box office poison

Chapter 23 chapter 22

Chapter 23 chapter 22
Jiang Yunda's efficiency was astonishingly fast. Within a few days, the script called "Love Is Coming" was delivered to me.

After hearing my incredible experience, Linda stared at the script, drooling for a while, and frowning for a while. She struggled like this for half an hour. She stood up and reluctantly said: "I think it's better to wait for Shen to solve this matter." Come back and decide.”

I understand Linda's conflicted mood at the moment.

On the one hand, she is as clear as I am about Jiang Yunda's pivotal position in the entertainment industry, and accepting his invitation may mean that I will have the opportunity to get rid of the title of "box office poison" and truly become a first-line star.However, we also understand that the leading actor in this drama is Qiao Mingyang, and my scandal with him has just been aroused, and now we are going to cooperate again, it may be difficult not to be used as a talking point.

To put it bluntly, I have always been Shen Lynch's girlfriend in public. Even if it's for the sake of my own job, I shouldn't knowingly take the scandal on myself, so...

Unwillingly, I nodded to Linda and said, "Actually, I think so too."

I forgot to mention that Shen Lynch has never appeared since I got drunk that day.I heard that he was going abroad for business, so I didn't bother to care about it. Anyway, he never reported his itinerary to me a long time ago, and I'm used to his elusiveness.

The day suddenly became a little irritable.

I habitually flip through Jiang Yunda's scripts every day before going to bed.But I knew very well that the chances were slim, so I had no choice but to comfort myself, accepting commercials if I couldn't act, since I was earning money anyway.

It's a pity that commercials are not easy to pick up. Like the shampoo commercial I endorsed years ago, the latest commercial follows the trend of time travel. In just a few minutes, I want to act from ancient times to modern times. Just makeup It would take hours, not to mention hanging wires.After a few days of shooting, I was not only exhausted, but also bruised and miserable.

I finally finished filming this frustrating commercial, and I hurried home, just looking for a place with a bed to sleep quickly.However, life was unsatisfactory. When I was sleeping soundly and dreaming of counting money, the phone at home suddenly rang.

I struggled to get my head out of the quilt, closed my eyes and fumbled to answer the phone, and said "Hello" desperately.

What is infuriating is that there is actually a salesman over there, asking me if I am interested in investing in Wangpu.I was a little annoyed at the time, and hung up the phone directly after saying "not interested".

But not long after, the phone rang again. I covered my head with a quilt, and heard the phone ringing over and over as if urging me to die. Finally, I couldn't help getting up from the bed, picked up the phone and cursed past.

I said, "You're sick. I said I'm not interested, but you still called! Don't you know if someone else is resting? I don't want to invest in Wangpu now, so I just want to complain to you! What company do you belong to? Tell me your name!" Hello? Hello? You talk!"

I yelled at the phone several times, and just when I thought the other party was too scared to speak and was about to hang up, the long-lost voice suddenly came from the other end of the phone.

Shen Lynch said, "It's me."

At that time, there was a "boom" in my head, and I woke up from drowsiness. I pinched my nose and said, "I'm sorry, the phone you dialed has been turned off."

"I remember that this is your landline, right?" Shen Linqi asked indifferently.

"..." I suddenly deflated like a deflated ball, and explained in a low voice: "Actually, I haven't woken up yet."

"I can hear it," he said again.

My face was flushed, and I said dejectedly, "I'm sleeping. I didn't know it was you who called. I thought it was the investment company just now."

"Looks like it's still my fault."

"No, no, how could it be your fault? It's me... No! It's the fault of the Wangpu investment company! Why don't you ask the lawyer to go to Telecom to find out which company is disturbing the people, and then sue him to bankruptcy."

"That's a good suggestion. I'll let the lawyer do it tomorrow." Mr. Shen said seriously.

This guy actually came for real ==
"I'm joking with you, is it my fault?" I felt like crying at the time: Mr. Shen, Mr. Shen, you have a lot of adults, so please let me go. My little heart can't handle it. I think you are so tossing!
"Oh, how are you going to make it up to me?" he asked.

