Bosses need to be educated

Chapter 103 The Lin family needs to be educated

Chapter 103 The Lin family needs to be educated
"Daughter, how was the blind date today?"

When they got back to the house, Ximen Lele's mother, Yang Fen, called.

I was a little anxious.

It's 23.

Not even a boyfriend.


"That guy is a pervert."

Ximen Lele shook her head, and even pretended to cry, "You also asked me if I would like to be a mistress."

"Mom, what kind of weird thing did you find?"

Yang Fen was taken aback.

There is such a thing.

This bastard actually wants my mother's daughter to be a mistress!

Kicked in the head by a donkey.

"Girl, don't cry!"

"Mom makes the decision for you, now go to the introducer to settle the score!"

"I will definitely come to the door in person and ask what's going on!"

After Yang Fen finished speaking, she hung up the phone.

Without even waiting for Ximen Lele to shout, he walked out of the room angrily.

How dare you bully my daughter like this!
Her footsteps were in a hurry, even if someone on the mahjong table outside the house called her to play mahjong, she didn't stop.

Daughter is a big deal.

How dare you bully my daughter.

It's just that when she found the introducer angrily, and the introducer hurriedly called Zhang Yi, wanting to ask how you could speak like that, but the busy voice always came.

The phone couldn't get through.

It's the same for more than ten minutes.

"Sister, you are unreliable."

Yang Fen said, "Give me his home address, and I'll go to his house!"

"Whether this person has a brain disease or not, he can say such things."

It's just that the introducer didn't give Yang Fen the address in the end.

I'm really afraid that she will kill her with a knife.

This person is more impulsive.

The one who runs the mahjong parlor is very aggressive.

"Forget it, next time you must give me Jialele and find a solid one."

"Just like his father, obedient and honest."

"That's how people get along."

After leaving a few words, Yang Fen waved and left.

It's just that he is more worried about his daughter's wedding banquet.

Other girls' families got married after graduating from college.

My own daughter. . .


"Why don't you wait a while and go to Tianhuan City in person to check on your daughter? Urge?"

As soon as this thought arose, Yang Fen couldn't bear it anymore.

I think this is the reason.


"Just do it!"

She felt the need to make that trip.

Her Yang Fen's daughter is beautiful, why doesn't she even have a boyfriend?
When things are sorted out at home, go find your daughter!
. . . . . .

Three days later.

Aoki County.


Today is Wednesday.

It was the day when the younger generation of the Lin family learned martial arts.

Lin Fu attaches great importance to the study of the younger generation.

From Monday to Friday, there are various studies.

Astronomy and geography, martial arts elemental way, and even under the platform of governing the country.

According to the preferences of young children, choose by yourself.


"Why didn't Coach Lin come?"

They just waited for 10 minutes, but Lin Jianghuai hadn't come yet.

This makes the younger generations a little confused.

Shouldn't it be?

He used to be very punctual.

And outside the playground, there was a woman who had been waiting there early in the morning.

Looking forward to it.

Hope to see Lin Jianghuai.

It was none other than Lin Sen's mother.

Lin Sen disappeared, so she asked Lin Jianghuai to go to Tianhuan City to check, but she didn't expect that he hadn't been seen for three days, and she couldn't even get through the phone.

Like my own son, I can't get in touch.

So early this morning, I went to the Lin family's martial arts training ground to have a look.

If not for special circumstances, Lin Jianghuai would usually be there.

What made her feel even more disturbed was that after so long, Lin Jianghuai was still not there!

"what happened?"

"Lin Jianghuai didn't come to class!"

"I didn't ask for leave either!"

Soon, this matter was known to the housekeeper of the Lin residence.

A fifth-grade master.

In the entire Lin family, it is only second to the realm of the head of the Lin family.

He is at the same level as the eldest son of the Lin family.

The two of them are also the only two fifth-rank masters in Lin Fu.

The Patriarch of the Lin family, a true sixth-rank powerhouse.

A series of orders began to be issued from the mouth of the housekeeper Zong Ze.

The first is to train Lin Jianghuai's family.

He knew Lin Jianghuai quite well, and he knew some principles of how this person behaved, which was quite reliable.

The only reply I got was that Lin Jianghuai went to Tianhuan City three days ago, and there was no more news.

I can't get in touch.

And when he left that day, Lin Jianghuai told his family that he was working for the Lin family and it would take a day or two, but they didn't care.

After all, Lin Jianghuai is a fourth-rank martial artist, so he will never have any problems in Tianhuan City.

Unexpectedly, it was gone forever, and I didn't even catch up with today's class.

"Working for the Lin family?"

Butler Zong Ze frowned.

There is no such thing.

The Patriarch and him, including the descendants of the family, did not allow Lin Jianghuai to go to Tianhuan City to handle errands.

These days, only one member of the Lin family went to Tianhuan City.

That is Lin Sen!
Send this year's resources to the controller of Tianhuan City.

Think about it and come back.

It's just that you don't see him come back to life very often?

When the housekeeper couldn't contact Lin Sen, Lin Sen's mother realized that something might have happened.

So he bit the bullet and told the butler the truth.

Lin Jianghuai went to Tianhuan City to help her find her son.

Unexpectedly, it was gone forever.

I hope that when the butler is looking for Lin Jianghuai, he will also look for his son.

In a moment, housekeeper Zong Ze realized the seriousness of the matter.

A third-rank and a fourth-rank martial artist have all contacted in the downtown area of ​​Tianhuan City.

Doing business is doing business.

But the connection is definitely no problem.

Chances are there was an accident.

So he reported this matter to the Patriarch.


The Patriarch of the Lin family ordered directly.

This is no small matter.

The two members of the Lin family lost contact all of a sudden.

Especially in Tianhuan City, this should never happen!

Now that the communication is so developed, the mobile phone can be used for a month, so how can I not be able to contact you.

When things go wrong, they are demons!
Day two.

Butler Zong Ze led more than 20 subordinates to Tianhuan City.

Zong Ze is in charge.

No one was notified.

Take the plane and land directly at the airport.

After a while, Zong Ze and his subordinates dispersed and disappeared in various places in Tianhuan City.


"The housekeeper of the Lin family, Zong Ze, has come to Tianhuan City and started to investigate the cause of Lin Sen and Lin Jianghuai's death. Please prepare the host and let him be educated to know what to investigate and what not to investigate."

"Let the Lin family know what it means to take the blame."

"The task is completed, rewarding 5000-50000 education points."

"It depends on the number of people educated."

Just as Ning Xuan was tasting Ximen Lele's freshly cooked food in the living room, the system sounded.

"finally come."

Ning Xuan took a mouthful of food and put it into his mouth.

four days.

It's been four days since this happened.

The response is also slow enough.

Could this be the efficiency of the big family?
The bigger the more bloated, the more cumbersome.

(End of this chapter)

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