Chapter 988 Punishment
Everyone automatically stepped aside, the high platform has been cleared, some important guests who have made good friends with Feiyu Pavilion have arranged to rest, and the rest are the absolute core of Feiyu Pavilion.


Jiang Yu asked Wei Shen with a bad tone.

"Ten days ago, Lynch came to Yachongtian. Because he couldn't get in touch with us, he found Hall Master Jin who had an agreement with him five years ago. Later, he found Master Wei Xiang. He hoped that through Wei Xiang Master, he could enter The chief rudder, the two-year appointment to go to the pavilion master, was rejected by Master Wei Xiang on the spot, and even spoke harsh words to each other."

Wei Shen told the story in detail, Wei Xiangzhu's face turned red and blue, very ugly.

The other incense masters were also very resentful when they heard the news.

Fortunately, Lynch used a talisman to attract relatives and entered Feiyu Pavilion, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable. If Zheng Shuyuan won the championship, it would be a nightmare for Feiyu Pavilion.

Especially Chiyue Xiangzhu, whose face was livid and gloomy.

"Wei Xiangzhu, why don't you explain it to us?"

Lord Bai Yuxiang asked in a cold voice, whether it is true or not, one should not speak harshly to each other, not to mention that the person was brought by Jin Yu, so there is no problem with his identity, why did he do this.

"At that time, no one knew whether it was true or not. If spies sneaked into our Feiyu Pavilion, wouldn't it be a crime?"

Wei Xiangzhu was still quibbling, thinking that Lin Qi was a spy, so he refused that day.

"It's a bunch of nonsense. Jin Yu personally brought you over to see you that day, and even explained that Lin Qi showed a strong talent for talisman Taoism in the fifth heaven that day. Later, he explained that he had a two-year agreement with the pavilion master. I think you don't want to. Let Lin Qi meet the pavilion master, this is true."

Kang Ning still has a fiery temper. As a Dharma protector, although he is not as high as Wei Xiangzhu and has no real power, his rank is second only to the Pavilion Master.

"I think this matter is also a misunderstanding. Since Wei Xiangzhu has already admitted his mistake, it is better to make the big and small things smaller. Our Feiyu Pavilion is developing soon, so we shouldn't pursue useless things at this time."

Lord Qingmu Xiang stood up and acted as a peacemaker, wanting to resolve the grievances between each other, there is no need to make things big.

In addition, Lynch also slapped Wei Xiangzhu that day, if Lynch continued to pester him, it would appear that he is a villain.

But it doesn't mean that Jiang Yu will stop there and almost ruin her important event of rescuing her father. This is related to the life and death of Feiyu Pavilion.

"Master Wei Xiang, go face the wall yourself, and don't leave Feiyu Pavilion without my order."

Jiang Yu's tone was cold, showing the majesty of the master of a cabinet, with a tone that could not be rejected.

Wei Xiangzhu wanted to refute something, Qingmu Xiangzhu suddenly patted him on the shoulder, signaling him to stop talking.

"The subordinate is guilty!"

Wei Xiangzhu glanced at Qingmu Xiangzhu, who nodded, then bowed to answer, and stepped aside.

"Let's not talk about that, let's go back and celebrate tonight."

The youngest of the Jade Girl Fragrance Master, she couldn't bear it for a long time, and wanted to go back to celebrate, don't stay here and talk about some unhappy things.

"Jiang Yu, Jin Yu is kind to me, I hope you..."

After punishing Wei Xiangzhu, Jin Yu's life will definitely be difficult in the future, Lin Qi is a little embarrassed, with a begging tone.

"Don't worry, I have my own arrangements."

Lin Qi didn't need to talk about it, Jiang Yu also knew how to arrange Jin Yu. If it wasn't for him, how could he know Lin Qi, let alone save himself from the fire and water. Speaking of which, Jin Yu was also kind to her.

A group of people left one after another, and several incense masters did not leave, still staying where they were.

"Old Qi, why did you ask me to accept the crime? What is my crime?"

Wei Xiangzhu suddenly changed his face and asked Qingmu Xiangzhu, full of murderous intent.

"Old Wei, I'm also doing it for your own good. This kid is in full swing, and he is favored by the Pavilion Master. It's very unwise for us to confront him at this time. It's not that you haven't seen his murder methods. It's true that you are the one who suffers. .”

Lord Qingmuxiang said in a serious tone, Lin Qi had killed so many people in the gate of death, and it was easy to turn his back if he wanted to kill them.

"Aoki is right. It would definitely be unwise to fight against him at this time. Anyway, there are so many things in Xiangtang. When the time comes, you will ask for instructions and leave. There is no need to get into trouble at this time."

At this time, Iron Wing Xiangzhu also had a comforting tone, enlightening Wei Xiangzhu, and the relationship between the three of them has always been very good.

After being enlightened by the two, Wei Xiangzhu's complexion looked better, but the killing intent remained the same, it didn't decrease at all, but became stronger.

"Damn it, let a little girl rule our Feiyu Pavilion, and it's why we are here today. Aoki, I didn't say that, in terms of qualifications, you are the head of the Twelve Fragrance Masters, and you should take over Feiyu Pavilion."

Wei Xiangzhu slapped the table next to him fiercely, and pieces of wood flew everywhere, venting his anger in his heart.

"Don't talk nonsense, it's not good for people to hear."

Master Aoki Xiang's eyes flickered with an imperceptible smile, and quickly covered it up, but his expression was pretending to be a little angry.

