Chapter 312

But what he never expected was that Duan Yanzhi escaped from the prison before being beheaded, and then one of the witnesses died. He was afraid, so he begged the person who ordered him to hide himself, But he accidentally heard that they said they wanted to kill him to silence him. He stole a lot of property from there and escaped overnight. As the saying goes, the most dangerous place is the safest place, so he hid in the yard near the man's residence , and secretly inquired about their identities.

Then he heard that Zheng San, the watchman, was also missing. He was afraid that they would find him, so he changed his name and surname, bought a house in the east of the city with the stolen property, and hid at home all day, waiting for the incident. The rumors passed, the man left Qingyang, and he gradually dared to go out, because the food and drink at home made him gain weight, and no one recognized him.

"Who is that person you are talking about? Since he is not short of money, why did he frame my father?" Duan Nanshan was full of doubts.

"You are stupid, who would think that there is too much money, what is the purpose of being an official, and it is not for making money, but the bigger the official is, the more money can be made, how to go to the top, it must be dredged Well done." Liu Jiyuan raised his head and glanced at him, "I said, you are really Duan Yanzhi's son, you don't look like that, he won the Jinshi, a well-known talent in Qingyang, you are his son, why? Don't understand?"

Duan Nanshan was taken aback. In his young memory, his father never seemed to say that he could read and write, and that his speech and actions were no different from other hunters, so he never thought that Duan Yanzhi's three characters have the same meaning. One day will be connected with a case from more than [-] years ago.

"You're not really stupid, this matter is just like this, for the sake of my life, I can't go around yelling that you are Duan Yanzhi's son, I think it's better to just let it go." After Liu Jiyuan said, he wanted to take advantage of it. Duan Nanshan accidentally took the opportunity to slip away, but the other party reacted quickly and grabbed his sleeve.

"Go! Where are you going? You haven't told me who that man is?"

Liu Jiyuan clicked his tongue twice, "So what can I tell you? People hold great power, and you can still seek revenge. You are not a bachelor like your father back then. He ran away as soon as he said it. You have a wife and children, so you can't do it. As long as there is no such thing, just go on with your life."

These words really touched the softest part of Duan Nanshan's heart. He hesitated for a moment, but pulled Liu Jiyuan's clothes tighter. , he is a son of man in vain.

Liu Jiyuan thought that Duan Nanshan was moved by him, but he didn't expect that this person was so stunned that he insisted on chasing him and forcing him to tell the mastermind behind the scenes. He... How dare he have the courage, let alone, he Not all of what he said was true. Others didn't know how he got his seat here, but he knew it all too well in his heart. Say it.

Of course, as the only one among the three witnesses who survived, Liu Jiyuan must be a little clever to be able to get into his current state.

(End of this chapter)

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