I was really pushing my feet, and I thought about it at the time, and said, "I'm a prostitute, you can figure it out." I thought that there was a Pacific Ocean between us, and this guy couldn't grow wings and fly over.

But soon I found out that I was wrong.

"Yes." I heard him answer casually, and almost at the same time, the doorbell rang, and he said, "Come out and open the door for me."

This feeling is very subtle, as if one moment I was still glad that I jumped over a pit, but the next moment I found myself jumping into the bigger pit behind the pit.

Dead without a corpse.

For some reason, this word flashed in my mind, and at that moment, I really wanted to slap myself: Let your hands answer the phone, let your mouth talk about selling yourself instead of performing arts!However, I still had to get up from the bed and bite the bullet to open the door.

Sure enough, Shen Lynch was standing outside the door. As soon as I opened the door, he came in very rudely and handed me something.I caught it reflexively, and when I finished catching it, my face turned green, and she actually handed me a suit!

Seeing that he was carrying a piece of luggage in his hand, as if he just got off the plane, I think he must think it's too late to go back now, and treat my place as a hotel.

I was so angry that I wanted to rush over and kick him in the back. Just as I was gnashing my teeth at his back, he suddenly put down his luggage and asked me, "Have you eaten yet?"

"I don't have any instant noodles here." I said with a dark face.

"It's okay, I have it." He turned around and shook the plastic bag in his hand.

Let me go, a bag full of instant noodles!

Shen Linqi, the big boss of Xingtian Entertainment, ran to my house to eat instant noodles in the middle of the night. Not only would others not believe it, even what I was experiencing personally felt like a dream.

Is he crazy, or am I hallucinating? I was still a little uncertain at first, until I heard the sound of rushing water in the bathroom, and I was not sure. Rushed out, slapped him in the face with a spatula, and let him see how powerful this girl is.

But, after all, I still didn't dare to do this, not only that, I didn't even have the guts to add more "seasoning" to the noodles, who knew he would think of ways to torment me when he got angry, my little heart But I can't stand his torture.

I sighed, put the cooked noodles into a bowl, and took it out.

However, what I didn't expect was that at the same time I walked out of the kitchen with my face in my face, the bathroom door also opened, and Shen Lynch came out with his upper body bare, only a towel was loosely wrapped around his lower body.

I was petrified all of a sudden, looking at him just after taking a bath, his body was wet, and his hair, which was neatly cut, was all loose now, hanging down on his forehead in strands, and there were continuous drops of water running down his hair It fell, dripped on the shoulders, followed the clear lines of the body, passed through the chest muscles and abdominal muscles, and fell into the lower abdomen surrounded by the towel.

At that moment, my mind went blank, my hand slipped, and the instant noodles were not even in place.

Fortunately, Shen Linqi had quick eyesight and quick hands, and came to help me hold it, so that the tragedy of instant noodles did not happen, but it was also because of this that the distance between us was instantly shortened, and I could even see the water droplets on him clearly From the waist to the lower abdomen, there is no trace of excess fat, and it is no exaggeration to describe it as perfect.

At this moment, my face turned red, my cheeks were faintly hot, I rolled my eyes subconsciously, and stammered: "That... noodles... can be eaten..."

The other party didn't respond for a long time. I held my face up and felt that my hands were going to be sore, so I had to bite the bullet and slowly turn my face away. Only then did I realize that he had kept the same movements just now, with his eyes fixed on him. I read.

Eyes met, my heart was pounding.

At this moment, I seem to understand why Mr. Shen wanted me to be his girlfriend, because only a woman like me who still has a little self-control can not rule him out.However, Nima's self-control is also limited, okay?If you dare to discharge me again, believe it or not, I will rush over and repeat your unspoken rules a hundred times a hundred times!

My hand holding the noodles trembled, and the next moment, the noodles in my hand were taken away.

He turned around and said to himself: "It's so slow, I'm starving to death."

My little heart, which was still pounding and throbbing just now, felt as if a basin of cold water had been poured on it, and it was completely cooled.

