My Mr. Li is jealous

Chapter 115 He Saved Me?

Chapter 115 He Saved Me? (15)

"I enjoyed that line of yours, 'my dear'. So, I'm going to let you go today, and the next time you talk to me like that, you're dead!! Well, get out of here Get something!"

Guan Jingming was ashamed, and when he came in again, there was an extra nurse beside him.

Guan Jingming unwrapped the gauze wrapped around Yu Niannian's head, and a bloody smell that was exclusive to blood immediately filled the ward, "Miss Yu, I have to wash your wound with water now, it will hurt a little, you Hold back!"

"Okay." Yu Niannian's face was obviously a little pale, and even his voice was mixed with a trill, which made Li Ruobei's heart twitch with pain.

Guan Jingming went to the tray held by the nurse, clamped a ball of cotton with medical pliers, then poured it on with water, and then probed into the wound on her head... It was just touching it, and Yu Niannian was in pain like, "Yeah." Hum' let out a cry, and her pale lips were trembling violently.

"Be patient! It will be fine soon." As soon as Guan Jingming's words fell, Li Ruobei reached out to her mouth with his own hand. Without thinking about it, Yu Niannian just held it and gnawed it ...

Li Ruobei's actions also shocked Guan Jingming. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would not have known that Young Master Li would give so much for love! !
Even if it is an easy thing to do, he has to do it himself for the one he loves.

Guan Jingming was stunned for a while, and then continued to treat Yu Niannian's wound until Li Ruobei's hand was freed after the wound was bandaged again.

Seeing this, Guan Jingming laughed out loud, and then teased him, "Master Li, Wuli, your hand seems to be deeply wounded, and the poison is also deeply poisoned, do you need a little me, give it to you Bandage it up?"

"Shut up!" Li Ruobei's face darkened, and he quickly hid his hands behind his back.

Even though his movements were fast, Yu Niannian could still clearly see the two rows of deep teeth marks on his arms, and only then did she realize what she had done, and then pointed at Li Ruobei slightly He said apologetically, "Yes, I'm sorry! Your hand..."

Before she could finish her last words, Li Ruobei leaned over and kissed her lips, blocking all the words she hadn't had time to say in her throat.

Seeing this scene, the nurse shyly covered her face with a tray, while Guan Jingming didn't shy away from it at all, and looked at it openly.

His idea is that if you don't look at it for nothing, the people involved are not ashamed, so why should it be difficult for him to avoid his eyes!Hahahahaha~
With a shocked expression on Yu Niannian's face, she stared at him who was so close! !
After staying on her lips for a few seconds, Li Ruobei raised his head slightly, looked into her eyes, and said viciously, "If you feel sorry for me, then this kiss will be considered even. okay?"

Yu Niannian, "..."

Li Ruobei, you bastard, you've already kissed me, how can she refuse?Can you still say no?Asshole, asshole, asshole!Due to the presence of outsiders, Yu Niannian could only growl in his heart.

'Hmph' Guan Jingming cleared his voice and said to Li Ruobei on purpose, "Well, you go on, I still have a job waiting for me! I won't be here as a light bulb anymore, you have a good time playing, just remember not to touch it again. It’s a wound! It’s not easy to recover, you understand!!”

 ps: Thanks for the 1888 book currency rewarded by 'Please see personal description'.

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(End of this chapter)

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