Chapter 390 Cousin Invitation

Although Ji Nuan said that he wanted to see Huahua the next day.

But who knew, she overestimated her physical strength too much. When she woke up the next day, it was already noon.

And as soon as she opened her eyes, she saw people surrounded by the bed, which made her almost think that she was a monkey in the zoo, being visited by people.

Wrapped in a quilt, she rubbed her eyes and sat up: "Big brother, third brother, dad, why are you all in my room, what's the matter?"

As she spoke, she yawned.

Of course there is something!
Ji Shenzhi opened his eyes and wanted to speak, but when he really spoke, his voice was soft and gentle: "Did you not sleep well at night, baby? Why did you wake up so late today?"

Ji Nuan's yawning movement paused, and her palm lightly brushed her forehead. The memory of last night came back, and she quickly thought about how to answer.

"System, do brothers and dads know about my going out last night?" She asked nervously.

"I don't know, it's just that the host was sleeping too deeply and the maid couldn't wake you up, so they came here. If the host wakes up later, they will probably go to the doctor to visit you."

Ji Nuan frowned, she didn't know if it was her illusion, she felt that there was a bit of schadenfreude in the voice of the smelly system.

But she doesn't have time to deal with it for the time being, anyway, as long as it hasn't been exposed.

"Last night, I had insomnia and slept a little late."

As Ji Nuan said, a cute and weak smile appeared on his face, and Ji Shenzhi felt distressed when he saw it: "Then do you want to sleep a little longer? We won't bother you when we go out."

His words instantly aroused the disgust of the two people around him, especially Ji Wenyu's was particularly obvious.

"Stinky boy, what kind of eyes do you have?" Ji Shenzhi was reluctant to part with his daughter, but he was not polite to his son. He slapped Ji Wenyu's body with his palm, making his face contorted a bit.

When the two father and son "you come and I go", Ji San said to Ji Nuan:

"Your cousin Ruowei wrote a letter, knowing that you are in better health, and wants to invite you to her place as a guest."

"Cousin Ruowei?" Ji Nuan showed a look of surprise on his face, but he frantically urged the system in his mind: "Hurry up, who is Cousin Ruowei? How is your relationship with 'me'?"

Ji San asked gently: "Do you want to go?"

"I..." Ji Nuan's "Of course I want to go" suddenly hesitated when he was about to say it.

The system was trying to adjust the information about "Xu Ruowei" for her, when the girl's voice sounded with some indescribable emotion:

"System, do you mean that if I leave Yongzhou, my little brother will leave too?"

The system's query is still going on, but it doesn't pay attention to it for the time being. It said to Ji Nuan: "This plot is not in the original plot, so the system can't judge. But I remember that the subject to be captured once said that his return to Yongzhou is only temporary. Stay, so whether he will leave again during the time when the host leaves, no one can say."

Ji San originally waited for her younger sister to agree. She has liked this cousin since she was a child. In the past, she was not able to visit her in-law's house because she was unwell. This time, she should not refuse the opportunity.

Unexpectedly, the expression on the girl's face changed back and forth, as if she was struggling and hesitating about something.

When she finally opened her mouth, what she said was: "Let me think about it..."

As soon as these words came out, even the two people beside him stopped and looked over.

Ji Nuan lowered her head and didn't speak.

Like a little ostrich trying to shrink itself.

The other three looked at each other, and they all saw bad emotions in each other's eyes——

(End of this chapter)

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