My Mr. Li is jealous

Chapter 108 He Saved Me?

Chapter 108 He Saved Me? (8)

Did he do it on purpose?Everyone hasn't put on their pants yet, okay?How thick is his face?How could you be so shameless (nie)?Yu Niannian couldn't help complaining in the bottom of her heart...

"Well, I'll carry you out together." While speaking, Li Ruobei's footsteps got closer and closer to her.

"Li Ruobei, you rascal, pervert, get out of here quickly! Or else, or..." Yu Niannian was so frightened that she stuttered, she sat on the toilet and pulled it hard with her hands. Pants.

Even if her legs are numb, her hands can always be used!

Fortunately, the hospital gown was too big, and it was loose on her body, so she couldn't see any important parts at all, otherwise, she would have chosen a dog belt! !
"Nian Nian, what are you so worried about? This dress can be worn as a skirt. I can't see it! Besides, I can also choose to close my eyes and help you wear it." Li Ruobei said shamelessly Out of this kind of image, it has nothing to do with his high-cold image. .

At the moment when Li Ruobei bent down and was about to hug her, "Li Ruobei, you stinky shameless!" suddenly rang in his ear, followed by another 'pop', which immediately rang in the bathroom.

Soon there was a stabbing pain on his handsome face...

Before Li Ruobei could respond, Yu Niannian's voice suddenly sounded next to his ear, "That... that, I... I didn't mean it!!"

She looked at the obvious scratch on Li Ruobei's face, and there was a trace of red blood spilling out, and then she became a little at a loss, Yu Niannian couldn't believe that she would actually hit him, she Looking down at the palm of his hand in surprise, he said to him again, "I'm sorry."

Li Ruobei came back to his senses, looked up at her bewildered face, said nothing, then stretched out his hand to her.

Yu Niannian thought that she was going to suffer, so she quickly hugged her injured head with her hands, thinking, her head still hurts, if he slapped it down again, wouldn't she just faint?
However, after she closed her eyes for a long time, the expected pain did not subside for a long time. .

Yu Niannian opened a small slit with one eye, originally wanting to see what was going on, but suddenly felt a lightness in her body, and she was hugged by him.

Yu Niannian let out a scream, and then, like a conditioned reflex, hugged Li Ruobei's neck tightly. The two bodies were pressed tightly together, and they could clearly hear each other's breathing and heartbeat...

The distance between her face and his face is only a few centimeters, looking at each other is like using a magnifying glass, even the pores can be seen clearly! !

Li Ruobei carefully looked at every inch of her face, her Adam's apple rolled a few times involuntarily, and then asked, "Fool, did you protect your head just now, did you think I was going to hit you?"

Yu Niannian swallowed immediately, then blinked her long eyelashes, her eyes flickered slightly, and said guiltily, "I...I...I don't have any!"

"Really not? Huh?" When he pronounced this 'hmm' in a nasal voice, there was always a seductive smell, which seemed particularly sexy.

"When...of's true." Yu Niannian's cheeks at this moment had a trace of bright red.

But in her heart, there is a feeling of collapse, can't she chat normally?Can't we have a good chat?

 ps: Sorry, the computer is broken, and the update is a bit late.

  There will be another chapter update later!
(End of this chapter)

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