God, this is a beast, a beast!
Having said that, I have to admit that Mr. Shen still looks very good eating noodles. Few people can eat a bowl of instant noodles so gracefully that I sat on the sofa beside me, drinking milk, Glancing at him on the other side of the sofa from the corner of his eye, he kept cursing secretly in his heart: Choke you to death, choke you to death, forget you from choking to death... Then, tragedy happened.

Because I was too involved in cursing, he didn't choke to death, but I choked, the milk went down the intake pipe, and I coughed until my tears came out. I finally recovered a little bit, and when I opened my eyes, I found that Shen Lynch was looking up at me , with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

At that moment, I was so ashamed that I wanted to die, didn't I just choke, is it so funny?
dare you laugh!Still laughing!

Just when I was full of grief and anger, the light bulb in my head suddenly flickered on, and I thought of the script I put on the bedside of the room, Jiang Yunda.

Linda said that she had to ask Mr. Shen before deciding whether to accept the show or not.Before, I was worried about not knowing how to speak, but now is a golden opportunity, how about I try to mention it when Mr. Shen finished eating the instant noodles and Long Yan was happy?
Thinking of this, I couldn't bear it anymore, put down the milk, changed my expression just now, and moved towards the half of the sofa where Shen Lynch was sitting with a smile.

Before the buttocks moved, Shen Lynch asked, "What's the matter?"

My smile froze for a moment, then immediately changed into a more obsequious smile, shook my head and said, "It's all right, the noodles delicious?"

"General." He replied.

I didn't give up, and continued: "Do you want to cook a bowl for you?"

"Need not."

"Then you want to drink milk..."

"Tell me, what do you want from me?" Shen Linqi interrupted me mercilessly.

"Hehe." I laughed twice, "It's really nothing, I have a script in hand, and Linda thinks it's good, so I want to discuss with you whether to accept it or not." I tried to move Linda out first to save the situation .

Shen Linqi narrowed his eyes and asked, "Whose?"

"Director Jiang..."

I didn't hide it from him with my vague answer, but he frowned slightly and said, "Jiang Yunda?"

Seeing the frown on his brow, I knew that there was probably not much drama about this matter.Sure enough, Mr. Shen continued: "There is no need to accept this play, I will arrange another one for you."

This rejection was too straightforward, I didn't give up, and continued: "Director Jiang is very sincere, and even sent me the script, why don't you read the script first before making a decision?"

"No need," he said, "his play is not for you."

"You haven't even read the script, just say..." I was struggling to die.

He was still unmoved, and his attitude was very firm.

However, as a young man of the new era with ideals, culture and perseverance, since I have made up my mind to say it, there is no reason not to stop working hard!Such a good opportunity, even if it is a shameless face, I have to grind it out.

Thinking of this, my heart broke, and I moved closer to him, took his hand, and said coquettishly: "You just let me take a picture, just once, as long as you promise, I can do anything! "

As soon as I finished saying this, I regretted it. Shen Linqi turned around, looked at me with a very strange look, and repeated: "Anything is fine?"

Suddenly there was a dangerous breath in the air, I quickly let go of his hand, and said with a stiff smile: "Actually, it's not..."

"I remember you just said that you are not a showman." He interrupted me again, with a dangerous light in his eyes, and his body slowly leaned towards me.

"Is there? Why don't I remember..." I couldn't help but get nervous, and I stepped back while pretending to be stupid, thinking about getting up and running away.

However, before my butt left the sofa, my waist was grabbed, and Shen Lynch easily pulled me over and pressed me under him.

At that moment, I really felt like a little white rabbit caught by a big bad wolf, who might be bitten by a bite at any time and die.

I begged: "Stop joking with me, I was just joking with you."

"I don't think so." He looked at me like prey, with a slightly low voice, "If you are really willing to do anything, I don't mind considering your request."

"No, no, no!" I shook my head desperately, "I don't want to act anymore, I don't..."

I can no longer say the rest.

Because, I was kissed.

At that moment, my eyes widened, my hands and feet were stiff, my spine felt cold, and there was only one thought in my mind——

Nima, brush your teeth anyway!

(End of this chapter)

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