Chapter 844
The fringes of the Demon Realm may be the result of perennial wars, and some places still have the scars of wars.

For example, some trees and some buildings were destroyed.

Some trees were left in half, chopped alive.

There must have been people living here before, and it was later occupied by the demons, which made it look like this.

With the continuous expansion of Leicheng, within a few years, the territory here will be regained.

"Be careful, everyone, to avoid the piranha hidden among the thorns."

Chen Shao is very familiar with the environment of the Demon Realm, and reminded everyone that once they encounter piranhas, even Valkyrie, they must avoid them.

The cannibal Lynch knows, also known as the ogre, usually hides among the thorns and looks very inconspicuous.

It's just a big flower bag, gray and easy to overlook.

When approaching, the flower buds suddenly opened, like a mouth full of blood, capable of swallowing a person instantly.

Lynch had never seen this kind of ogre before, but only saw pictures from some ancient books, which described it as terrifying.

In Tianyan Continent, it seems to be extinct. This kind of plant is extremely difficult to survive. It needs living people as food to grow slowly.

Without a food supply, it withers and dies.

Because of the relationship between the demon world, humans often set foot here, breeding the growth of ogres. I heard that there are many places in the demon world, such plants as piranhas.

It not only eats humans, but demons will also become their food. The strange thing is that the roots of piranhas can move, walking freely like humans.

As long as a human is approaching, the ogre knows how to hide, waiting for the fatal blow.

When the piranha was mentioned, the faces of a dozen people became tense. Don't meet the demons and die in the mouth of the piranha.

Lynch walked in the middle of the team, his spiritual consciousness spread out, and it was within his perception for a radius of a thousand meters.

Among all people, Lynch's primordial spirit should be the most powerful.


There was a clicking sound, and Yu Bing opened the way ahead, holding a machete in his hand, splitting some thorns for people to walk on.

The plants in the Demon Realm grow extremely fast, even if you walked this road three days ago, it will be covered with thorns three days later, and it is almost impossible to find a complete road.

Only when entering the depths of the demon world, some demon tribes will open up some roads.

"Whoever has a map to the west, take it out and see where we are now."

Yu Bing stopped suddenly, there was a fork in the road ahead, and wanted to hear everyone's opinions on how they should go.

Lynch didn't speak. He naturally has a detailed map of the Devil's Realm, so it's not appropriate to show it at this moment.

As for the map provided by Chen Shao, most of the records are for the north, and there are very few records for the west. After all, the devil world is vast and boundless. The map that Qiu Ruoshui gave to Lynch only recorded a radius of several thousand miles.

Don't even think about flying, there are ancient trees everywhere, and this is not the scariest thing.

There is a man-eating tree in the devil world, which sucks human blood. If it is trapped by the man-eating tree, even a third-rank martial god will never escape alive.

This is also the reason why everyone walks on the ground. When entering the black cloud layer, the first black cloud suppresses human fighters. The laws here are incompatible with human beings.

Second, flying to a high altitude exposes the target, and it is extremely easy to be attacked by the demons hiding in the dark. Using poisonous thorns to shoot into the air, wouldn't it become a living target.

The only way is to use the map to find the most suitable route.

A dozen people, you look at me, I look at you, obviously no one is present near the map.

I only know that the west side is safer, but I don't know that without a map, it is more dangerous to hit by mistake.

Now that he has gone deep here, there is no room for turning back. Could it be that he slaps himself in the face and thinks that he has chosen the wrong path.

"Choose the left!"

Sima Xin spoke, left to the west, anyway, go west, that's right.

The others also had no objection, Chen Shao didn't speak, and Zhuo Min was also very calm.

Along the way, except for a few words with Xu Ze, Lynch walked alone most of the time.

Several people reached an agreement and decided to go to the left, and Yu Bing continued to open the road and headed southwest.

Because it is still in the outer area of ​​the demon world, it is almost difficult to meet the demons. Even if they do, there are only one or two, and they are probably alone.

The further you go, the more difficult the road ahead is, there are almost no roads, all are filled with thorns, and some people's clothes have long been scratched.

Only Lynch was alone, his body was intact, and the advantages of Tianxuanyi were highlighted.

"Boy, the clothes on your body are good, where did you buy them?"

After Pei Hongwen spoke, he stared at Lynch's clothes with a greedy look on his face.

"No comment!"

After answering four words coldly, Zhou Yongchang's expression changed when he was standing not far away. He didn't expect Lynch to refuse so simply.

Pei Hongwen's expression darkened immediately. He meant that he hoped Lynch would take the initiative to give him the clothes, but he didn't expect such an answer.

"Boy, I will give you a chance to tell me where the clothes came from. If you are in danger, I can save you once for free."

Pei Hongwen is also shameless, this is the devil world, there is nothing moral to say.

The clothes on his body were also not simple, facing such dense thorns, he was still scratched a few times.

Only Lynch, wherever he passed, those thorns scratched behind his clothes, he was bounced away, and he couldn't hurt at all.

"Ha ha!"

