Chapter 994 Purple Cloud Valley

The morning sun shone into the attic, Jiang Yumei opened her eyes, and looked at the man standing by the fence, her cheeks flushed, her heart pounding like a deer, like a child who did something wrong.

"Lynch, you miss them."

Jiang Yu got dressed, picked up a cloak, put it on Lynch's shoulders, and leaned against Lynch.

"Well, I came out of the sword field, and I didn't have time to see them, so I rushed directly to Yachongtian."

Lynch didn't hide it, he felt a little guilty, he owed them too much these years.

"Lynch, am I a bad woman who not only took away their beloved, but also made it impossible for you to reunite."

Jiang Yu suddenly stood up straight, with a tone of self-blame. In the Seventh Heaven, she had known for a long time that Lynch had several confidante friends, but she just couldn't control herself.

"It's all my fault, it has nothing to do with you."

Lynch laughed at himself with a hint of helplessness on his expression.

"Lynch, don't say that, I will feel even more guilty if you say that."

Jiang Yu's small hand suddenly blocked Lynch's mouth to prevent him from continuing, and leaned tightly in Lynch's arms.

"It's okay, I will explain to them, I believe they will understand."

Hugging Jiang Yu's waist, the rain stopped, the sky was high and the air was clear, the rich spiritual energy penetrated into Lynch's nasal cavity, and the low mood just now was swept away.

"Cough cough..."

At this moment, the sound of coughing and rinsing came from behind, interrupting this beautiful scene. Jiang Yu ran out of Lynch's arms quickly as if someone had stepped on her tail, her cheeks blushing.

She was originally an extremely beautiful woman, but now she is like a ripe cherry, waiting for someone to pick it, Lynch couldn't help but stare in a daze.

Nangong Hongxue came in at some point and interrupted them.

"Pavilion Master, Yingya asked me to ask you when to save the old Pavilion Master."

Hongxue's cheeks were also a little hot. In fact, she had been in for a while, but she didn't want to spoil the chance for the two of them to get along alone.

Seeing that the two of them had almost chatted and expressed their hearts, they interrupted.

Jiang Yu looked at Lynch, wanting to hear his opinion.

"We're leaving tomorrow. There don't need to be too many people. It's easy to attract the attention of Sima Villa."

Lynch thought for a while, and immediately made a decision, sooner rather than later, to avoid other accidents.

"How about this, let Baihua and Yunu go with us, you stay in Feiyu Pavilion, pay close attention to the movements of Aoki and others, if there is anything, please notify me immediately."

Jiang Yu quickly made a decision. After experiencing yesterday's incident, she has become more mature. She should keep more people in Feiyu Pavilion to avoid other accidents.

"Pavilion Master, just the four of you, is it safe on the road like this?"

Nangong Hongxue was worried. According to her opinion, more people should be brought along.

"No, the four of us are enough. There are too many people, but it will be conspicuous."

Lin Qi answered for Jiang Yu. After the decision was made, Lin Qi rested for a day to consolidate his realm and set off early tomorrow morning.

The sky was slightly bright, and the four figures left the Feiyu Pavilion, and headed towards Ziyun Valley at high speed, they must dare to be in front of the people in Sima Villa.

"Brother Aoki, they left."

Wei Xiangzhu's cheek was swollen a lot, and he fell to the ground yesterday, with his left cheek on the ground, a few teeth were knocked out, and his speech was slurred.

"Understood, you go and arrange it so that they will never return."

Aoki's eyes were gloomy and cold, and he gave the order, while Iron Wing Fragrance Master stood aside, his body suddenly became alert.

"Brother Qingmu, it's not good to do this. Our Feiyu Pavilion and Sima Villa have always been hostile. Sending this news to Sima Villa is not going against our original intention."

Tie Yixiang asked cautiously, once the news of Lynch's entry into Ziyun Valley was leaked to Sima Villa, the other side would definitely send experts to intercept and kill him.

As long as Lynch is killed, the old Pavilion Master cannot be rescued, and Feiyu Pavilion will be their world.

Once Lynch died, Aoki didn't have to be afraid of anyone, relying on Chiyue and the others, he couldn't turn the tide.

"Iron Yi, it's not that we are cruel. Now we can't help but turn back. If the old pavilion master is really rescued, do you think we can stay in the Feiyu Pavilion? We may even be abolished. If we do this , is also a helpless move.”

Aoki spoke earnestly, and Wei Xiang nodded frequently. The matter has come to this point, so he can only bite the bullet and go down.


Once on this boat, it is not so easy to get off.

After leaving the Feiyu Pavilion, the four of them no longer hid, flew high into the sky, and advanced rapidly.

It would take several days to rush from Feiyu Pavilion to Ziyun Valley. It was a game arranged by Sima Feng when they made an appointment to fight here.

"Lynch, I have a bad feeling."

When passing by a big city, the four of them stopped to rest, Jiang Yuxiu frowned, women's intuition is often very accurate sometimes.

"I also feel that someone is following us."

After Lin Qi released his consciousness, people have been following them quietly since they left Feiyu Pavilion. It is unclear for the time being what the purpose is.

After eating in a hurry, the four of them continued on the road. Bai Hua and Yu Nu were cautious and disguised themselves as they were afraid of being recognized.

"Bai Hua, Yu Nu, you two go east, we go south, and finally meet at Purple Cloud Valley."

