The Little Fox Demon: The Eastern Demon Way

Chapter 60 Do you still remember me?

Chapter 60 Do you still remember me?
In a separate courtyard, there is a water pavilion built on a pond of moderate size.

A young man with long hair and a child with dull hair are practicing swords, and a middle-aged man with a big belly is teaching them.

The long-haired and delicate boy and the dull-haired boy are Wang Quan Ba ​​Ye and Dongfang Rising Sun respectively, and they are practicing swords.

After practicing for about three hours, King Quan Hegeye is mainly comprehending the use of sword energy, while Dongfang Rising Sun is learning basic sword skills. At the beginning, he kept a few basic sword swing postures unchanged for an hour, and then gradually increased the maintenance Time, until Boss Fei throws ten tiny needles and Dongfang Rising Sun can catch them with the blade of his sword.

Three days ago, Dongfang Rising Sun had achieved this, so he was learning to swing the sword at this time, and swung the sword until he couldn't hold the sword with his hand.


The sword in Dongfang Xuri's hand fell to the ground, and he himself was covered in sweat, which soaked his clothes.

"Huhu!" Dongfang Xuri gasped heavily, his right arm shaking uncontrollably.

"That's right." Director Fei originally only taught Dongfang Rising Sun for the sake of royal power and hegemony. After all, learning the sword is very hard, and it is useless if you have talent but no basic skills, but now you want to teach it yourself.

Chief Fei of the Wang Quan family's swordsmanship cannot teach Dongfang Rising Sun, but these years, Chief Fei also has experience in using swords, and teaching his own experience to Dongfang Rising Sun does not violate any rules and regulations.

Mr. Fei’s background is not good, his talent is neither good nor bad, relying on the consistency of his heart, in order to protect the royal family, in order to protect the royal family, Mr. Fei almost squeezed all his potential, so he has today’s ability, but even so, The Wang Quan family still relies on the poor health of the Wang Quan family head to maintain the Wang Quan family's prestige.

When it comes to major events, with him, with his reputation as Director Fei, he still can't shake the audience.

"Thank you!" Dongfang Xuri wanted to thank Mr. Fei, but he couldn't lift his right arm except his left arm.

He has been learning swordsmanship from Boss Fei for half a year. During this period, Boss Fei only asked him to raise and swing his sword, without teaching him any substantive things, such as those swordsmanship that swung a large amount of sword energy, but he was willing to take the time to teach him , the Eastern Rising Sun would like to thank you.

In fact, Dongfang Rising Sun has been here for a long time, not simply to learn swordsmanship. He learned swordsmanship at Wang Quan's house for two purposes. The first purpose is to observe Wang Quan's protection. The child of an elder of the aristocratic family, if Dongfang Xuri did not kill him cleanly, it would be very troublesome at that time.

Therefore, Dongfang Rising Sun has been observing the King Power Guard City to see if there is anything that this guy needs to do secretly. He cannot take anyone with him or let others know his whereabouts. If there is such a time, it will be a good opportunity for Dongfang Rising Sun to make a move.

It's a pity that this guy has stayed in the royal family for a long time recently, and has stayed in the royal family for about four months in the past six months. It seems that he is busy becoming the elder of the royal family.

When I went out, I brought a lot of people with me. Dongfang Rising Sun has not found a good opportunity to make a move yet.

However, he made a substantive discovery in the past six months. He found that the royal guard used a magic weapon. The magic weapon was in the shape of a gourd, which could be large or small. Carrying it on the body can slightly increase the speed of cultivation and the speed of recovering mana. The most important thing is that it can fly like a flying sword.

The second purpose is that he wants to cut 360 nine swords against the royal guard, so the sword must be steady, and the opponent cannot die without cutting 360 nine swords.

"This is the end of today's lesson, you can go back." Director Fei said to Dongfang Rising Sun.

"See you tomorrow then."

Dongfang Rising Sun walked out of the gate of the Bieyuan, and his mana was condensed into runes wrapped around his arms. These runes are healing runes, which can relieve the soreness of the arms and stimulate the body's regeneration speed. There is a disadvantage, because it stimulates the body's regeneration speed , the energy consumption is accelerated, and the Eastern Rising Sun needs to eat a lot to maintain normal life activities.

