Chapter 828 Dispute
Lin Qi glanced over Steward Qiu, and finally landed on Mr. Yan. He quickly figured out that this person must be the one who wanted to fight for this courtyard.

"No, we have sold this yard, you are late."

Manager Qiu's attitude was very tough, and he even opened his eyes to talk nonsense. Even the female receptionist standing behind her eyes widened, unable to believe that Manager Qiu was talking nonsense.

The three places to buy real estate, first of all, pay attention to integrity, no trustworthiness, this is the rule, no one dares to break it.

Only competition creates pressure. The three companies acquiesce in this kind of competition. As long as it is benign, they will not deny its existence.

The moment Steward Qiu broke the integrity with his own hands, the face of the receptionist behind him changed, and other buyers of real estate also gathered together, not knowing what happened.

"It's a joke. There are signs on the properties that are sold, but this property is obviously not there. You are talking nonsense. Do you need to make a draft first?"

Lynch refused to give up an inch. This was not acting in a low-key manner, but that he could not give in. Some things can be surrendered, and some things cannot be surrendered.

Lynch can tolerate other things, such as reprimanding him for a few words, but cheating is absolutely impossible.

"Boy, you dare to say that I'm talking nonsense, do you know who I am?"

In front of dozens of receptionists, he was called nonsense, and his face suddenly became ferocious, looking like he could eat people.

"I don't know who you are. I'm just an ordinary house buyer. I'm optimistic about this house. Since no one has bought it, I'm the first to buy it. Should you follow the rules and sell this yard to me? .”

Lynch first lowered his posture and stood on the moral high ground, making it impossible for the other party to refute.


After Lynch said these words, the viewers around the house whispered that buying and selling should be done on a first-come, first-served basis. Since he bought it first, he should go through the formalities for others. This is a simple truth.

Manager Qiu was furious at Lynch's words. The key point was that the house buyers around him pointed and pointed, which made his face even uglier.

"Boy, it was our mistake in our work. This yard was already ordered by Mr. Yan, so you came late."

Steward Qiu took a deep breath to calm down the anger in his heart. There were more and more house buyers, and the incident became a big problem, which would have a very bad impact on the Qiu family.

"Your mistakes, why let ordinary house buyers like us pay the bill, everyone is right."

There were more and more people watching around, Lynch deliberately amplified his voice, which quickly resonated with many people.

"That's right, you made mistakes in your work, that's your business, and it has nothing to do with us house buyers."

Some people complain about injustice, because everyone has resentment in their hearts. They have worked hard to earn a lifetime of resources, bought all the houses, and lived on a diet. They hate these house sellers, but there is no way speak out.

Lynch's words caused great repercussions, and more and more people stood up.

"That's right, since he has taken a fancy to the yard for the first time, he should sell it to others. Since when did your Qiu family work in a sneaky way?"

The tone is getting worse and worse. The three major families have drained the common people dry all these years, and everyone is holding a sigh of relief. Taking advantage of today's opportunity, they just have a vent.

Whatever you said, there was nothing good to say anyway, which made Guanshi Qiu's eyes glow fiercely, and he hated Lynch to the bone.

"What are you all doing to eat? How can you let them surround you here."

Unable to scold those ordinary people, Steward Qiu yelled at more than a dozen receptionists, telling them to take these house buyers away quickly.

There is excitement to watch, who wants to leave, and even many people forget what they are here for.

On the contrary, Lynch acted as if nothing had happened, quietly watching the development of the situation, while Qiao Yu, who was standing behind him, tightly held on to Grandpa's clothes, never seen such a thing.

Qiao Fu also looked worried, but he didn't take a step back and stood by Lynch's side all the time. This was enough to show that he could give up everything for Lynch.

"Boy, let me say it again, this yard has been sold, you either choose a new one, or leave."

Manager Qiu had issued an order to evict the guests. He would rather not do Lynch's business than to keep this yard. It was mainly because Lynch's status was too low that he dared to speak like this.

From the moment he entered the arena, Qiu Guanshi acted domineering, and didn't take Lynch seriously at all.

"It's a big tone. Do your words represent the entire Qiu family? If possible, I will leave immediately and tell others that the Qiu family has issued an order to evict guests and does not do business with ordinary people."

Lin Qi's words are a bit poisonous. Once it gets out, the Qiu family's reputation will be ruined.

"you dare!"

As soon as Lin Qi finished speaking, Steward Qiu showed his murderous intent. He was only a small steward and could not represent the Qiu family. If this was carried out, the consequences would be disastrous.

"If you dare to do it, I dare to say it!"

Lynch did not back down. This was not a matter of buying the yard, but the aggressiveness of the other party, which involved many aspects.

The people who watched the excitement were even more excited, and they all echoed and supported Lynch, but there were also many people who were silent and did not express their attitudes.

"Boy, I've taken a fancy to this yard. As long as you let it out, I can make the decision and let you choose a yard at will, and the price can be reduced."

Mr. Yan saw that the situation was showing signs of escalation, and with Steward Qiu looking at him for help, he had no choice but to stand up.

