Bosses need to be educated

Chapter 101 System, I'm a little dizzy

Chapter 101 System, I'm a little dizzy

"Okay, I understand your information, it's pretty good."

Ximen Lele didn't bother to ask more.

She could see the pride in the man's eyes.

Obviously satisfied with his current situation, even a little proud.

After all, compared with ordinary people, it is indeed a big lead.

But in front of her, it was really scum.

Especially an unknowing scumbag.

"pretty good?"

Ximen Lele's attitude made Zhang Yi frown.

What do you mean very good?

I call it very good, right?
He has a car, a house, a job, a good body, and good looks.


How many can you find in the entire Tianhuan City?
Are you looking high?
Zhang Yi felt a little uncomfortable, "Should I ask you?"

Without waiting for Ximen Lele to answer, he said directly, "I heard from the introducer that your job is to be a housekeeper in someone's house and manage some trivial matters in life, right?"

He is disdainful in his heart.


How many millionaires would hire a butler in their twenties?

What do you know?
It's nice to say that it's the housekeeper, but I'm afraid 90.00% of them are the nanny.

The housekeeper said it just to make it easier for outsiders.

A nanny can cost [-] to [-] a month.


Ximen Lele nodded without retorting.

"Then I don't need to ask how much money you make in a month, it shouldn't be much."

Zhang Yi felt that taking this opportunity, he still belittled Ximen Lele.

Otherwise, follow him when the time comes, and pay back this and that.

Something wrong.

"Not many."

Ximen Lele took a deep breath.


Compared with the boss, the difference is too far.

But compare with you. . .

"Your family runs a mahjong parlor, right?" Zhang Yi asked.


"Then you must also play mahjong?"


"Then after you get married, will you play mahjong all the time and not work?" Zhang Yi's question made Ximen Lele wonder if this person is sick.

I know how to play mahjong, so I keep playing?
Not working?

But Zhang Yi wanted to get angry, and nodded, "If I had money, I would definitely play mahjong all the time."

"Even opened a mahjong parlor by myself as the proprietress."

She felt that this would definitely leave a bad impression on Zhang Yi.

Hurry up and leave after the awkward chat.

But what she didn't expect was that Zhang Yi didn't show much atmosphere, but was a little happy instead.

The same is true for the young woman opposite Ning Xuan.

"Have you ever been in love?" Zhang Yi continued to ask.



"Don't believe pull it down."

Ximen Lele was a little unhappy.

But her attitude made Zhang Yi frown even more.

what do you mean?
Don't I even have the right to know this?

Especially Zhang Yi was surprised.

It shouldn't be this attitude.

Knowing that I have a luxury car and a mansion, and a deposit of millions, you should curry favor with me.

Now several meanings.

Aren't the values ​​​​of most of your girls now worship money?
Especially since you are still making your way in society.

"Okay, one last question".

Zhang Yi said, "How is your attitude towards marriage, do you mind or not, I will find a mistress in the future?"


Staring at Ximen Lele very seriously.

Even Ning Xuan noticed that the young woman on the opposite side had her ears pricked up.

"Little San?"

Ximen Lele was taken aback.

Questions like this have been asked?
Do you still have the face to ask?
Which woman would like her husband to come out to find a mistress?
"Of course I don't mind."

"You can find it however you want."

Ximen Lele is very generous.


Zhang Yi was overjoyed.

Even the woman opposite Ning Xuan's heartbeat obviously quickened.

Seems satisfied with the result.

"Of course it's true, what did I lie to you for?"

Ximen said happily, "Anyway, it has nothing to do with me whether you find mistress or not."

"I won't marry you."

Ximen Lele is too lazy to look at the other party's incomparably wonderful face.

"All right."

"If there is nothing else, I will come here today."

"I am very busy."

Ximen Lele already has a reason for his parents to reject this guy.

Even looking for the mistress, I asked openly.

How shameless.

You are really capable, you go to become an elementalist or warrior.

You can take a concubine that way, so you don't have to suffer this kind of crime.

"You play with me!"

Slap it.

Zhang Yi patted the table.

Looking at Ximen Lele angrily, you were playing with me just now?
I'm so good, why do you have such an attitude?

"Playing with you?"

"If you really play with you, I won't come here!"

"It's just disgusting to you."

Ximen Lele is about to get up and leave here.

Zhang Yi is not a good bird.

But at this moment, the young woman sitting opposite Ning Xuan suddenly got up, walked straight to the two of them, then sat up beside Zhang Yi naturally, looked at Ximen Lele, and said, "Ximen Lele , if you are with Yiyi, I can give you 100 million."

"Transfer the money immediately."

The young woman doesn't have any smiles.

Looking at Ximen Lele with a condescending attitude.

Just like a really rich man looking down at a poor man.

"Who are you?"

Ximen Lele was stunned, why is there a woman here.

Could it be that he came to cheer like his boss?

"It doesn't matter who I am."

The young woman said, "One million."

"As long as the two of you are together, I will give you 100 million."

After the woman made her voice, Zhang Yi stood by the side without saying anything.

The initiative was given to this young woman.

"What do you mean?"

Ximen Lele was a little confused about the situation.




Called so affectionate?

"200 million!"

It's just that the woman didn't answer, but handed over the money to 200 million.

"What do you mean?" Ximen Lele asked again.




The young woman didn't answer, but just kept passing the money up.

But when it was almost 800 million, she stopped.

Because she saw that Ximen Lele was looking at her with a sneer.

It's like watching a monkey.

"Ximen Lele, tell me the number."

"As long as the two of you are together, I agree."

This young woman looks very rich and powerful.

Just faintly feel bad.

800 million.

She said 800 million, and the heartbeat of the girl in front of her didn't speed up.

"But let me make it clear that you can discuss how much money you want."

"Just don't stop me from being with Yiyi."

The young woman spoke very straightforwardly.

It also directly pointed out the relationship.

She doesn't want to waste time with Ximen Lele here.

Ximen Lele can't do it.

She will immediately find Zhang Yi's next beautiful girl who is greedy for money.

"Are you together?"

Not only Ximen Lele couldn't figure out the situation, but even Ning Xuan beside him was a little confused.

You two are a couple?
Then let the man come out on a blind date?
You have such a big heart?
"System, I'm a little dizzy, please tell me the situation."

Ning Xuan felt that with his own IQ, he was a little confused about this kind of love.

It's okay to fight and kill.

He is not good at this kind of oblique love.

 Well, five more tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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