"Old Wei's words are rough and unreasonable. Now we have no leader in Feiyu Pavilion, and we have been left to a little girl with no hair to take care of it, so we fell into today's field. If we hand it over to Brother Qingmu, with the help of Fu Luo Tu, I believe Big Brother Aoki will be able to comprehend the Martial Emperor Realm."

Iron Wing Xiangzhu followed suit, thinking that what Wei Xiangzhu said was right, Feiyu Pavilion wanted to develop, so it couldn't go on like this.


Hearing what the two of them said, Qingmu Xiangzhu sighed deeply.

"Brother Qingmu, as long as you say a word, my brother will look up to you. In terms of the entire Feiyu Pavilion, your Qingmu Hall is the largest, occupying half of the country. We are convinced that you will be the master of the pavilion."

Wei Xiangzhu was willing to go all out, and dared to say anything.

The strange thing is that Master Qingmu Xiang didn't stop her, and the smile in the corner of her eyes became stronger and stronger.

"This matter needs to be discussed in the long run."

Lord Qingmuxiang neither refused nor vetoed, and gave an ambiguous answer.

"This matter is not difficult to say, and it is not easy to say that it is simple. As long as seven incense masters jointly nominate, Jiang Yu can be abolished and Brother Qingmu will take over Feiyu Pavilion."

Iron Wing Fragrance Lord pondered for a moment, then said slowly.

Wei Xiangzhu nodded, Qingmu Xiangzhu's eyes lit up, obviously it was not the first time he coveted the position of Pavilion Master, from the desire for power in his eyes, it can be seen that he wanted to usurp the throne a long time ago.

"The three of us, I can go to work on Kuangsha. Lord Shadowyaxiang is not necessarily, he has always remained neutral. Lord Yonglixiang is a good guy. As long as we are moved with emotion and reason, I believe we can stand our side."

Wei Xiangzhu started counting on his fingers, but the number was still not enough.

"Add the three of us, and with Kuangsha and Yongli, there are only five people, two short of seven."

Tie Yi frowned, this is the rule set by the old pavilion master, if there are more than seven incense masters, the pavilion master can be dismissed, provided that the pavilion master does not fulfill his duties.

"Seven Star Fragrance Master should be able to play tricks. As for Chiyue and Baiyu, there is basically no chance. Jade Girl has little hope, but she is the most sensible. If she stands in front of the general situation, I believe she can agree."

The three sat down and began to discuss. Wei Xiangzhu continued to analyze that just now Jiang Yu asked him to face the wall, which completely angered him.

"Well, it's basically impossible for Baihuaxiang Lord. We can only start with Qixing and Hongyue, let alone Shadow Fang. This person is too withdrawn, so don't provoke him."

Master Qingmu Xiang nodded, unknowingly, she even got involved together.

"What if they don't agree? Can we always be ruled by a little girl?"

Iron Wing was also angry. In the early stage, relying on the prestige of the old pavilion master, everyone was fine, but what happened today made everyone very unhappy. Lynch's limelight overwhelmed everyone.

Once Lin Qi really became the son-in-law of Feiyu Pavilion Chenglong Kuai, they basically had nothing to do with them, and they had to obey Lin Qi's call in the future. Wei Xiangzhu was furious just thinking about it.

"Old Wei, you go to Kuangsha. Tie Yi, you go to Qixing. I'm going to Hongyue. Yunu is the last choice."

Lord Qingmuxiang began to give orders, and everyone moved.

"The time is urgent, we must act as soon as possible, we cannot give him a chance to rescue the old Pavilion Master, otherwise we will not have a good life in the future."

In the past few decades, they have been doing their own things, and it seems that they are all the incense masters of Feiyu Pavilion, and they have long since broken away from the chief rudder.

Once the old pavilion master returns, there will be a major rectification, and even their position may be lost. Before Jiang Feiyu is rescued, it is better to strike first.

There was a hint of madness in Wei Xiangzhu's eyes, and it seemed that he was going to die.

With Lynch in Feiyu Pavilion, he will not have a good life, so it is better to fight.

Lord Qingmuxiang and Lord Tieyixiang looked at each other, and from the eyes of each other, they also saw a touch of madness, and things could no longer allow them to think about it.

Lin Qi was completely unaware of all this, and was brought to the interior of Feiyu Pavilion by Jiang Yu and others. In a magnificently furnished hall, Yingying Yanyan, several female incense masters, surrounded Lin Qi, wanting to know more Something about Lynch.

Especially Chiyuexiangzhu and Baiyuxiangzhu are very curious about Lynch.

Lynch can be regarded as knowing everything and saying everything, saying everything that should be said, and not saying anything that should not be said.

"All of you don't say a word, always give people some time to meet alone."

Baihuaxiang's joking tone caused everyone to laugh, and they all left the hall holding hands, leaving Lin Qi and Jiang Yu behind.

The four eyes met, and Jiang Yu was full of affection. Only after experiencing it, would he know what he needs.

In the past two years, she has always had a person in her heart, trying to pretend that it doesn't matter. Whenever the night is quiet, that person will pop up by herself and appear in her mind.

"sorry to keep you waiting!"

Lin Qi rubbed his hands, and understood something from Jiang Yu's eyes, always feeling a little owed.

Whether to Xiaoxue or Jiang Yu, Lynch always felt that he owed them too much.

"Soon, the time is just right."

Jiang Yu was no longer that lofty princess, but now she was like a little girl next door, sitting quietly by the side, and the hall fell into silence.

"Tell me about the situation of Feiyu Pavilion and what I need to do."

After a dozen or so breaths of silence, Lynch broke the silence first, and asked Jiang Yu, avoiding the embarrassment of sitting face to face.

(End of this chapter)

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