No one thought that if they met Lynch, who was not afraid of getting into trouble, if he was replaced by someone else, he would have been having fun with a [-]% discount.

"I'm sorry, I'm interested in this yard first, and it's impossible to sell it."

Lynch glanced at the man in fancy clothes, and then at Steward Qiu. Lynch had a panoramic view of the eye contact between the two of them.

There was a hint of sarcasm at the corner of his mouth, there must be some shady business between the two of them, which forced him to hand over the yard.

"Boy, you dare to talk to us Mr. Yan like this, are you getting impatient?"

A guard jumped out from behind Mr. Yan, pointed at Lin Qi, and almost yelled at him.

Lynch's eyes turned cold, and he stabbed at the guard. The latter was startled, and was stunned by Lynch's eyes, and he didn't dare to move. What kind of eyes was that.

"Are you threatening me?"

The sound suddenly dropped a lot, and the surrounding temperature also dropped. For a courtyard, it actually threatened personal safety.

There were more and more onlookers, and the entire hall was completely surrounded. Cold sweat broke out on Qiu Guanshi's forehead. Obviously, he did not expect that the matter would develop so much.

If you change to anyone, you will get a [-]% discount, which is a huge price reduction. Fortunately, things are getting out of hand now.

Kill Lynch?
Qiu Guan dare not do anything unless he wants to be expelled from the family.

Drive Lynch away?

It is also impossible to drive out the guests, and they will not want to do business in the future.

The two sides were at a stalemate for a while, and no one was willing to take a step back.

Qiao Fu secretly comforted Lin Qi several times, telling him to accept him as soon as he was good, and it would be no good to offend the Qiu family.

Lynch has his own plans, because he has realized his own way, to move forward indomitably, like a sharp sword, it is better to bend than to bend, this is his way.

As long as he changes direction, his Dao heart must be damaged, and it will be extremely difficult to gather together. This is the key threshold to the Martial God, and Lynch can't tolerate any mistakes.

If you want to become a strong person, you must have a strong heart, which cannot be shaken by anyone. When the heart is shaken, it is also the heart of the Tao, and a series of things will form.

No one knows better than Lynch how serious the consequences will be if the Dao Heart is damaged.

Dao Xin is equivalent to a person's energy and spirit, and it is also like a guiding light. On this road, the bright light constantly guides the direction and reminds you when you deviate.

If you insist on going your own way and continue to deviate from the track, what you will face is that the bright light will go out.

"I've made it very clear. Mr. Yan ordered this yard yesterday, and it's just delivered today."

Steward Qiu took a deep breath and suppressed the anger in his heart. Even if there were thousands of dissatisfaction, he couldn't do it in front of so many people.

Among them, many people sent by the Zhang family followed suit, wishing that they would make trouble, and even add fuel and vinegar, constantly mocking what the Qiu family did.

"The Qiu family is becoming more and more outrageous. They treat customers like this. I think they should stop doing real estate business."

There was an extremely mocking sound from the crowd, everyone followed the sound, and many people secretly laughed.

A man in his thirties, eating melon seeds and crossing his legs, was the playboy of the Zhang family, and ran in.

Steward Qiu had hatred for Lynch. He didn't expect the matter to develop to such an extent. It was just a yard. I had never seen Lynch so ungrateful.

"Boy, do you know the consequences of offending the Qiu family?"

Steward Qiu lowered his voice so that only he and Lynch could hear him, obviously murderous.

"Aren't you going to kill people if I don't hand over the yard?"

Lynch deliberately amplified his voice, and now the crowd exploded, and the Qiu family wanted to kill people to silence them.

"I'm going to kill people, I'm going to kill people..."

Several disciples of the Zhang family shouted loudly, and the sound spread farther and farther. At this moment, there are many disciples of the Qiu family in Leicheng.

After receiving the news, they rushed over here immediately. There was also a man and a woman among them. They had just returned to Leicheng not long ago and happened to be out for a stroll. When they heard the news, they rushed over quickly.

What does it mean to kill without seeing blood? This is right in front of you.

What is borrowing a knife to kill someone? This is right in front of me.

Lynch didn't have much affection for the Qiu family, and the old style of the Qiu family in Crescent Moon Valley made Lynch very disliked, so he was not polite.

Steward Qiu didn't dare to speak anymore, he was totally unexpected when things got into such a mess.

Anyone who finds it out, as long as they know that Mr. Yan is optimistic about the yard, and don't obediently hand it over, he doesn't even need to come forward.

This happened to be the case, Lynch was not from Leicheng, and he didn't know this Mr. Yan, so why should he give him face.

"Boy, you are doomed. If you rob my son's property, you don't want to leave Leicheng alive."

Manager Qiu didn't dare to say harsh words, after all, he represented the Qiu family.

But Mr. Yan doesn't need it here, the guard under him snorted coldly, this time it was a naked threat.

As long as Lynch is still in Leicheng, they have ten thousand ways to put Lynch to death. The surroundings suddenly fell into silence, and many people who made noises shut up.

It's okay to watch the fun, but it's better to say less about the Yan family.

(End of this chapter)

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