But for Dongfang Rising Sun, who was carrying meat skewers and didn't stop talking, this shortcoming was almost nonexistent.

After activating the shape-changing talisman, Dongfang Rising Sun's body turned into a blue light and disappeared, and when he reappeared, it was on the top of a house in King Quan's Mansion.

In the past six months, no one knew better than Dongfang Rising Sun the roofs of each house in the royal power defying mansion. Dongfang Rising Sun could even point out the number of tiles on the roof of each house.

Today's King Quan Buwei mansion is a bit lively, many Taoist priests are standing in the corridor leading to the hall, their eyes are all looking into the hall.

"I have to trouble Brother Guard for tomorrow's matter." A dainty Taoist priest with a sword pinned to his waist came out of the hall, walking with him was King Quan Guard.

"Subduing monsters and monsters is originally the responsibility of my generation of cultivators, Yudi, you are welcome." King Quan Mocheng laughed.

"Then we will gather at the gate of the city tomorrow."


After King Quan's guard agreed, the delicate Taoist priest took the Taoist priest standing on the stone road leading to the hall and left King Quan's fearless mansion.

"Since this guy is going out tomorrow, I can go back today." Dongfang Xuri stretched his waist, activated the Apparatus and Shadow Talisman, and disappeared on the roof of the house.

The distance between the Shenhuo family and the Wangquan family is not too close, and Dongfang Rising Sun cannot accurately transmit it to the Shenhuo family at one time, so it has to stop at a middle point, and change shape again.

According to the route of the past six months, Dongfang Rising Sun should appear in a deserted corner at this time.


Dongfang Xuri found himself in the water, took a closer look, and found that he was in a glass container, and outside the glass container stood a little green long-haired fox demon loli.

"We met again, remember me? It turns out that you used this stone in exchange. In the past six months, I went there to pick up 630 seven stones. Adding this one is 630 eight." Tu Shanrong smiled.

Flames burst out from Dongfang Xuri's body, and the high-temperature flame instantly evaporated all the water in the glass container. After the water evaporated, Dongfang Rising Sun punched the glass side.

There was a crisp cracking sound, and the side of the glass hit by the Eastern Rising Sun spread traces of spider webs, and the glass shattered.

Dongfang Rising Sun jumped out of the glass container and stood in front of Tu Shan Rongrong.

"Why did you break the glass? This container has no top." Tu Shan smiled and pointed behind Dongfang Rising Sun.

Dongfang Rising Sun turned his head and looked behind him, the glass container was a cube, um, made it.

How can there be such a monster? There is no limit to people.

"A person can have no ambition, but he must be handsome on stage. In the situation just now, I think breaking the glass to appear on stage is very pompous."

"So that's how it is, Rong Rong has been taught."

"I don't know what's the matter with Tu Shansan who picked up so many stones and brought me here?" Dongfang Xuri looked around and found himself in a room.

The decoration of the house is very simple, with traces of life.

"My client would like to thank you, but in the past six months, your way of communicating has been too erratic." Tu Shan Rongrong stretched out his index finger, swipe back and forth in the air.

In the past six months, Dongfang Rising Sun has used the shape-shifting and shadow-changing talisman to travel between the Shenhuo family and the royal family, and it is indeed very erratic.

"I used a lot of methods to find out that you appeared in Pi'erwan, and then carefully observed the traces around me, locked a range, and selected all the objects that might be used for transfer in that range, and then put you, the god Come here, please."

"Why are you sure it's a stone?" There is no regulation on the objects exchanged by the shape-changing talisman, and the Eastern Rising Sun does not necessarily use stones as exchange objects.

"Your rune movement requires the exchange of objects. If you use too light objects, it is easy to be mislocated. In addition, you should be transferred from a royal family. The objects you use are too conspicuous and easy to attract attention. Then The only unobtrusive things in this area are stones, so you can only choose stones as the object of transfer and exchange." Tu Shan said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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