"Thank you for your kindness. You don't need to save me for free, just take care of yourself."

Lin Qi gave two hecks and hecks, and then responded in a neutral way. The last time Pei Hongwen took the initiative to provoke, Lynch still endured it.

If you are really in a hurry, you don't mind killing a few people to frighten them, this is the demon clan, even if you kill them all, who knows.

"Okay, okay, it really opened the eyes of this old man, are young people nowadays so arrogant?"

Pei Hongwen was so angry that he sneered, Lynch was slapping his face in the face!

"Brother Pei, why should you have the same knowledge as this kind of person? You'll know when you meet the demons. Let's see how he fucks up."

Zhou Yongchang flattered him, and there is no harm in having a good relationship with the Valkyrie. At critical moments, he might really be able to give him a hand.

Chen Shao glanced at both sides, did not speak, and continued on his way.

Chen Shao was well aware of Lynch's strength, so he didn't bother to stop him. Only after he really experienced the battle would he know who is strong and who is a coward.

"Brother Lin, with your temper, you should put it away when it's time to put it away, there's no need to force yourself."

Xu Ze came up, walked back and forth with Lynch, and asked Lynch to lower his figure with a comforting tone.

"I will remember what Brother Xu said."

Lynch replied politely. After all, Xu Ze was also kind, so he couldn't refute him face to face.

Lynch naturally treats his kind people with courtesy, and treats his enemies tenfold.

Hearing what Lynch said, Xu Ze couldn't say anything more, and sincerely hoped that Lynch would listen.

"There is a waterfall ahead, let's go there and take a rest."

Yu Bing suddenly yelled, and there was a booming sound in front of him, which was the roar of the impact of the waterfall.

Everyone's spirits suddenly recovered, and they continued to drive without daring to relax. Everyone was a little tired.

After splitting the bushes blocking the road ahead, the sound of the water flow became louder, and everyone suddenly regained their spirits.

After about a stick of incense, a primitive waterfall appeared, and there was no trace of mining around it, and no one had even been here before, and it was their first time entering here.

Some people took out paper and pens and recorded the terrain around them. When they went out, they could sell them to the three major families.

The reason why the maps of the three major families are more complete than others is that a large part of them are purchased from other loose cultivators at high prices.

Gather a little from the east, gather a little from the west, and finally send experts to verify it. If it is true, these maps will naturally fall into the hands of the three, and the price is definitely much higher than outside.

Lynch touched the map in his arms and sighed inwardly.

"It seems that Qiu Ruoshui gave her own map to herself. With such a detailed map, the management of the three major families must be extremely strict, and it cannot be leaked to the outside world. It is a great favor to give it to herself."

Lynch secretly guessed that what seemed like a simple map was bought with the blood of countless people.

"Now assign tasks. Each group of two will patrol in three directions. Check carefully within 1000 meters."

Chen Shao quickly made up his mind, he was naturally in a group with Zhuo Min, and the remaining nine were paired with each other, only Pei Hongwen was alone.

"Who's going to patrol?"

At the end of the grouping, some people are in charge of patrolling, some are in charge of setting up tents, and some are in charge of vigilance, each performing his duties.

"We're going on patrol."

Xu Ze, in a group with Lynch, offered to go out on patrol, and walked eastward after speaking.

Yu Bing was in a group with Zhou Yongchang, Sima Xin was in a group with Wang Houshi, and Lynch was in charge of patrolling.

Qiu Yuan and Ning Shuo are in charge of setting up the tent, and everyone is busy.

"Brother Lin, you have to be careful with Pei Hongwen and Yu Bing, they may try to harm you."

Xu Ze glanced behind him, they were about 500 meters away, and then he whispered.

"I know, thank you brother Xu for reminding me."

Lin Qi knew it well. He had already seen it along the way. If Chen Shao hadn't been there, Pei Hongwen might have killed him long ago and snatched the Tianxuan robe from his body.

"Well, there are some things I can't say. It's really not possible. You can tell Brother Chen and ask him to help mediate. It's not a problem if this stalemate continues."

Xu Ze had a certain fondness for Lynch. From the first time they met, Lynch didn't put on any airs. Instead, he greeted everyone politely. Everyone knew who was right and who was wrong.

If you want to blame it, you can blame Lynch for being too low in strength and not being taken seriously by others.

"No, I'll take care of my own affairs."

When Lynch said this, Xu Ze couldn't say anything, so he could only sigh. The two patrolled for half an hour and returned to the edge of the waterfall together.

An open space has been opened up, enough for a dozen of them to rest.

The sky gradually darkened, the demon world fell into silence, the clouds in the sky turned red, and there were bursts of strange roars in the distance.

"Why do I feel that the Demon Realm is a bit abnormal! Have you noticed that the Demon Realm is very quiet this year. Although we haven't gone deep into the Demon Race, there is no sign of a Demon Race. Don't you think it's strange?"

Qiu Yuan frowned, he also participated last year, it is completely different from entering the Demon Realm this year, but he couldn't tell.

(End of this chapter)

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