Lynch glanced behind him, changed his strategy, and divided his troops into two groups. He wanted to see if someone was really following him.

"it is good!"

The two obeyed Lin Qiyan, and the four separated in an instant. Lin Qi took Jiang Yu and hurried to the south.

Not long after the four of them disappeared, two men appeared in the void, with wicked eyebrows and mouse eyes, and their eyeballs rolled around.

"Notify the owner immediately, they split into two directions."

The sly-eyed man took out a communication talisman and sent back what happened here.

"Third senior brother, when will the people sent by the owner of the village arrive? This is the best time to kill Feiyu Pavilion. I didn't expect the internal strife in Feiyu Pavilion to give us a chance at Sima Villa."

Another person asked excitedly.

"Don't worry, they are going to Ziyun Valley, and there are still a few days to go. The owner has sent someone to intercept them on the road. Once they arrive, they will fall into a trap. This time, they will mainly hunt Jiang Yu and Lynch, and the others will not care. .”

After the sly-eyed man finished speaking, he gave up following Baihua and Yunu, and continued to hang behind Lin Qi. The two of them were the ones Sima Villa wanted to kill.

Lin Qi stopped and stopped on the road, and it was certain that the people from Sima Villa had spotted them.

"Brother Lin, we have only been out for two days. How could the people in Sima Villa find us?"

Jiang Yu's title had changed, and with a worried face, she asked Lin Qi that there must be no mistakes in rescuing her father this time.

"I suspect that someone deliberately leaked our whereabouts."

Lin Qi's eyes turned cold, knowing that they left Feiyu Pavilion yesterday, only a few people knew that there must be an inner ghost.

"Impossible, our Feiyu Pavilion and Sima Villa have always been hostile, who would deliberately leak the news to the opponent."

Jiang Yu still didn't believe it. Although what happened a few days ago, she would rather believe that they were just fooled by lard, and they couldn't think about it for a while. Their real purpose was still for Feiyu Pavilion.

"You're still too kind. These days, you know people, you know their faces, but you don't know their hearts. The events of the past few days have not taught you enough. After you rescue your father, you will know the faces of these people thoroughly."

Lynch has experienced too many things, and he has never seen anyone before. From Aoki's eyes, he saw the desire for power, and told Jiang Yu on the first day to guard against this person.


Jiang Yu knew that he was deceiving himself and others, as long as he rescued his father, he could relieve the responsibility from his shoulders.

"Let's not talk about this, let's continue on our way, now we have to race against time, the sooner the better."

Lin Qi knew Jiang Yu's difficulty, grabbed her little hand, and moved forward quickly.

I remember two years ago, Jiang Yu was a third-rank Martial God, and after two years, he just reached the fifth-rank Martial God, while Lynch was already an eighth-rank.

As the distance from Ziyun Valley got closer, Lynch's anxiety also deepened. As long as Emperor Wu did not appear, Lin Qi was not afraid. Once Emperor Wu came, it would be very troublesome.

"Jiang Yu, how many Martial Emperors are there in Sima Villa?"

While flying, Lin Qi must find out the details of Sima Villa, know himself and the enemy, and only then can he win every battle.

"In the past, the strength of Sima Villa was similar to that of our Feiyu Pavilion. Only Sima Feng was Emperor Wu. In the past few decades, it has developed rapidly, and there have been many ninth-rank martial gods. Just the year before last, his eldest disciple Shui Wuxin realized Emperor Wu. "

Jiang Yu said carefully, besides Sima Feng, it was Shui Wuxin.

"I hope Emperor Wu will not show up this time!"

He killed as many as the ninth rank Martial God. Under Emperor Wu, Lin Qi could be said to be invincible.

Unless you reach the ninth rank or even the tenth rank Martial God, you can easily kill the first rank Martial Emperor.

In the later stage of cultivation, it became more and more difficult. Lynch also accumulated a lot of knowledge, and only he had the best knowledge of how many things he had gone through in a few short years.

Three days later, I finally saw Ziyun Valley, a continuous mountain range covered by purple cloud shirts, this is the origin of Ziyun Valley.

Ziyunshan is a peculiar plant that exudes a faint fragrance. It is said that the juice of Ziyunshan can be brewed with nectar, and can also be eaten as a seasoning.

"My father was trapped in the center of Ziyun Valley, where there was a natural deep pool. Back then, Sima Feng used this deep pool to set up a ground pattern restriction to seal the surface of the pool. We couldn't break the rune restriction."

Jiang Yu pointed to the area in front of him, as long as he passed the mountains, he could reach his destination.

At this time, Lynch suddenly stopped and did not continue to move forward.

"There is an ambush ahead!"

Lin Qi's spiritual consciousness is strong, especially the first level of Soul Mountain has reached [-] steps, which is not weaker than the first-rank Martial Emperor, covering the entire mountain.

There are purple cloud shirts everywhere, blocking the line of sight, and only the spiritual sense can see it.

Jiang Yu's realm was too low to perceive it at all, so he immediately drew out his weapon and prepared to fight.

"You retreat to the distance, there are many masters inside!"

Lin Qi pushed Jiang Yu back a hundred miles away with a big hand. In such a battle, the fifth-rank Martial God can only be cannon fodder.

At this time, the Lord Bai Hua Xiang and the Lady Jade Xiang also arrived one after another.

"Xiaoyu, what happened?"

Lord Baihuaxiang stepped forward and asked.

(End of this chapter)

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