The Little Fox Demon: The Eastern Demon Way

Chapter 77 Fighting against the Demon Emperor of the Southern Kingdom

Chapter 77 Fighting against the Demon Emperor of the Southern Kingdom (3)

In the Imperial Palace of the Southern Kingdom, an overwhelming purple poisonous gas gushed out from one of the palaces. The purple poisonous gas gathered in the air, and the entire palace was plunged into darkness.

"what happened?"

"It's the emperor!"

The guards around the palace naturally recognized the source of the poisonous gas that hit the sky, and launching the kung fu can create a catastrophic aura, and only the most powerful man in the southern country, Huandu Qingtian.

A cloud of purple poisonous gas gathered into an old face, and another cloud of purple poisonous gas gathered into a huge palm. The palm waved to the ground, and with a bang, the entire palace was flattened.


The flattened palace lit up with a green light, which was like a black hole, and the purple poisonous gas was continuously absorbed by the green light.

Li Qutian's long black hair fluttered in the wind. He was holding a purple-black bead in his hand, and Huandu Qingtian's huge poisonous palm was sucked in by the bead.

The old face condensed by the poisonous gas in the sky frowned slightly, and the surrounding poisonous gas gathered into eight huge palms, and the huge poisonous palms hit Li Qutian.

Li Qutian held up the Myriad Poison Orb, the center of the Myriad Poison Orb flashed, and eight beams of green light shot at the eight huge poisonous palms respectively.

The eight poisonous palms were absorbed by the green light emitted by the Myriad Poison Orb.

it works!

Li Qutian's Taoist robe burst open, revealing a whole body of strong muscles. A pair of purple wings spread out from his back, and the wings crackled and made the sound of electric arcs.

Li Qutian rushed towards Huandu Qingtian like a bolt of lightning.

Huandu Qingtian's poisonous gas rushed towards Li Qutian like a black cloud overwhelming the city. In front of Huandu Qingtian's disaster-level power, Li Qutian was like a flat boat on a stormy sea, swinging from side to side, feeling like he would be submerged in Huandu Qingtian at any time. Under the poisonous gas of Du Qingtian.

Li Qutian's body had turned purple-black, and black blood flowed from his eyes. He could carry it until now by relying on the Wandu Orb to absorb most of the poisonous gas from Huanduqingtian. At this time, Li Qutian's forehead lit up. With a vertical light, the light turned into a vertical pupil fixed on Li Qutian's forehead.

The head of the Li family is an unworldly talent today. He combined the Yang family's celestial eyes with the Li family's unique method of refining treasures, and developed a magic weapon that can allow people to possess part of the Yang family's celestial eyes.

However, this magic weapon is not for sale. At the beginning, the Yang family and the Li family signed an agreement. If a magic weapon with the Yang family’s Tianyan part of the ability is invented, it can only be used by the direct descendants of the Li family. Use all your strength to kill the opponent, including the royal family.

In Li Qutian's field of vision, he saw a vague human figure in the overwhelming poisonous gas, that human figure shuttled freely in the poisonous gas, and some meridian-like lines in the poisonous gas connected the vague human figure.

That fuzzy figure should be Huan Du Qing Tian.

Li Qutian made a judgment, Yang Jiatian's eyes are more reliable than naked eyes.

The Ten Thousand Poison Orb has the ability to absorb poisonous gas. As long as the Ten Thousand Poison Orb is injected into Huandu Qingtian's body, Huandu Qingtian is likely to be inhaled by the Ten Thousand Poison Orb, and if he is sucked into the Ten Thousand Poison Orb, he will win the battle half.

What happened to that bead?

Huandu Qingtian, who was walking in the poisonous gas, kept looking at the bead in Li Qutian's hand. His poisonous gas had been absorbed by the bead a lot. If it wasn't for his huge monster power, he would have been unable to support himself to use the body of ten thousand poisons .

Huandu Qingtian suddenly saw Li Qutian flying towards him, Huandu Qingtian changed his position, Li Qutian also changed his position, and the distance between them was getting closer and closer.

"Do you really think I'm old?" Huandu Qingtian's figure appeared in the poisonous gas.

Huan Duqing's eyes turned purple, his hands spread out to grab the poisonous gas on both sides, and closed towards the middle, a tornado of poisonous gas attacked Li Qutian.

The tornado-like poisonous gas blew across Li Qutian's body, and his skin began to rot. The parts of his body that were farther away from the Ten Thousand Poisons Orb, such as his legs, had rotted enough that bones could be seen.

The hand holding the Ten Thousand Poisons Orb was a bit better, only a layer of skin had peeled off, but his face, which was originally a very handsome face, was now like a ghost from hell, with rotten flesh hanging on Li Qutian's cheeks, eyeballs The chest is raised, and the long ink-colored hair has turned into a wrinkled bald head.

His speed slowed down, the pair of wings on his back had disappeared, and he was still five feet away from Huandu Qingtian.

Is there no revenge after all?
Li Qutian fell down weakly.


A ray of fire shot in, piercing through layers of poisonous gas, and finally hit Huandu Qingtian's body.

"Pure Yang Yan." Huan Du Qingtian's body was filled with poisonous energy, blocking the pure Yang Yan from his body.

The poisonous gas layer was pierced, Li Qutian just fell out of the poisonous gas layer, an extremely fast figure caught Li Qutian, and then fell steadily.

"Hmm!" Li Weiran looked at Li Qutian, who could no longer see the human form, the lower body was completely dissolved, and the upper body could no longer see what it used to be, covering his mouth, tears dripped on Li Qutian's face like broken beads. face.

Li Qu's weather is like a gossamer. He can't see, hear, smell, speak, or feel the outside world at this time, so he doesn't know what is going on with him now. The only thing he knows is that he is still alive.

call out--

A group of monsters suddenly appeared beside Li Qutian and Li Weiran, Du Laozi walked in the front, and these monsters surrounded Li Weiran and Li Qutian.

Huandu Qingtian looked behind him in mid-air, and a black-clothed Taoist priest as tall as a boy was floating behind him.

"Don't look at me, keep looking at them, I'm just sending someone over." Dongfang Xuri pointed at Li Qutian and Li Weiran with a meat skewer in his mouth.

"Your Majesty, the protection of the humble position is not effective." A handsome man in fluttering white clothes with squinting eyes flew to Huandu Qingtian's side.

Four monsters also appeared around Dongfang Rising Sun, surrounding Dongfang Rising Sun from four directions.

A balding male demon with eight eyes on his face, a banshee with a hot figure and hot clothes, a crooked old woman with an old face, and a child's height, dressed in white clothes with black stripes on the side of the clothes, with a black scarf on his head Ornament, with a centipede painted on it.

"The Five Poisons of the Southern Kingdom." Dongfang Xuri recognized these monsters, and they were listed on the list of monsters in the Yiqidao League.

"You used pure Yangyan before, you are from the Eastern Spirit Race." The old woman is the wife of Du Laozi, Du Pozi, she asked.


"Haha, how dare you admit it, baby, don't you know that the pure Yang Yan of your Dongfang family has another name?" The poisonous woman laughed hoarsely.

"I know, it's called the Demon Extinguishing Fire. I think the name is quite domineering. Is there a problem?" Dongfang Xuri seemed to have no idea what the Demon Extinguishing Fire meant to a demon.

"Son, you're not very young, but you're quite courageous. Today, I want to see how this demon-killing divine fire can kill me."

The poisonous woman moved like a phantom in front of Dongfang Rising Sun, and slapped Dongfang Rising Sun's heart with her palm.

(End of this chapter)

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