The Little Fox Demon: The Eastern Demon Way

Chapter 50 Are You a Murderer?

Chapter 50 Are You a Murderer?

At night, the bright moon hangs high in the sky.

Shenhuozhuang Village, Dongfang Beiyuan.

Dongfang Rising Sun was lying on the roof with a piece of dogtail grass in his mouth, and the bright white moonlight shone on Dongfang Rising Sun, like a layer of hoarfrost.

According to what the old man said, when the elder or the master died, he had to eat vegetarian food for seven days, so Dongfang Xuri had been eating vegetarian food for six days, and his appetite was already big.

Tomorrow is the seventh day. After tomorrow, he will be able to eat meat.

Why did he go to the roof tonight, not to admire the moon, nor to climb high, besides, it is not high, just because he was hungry and his mouth was uncomfortable, so he came up to blow the cold wind.

click da da——

A small stone was thrown from below and hit the brick.

Dongfang Rising Sun stared blankly at the small stone that was thrown up, raised his hand, raised his index finger, and wrote runes in the air, and a blue paper crane took shape and flew up.

The blue thousand paper cranes flew towards the place outside the fence.

Outside the Shenhuo Manor, a boy with long hair, a boy with white hair, and a boy wearing a golden hoop stood on the treetops.

"The stone you threw is too small, can he hear it?" the white-haired boy Yang Yitan said.

Wang Quan Baye took a look at Yang Yitan, and drew a sword from his waist. With a clang, the sword came out of its sheath, and with a flick of his wrist, a sword energy flew out, cutting off a large piece of a stone on a mountain not far away.

Wang Quan Baye jumped off the tree, stepped on the ground, and then touched the stone with the tip of his sword. With a strong lift, the stone went from static to high speed in an instant, and flew towards the North Garden of Shenhuozhuangzhuang.


The stone hit the roof of a house in Beiyuan, and smashed through the roof with a bang.

Immediately, a large piece of light lit up at Shenhuozhuang Manor, and from such a distance, one could hear the famous three repeated questions from Shenhuozhuang Manor.

"what happened?"

"Who did it?"

"What should I do?"

Li Quzhuo shouted excitedly: "Wow, this way of calling people is really exciting!"

"What are you doing?" Yang Yitan asked.

"Didn't you say that the stone was small?" Wang Quan Baye had a serious expression, but because he had a serious face at this time, his seriousness seemed very cute.

"But your span is a little big." Yang Yitan just said that the stone was a little small, and didn't say that he should throw such a big stone.

"Really?" Wang Quan Baye was completely unconscious.

A black-and-white paper crane flew over from Shenhuozhuang Village, and a child with silly hair was sitting on it. At this time, Dongfang Xuri was almost ten years old, and he was much taller than ordinary ten-year-old children, which made him look like a juvenile.

"If I hadn't heard with my own ears that you were planning to call me, I would have thought that the majestic young master of Wang Quan's family wanted to murder." Dongfang Xuri manipulated the paper flying crane to hover above Wang Quan Baye.

"Don't worry, I want to murder with a sword, not a stone." King Quan Baye replied seriously.

"." Shouldn't it mean sorry at this time?
"You looking for me?" Dongfang Xuri asked.

"En." Wang Quan Baye nodded, "I set up an organization called the Mask Organization, and I want to invite you to join."

"You three?" Dongfang Xuri looked at the two people standing on the treetop not far in front of him. The young Bai Yang sighed that he knew him. The one wearing the gold hoop was seen at the Blue Sky Conference, the second of the Li family. Young master Li Quzhuo.

"Well, it is now, but there will not be many people in the future. I will take the elite route." Wang Quanbaye stepped on the flying sword and flew to a place that was as high as the rising sun in the east.

"I'm tired of talking with my head up. To join the mask organization, I have to do a few tricks on my hands." Wang Quan Baye kept his eyes on Dongfang Xuri, with a strong fighting spirit.

"Wait! Why didn't I take this step?" Comrade Li Quzhuo asked this question.

