Invincible Sword Soul

Chapter 66 9 Absolute Power

Chapter 66
Lynch moved accordingly, the long sword in his hand soared into the air like a dragon, his body flickered, and he appeared in front of several horse thieves, with a flick of the sword, he pulled out blossoming sword flowers.

"Four Seasons Reincarnation!"

After the fusion, the power of the Four Seasons Sword Technique has greatly increased. In the past ten days or so, Lynch has been studying with great concentration, and the sword technique has improved a lot. With one move, the sky is full of sword shadows.


Strands of blood sprayed out, and two sixth-rank martial artists and three fifth-rank martial artists died together in Lynch's hands.

After experiencing the battle that night, Lynch's mentality changed a lot. After experiencing blood and fire, life and death, it will have a great impact on people's will or belief.

A sword!
Clean and quick, Tu Bofan and the others in the distance showed horror. They knew that Lin Qi was powerful, but they didn't expect that Lin Qi was so powerful that even a sixth-rank martial artist could be easily killed.

The remaining young men, the third princess, were unwilling to be left behind, and the long sword in her hand, like a carp writhing, spun several times in the air, beheading the remaining horse thieves who came up from the siege.

Just now there were only a dozen people, half of them were killed or injured in a blink of an eye, leaving only four horse thieves.

The leader of the horse thief suddenly showed a fierce look. They have been tyrannical in this area for several years. Whoever dares to touch them, today is a good day. Lynch killed several people by himself.

The corpse on the ground was still twitching. Lynch sealed his throat with a sword. He didn't die very quickly, and he wouldn't die immediately within a few minutes.

The pain of waiting for death is the most terrifying, and the blood on the neck spurts out little by little.

The third princess glanced at Lin Qi. She was very familiar with the sword technique just now. It was the Emperor Dragon Futu Sword. Why was it so powerful in Lin Qi's hands, several times stronger than her sword technique.

"Little bastard, how dare you kill my people!"

The leader of the horse thief got off his horse, drew out his big saber from his crotch, and slashed in the air, like an overlord descending, he slashed down angrily.

"Go back!"

The third princess is a third-rank martial artist, fearing that she would not be able to bear it, Lin Qi lifted the long sword and took the initiative to meet it. The nine-turned golden body was mobilized, and the true energy in the dantian rushed out.

The remaining few horse thieves stood aside, watching their boss make a move, and shouted loudly.

On both sides of the street, some bold people hid in the dark. Although they hated the horse thief and others in their hearts, they had no choice. This town is very remote, and few people usually walk there.

Horse thieves come once a month, most of the time at night, so few people come across them.


The sword slashed down, and Lynch held it down abruptly, with flames splashing everywhere. If it wasn't for the blessing of the Nine Absolute Sword Soul, Lynch's long sword would have been blown away long ago.

Seventh-rank martial arts masters have another change in strength, seventh-rank is the top, and sixth-rank is the bottom. The difference between the two is heaven and earth.

Lynch felt that both arms were about to be broken, and there was a burst of energy coming from the hilt of the sword, shaking the long sword almost out of his hand.

The third princess's face changed slightly, and she took a step back, and she could see that the seventh-rank martial artist was very tyrannical. With her current strength, if she went up rashly, it would only add chaos to Lynch.

He looked at Tu Bofan and the other three, but he seemed to be okay, pointing at the spot.

"Little bastard, it's interesting, a third-rank martial artist can resist my move!"

The leader of the horse thief sneered, and continued to slash with the big knife in his hand, this time it was more powerful.

A violent wind blew, sand and rocks suddenly flew on the ground, like an eight-level gust of wind, those gravel hit the wall, and were embedded in them. The terrifying force was like an eruption of the tide, and Lynch's robe let out a cry. Hurring sound.

Lynch used the ghost's seven steps to shuttle back and forth, avoiding a head-on confrontation with the horse thief leader, which would easily make him lose.

He used the Great Buddha Sword to the fullest, like a ghost. The horse thief was tall and burly, and did not have an advantage in speed. Lynch was not in any danger for the time being, and remained in a stalemate.

The horse thief swung his sword back and forth, forcing Lin Qi to step back, unable to get close at all. The terrifying saber aura formed a tyrannical knife gang, and everything it passed was crushed by the sword gang.

The stone lions outside the shop are still those walls that have been built for hundreds of years, leaving countless traces, and some places have been pierced.

Lynch was waiting, waiting for an excellent opportunity, before he could kill with one blow.

His eyes shrunk into a slit, his footsteps moved, two shadows appeared on the field, and they were phantoms. The horse thief couldn't tell which one was Lynch's real body.

The broadsword suddenly flipped and slashed at the two phantoms at the same time. A seventh-rank martial artist has some functions, which can divert the true energy, which is very powerful.


Lin Qi suddenly seized a chance, and with the movement of the Nine Absolute Sword Soul, the tyrannical golden Qi filled out, and Lin Qi's long sword suddenly exuded a shocking aura.

The golden sword energy, like its essence, formed a terrifying sword gang. The leader of the horse thief was shocked. Lin Qi was only a third-rank martial artist, how could he develop such a terrifying sword gang.

The power of this sword gang completely surpassed that of a seventh-rank martial artist, even if it was him, he couldn't use it.

Nine Absolute Sword Soul suddenly buzzed, and another halo appeared, flowing along Lynch's veins, flowing through the whole body, and a golden substance suddenly seeped out from under the periosteum.

