Chapter 894

Lynch's words are even more detrimental. What does it mean that you have resisted my fifth ray of sword energy, and let me let you.

The spectators in the four quarters were also amused. Lynch's slap in the face, I'm afraid Li Si's heart has already collapsed.

Hearing the word continue, Li Si thumped in his heart, realizing that something was wrong, and always felt that Lynch had a trick waiting for him.

"Look, the sixth ray of sword energy has appeared."

In that split second, the sixth ray of sword energy locked onto Liu Shuo's neck, but did not penetrate, waiting for Li Si's rescue.

"Heaven! Earth! Please help me, is this still a human being?"

Just now the Ninth-Rank Martial God said that the four paths are the top of the sky, and now the appearance of the sixth path has shattered the speculations of countless people in front of him. Lynch has not reached the limit yet.

The two Martial Emperors floating outside the window were also completely numb. They glanced at each other with deep wry smiles on their faces.

"Li Si, right? It's up to you. As long as you sacrifice your sixth ray of energy, you'll be considered to be able to withstand it."

Guoguo's ridicule made Li Si's face flushed, blood spurted out of anger, his face was sluggish, manipulating the five sword qi, his primordial spirit could hardly bear it.

If we stop here, wouldn't it be telling everyone that his genius is not as good as a poor boy in a poor country.

If this got out, he would be a sinner of the sect. If Lynch wasn't killed, the sect would punish him.

Only by killing Lynch can he avenge his blood and regain his dignity.

As soon as he gritted his teeth, the sixth Qi Jin appeared, and this time it was even worse, only the hair was thin and fluttering, and could be blown away by the wind.

"That's right, although it's a bit ugly, you can barely resist it, continue!"

Hearing the word continue, Li Si had the urge to scold his mother, and wanted to go up and strangle this kid to death, which was too fucking annoying.

As for the spectators from all over the place, they were amazed at first, then shocked, then numb, and completely lost their ability to think. Even if Lynch sacrificed a hundred, they would not be surprised.

Liu Shuo wanted to cry even more, he was about to regret it, how could he offend such a freak, even his senior brother couldn't do anything to him.

Because from the very beginning, they were wrong. It would not be so easy for Lynch to kill Li Si in a one-on-one fight.

Even if it is killed, it is very strenuous.

But there is one thing, killing Tian Yizong's disciples in public is a challenge for both him and the Qiu family.

Using soul power to fight, this is different, Lynch wants to kill people invisible.

Sometimes killing people doesn't have to be bloody. Killing silently is the most terrifying thing, and it will cast a shadow on people's hearts for the rest of their lives.

After absorbing the soul stone, Lynch's intelligence far surpassed that of ordinary people, and he was thoughtful in almost every step he took.

In front of Liu Shuo's eyes, a ray of sword energy floated there, and a ray of sword energy floated in his heart, scaring him so much that he was scared out of his wits.

A mouthful of blood spewed out of his mouth, and he was crippled even if he was not dead. Cracks appeared in his primordial spirit, and his mind was damaged.

"Hey, I saw it alive today, it scares a person, and I have learned a lot!"

Lin Qi did not choose to kill Liu Shuo, but frightened him to death.

The seventh ray of sword energy appeared, but did not fly towards Liu Shuo, because it was unnecessary, and that person was already a fool.

He flew towards Li Si without any warning. If he didn't stop him with vigor, he would be killed by Lynch's sword energy.

In front of everyone, Li Si gritted his teeth, another mouthful of blood spurted out, and a stronger aura appeared, trying to stop Lynch's sword aura.

"Sorry, I got the wrong person, shouldn't I kill Liu Shuo?"

The sword energy suddenly disappeared, flew to the pillars of the restaurant, disappeared without entering.


Li Si was furious. At this critical moment, Lynch actually played a trick on him. He was so angry that he spurted blood. What was even more frightening was that his expression was completely distorted.

"No, his primordial spirit is broken."

Lynch forced Li Si to defend the last sword qi. The six sword qi in the early stage exhausted all of Li Si's soul power.

This last burst of sword energy, like a straw, completely crushed Li Si to death.

If he didn't defend, he would definitely be killed by the sword energy. If he defended, he fell into Lynch's trap. He didn't intend to kill him at all, but made a mistake.

Liu Shuo was dumbfounded, and Li Si Yuan's spirit broke down, and he sat on the ground with his buttocks, and the surroundings fell into deathly silence.

No one could have imagined that things would end like this. Even Long Wu was stunned, standing where he was, his mind blank.

"Monster, monster, killing five birds with one stone, is this still a human being? How did he do it?"

Unknowingly, a statue of Emperor Wu appeared in the restaurant, he saw all the scene just now, obviously all the struggle here was seen by his eyes.

"Quickly tell me, what is killing five birds with one stone?"

People whose intelligence can't keep up with it don't know how to kill five birds with one stone.

"It shouldn't be said that one arrow kills five birds, but it can only be said that the plan is right. Every plan has been calculated. He already knew that it would end like this. This is also the best ending. Not only did he not offend Tian Yizong, but let Tian In one case, the relationship between the two must be separated."

A Martial Emperor from the Shi family appeared, sat in the restaurant, and continued what a casual cultivator had just said.

"Brother Shi is right, please continue talking."

The casual cultivator nodded, agreeing with the point of view of the Martial Emperor of the Shi family.

"He used words to irritate Liu Shuo, forcing him to get angry."

Everyone nodded. Indeed, Lynch forced Liu Shuo to lose his position with just a few words.