He remembered that Wang Quan Baye came to him and said directly, join my organization. After he agreed, he was taken directly to Shenhuozhuang, and there was no such thing as a few tricks.

"He made an agreement with me." King Quan Baye said.

"You won't fight me?"


"Are you looking down on me!" Li Quzhuo pointed at the king's power and hegemony with anger on his face.

"No." Wang Quan Baye shook his head, "I just made an agreement with him."

"That's fine, you guys fight." Li Quzhuo knew about kingship and hegemony, and this guy would not lie. What he said was that he didn't look down on him, it was just an agreement with Dongfan Xuri, and there was nothing wrong with it.

"Oh?" Dongfang Xuri remembered the agreement made three years ago.

Wang Quan Baye looked at Dongfang Rising Sun's sudden realization, "The family has been under tight control for the past three years, and they couldn't come out, so today is the time to come out."

Three years ago, King Quan Baye was just a teenager, not yet a young man. For the safety of King Quan Baye, Director Fei never left his eyes. Even the sword skills were taught by Fei Boss.

In recent days, Yiqi Daomeng has been very busy, and the Patriarch of Wang Quan has no energy to take care of it, so he can only do it with Mr. Fei's family. Since Mr. Fei's family is not around, other people can't stand Wang Quan's hegemony at all, so Wang Quan's hegemony 'walked' out.

Yang Yitan was also watched closely, but the three-eyed baby had good eyesight, and he knew the blind spots of the Yang family's surveillance, so he also 'walked' out.

Li Quzhuo's method was a bit domineering, because the surveillance in Li's house was controlled by formations, starting from the inside and monitoring from the outside to the inside, so mosquitoes couldn't fly in.

But this kind of formation that mosquitoes can't fly into requires money, and the materials in the formation are constantly updated, and ordinary families can't afford it. The Li family relies on selling and repairing magic weapons, so they use this rich and powerful method.

However, Wang Quan's family is the most wealthy and wealthy family, and that is the first family to destroy demons. To them, money is just a number, but most of Wang Quan's family practice swords, and few of them are proficient in formations. As a result, it is very difficult to maintain the formation, and it is impossible to trouble others every day, so the Wang Quan family relies on people to monitor.

The Li family relies on formations to monitor, and the interior is the strictest. Li Quzhuo couldn't crack it, so he set up a formation at the place where the head of the Li family came out of Gong.

That night, there was a 'stinky' smell in the Li family. The owner of the Li family, Mr. Mi, came out and shouted three words with all his strength: "Li Quzhuo!"

Li Quzhuo took advantage of this chaotic scene and slipped out.

Wang Quan Baye still remembers what Li Quzhuo said when he left Li's house tonight, "Blow up my old man's latrine, I've wanted to do it for a long time."

So of these three people, two 'walked' out, and one 'exploded' out.

"Fighting is fine, but first..." Dongfang Xuri spit out the dogtail grass in his mouth, stretched out his hand, "lose money."

"Losing money?" Wang Quan Baye expressed his incomprehension.

"The roof needs to be repaired. Doesn't it cost money?"

"En." Wang Quan Baye took out a stack of notes from his pocket, "Are these enough?"

Dongfang Rising Sun took out a card from inside, "I'll take your card first, and when I'm done typing, I'll find change for you."

Dongfang Rising Sun doesn't like to be greedy for other people's petty gains. It's just a roof, and it's not worth too much money, but just because it's not worth too much money doesn't mean it doesn't need to be held accountable.

"Are you ready?" Wang Quan Baye put the wad of bills back into his arms.


A blue paper crane landed on Wang Quan Baye's shoulder, and the blue thousand paper crane quickly transformed into runes, covering Wang Quan Baye's entire right hand.

"Get ready." Dongfang Xuri was wrapped in pure Yang Yan, rushed to Wang Quan Baye in the blink of an eye, and punched Wang Quan Baye in the face.

 Barely caught up, using the mobile phone code words, finally in, I wish you all a happy Lantern Festival and a happy family!

(End of this chapter)

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