Lynch's nine-turn golden body suddenly rose sharply, and a golden light penetrated out.


Jian Gang mercilessly tore through the horse thief's defense, and the vigor around him was instantly disintegrated by Lynch. The criss-crossing sword aura made Tu Bofan and others dumbfounded, even unacceptable.


The big knife in the horse thief's hand was cut off by Lin Qi, and Jian Gang flew out against his body. The horse thief was very cunning, and at the moment the big knife broke, his body rolled away, avoiding the vital point.


Even so, Jian Gang still cut his lower abdomen, and a stream of blood spurted out.

The sky is full of sword shadows. If it is a sixth-rank martial artist, it has already been dismembered by five horses at this moment, and the horse thief has only suffered some damage.

After losing his weapon, the horse thief's face changed slightly, and there was a hint of fear in his eyes. The palpitating power just now made him unable to think of resistance.

"The Buddha returns!"

"The Emperor Dragon is born!"

Strike while the iron is hot, Lynch didn't stop there, and the Dafutu swordsmanship appeared, one move after another, forcing the horse thief to retreat.

It's a pity that Lynch's strength is too low to kill the horse thief with a single sword, and he keeps approaching, waiting for opportunities.

The three princesses looked secretly anxious, worried for Lin Qi, and secretly angry at the same time. Tu Bofan and the others were so despicable, and hoped to use this opportunity to kill Lin Qi with the help of outsiders.

Even if he returned to the imperial city, the Wumu Mansion could not be held accountable, and the Holy Majesty was helpless.


Lynch's long sword landed on the horse thief's wrist, and there was still a clanging sound, and there were actually two sets of wrist guards on his wrist, which were made of pure gold and were very strong.

"Little bastard, you forced me to do this!"

Being forced into such a position by Lin Qi, the horse thief lost all face. He was a seventh-rank martial artist, and he was almost killed by a third-rank martial artist.

Raising his arm, he performed the palm technique. Hundreds of palm prints appeared above the void. Lynch didn't dare to be careless, and took a step back.


Those palm prints landed on the place where Lynch was standing just now, making a bang, and several large pits appeared on the ground. If he stepped back one step later, Lynch would undoubtedly die.

"Jiujuejian, today's battle is a matter of life and death, it's up to you!"

Lin Qi's dantian zhenqi was exhausted too seriously. If this continues, he would be dragged to death alive. He began to communicate with the Nine Absolute Sword and devoured a sword heart. It is impossible to just release the sword gang.

Jiujuejian seemed to understand Lin Qi's thoughts at the moment, hovered in the dantian, then disappeared, and entered Lynch's palm along the veins.


Lin Qi seemed to be returning from the emperor, the aura of the emperor appeared, and he actually felt the existence of the Nine Absolute Sword, which was real, instead of being silent in the dantian.

this moment!
Lynch seemed to have returned to his previous life, where all the gods were destroyed, and he was invincible.

The Nine Absolute Sword Soul suddenly got into Lynch's long sword. At this moment, Lynch's aura changed, and a terrifying force burst out from all over his body.


Lynch's long sword fell, and it can't be described as fast. Before he saw clearly, Lynch's long sword had already fallen.

There was no fluctuation of the sword, and no flicker of energy. The sword light easily tore through the space without any warning. When the leader of the horse bandit reacted, the sword light had already appeared in front of him.


The body of the horse thief leader suddenly separated, and the tyrannical energy split his body in two. The two parts flew to the wall, and the whole wall was stained red with blood.

Lynch suddenly sat limply on the ground, the long sword in his hand split inch by inch, and the soul of Jiujue Sword returned to his dantian.

Taking out three elixirs, Lynch swallowed them in one gulp, and immediately began to practice the Primordial Art of Reincarnation, and began to practice. The spiritual energy floating around quickly entered Lynch's body.

In just a few breaths, Lynch's face returned to normal, and he stood up. Tu Bofan and others had malicious intentions, and Lynch had to be on guard.

The few remaining horse thieves fled in fright and lost their leader. The people in the town became more courageous. Several men stopped the remaining horse thieves and killed them all.

"Lynch, are you okay?"

The third princess walked over and supported Lin Qi, seeing his pale face, she was a little worried.

Especially with the sword just now, Lynch seemed to have exhausted all the power in his body. It was the first time that the three princesses saw the long sword break apart by itself when performing a sword technique.

Ordinary mortal weapons can't bear the blessing of Nine Absolute Sword Soul at all, once released, mortal tools will break apart by themselves.

This is not the most important thing. With just one strike, Lynch consumed all his true energy. Even Lynch was stunned by the strike just now.

Seeing Lynch approaching, the three of Tu Bofan were a little nervous. The seventh-rank martial artists were all killed by Lynch. Doesn't that mean that Lynch killed them as easily as crushing an ant?

"Lynch, it's not that we didn't make a move just now, we just want to experience it and see how strong you are!"

Tu Bofan suddenly changed his face and said with a smile.


Lin Qi slapped him without warning, and Tu Bofan was sent flying by Lin Qi's slap, and fell directly to the corner of the wall, with a five-finger print on his left face.


Tu Bofan couldn't figure it out, Lynch would suddenly attack him.


Before Tu Bofan could finish speaking, Wei Sheng and Sikong Yan did the same, Lin Qi slapped him, changed to a long sword, and prepared to kill the three of them.

(End of this chapter)

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