Chapter 455

This movement of theirs really met An Chen's requirements. Although there is no technical content, but the visual sense is very good, it is very handsome!

"When Jiang Yuan made the last shot, two people in front of him blocked it. We don't need to touch him, we just need that angle, and the brother who dribbled the ball, you should turn your body slightly in my direction, otherwise The camera couldn't capture the face."

An Chen picked a few questions and talked about them, and then these people walked around again.

"Okay, that's fine. I hope you don't lose the chain tomorrow. You can leave now. Don't forget to meet at five o'clock tomorrow. There shouldn't be any problems."

"Let's practice for a while! Is that okay?" Jiang Yuan looked at the few people next to him and asked, and the others also nodded.

The basketball team continued to practice, and eight people who played guitar and one person who played piano also came to the gymnasium.

"How's the practice going?" An Chen watched them come over and greeted them.

"Almost, it shouldn't be a problem." The answer was a little hesitant.

"Then you guys sit in the stands and come here first? This sister of the piano, you need to wait for a while."

"It's okay, I'm not in a hurry, it's good to be able to listen to them playing songs."

The eight players who played and sang were already getting ready in the stands. An Chen invited a few people from the basketball team who were practicing to be the audience. They all sat on the court, waiting to watch the performance of the eight players.

I wrote down the music score and the lyrics, and I played it very skillfully, but An Chen heard something wrong with singing.

"Well, maybe, it seems, we might be off tune." One of them scratched his head in embarrassment.

The others were also happy, and they had no other problems, but the singing just now was really out of tune.

"Fortunately, the problem is not very big, and you are not out of tune. It's just that the pitch is wrong. There are only two sentences that are problematic. Everything else is fine."

An Chen really belongs to the type that encourages education, and also has a kind of brainwashing trait.

"Then you teach, let's continue to practice." After Jiang Yuan and An Che finished speaking, they brought a few people from the basketball team to practice.

"Lend me someone's piano?" An Chen is about to start the teaching mode again. He didn't expect to teach singing when recording a variety show, and he also needs to teach outside.

Isn't this the conservatory?An Chen suddenly realized that he seemed to have lost something, and there was also a student who sang!
Since it is no longer the school celebration of the Conservatory of Music, there must be a competition in the program of the school celebration. It seems that only one big ensemble is not shocking enough, right?

An Chen has another idea, but now he still needs to get the video done first, and then he can study the school celebration.

"You tuned the first sentence wrong, which caused a little problem later on. Let's practice the first sentence first."

An Chen talked while talking, and then sang the first line of the lyrics twice, and the others also sang along with An Chen, and slowly found the tune.

"Let's sing it from the beginning together?" An Chen returned the piano to the student who lent her, and then became the conductor.

After correcting all the problems and practicing, they played and sang again, which was considered perfect, but there was still a little flaw, that is, their singing was not neat enough.

"You'd better practice again. There are still some small problems. We will strive to be perfect when we shoot tomorrow."

The other eight people nodded, and then went to a small corner, which happened to be diagonal to Minle's.

It was supposed to be a place for sports, but now the gymnasium has almost turned into a rehearsal hall.

"There is no piano here, how should I show you?" The short-haired girl saw that everything else was over, so she asked a question.

 Haha, the article is still in winter, but we are in summer, and the sunset in the summer evening will definitely bring a lot of good news
(End of this chapter)

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