box office poison

Chapter 31 chapter 30

Chapter 31 chapter 30
As soon as Shen Linqi's words came out of my mouth, I was dumbfounded.

If it was in the past, I would definitely think it was some kind of trick of his, but the situation is different today. I always feel that Mr. Shen is such a quick-witted and vindictive character that he would not be entangled in one thing for so long. He would not joke about his marriage, unless...he was serious.

I was so frightened by my crazy idea that I ignored Shen Lynch's face approaching me. I didn't recover until his lips touched mine, and I pushed him away suddenly.

Unprepared, he was pushed back a few steps by me, stood still, and stared at me meaningfully.

My heart was pounding, I wiped my lips vigorously with my hand, and said viciously: "I warn you, don't make such jokes with me again!"

His face quickly darkened, his eyes narrowed, and his voice became low: "Do you think I'm joking with you?"

"Isn't it?" I glared at him, "Or do you want to tell me that you do this because you like me?"

As soon as my words came out of my mouth, we both fell silent.

I felt extremely uneasy in my heart, even though I didn't believe that such a conceited and arrogant guy like Shen Lynch would be sincere to any woman.But I really can't understand why he keeps obstructing me from explaining the truth to Sister Anna again and again.

Is it because I am self-indulgent or he has ulterior motives? I think I can't answer it with my IQ, so I simply put the words out and see what he can explain.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and I stood opposite him, but he never opened his mouth to answer my question.

My legs are numb from standing up, all the tension just now turned into resentment, whether you like it or not, you f*cking, you are not forced to be a duck, is it so difficult to choose?

Just when I was about to make my words clearer, Mr. Shen suddenly made a move.

He didn't answer me, he just looked at me and suddenly started undressing.

I'm all Spartan!The courage I had finally built up did not collapse in an instant. I leaned against the wall and asked tremblingly: "You, what are you going to do? I'm just asking casually. You really don't need to answer with actions... Hey! Don't take it off, I'm going to scream if you take it off again! Help..."

The sound stopped abruptly, and Shen Lynch threw the shirt he took off into my arms.

"Go and do the laundry for me, and I'll tell you why."

I opened my mouth wide, and it took me a long time to recover from the shock. I couldn't help becoming angry, and threw the shirt in my hand to him, scolding: "Are you sick? It's fun to play with me, isn't it? Tell you I don't want to know what happened to you Do you like me or not, because I hate you!" After I finished speaking, I pushed him away and rushed out of the study.

Although I let go of my harsh words when I left, in fact, the conversation in the study was like a stone thrown into my heart, arousing thousands of thoughts on the lake of peace in my heart, making me toss and turn, can not sleep.

All night, like a movie reel, my mind flashed every bit of me and him over the years, from the first time we met, to when he said he wanted me to be his girlfriend, he was sometimes cold Ruthless, sometimes gentle and considerate, sometimes domineering, sometimes nuanced.Sometimes when I am with him, I think he is the most annoying guy in the world, but sometimes he stands up when I am most critical, and I feel that he is like a god sent by heaven to protect me.

Whether he treats me like this because he likes it or doesn't like it, I have been thinking about it all night and I haven't figured it out.But there is a problem, I finally figured it out, that is:
It's over, I seem to like him!

After realizing this cruel fact, I almost sat up from the bed, my eyes were full of stars, my ears were buzzing, my mind was blank, and my chest was like a surging river, which could not be calmed down.

I feel like I'm about to die, what's wrong with me, I actually fell in love with Shen Linqi.You know, since the first day we met three years ago, I have been telling myself that this is just a joke, and I must not take it seriously.However, after three years, I have changed from a little girl who is not afraid of anything, to a little dog who sees the wind and the wind and sees through everything, but I just didn't see the word "love" at all. planted in.

I think of the infatuated women who are so in love with the ungrateful men in the dog blood soap operas, and they are in pain. Somehow, they think of their future self, and goose bumps all over the ground.

There is a saying in this world that the right family is right.

I know how much weight I have, and I also know what status Shen Linqi is. He and I are like the sun and the moon. It looks like a good match, but in fact we are separated by hundreds of thousands of miles, and it is impossible to be together.

I deeply feel that it is necessary for me to do something to kill the seed of evil that has just sprouted in my heart.

So, I thought of breaking up with Shen Lynch again.

I don't remember, this is the first time I thought about breaking up with him. In the past days, my neurotic head often had such impulsive thoughts, but in many cases, reason always overcomes impulse, Let me continue to be my puppy leg with peace of mind.

But this time the situation is different. I found that I was attracted to him, which means that I can no longer continue to play with him. Get out of this deformed relationship, at least you won't die too badly when the time comes.

Besides, I am no longer the poor girl who had nothing and wanted to sell the house.I have my own savings and my own business, even without Shen Lynch, I can afford to support Bai Zhe and me.

Thinking of this, I resolutely decided to have a showdown with Shen Lynch.

Shen Linqi seems to have gone out, I searched the whole house, but there is no sign of him.

Huang's mother said: "The young master has been working all night, and he may still be in the study now."

After hearing this, I hurriedly went to the study to look for him, but I still couldn't get what I wanted. There was a pile of documents on the desk in the study, but there was no sign of the person I was looking for.

I had no choice but to sit down and wait for him, thinking about what to say when I saw him in a while.

Is it divided, or not divided?In fact, I have no idea, if there is a flower now, at least I can tear the petals to see what God will do.It's a pity, not to mention flowers, there is not even a prickly pear here, and the only thing that can be counted is the stack of documents on the table...

So, I made a very stupid decision, I decided to engage in a feudal superstition, count the stack of documents, divide them if there are odd numbers, and confess to each other if there are even numbers, and resign to fate.

"Divided, not divided, divided, not divided, divided, not divided..." I counted for a long time, and the final result turned out to be an even number. God asked me to confess to him!

Peat!Must be wrong!

Just when I decided to count again, out of the corner of my eye, I caught a glimpse of the title of the last document - "Huihuang Entertainment Acquisition Project"

I was startled for a moment, many things that happened before suddenly became a thread, and a chill came up from the soles of my feet.

(End of this chapter)

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