Chapter 870 Inexplicable Hatred

Everyone sat on the ground, anyway, it was still early, and there was nothing else in Wanglong Mountain, so they simply rested here.

"Brother Lin, the sword just now really opened my eyes. Even in the prosperous age of the human race, there are only a handful of people who can use this sword. I don't know where Brother Lin learned from?"

Long Wu mistakenly believed that Lin Qi was also from the prosperous age of the human race, and even suspected that he was a disciple of an ancient sect in order to understand this magical sword technique.

"To be honest, my memory is lost, and I have forgotten all the previous things. I came to Leicheng inexplicably. This point, the brothers and sisters of the Qiu family can testify for me."

This lie seems to have been spread to the end, Qiu Lenghan quickly stood up to prove it, and Long Wu did not continue to pursue it.

In her opinion, Lynch must be hiding something. Since she doesn't want to say it and can't force it, she naturally doesn't believe in such things as memory loss.

Unless the primordial spirit is damaged, the memory will be incomplete. She is a second-rank Martial God, and she has checked Lin Qi's primordial spirit a long time ago. It is completely intact and stronger than the normal first-rank Martial God.

"Junior Sister, it's getting late, let's go!"

The second-rank Martial God came over and stood between Lin Qi and Long Wu, interrupting their conversation.

"Let me introduce. This is my senior brother. After I was expelled from the sect, only senior brother Liu Shuo still has contact with me."

Long Wu introduced very politely, and Lin Qi hugged Liu Shuo as a greeting.

"I've seen Brother Liu!"

Since he is Long Wu's senior brother, Lynch still respects him very much, and just cast a stern look, pretending not to see it.

"Junior sister, let's go!"

Facing Lynch's greeting, Liu Shuo actually ignored it, and even Chen Shao, who was standing aside, showed displeasure.

Qiu Lenghan and Qiu Lengshuang also looked angry, this Liu Shuo was too defiant.

Long Wu's face was a bit uneasy, Liu Shuo was her senior brother, and Lin Qi was a friend she just made, so how could she be so rude.

"Brother Lin, I'm sorry! My senior brother has this temper, don't be like him."

Long Wu still explained it for Liu Shuo. In fact, everyone could see that Liu Shuo was pursuing Long Wu. Suddenly a man appeared and had such a happy chat with Long Wu, but Long Wu didn't know about it.

"It's okay, I'm not the kind of person with a small belly."

Even though Lynch was magnanimous, the other party ignored him again and again, and even showed stern eyes, feeling a little annoyed in his heart.

"You are not a small belly, so what you mean is that I am a small belly."

Hearing these words, Liu Shuo burst into a rage. He was very annoyed when he saw Long Wu chatting cordially with Lynch just now.

He deliberately ignored Lynch, telling the other party, don't wishful thinking, the toad wants to eat swan meat, the dragon dancer is not bad, and he is about [-] years old, very mature, very attractive to men.

The rest of the Dragon Dance team remained silent. Obviously, anyone who walked closer to Long Wu along the way had been warned by him.

So along the way, besides being able to talk to him, Long Wu would get cold eyes from Liu Shuo as long as he chatted with other people for more than three sentences.

"Whether it's a small belly or a chicken intestine, you know it in your heart."

For Long Wu's sake, Lynch didn't want to make a fuss too stiff, but if he backed down blindly, the other party really thought he was a soft persimmon and could handle it at will.

"You dare to say that I have a small belly, believe it or not, I will kill you right now."

Liu Shuo's anger finally erupted, and he rushed towards Lin Qi, ready to strike.

Chen Shao and others surrounded Lin Qi one after another, protecting Lin Qi behind him. They had a good chat just now, but suddenly they turned their faces.

"Brother, what are you doing? Brother Lin is my friend, why do you treat him like this?"

Long Wu was very angry. Although she was usually careless, she was not lacking in understanding. It was natural to see that Liu Shuo was interested in him.

But she didn't have the slightest affection for Liu Shuo. This time Liu Shuo took the initiative to rush from the sect to Leicheng to join her team, and it was hard to refuse, after all, the other party also had good intentions.

For the past half month, the entire team has been lifeless, and the others are very careful in what they say, so as not to say something wrong and offend this great god. After all, they come from the prosperous age of the human race.

"Junior Sister, I know you are kind-hearted, don't be fooled by some people and not know, since they are fine, why are we still here?"

After Liu Shuo finished speaking, he took a meaningful look at Lynch, telling Long Wu not to be attracted by Lynch's superficial appearance. Speaking of which, Lynch's appearance is definitely above Liu Shuo's, and he has a unique attraction force.

This is self-confidence. At any time, no matter whether you are surrounded by powerful enemies or talking and laughing, you can always be calm and composed. This kind of disposition alone is worth making friends with.

It was precisely because of this unique attraction, coupled with Lynch's appearance, that Liu Shuo had a crisis, and because Long Wu was very enthusiastic about Lynch, the farce just happened.

"Brother, I'm really angry that you're talking about Brother Lin like that. You're insulting my IQ. Do I need to ask for your opinion on what kind of person should I befriend?"