"Lin Qi has no excuse to act. The only way is to anger Liu Shuo and take the initiative in his own hands. This is the first strategy."

After the explanation, everyone suddenly realized that they seemed to understand that, to put it bluntly, there was no way out, and Liu Shuo's move happened to give Lynch a reason to do so.

"Second strategy, he could obviously save Qiu Zhe, but he used half of his strength to injure Qiu Zhe, so he has an excuse to do it."

The Shi family was not afraid of Qiu Zhe either, and said bluntly that Qiu Zhe was completely in the dark, and when he heard these words, his face was bewildered.

"Third strategy, he doesn't choose martial arts, but uses Yuanshen. He knows that martial fighting is not necessarily Li Si's opponent. Even if he can beat him, would he dare to openly kill the disciples of Tianyi Sect? Soul fighting is not necessarily the case. So he didn't cast seven wisps of sword energy all at once."

"The fourth strategy is to use sword energy to release Liu Shuo's psychological pressure on purpose. Everyone has seen the effect. Liu Shuo's heart collapsed and he became a fool."

"The fifth strategy, which is also the most powerful link, is to attack Li Si with sword energy, so that Li Si, who was originally exhausted, had to burn his soul in order to protect himself. As a result, cracks appeared in his soul."

"Originally, there was nothing. There was a crack in the fifth-grade primordial spirit, which could be repaired in a few years. However, his last sentence, I attacked wrongly, completely broke Li Si's mind, and the primordial spirit shattered."

"After listening to Brother Shi's explanation, I immediately understood that this kid's scheme is too powerful, so Tian Yizong can't anger the Qiu family, let alone accommodate him."

Emperor Wu of the Qiu family also walked in. After some analysis, they all looked at Lin Qi. Even Emperor Wu felt his hairs stand on end at this moment.

How terrible it would be to offend such an enemy, with such a deep calculation.

"That's right, if Tian Yizong dared to take revenge, wouldn't they have admitted it? It's not as good as a poor boy in a remote village, two genius disciples, who were frightened into stupidity. I'm afraid Tian Yizong would not admit that these two are theirs. disciple."

Emperor Wu of the Qiu family was in a good mood. Lin Qi's trick was right, not only abolishing Liu Shuo and Li Si, but also leaving Tian Yizong behind him speechless.

The restaurant was full, and the people on the street looked shocked. They didn't know if they didn't analyze it. This analysis made Lynch even more awed. Many people automatically backed away to avoid offending Lynch.

"Brother, what they said just now is true. You hurt me on purpose to complete your next plan?"

Qiu Zhe grabbed Lynch's arm, trying to get Lynch to admit it.

"Don't listen to their nonsense, am I that kind of person?"

Lynch looked solemn, and would never admit it, even if he was killed, he would not say that Qiu Zhe was hurt on purpose.

Qiu Zhe stared at Lynch, looked him up and down, and finally said solemnly: "I think you are like that kind of person."

He wasn't really angry either, his injury was nothing at all, Lynch was very measured, it was just a joke.

"Brother, thank you for avenging me!"

Qiu Zhe kicked Liu Shuo viciously, and he was in a good mood. Regardless of whether he was used by Lynch, he was used for revenge. At least he used it for value, otherwise, how could he destroy the two of them.

The restaurant couldn't stay any longer, and the three of them left quickly, but the people in the restaurant were still reluctant to leave, and were still discussing what happened just now.

The more thorough the analysis, the more afraid of Lynch, what kind of person is this, who can think of such a way.

Step by step, Liu Shuo and Li Si were pushed into a desperate situation, and in the end they even lost their lives.

Looking at Lin Qi's back, Long Wu's mouth was full of bitterness, and he glanced at Li Si and Liu Shuo who were lying on the ground, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

No one will pester her anymore, she is in a good mood, and strode away from the restaurant.

"Amazing! Even if Tian Yizong asked about it, they also got the reputation that their skills are inferior to others. It's better to pretend that they don't know. After all, they hurt people first. From the beginning to the end, Lynch had the ability to kill them, but he didn't do it. Give Tian enough face."

Emperor Wu of the Shi family sighed. Although he had made a detailed analysis, some powerful links in it could not be explained clearly by relying on analysis.

Only after savoring carefully, did I slowly realize how terrifying Lynch is.

Leaving the restaurant and returning to the residence, the news about the restaurant spread throughout Leicheng in a blink of an eye.

After what happened in the morning, Lynch once again set off a frenzy. The second-rank Martial God manipulated the seven wisps of sword energy, scared the second-rank Martial God, and abolished the fifth-rank Martial God Yuanshen.

This is something that has never happened in Lingzhu Continent.

Not long after he came back, someone from the Qiu family came.

"Lynch, you did a good job, the owner said, thank you for saving Xiao Zhe, as for the Tianyi sect, you don't have to worry, even if the masters of the Tianyi sect come, our Qiu family may not be afraid of them, don't forget, Lei The city is our domain."

With the Patriarch's oral order, Qiu Hui expressed an attitude, firmly standing on Lynch's side.

"If my guess is correct, Uncle Qiu must have attained the Emperor Realm."

Lin Qi glanced at Qiu Hui strangely, as long as Qiu Zhenxiong's magic flame is released, he will definitely feel the opportunity of the emperor's realm.

Qiu Hui was startled when he heard the word Emperor Realm, and quickly pulled Lin Qi aside for fear of being overheard.

(End of this chapter)

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