Chapter 846
The surroundings were plunged into darkness, and everyone was a warrior, so they could see clearly even if they sacrificed their primordial spirits, with a radius of [-] meters.

Although it is not as good as during the day, it is almost the same, but the scenery looks another color.

"Boy, what are you doing!"

Sima Xin was on fire, and he was about to shoot at Lynch. To extinguish the flames in front of him, this was a blatant challenge to his majesty.

"Don't say a word, first treat Brother Zhou's injury."

Chen Shao interrupted Sima Xin, now is not the time for internal strife, Hei Zhe suddenly attacked, this is too weird.

It was only then that everyone remembered that Zhou Yongchang was injured, and if Heiju's toxins were not dealt with in time, both arms would be crippled, and one person would be lost. There would be too many variables in the trip to the Demon World.

Ignoring Lin Qi, Chen Shao took out the antidote powder and sprinkled it on Zhou Yongchang's shoulders, causing him to grin his teeth in pain, his eyes flashed fiercely, and stared straight at Lin Qi.

Hei Zhe ran away, and his great hatred was not avenged, so he couldn't swallow this bad breath.

"Boy, when I recover from my injury, I want you to look good."

Zhou Yongchang said bitterly, and when the injury stopped, he was trying to torture Lynch.

"It's too late for you to thank me in a while. I didn't interrupt you to give you time to heal your injuries. You must be the first person to die in a while."

Lin Qi's words surprised everyone. Is this kid crazy? How dare he talk to Zhou Yongchang like that.

"Lynch, did something happen?"

After Chen Shao dealt with Zhou Yongchang's injury, he asked Lynch. It took only a few dozen breaths before and after, and a dozen people surrounded Lynch to prevent him from escaping.

"Look around!"

Lynch was too lazy to talk nonsense with them, let them see for themselves, and didn't even bother to say a word, the dragon sword appeared in his hand.


There was a sound of gasping for breath, and some people even trembled in fright, forgetting what happened just now.

"We are surrounded!"

Qiu Yuan screamed in fright. Hundreds of demons stood a hundred meters away from them. This is not the scariest thing, there are more than a dozen black beetles.

The black spider who attacked Zhou Yongchang just now was among them, and what was even more frightening was a black spider the size of a house, exuding a demonic aura.

Everyone was dumbfounded. They were so focused on the quarrel just now that they didn't know when they were surrounded.

It's not that their spiritual sense couldn't detect it, no one could have expected that they were all targeting Lynch, ignoring the observation of the surroundings.


Someone swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and was stunned by the scene in front of him. At least five demon gods came, plus Hei Zhe and a big black spider. No matter how big this battle was, it was completely crushed.

"We're fucked!"

Sima Xin's face was pale, and he sat down on the ground in fright, his clothes were soaked with sweat.

To enter the Demon Realm, everyone was prepared for a hard fight, but they never expected that they would encounter such a thing on the first day and be besieged by a large number of demons.

So neat, it was obvious that the other party came prepared, it was definitely not a coincidence.

The faces of the others were also not good-looking. Chen Shao's face was gloomy, and he and Zhuo Min exchanged a glance, and they could see the seriousness in each other's eyes.

Pei Hongwen, who was constantly sarcastic towards Lynch, rarely showed a trace of sadness.

"Boy, tell me quickly, we didn't find out whether the demons were recruited by you, how could you know?"

Yu Bing's face turned red, wishing he could kill Lynch right now.


Lynch moved, and with a swipe of the long sword, it swept towards Yu Gang's neck. The latter was startled, and when he touched his neck, a stream of blood dripped down.

"If it wasn't for the great enemy, I would have killed you with just one strike."

Among the five demon gods, Lynch has no chance of winning. If he wants to break through, he must attack together to open a gap.

The faces of the others changed dramatically. Unexpectedly, Lin Qi, who had been silent all the way, suddenly became angry and almost killed Yu Gang with a sword. Sima Xin and others were so frightened that they forgot that there were hundreds of demons staring at them all around.

The demons are getting closer and closer, only tens of meters away from them, and they can even smell the panting of the demons.

"How to do?"

Wang Houshi turned around in a hurry, if the three demon gods still had the power to fight, then they would be five!Equivalent to five first-rank Martial Gods.

Everyone turned their attention to Chen Shao. He is the god of war and the captain. He should stand up at this time and lead everyone out of the predicament.

Chen Shao's mind was also thinking quickly, making various judgments, and the final result was the same, even if he rushed out, someone would die.

"Everyone has also seen that no one knows whether we can leave alive tonight, but we will never compromise. I will restrain the two gods, Zhuo Min will restrain one end, Brother Pei will restrain the other end, and the other end will be handed over to Brother Lin."

Chen Shao quickly calmed down and began to assign tasks. As the captain, one person had to deal with two demon gods.

"What, share one end with Lynch!"

Many people didn't understand whether Chen Shao was crazy, but soon everyone understood, Sima Xin showed a smirk, Yu Bing's face became ferocious, and Zhou Yongchang sneered viciously.

