that the old suzerain will personally meet him.

Xiaoxue left, and as the three of them disappeared outside the imperial city, Lynch felt an inexplicable pain in his heart.

"Xiaoxue, don't worry, brother will not abandon you!"

Lynch clenched his fists tightly, roaring in his heart, joining the Xuannv Sect, Lynch was very relieved, as long as Xiaoqian read this letter, she would naturally arrange Xiaoxue's future cultivation path.

In a secret place outside the city, Li Zichun came in person. This is the private territory of their prime minister's mansion, and even the emperor can't interfere.

"Raise soldiers for a thousand days, use them for a while, now it's finally time for you to play!"

Li Zichun shouted loudly, echoes came from the huge school grounds, surrounded by high walls, blocking the sight of people outside, and in the valley, it was very hidden.


The army composed of thousands of people below is neat and orderly, exuding a terrifying murderous aura. This is Li Zichun's ultimate hole card - the blood wolf army.

Knowing that the eldest princess entered the Wumu Mansion, Li Zichun decided to give it a go. Now that the eldest princess has left, it is time to settle the grievances between them.

"Master Xiang, have you really thought about it?"

The military adviser came up and asked Li Zichun, this matter is no small matter, mobilizing the blood wolf army to overthrow the Wumu Mansion, if the Holy Majesty finds out, the consequences will be disastrous.

"Do I still have a choice now!"

Li Zichun's eyes were scarlet. In the government, those officials were alienated one after another. The supply of elixir to the Prime Minister's Mansion was cut off, and there was no resource income. If this continues, the Prime Minister's Mansion will decline without the Wumu Mansion taking action.

Taking advantage of the present, you can go all out and overthrow the Wumu Mansion. Even if the Holy Majesty blames it, it doesn't matter, everyone is dead, and the Holy Majesty can't avenge a dead person.

The military master remained silent, now the Prime Minister's Mansion has reached the end of its rope, and it is exactly the same as the Wumu Mansion back then, the same thing happened in the Prime Minister's Mansion.

This is called Three Years in Hedong, Three Years in Hexi, Wumu Mansion stood up, and it took just over a month.

late at night!

Lin Qi is still practicing, and he is very urgent. When the affairs of the prime minister's mansion are over, it will be the day when Lin Qi leaves.

Suddenly the eyebrows moved, Jiujuejian was reminding Lynch of something, and a crisis was approaching.

Lynch stood up, left the yard, jumped onto the wall, and saw thousands of shadows in the distance, completely surrounding Wumu Mansion.

Prime Minister's Mansion!
Even though it was late at night, Li Zichun hadn't slept yet. He was sitting on the grand master's chair with his fists clenched. Tonight's battle was about whether the Prime Minister's Mansion could survive in the imperial city.

The street suddenly became extremely silent, even the full moon disappeared, and it seemed to smell the breath of death.

Several children crying late at night, after smelling this breath, were too scared to make a sound, and the whole street could hear the sound of needles falling.

Lin Xiaotian was breaking through the last hurdle, his eyes opened suddenly, and he felt the atmosphere was different. He quickly walked to the front yard and found that Lin Qi and Lin He had already appeared.


A wolf howl resounded through the night sky, spreading far, far away.

Standing proudly in the imperial palace, the emperor knows everything about tonight, and has ordered that no matter what happens in the imperial city tonight, the Imperial Forest Army will treat it as if they don't know.

When the two powers fight each other, there will be an injury in the end. If the emperor can't make a choice, he will leave it to them.

"Blood Wolf Army!"

Lin Xiaotian and Lynch father and son said at almost the same time that Li Zichun's blood wolf army was very mysterious and appeared tonight.

"Lin He, you will escort Lin Qi away later, the imperial city is not suitable for you to stay!"

With an orderly tone, Lin Xiaotian asked Lin He to escort Lin Qi and leave the imperial city. The blood wolf army was all masters, including hundreds of ninth-rank martial artists, and Lin Xiaotian alone could not resist.

"I'm not leaving!"

Lynch will never leave, leaving his grandfather alone, who will live together and die together.

Even if he had to live again, Lynch would not be a coward. He would rather die in battle than defend his honor. When the long sword appeared, he felt Lynch's strong murderous aura, emitting a shocking light.

"I'm not leaving either!"

Lin He couldn't leave his father behind and take Lin Qi to escape, he couldn't do it.

"How dare you disobey my orders!"

Lin Xiaotian was very angry. At this critical moment, the blood of the Lin family should be preserved. Lin Qi is extremely talented. As long as he escapes, he can make a comeback in the future.

"Father, we would rather die in battle than leave you alone!"

Lin He had made up his mind, but instead greeted a few people to take Lin Qi away.

"You guys, be sure to escort Lynch out safely!"

Lin He arranged for some confidants to send Lin Qi away quietly, and he stayed with his father to defend Wumu Mansion.

"I do not go!"

Lin Qi leaped over the wall and appeared outside the Wumu Mansion, never leaving, even if the city of Chang'an was stained with blood, he would not hesitate.

Lin Xiaotian and Lin He rushed out one after another. As soon as they stepped into the gate of Wumu Mansion, thousands of green eyes stared at them. It really was Li Zichun's blood wolf army.


Without any hesitation, Lynch rushed into the crowd with a long sword in his hand and started hunting.

"Chi'er be careful!"

Lynch was only a third-rank martial artist, and these blood wolf troops were all sixth-rank martial artists at the very least.


A sixth-rank martial artist rushed over, but was beheaded by Lin Qi with a sword, and his head flew up.

Using the Ghost Shadow Seven Steps, Lin Qi will never fight against martial artists above the seventh rank. He has self-knowledge, and once he fights, it will be extremely difficult to escape.

Lin Xiaotian was instantly surrounded by dozens of nine-rank martial artists, and the remaining blood wolf army trapped their grandpa and grandson, preventing anyone from escaping.

The scene was extremely bloody. Lin Xiaotian broke through to the half-step Martial Spirit Realm, and his strength is very strong. He has been cultivating psychic roots these days, and he just missed success by a little bit.


A ninth-rank martial artist was sent flying by Lin Xiaotian, and he was shocked to death. Lin Xiaotian was born as a military commander, and he was naturally warlike. At this moment, his wildness was stimulated, like a fierce dragon, and he was torn apart alive.

Lin He was under a lot of pressure. He was a seventh-rank martial artist. Facing a ninth-rank martial artist, he left many wounds on his body in just a few breaths.

(End of this chapter)

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