Chapter 896 Bizarre Death
The seven members of the Shi family walked into the hall and frowned as they looked at the five corpses lying on the ground.

Shi Ye went up to check and found that the five corpses had no wounds and no signs of poisoning.

The primordial spirit is intact, which is too strange, how did it die.

Standing up, shaking his head, even the Ninth Rank Martial Emperor couldn't find out the reason, it was really weird.

"Any clues?"

Shi Yanfei was in charge of handling the matter, and asked Shi Ye how they died.

"Without the slightest clue, he died naturally."

The rest of the Shi family didn't believe it, so they squatted down and checked every inch of their muscles, but they couldn't find any clues.

Even though he was wearing clothes, he couldn't stop his divine sense from checking at all.

After checking the full cup of tea time, there is no clue how the five of them died, it is like a mystery.

"Patriarch Qiu, give us an explanation!"

Qiu Yanfei spoke, no matter how they died, since they died in Qiu's house, they have an unshirkable responsibility.

"Our Qiu family is indeed responsible for this matter. Please go back and tell Master Shi. Give us three days and we will definitely give the Shi family a satisfactory answer."

Qiu Zhenxiong took the initiative to take responsibility, the matter has come to this point, sophistry only made the matter worse, it is better to use these three days, hoping to find some clues.

"Three days?"

Shi Yanfei frowned. In three days, there will be too many changes.

"We must give us an explanation today. If you destroy the corpses and wipe out the traces in three days, who will we ask for reason?"

Shi Yanfei didn't say a word, a young man came out from behind him, he was only a third-rank Martial God, and he came along with him.

It seems that the younger brother of a woman who died here also came with the team.

The members of the Qiu family were full of anger. When will it be the turn of a little third-rank Martial God to question the words of the Patriarch.

"Shi Xiao, what do you mean!"

Qiu Zhe stood up, of course his father couldn't stand up at this time, it would appear that the big bullied the small.

"Don't you know what I mean? These people were killed by members of your Qiu family. If we don't explain clearly today, we won't leave."

Shi Xiao didn't back down, which made Shi Ye frowned. The family asked them to investigate this matter, and they didn't mean to target the Qiu family.

The members of the Shi family naturally knew that it was absolutely impossible for the Qiu family to do such a frenzied thing, there must be something else hidden.

"Shi Xiao, pay attention to your wording!"

Shi Yanfei interrupted Shi Xiao and asked him to pay attention to the fact that the relationship between the two families has been passed down for thousands of years, and they should not destroy each other's feelings because of a trivial matter.

"The person who died was my sister, I can't be calm!"

Shi Xiao didn't back down, many people saw some signs, this Shi Xiao seemed to be looking for trouble, not to deal with the problem.

From Shi Xiao's point of view, there is no problem with what he said, the person who died was his sister, if it were someone else, he would still be angry.

"Master Shi, within three days, someone from my Qiu family will guarantee that no matter whether the murderer can be found or not, my Qiu family will give a satisfactory answer."

Qiu Zhenxiong naturally ignored Shi Xiao, but looked at Shi Yanfei.

"Patriarch Qiu, it's not that we are being unreasonable. If we don't solve the problem today, it will be bad for our Shi family if it gets out. They think our Shi family is afraid of trouble."

Shi Yanfei was soft but hard, forcing the Qiu family to express their position now, there must be an explanation.

"You bully people too much. It's not our Qiu family who kills people. Why do you want to be aggressive?"

Someone from the Qiu family also stood up, thinking that the Shi family was too unkind.

"Are we aggressive?"

"If someone died in your Qiu family, you are suspicious. I even suspect that it was the murder of your Qiu family. Otherwise, why can't we find any clues? It must be someone covering you."

What Shi Xiao said was a bit vicious, insinuating, telling everyone that these people were killed by the Qiu family.

"Shi Xiao, shut up!"

Shi Ye couldn't stand it any longer, and shouted loudly, the whole hall suddenly fell silent.

"Patriarch Dai, my words are a bit heavy, but there is a slight problem with what I said. Not only can they not provide any clues when someone dies in Qiu's house, but they have to delay it for three days. Is there no problem?"

Shi Xiao didn't back down, this time the team leader was Shi Ye, and Shi Yanfei was in charge of this matter, that is to say, Shi Ye only had the right to watch, not the right to dispose.

The Qiu family glared at each other, and the relationship between the two sides became more and more tense, because Shi Xiao's words hurt the Qiu family's nerves.

If things get worse today and the consequences are unimaginable, the relationship between the two families will definitely break down completely.

Even a small crack, no matter how good the treasure in the world is, cannot be repaired, and the crack will only grow bigger.

No one answered Shi Xiao's words, the Qiu family couldn't provide any clues, and had to make people ponder.

"Patriarch, have you noticed that the five people who died are exactly the same as the one who died a hundred years ago."

The elder of the Qiu family came out, which is also a clue. A hundred years ago, the Zhang family married the Qiu family, and the daughter of the Zhang family died on the wedding night.

They are so similar, without any flaws, without any clues, as if they died suddenly out of thin air.

Everyone's thoughts were drawn to a hundred years ago, when the head of the Qiu family was not Qiu Zhenxiong, but his father.

In his generation, similar things happen again, is this fate?
Lynch has been standing aside, not saying a word, listening to their argument, no one noticed him.

"First, the members of the Zhang family died inexplicably. Now it's our Shi family's turn, and they say that your Qiu family has nothing to do with it."

