Chapter 121

This creature is blood red all over.

Not only the feathers, but also the eyes and even the wings are red.

And the claws were black.

The whole body exudes a cold air.

It gave off a very eerie and cold feeling.

This creature is called Red Snapper.Good Flying, one of the fifth rank evil creatures.

After being tamed by Ning Xuan with the educational whip, he was summoned out.


With a kick of both feet, Ning Xuan stood on the red snapper's neck.

In this position, the feathers are soft and not sharp.

Just enough for him to sit cross-legged, or even lie down and sleep.

After spreading its wings, its size has reached [-] meters, larger than a small plane.

The beak was barb-shaped and shone coldly.

"Let's go."

"Go to Qingmu County."

Ning Xuan said lightly.

Some things should be resolved.


As soon as the words fell, the red snapper fluttered its wings and flew, and its figure pierced into the sky.

high speed.

Originally, the plane would take more than an hour, but he only took half an hour to reach the sky above Qingmu County.

Flying all the way, Ning Xuan also had a full view of the surrounding world.

There are mountains and rivers.

There are big river swamps.

There are tall trees and dense forests.

In addition to humans, there are many creatures.

It's just that these creatures are not intelligent, similar to the earth.

Looking into the distance, there is a vast sea, and there is another powerful civilization.

On the other side of the sea, there are more civilizations hidden.



"There are fifth-rank birds breaking in, there are fifth-rank birds breaking in, please be prepared, please be prepared."

But before Ning Xuan's figure reached the sky above Qingmu County, Qingmu County's air defense system responded.


"Ready to shoot down!"

The person in charge of air defense is a guy named Bao Shuang.

The order was issued immediately.

Qingmu County is facing the sea and has a long coastline. There are several times every year that creatures fly from the sea.

Some are intentional, others are disorienting.

But no matter which one, it will be regarded as the enemy who invaded Qingmu County.

Moreover, the realm of this enemy is generally not very high.

Because the real masters, the more they live, the more they are afraid of the crazy rebound of human beings.


But just as Bao Shuanggang gave the order, he saw the red dot on the screen coming from behind the inland, not the direction near the coastline.


Is that the human area?

This bird flew from the direction of humans.

"Wait a moment!"

Bao Shuang hastily waved his hands and paused the attack.


Should not be the enemy.

If it is an enemy, how can it come from the direction of the human living area?

And not the coastline!


"There are people on the bird!"

Soon, Ning Xuan's figure was also sensed, and his figure overlapped with the golden eagle, so there was only one red dot.

But after subdivision, the temperature on his body is different from that of the red snapper.

"A person from Beast Control?"

"Or those big guys?"

In Bao Shuang's mind, two thoughts instantly appeared.

In this world, there is a sect that can control ferocious beasts and drive birds and beasts.

This is Yushouzhai.

Among the members of their sect, their personal combat power is one aspect, and the other is their companions, the primordial beasts!

They call the creatures that have been tamed and obey their commands Yuan Beast!
It's just a fifth-grade bird, how many people can tame it?

In Yushou Zhai, it is estimated that there are not many people who can have this level of Yuan beast.

Another possibility is the mount.

The mount of a real boss.

It's just that bird mounts are too rare.

It's still the fifth grade, and there are only a few people that he thought of at the moment.

But it can't be those people!
If those people had come to Qingmu County, they would have been notified a long time ago. Even Lin Mu, the head of Qingmu County, would come out to greet them. How could there be no news and the alarm was triggered?

"Leave him alone."

"See what he wants."

Bao Shuang did not use attack missiles, nor sent fighter planes.

Rank [-] birds and fighter planes are useless at all, even missiles can't catch up with the opponent's full speed flight.

It is estimated that this is possible only for laser weapons that have not been developed.

Even though he said this, Bao Shuang was always concerned about Ning Xuan's movements.

Want to see if he is flying towards the sea, or landing in Qingmu County.

If it lands, he must arrive as soon as possible.

He is also a fifth-rank, not afraid!

"My lord, he has landed!"

1 minute later.

The red dot on the screen began to land towards Qingmu County.


And Bao Shuang also rushed out at this time.

While looking up at the sky, he searched for Ning Xuan's location.

At this time, he was able to spot Ning Xuan's existence in the air.

He wants to stop Ning Xuan when he hits the ground!

Ask for identity.

This kind of bird is the most troublesome, and the identity is also the most difficult to check.


"There are birds!"

Many people in Qingmu County also quickly saw the existence of the red snapper.

Everyone stopped and looked up at the sky in amazement.

For many years, nothing like this has happened.

Unexpectedly, birds descended on their Qingmu County.

They didn't think of the danger, because if it was something offensive, the air defense sirens would go off throughout the city.

"There are people on the bird!"

At this time, someone has already spotted Ning Xuan's figure.

"Which boss has come to our Qingmu County?"

Many people think so.

"Look, he jumped off!"

someone exclaimed.

When Ning Xuan was more than ten meters in the air, he jumped out of the air.

But the red snapper circled around and flew high into the sky again, straight into the sky.

"Who is this person?"

"Where did he jump?"

Many people are guessing Ning Xuan's identity.

What kind of existence would a warrior who can have this kind of bird be.


After Ning Xuan fell to the ground, his body exploded and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

When Bao Shuang arrived, he saw nothing.

"So fast!"

Bao Shuang was a little annoyed.

He still underestimated the speed of the red snapper.

The same fifth grade, compared to him is really much faster.

This is also the advantage of birds.

"Someone landed in Qingmu County with a bird!"

And Lin Mu, the princess of Qingmu County, who is also the patriarch of the Lin family, was notified at this time.

My heart is tense right now.

One of those people?
Or the person who controls the beast?
"Patriarch, I guess he is one of the Beast Controlling, who is going to participate in this martial arts competition."

"If one of those people, we will definitely be notified."

The informant analyzed it.

"Did the satellite capture the image?" Lin Mu asked.

With the capabilities of today's satellites, ants on the ground can see a few legs clearly.

"No." The subordinate said, "Master Bao Shuang has sent a message that this man is surrounded by a layer of elements, blocking the light."

"Oh." Lin Mu nodded.

Already guessed this situation.

Satellites are okay against ordinary people, but not so good against warriors.

It's useless most of the time.

"Go check it out!"

"Look what's going on!"

Lin Mu ordered.

He also felt that it was more likely to be the person from Yushouzhai.

After all, after more than ten days, it will be Dabi's day.

At this time, many people are rushing here.

"It's just that I didn't expect that the people from Yushouzhai also took a fancy to one of the ten cities under my Qingmu County's jurisdiction."

Lin Mu felt right, it must be so.

 Bear with me, everyone, I am saving manuscripts!

(End of this chapter)

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