Chapter 836 Killing Valkyrie
The angry roar made Lynch confused. What is the power of one world, he didn't understand at all.

It seems that after today's battle is over, Lynch will go to find out more information, whether he can dig out the secret of Nine Absolute Sword Soul.

The power of one world, these four words were remembered by Lynch in his mind.

The nine layers of mountains were superimposed together, and Lin Qi was also taken aback. He saw the shadow of the Nine Heavens, which was too incredible.

Lynch didn't even know where the Tianyan Continent was now. Seeing the phantom of the Nine Heavens, his heart fluctuated, and his homesickness became even stronger.

"Cut the grass and remove the roots!"

Lin Qi didn't use the Heavenly Remnant Sword, but planned to sharpen it with the Mieqing Nine Cuts to completely stabilize the realm.

There is no concept of time in the mind space, a moment outside, a long time has passed inside.

The sword light burst out, and the sword's power was not as sharp as the Tiancan sword, but it was also unstoppable.

The victory of Mieqing Nine Slashes lies in the fact that it has many changes and is only made for killing people. Every time it changes, the purpose is to kill people and block the enemy's dead spot.

However, the Tiancan Sword is superior in its singleness, it incorporates thousands of kendo souls, removes the dross and retains its essence, this is the mystery of the Tiancan Sword.


The two long swords collided together, splashing countless flames, and Lynch had already crushed his opponent in terms of momentum.

It may be because the opponent has been frightened, and the strength of the attack is not as good as Lynch.

This is the reason why the brave wins the battle between the two powerhouses. Lynch killed a warrior with great momentum, but the opponent's mind was unstable because of the death of his companion, and he was tied up in the battle.

One sword after another, layer upon layer, blessed with the Nine Absolute Sword Soul, the power of Nine Cuts to Exterminate Emotions is already comparable to the Heavenly Remnant Sword.

Every time the sword falls, the opponent is thrown away. He is not fighting with one person, but with a world.

"Stop fighting, I admit defeat, I was indeed sent by Yan Fei, I swear that after I leave today, I will never go back to Yan's house again."

The long sword flew out of his hand, and after three sword strikes, Lin Qi was sent flying alive, how unbelievable it was.

The mighty warrior's weapon was blown away by someone. If it gets out, it will definitely alarm countless people. This is the mind space, which cannot be seen from the outside.

"Let the tiger go back to the mountain, there will be endless troubles!"

Lin Qi knew this truth very well, and he didn't believe what he said was true. Liang Zi's next move would definitely be immortal.


The opponent was impatient, but Lynch still refused to give up. He would never end the battle until he was killed.

"Well, I will die with you."

The body suddenly swelled, and Lin Qi would be killed if he wanted to explode himself. Although it was a mental space, it was enough to shock Lynch's soul, and that was enough.

It is extremely difficult for the primordial spirit to recover from an injury. Lin Qi swallowed the soul-increasing pill and practiced the Asura Jue, so that he has the powerful primordial spirit today. How could he be allowed to succeed.

It was still cutting the weeds and rooting out the roots, but this time the power was stronger, and the sea of ​​pills was roaring, forming huge waves, enveloping the Valkyrie.

And Lynch's body exploded suddenly, turning into a shooting star, like a one-word sword.

With a straight body and a long sword in his hand, he pierced a straight line into the waves, and in the middle of the waves, a figure flickered, still engaged in the final battle.

Here, Lynch is heaven, he is a god, and no one can stop him.

The sword energy penetrated the furious waves and entered the center, followed by the sound of the skin being penetrated, the sword light penetrated from the chest and exited from the back, blood splashed, dyeing the Danhai red.

"Lynch, even if I'm a ghost, I won't let you go."

The shrill screams echoed in the sky of Danhai, and another Martial God fell, and a chill came from his chest and back.

The mental space cracked little by little, like an egg shell, with cracks emerging from it and gradually disappearing.

The two were still standing on the street, and no one knew who would win in the end.


The Martial God shook his body, fell to the sky, and his breathing stopped suddenly. There was no injury in his body. Only when his spiritual consciousness entered his soul sea, could he know the cause of death.

There is a big hole in the middle of the Yuanshen, as if pierced by a sword, killing the Yuanshen, and dying like the original body.

The street fell into deathly silence, and even the five guards standing beside Lynch were dumbfounded. They were about to sneak attack Lynch, but this scene happened.

The dignified Martial God just fell on the ground, not even knowing how he died, like a fan.

Opening his eyes, he happened to see the five people approaching. The five of them trembled in fright, and fled backward together, not daring to stay any longer.

Lynch is too scary, this is what they are thinking at the moment, no matter how much resources are given to them, Lynch will not be provoked.

"Did I let you go!"

The dragon-slaying sword was raised, and a sword energy flickered, traveling through the space, appearing in front of the five of them without warning, blocking their way.

"Puff puff……"

Skulls flew up one after another, the audience in all directions were relatively close, and blood sprayed everywhere, but no one dared to jump out to question, and even hid.

In less than half an hour, two Martial Gods and ten peak Martial Saints died. It has been a long time since so many people died in Leicheng.

After killing everyone, Qiao Fu dared to come out and head straight for Lynch.

"Master Lin, are you alright?"

With a concerned tone, Qiao Fu continued to fight, and if he was an ordinary person, he would have already collapsed by this time.