Shi Xiao's snorting tone made the Qiu family's killing intent fierce, and they were ready to kill Shi Xiao if they didn't agree with each other.

"Say one more thing, I will kill you with my own hands."

Qiu Zhenxiong was worthy of being the head of the family. He didn't speak, but it didn't mean that Shi Xiao was allowed to continue talking nonsense. The tyrannical Emperor Wu's breath was crushed down, and the whole hall suddenly shook.

Everyone was silent, and when the Patriarch got angry, those warriors trembled with fear.

Even Shi Yanfei kept his mouth shut and kept insulting the Qiu family. He didn't kill anyone, which was enough to give their Shi family face.

The two families have been friendly for generations, which does not mean that they can be slandered at will.

"Ruoshui, the one who died a hundred years ago, will his body not rot after death?"

Lin Qi suddenly pulled Qiu Ruoshui, who woke up and looked at Lin Qi.

"how do you know?"

Qiu Ruoshui's pupils suddenly dilated, and her mouth opened with disbelief.

"If I'm not mistaken, they didn't die suddenly, but were killed!"

Lin Qi only communicated with Qiu Ruoshui with his spiritual sense, outsiders couldn't hear it, and Lin Qi was still not sure.

"Lynch, come with me!"

Qiu Ruoshui pulled Lin Qi, bypassed the crowd, and came to the back of the main hall. There was no one here.

"Lynch, what do you want to say?"

This matter is related to the survival of the Qiu family, Qiu Ruoshui must figure it out, as long as the riddle is solved, the immediate crisis of the Qiu family can be resolved.

"It's not convenient for me to intervene in this matter, so as not to be caught by others."

Lynch frowned slightly. This matter involved a lot. If he stepped forward rashly, both the Qiu family and the Shi family would look at him like a monster.

"You say, I will do as you say, no matter success or failure, I will not blame you, if something happens, I will bear it alone!"

Qiu Ruoshui said categorically, she is definitely a decisive person, there should be no hesitation at this time, the family has reached the cusp of the storm.

With her resolute tone, Lynch stopped insisting, and leaned over to Qiu Ruoshui, telling her what to do next.

"Is there really such a witchcraft?"

Qiu Ruoshui obviously didn't believe it, and there was no other way at the moment, the Shi family was still arguing outside, the Shi family refused to give up, and the Qiu family couldn't come up with any clues, so they just stood deadlocked.

"I'm not sure either. Looking at their state before they died, it's very likely that it's what I said."

It is impossible for Lynch to fully explain, maybe he made a mistake in judgment, so let Qiu Ruoshui think clearly, if things are not as he guessed, it may intensify the conflict between the two sides.

"Okay, I believe you!"

Gritting her silver teeth, Qiu Ruoshui nodded and strode out from the back of the hall, the quarrel outside continued.

"Everyone be quiet!"

A yell interrupted everyone, and hundreds of gazes fell on Qiu Ruoshui alone.

"I found some clues about why they died!"

At the moment when the surroundings became quiet, Qiu Ruoshui continued.


Qiu Zhenxiong was also in a state of desperation at the moment, and his eyes showed a hint of hope. He also saw it just now. His daughter and Lynch walked to the back of the hall, and they must be discussing something.

When he came out suddenly, he found a clue. He knew very well that it must be Lynch secretly pointing out.

"Niece Ruoshui, do you really have a clue?"

Shi Ye naturally didn't want to see the two families facing each other, so his tone was a little urgent.

"Uncle Shi Ye, I just have some clues that need to be verified in public, so I'm not sure yet."

Qiu Ruoshui didn't say anything to death, and gave herself a room to maneuver.

"How do you need to verify?"

Shi Yanfei spoke, even Emperor Wu couldn't find out the reason, a little child, what can he know.

"Don't be impatient, everyone, just keep watching quietly."

Without explaining, he walked to the nearest corpse, squatted down, and everyone gathered, one layer at a time.

If you can't see it, use your spiritual sense to watch it. Only those Martial Emperors are eligible to surround them.

"Father, if something happens, you must take action to suppress it, and don't let things fly out of the hall from the corpse."

Qiu Ruoshui sent a voice transmission to his father. Lynch had told him just now that if it really happened as he expected, things would be far more terrifying than he imagined.

Qiu Zhenxiong didn't speak, just nodded, and Emperor Wu's aura leaked out little by little, sealing off the surrounding area.

In the sight of everyone, Qiu Ruoshui ignited a beam of flames and placed them on both sides of the dead man's head.

"Qiu Zhe, hold the back of her head and don't fall to the ground."

After lighting two candles, ask Qiu Zhe to help, she can't do it alone.

The back of the head was pulled up, the talent died not long ago, and the body was not very stiff.

Another two candles were lit and placed on both sides of the back of the head, as if something was being smoked, and everyone was confused.

"Qiu Ruoshui, what are you doing, you are disrespectful to the dead!"

Shi Xiao couldn't stand it anymore, he jumped out directly to stop Qiu Ruoshui.

"Are you afraid of something?"

It wasn't Qiu Ruoshui, nor Qiu Zhe, nor anyone from the Qiu family who spoke, but Lynch.

Those cold words woke everyone up, as if someone had poured cold water on them. Why did Shi Xiao make troubles again and again? Is it really like Lynch said, what is he afraid of?
(End of this chapter)

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