"That's right, it's worth it to use him to contain a demon god. He deserves to die. Just give us a little delay. The eight of us are responsible for breaking through the gap."

Zhou Yongchang nodded, thinking that this method is good, sacrificing one person to contain the demon god is the best way.

Of all the people present, Lynch had the lowest level, so he was the most suitable.

Chen Shao was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect them to understand this way, thinking that he arranged for Lynch to die on his own initiative, and he didn't explain it, and he would know after a while.

"Do you have any opinions?"

The demons were getting closer, Chen Shao asked everyone.

After Chen Shao finished speaking, he looked at Lynch, mainly wanting to hear Lynch's opinion.

"No comment!"

"No comment!"


This arrangement is very reasonable, no one said anything, Lynch also remained silent.

"Okay, since there is no objection, let's get ready for battle. I took a look just now. To the northwest is a plain, which is suitable for us to break through."

The farther west you go, there are jagged rocks, which are not suitable for them to escape. It is better to go to the plains, where human speed can be displayed.

This time, no one had any objections. Everyone saw that there were mountains on the west and plains on the back, which was of course suitable for them to break through.


Xu Ze rushed up, the demons were only a dozen meters away from them, and the battle would start after a while, this distance was almost in the blink of an eye.

In an instant!

The 11 people rushed up together, all looking for their opponents. According to the division just now, Chen Shao stopped the two demon gods.

Zhuo Min stopped one, Pei Hongwen stopped the other, and the remaining one, Lynch, rushed up and didn't kill it directly, but watched the others fight.

In the blink of an eye, several demons died at the hands of Yu Gang, and their strength was good.

However, after a dozen or so breaths, the situation on the human side became passive. A dozen or so black beetles shuttled through the crowd, and several people were caught.

"Ah! I'm hurt."

Sima Xin's lower abdomen was scratched, and he screamed in pain, which was especially ear-piercing in the dark night.

Others are also uncomfortable. The demons are huge and physically strong, and this is their territory, occupying an absolute advantage.

The five demon gods screamed strangely, and Chen Shao was in danger several times. Facing two demon gods alone, the pressure was too great.

"Who can tell me what's going on tonight? We only went deep into the demons for a day, and we were besieged by the demons."

Wang Houshi repelled the demons and roared to the sky. Such a thing had never happened in previous years.

The battle started not only in one place, but also in many places.


A team with fairly good strength was resting. A group of demons approached and launched a reckless hunt. After a stick of incense, all the human races were wiped out.


The three human teams were sitting by the bonfire chatting and laughing happily, and a group of demons appeared quietly, and only after touching their backs did they realize that it was a completely one-sided massacre.

Not only these two places were staged, but the entire demon world was staged. On the first day when I came in, I was hit by the demons crazily.

"How the hell do they know we're here?"

Sima Xin was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood, and there were more and more wounds on his body.

"Then I would like to thank you for lighting the bonfire. Without it, how could these demons find us."

Lin Qi relied on his body skills to swim, but the demon god couldn't do anything to Lin Qi, and let out bursts of roars.

It was only then that the others realized that it was no wonder that Lynch ordered the bonfire to be extinguished in the first half of the night in order to avoid attracting demons, and it really worked.

It's useless to worry about these things now, no matter who is right or wrong, let's leave alive first.

The gap was not opened, but the eight people were all wounded, Sima Xin was very embarrassed.

Chen Shao glanced at Lynch and didn't speak. He knew very well that everyone had kept their hands back. At this critical moment, no one would be foolish to use all their strength.

"Boom boom boom..."

Mountain rocks splashed, trees broke, and bursts of explosions sounded in the night, spreading far and far away.

"What are you still hesitating about? You all try your best. If you keep hesitating, I'm afraid we're all going to die here."

Chen Shao can't stand it anymore, this is a mob army, and everyone is on guard.

It's no wonder that many teams forbid adding strangers of unknown origin, because they are afraid that during the battle, they will not work hard, save a little energy, and greatly increase the chance of surviving.

Chen Shao's reprimand played some role. The strength of the ten people was much stronger, but they couldn't turn the situation around. There were too many demons, and they went on and on.

Coupled with Heiju's troubles, it was extremely difficult to rush out.

No one yelled anymore and threw himself into the fight.

Lynch is also adapting, whether the demons in Lingzhu Continent are the same as the ones he encountered, and their fighting habits and so on.

It seems to be similar, but the demons here are smarter, which may be the reason why they have been fighting with the human race all the year round, and they are very familiar with many martial arts of the human race.

It is not easy to kill it easily, but for Lynch, it is much easier.

"Let's concentrate our efforts and break out to the north."

It was Zhuo Min who spoke, and her opponent was suppressed, leading everyone back to the north.


At this moment, more than a dozen black rogues rushed towards Zhuo Min, not giving her a chance at all, and the battle continued to be stalemate. If this continues, everyone will die.

Xu Ze felt that his strength was being consumed rapidly. It would be good if humans could last half an hour in such a high-intensity battle.

They don't have a perverted system like the demons, they rely on Yuanli.

(End of this chapter)

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