Liu Shuo was telling everyone that Long Wu was his woman, and no one was allowed to touch her, as long as she touched her, she was his enemy, and Long Wu naturally recognized it.

"Junior Sister, that's not what I meant. Since they are already fine, don't disturb their time."

Liu Shuo lowered his tone, looked coldly at others, but was very gentle with Long Wu, everyone could see this.

"Miss Longwu, since you still have something to do, I won't bother you. Let's say goodbye. Thank you for your rescue today. If you have a chance in the future, I will come to thank you!"

Lynch gave Long Wu a step down, because of himself, the relationship between their brothers and sisters was broken. On the contrary, he was not a human being inside and outside, so he simply proposed to leave.

"Alright then, this is my address in Leicheng. If you have a chance, you can come and visit me."

Long Wu took out an address and handed it to Lynch, but it was hard to continue the chat, and it was destroyed by Liu Shuo, and he lost interest.

"Well, I will definitely go if I have the chance."

Lynch didn't say anything to death, neither said that he would definitely go, nor said that he would not go, it was ambiguous.

Long Wu knew what Lynch was worried about, so she didn't want to force it. The two sides greeted each other. Lynch continued to walk south, and Long Wu led the team to go north. Anyway, they were still in the Longwang Mountain area.

"Brother Lin, that Liu Shuo was too deceitful just now, who did he think he was! Talking to you like this."

Xu Ze was arguing for Lin Qi, and even killed the second elder of the Yan family, let alone Liu Shuo.

"Forget it, this matter is over."

Lynch didn't care, anyway, there was no way they could meet again, if a dog bites you, it can't bite back.

far away!

Liu Shuo turned his head suddenly, and a murderous aura poured out. The target was Lynch's back. From his eyes, there was a scarlet aura, and the murderous intent was obvious.

It was strange to find a relatively flat place and start camping. More and more people poured into Wanglong Mountain.

Regardless of whether there are treasures or not, people are used to living in groups, and the strength of a large number of people will naturally increase the possibility of survival in the face of the demons.

"We operate at night, and there are so many people during the day, it's too conspicuous!"

Lynch hadn't expected so many people to come over, so he had to act in advance. It was scheduled to be tonight, and approached quietly according to the location on the map.

The others had no objections, and were even more anxious than Lynch. They couldn't wait to find the treasure.

The teams of the three major families have not arrived yet. If they arrive, I am afraid that these people will not even have the chance to drink soup.

Rest, recharge your batteries, and wait for the action in the middle of the night.

As the sky gradually darkened, hundreds of people walked the entire Wanglong Mountain. I'm afraid there will be more people coming tomorrow.

In the dense forest a hundred miles away, countless demon troops are gathering, ready to go, as long as an order is given, they will immediately go to Wanglong Mountain.

The demon army that can't be seen at a glance makes one's scalp tingle.

Hundreds of first-rank demon gods are waiting for military orders, and they can set off with just one order.

"call out!"

A black command flag fell and was caught by a third-rank demon god, which was an order from the young marshal of the demon clan.

"Let's go, destroy the human race!"

The army of millions of demons dispersed in an instant and marched in four directions. They wanted to catch a turtle in one urn. This tactic has been tried and tested.

In the dark night, the figures of the Six Paths disappeared without a sound. Wearing night clothes, Lynch also changed into black clothes, so that he could hide his body at night.

Tianxuan clothes are too conspicuous, not suitable for wearing at night.

The location has long been memorized by them, and the six of them kept a distance to avoid too much noise, and rushed towards a cliff west of Wanglong Mountain.

The mark on the map is on this cliff. If you look carefully, it happens to be the position of the dragon's head. The strange thing is that there is a neat cliff on the opposite side, as if the neck has been cut off.

When passing by a tent built by someone, go around to avoid being discovered, because it is late at night, everyone is sleeping soundly, and only a few people are patrolling.

With the help of some trees, it took half an hour to finally reach the bottom of the cliff.

"There is no one here, we still have to be careful, I will take the lead, and you will be the rear!"

Lynch began to arrange tasks. Among the six, he was the most powerful, so naturally he would take the lead. Although the others wanted to refute, they couldn't find a reason.

Like a gecko, Lynch stuck his hands on the stone wall and climbed up little by little.

The remaining five people followed behind, separated from Lynch by about tens of meters.

The cliffs are as high as thousands of feet, as if the entire mountain range has been cut off by humans. This is a miracle, and it is definitely not done by humans.

Looking from a distance, this thousand-foot-long mountain range is crawling here, and the head has disappeared. The place where Lynch is crawling now is the head of the mountain range.

Ten meters!

20 meters!
30 meters!
In the blink of an eye, Lynch had already climbed to a height of 50 meters. The reason why he didn't fly was because he was afraid that the flight would cause spatial fluctuations, the emission of energy, and the agitation of aura, which would attract the attention of others.

The six people relied entirely on their own physical strength, and climbed up little by little like ordinary people, so that no one would find out.

As long as you sacrifice your energy, someone will definitely perceive it.

Lynch didn't think that he was very physically strong, and the first-rank Martial God was naturally fine. Only Xu Ze was already out of breath when he climbed to a height of 50 meters.

(End of this chapter)

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