"It's okay, you go back, I'll go out for a while."

I'm afraid Leicheng won't be at peace anymore, staying in the yard, he must be miserable every day, Yan Fei will not let him go, and the patrol team will come here every now and then.

A few days ago, I heard Qiao Fu mention that the devil world has entered the breeding season, and this time is the most suitable time to enter the devil world for treasure hunting.

After killing so many people, the Yan family will definitely not give up. The best way is to go deep into the demon clan, so that the Yan family can't do anything to him. Let's talk about the future and hide for a while.

Although the Yan family is not a big family, there must be a lot of high-level martial gods. I don't know if there is an emperor Lin Qi. It stands to reason that a small family should not have an emperor.

The Lingzhu Continent is only one level higher than the Tianyan Continent, and it is not that perverted. The Qiu family has Emperor Wu, which I have no doubts about.

The emperor, that is the most peak existence in the continent, in the prosperous sect of the human world, Lynch believes that there are not many emperors in the Lingzhu continent.

It's a pity that he is not from the Lingzhu Continent, and he will leave sooner or later. When he finds the way back, no matter what level he has reached, he will leave the Spirit Bamboo Continent.

After thinking about it, he told Qiao Fu that the patrol team would come over later and explain the reason, and the patrol team would investigate.

Let the two of them not go out, stay at home these days, and don't go there.

"Sister, sister, it's not good, it's not good..."

Qiu family!

As expected, it has been passed down for thousands of years. Countless courtyards are scattered here and there. I don’t know how many people live there. Qionglou Pavilions rise from the ground, covering an area of ​​at least tens of thousands of acres.

An exquisite courtyard, which is full of peach blossoms, vying for beauty and exuding a faint fragrance.

In the middle of the sea of ​​flowers, a woman shuttled among them, holding scissors in her hand, pruning peach branches. The ground was already covered with pink peach blossoms.

At this time, a young man broke the calm and rushed in from the outside in a hurry.

"Xiao Zhe, don't blame me for being rude when you barge in like this unscrupulously."

The woman standing in the middle of the peach blossoms had an angry face and was very angry. This courtyard belonged to her private territory, and no one was allowed to enter except her parents and a few disciples of the clan who had a good relationship.

"Sister, don't train me yet, something serious happened."

Qiu Zhe was out of breath and seemed to be running all the way, his face was flushed, and his chest heaved violently.

"What makes you so flustered?"

Qiu Ruoshui put down the scissors and walked to the bench placed in the garden. In front of her was freshly brewed peach blossom honey, causing countless bees and butterflies to dance around her.

"That... That Brother Lin killed someone."

Qiu Zhe picked up the clear water on the table, drank several gulps, and then spoke.


Of course Qiu Ruoshui knew who this big brother Lin was, and he killed someone just a few days after he came to Leicheng, obviously he didn't believe it.

"It really killed people, and they killed a lot."

Qiu Zhe didn't know whether to laugh or cry. When he received the news, he had the same expression as Qiu Ruoshui, and he couldn't believe it. Lynch looked weak, how could he kill someone.

"Tell me, who he killed and how many people he killed."

Although Qiu Ruoshui didn't believe her face, she still asked curiously.

These few days have been in the family, did not go out, want to visit Lynch, but there is no excuse.

"Kill ten ninth-rank martial saints!"

Qiu Zhe said it out loud, with a wry smile on his face.

He is also a ninth-rank Martial Saint, and he knows very well how powerful a ninth-rank Martial Saint is. Lin Qi is really ruthless enough to kill ten people at a time. This is Qiu Zhe's real thoughts at the moment.

"What did you say!"

Qiu Ruoshui stood up with a bang, and grabbed Qiu Zhe's arm.

"You said that the ten people lurking in the street that day were killed by Lynch?"

Qiu Ruoshui thought about it for a second, maybe the patrol team found out that ten people intercepted Lynch on the day of buying the house, but died inexplicably.

"No, but I guess, these ten people also died at the hands of Brother Lin."

Qiu Zhe shook his head with a wry smile. The ten people five days ago were dealt with quietly by the Yan family.

"what happened?"

Qiu Ruoshui was also stunned. It seemed that something big had happened, but they didn't know it.

"Just this morning, Yan Fei sent guards to intercept Lin Qi, threatened Qiao Fu, and forced Lin Qi to come out, but was killed by Lin Qi."

After Qiu Zhe said it briefly, Qiu Ruoshui's face turned livid.

Just a few days ago, he notified the family council of elders that he wanted to suppress the Yan family's property, and it had already achieved initial results. Unexpectedly, the Yan family still did not give up.

"and after?"

Qiu Ruoshui continued to ask, what is Lin Qi's state, she is very clear, how did he do it out of ten ninth-rank martial saints.

"After Lin Qi appeared, he forced the guard who captured Qiao Fu to release him. The latter refused to listen, and Lin Qi crippled his right arm with a sword and saved Qiao Fu."

Qiu Zhe told everything that happened in the morning, Qiu Ruoshui couldn't believe it, Lynch's strength was so terrifying.

"Later, five other ninth-rank Martial Saints went up to besiege, and Brother Lin chopped off their necks with a sword, and five of them died."

Qiu Zhe spoke very excitedly, as if he was killing someone, his face was full of passion.

(End of this chapter)

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