My Mr. Li is jealous

Chapter 118 I'm All About Him

Chapter 118 I'm All About Him (1)

This thank you is her heartfelt thanks. If it weren't for him, Yu Niannian might be lying in the cold mortuary instead of the ward, and become a cold corpse!
Looking at her sincere eyes, for some reason, Li Ruobei felt that his throat was extremely dry, and the smile on the corner of his mouth gradually turned into a stiff...

He very, very disliked hearing the cold and distant words 'thank you' from her mouth.

After a long time, Li Ruobei moved his Adam's apple, slightly parted his thin lips and said, "The person who saved you is Brother Heng, he saved you with blood."

When he said this, Li Ruobei's heart seemed to be bleeding. He was obviously the one who rushed to her parents' residence last night to look for her. When he saw the pool of blood on the ground, he guessed that she might have been injured. After that, he rushed to her apartment without stopping.

No one knew that when he saw the bloody girl lying alone on the sofa, his heart was clenched. That bloody scene almost made him collapse! !

No one knew that when he hugged her slightly chilly body, a fear he had never felt before came from the bottom of his heart, making his mind 'buzzing' in a mess, and he desperately held her tightly. hand, wanting to keep her.

No one knew that when she was lying in the operating room, Guan Jingming came out and told him that there was bad news to tell him, he almost lost control on the spot and wanted to beat Guan Jingming severely, making him No matter what, she must be brought out safely.

He, Li Ruobei, could lose the whole world, but only this girl named Yu Niannian, even if he was asked to exchange his own life, he must protect her well, so that she can be safe and sound for the rest of her long life. Live happily ever after! !

Obviously he was the one who found her seriously injured, he was the one who hugged her and ran wildly, and he was the one who pushed the accelerator to the bottom and rushed to the hospital at the fastest speed.

But now, he downplayed everything as a sentence, "The person who saved you was brother Heng, who saved you with his blood." '

The knuckles of Li Ruobei's fingers that were holding the doorknob turned white due to the force. It took him a lot of effort to maintain his composure, and then he said to the person on the bed, "Okay, you first Sleep for a while! I'm right outside, just call me if you need anything."

As soon as the voice fell, Li Ruobei quickly closed the door as if fleeing. After staying in place for a while, he walked towards the French window in the living room, took out the cigarette case from his trousers pocket, and then took out a cigarette case from inside. A cigarette, lit between the lips and teeth...

Li Ruobei stared blankly at the high-rise building in front of him, and began to inhale heavily on the cigarette held between his fingertips. A large, bitter smell of smoke rushed into his lungs and slowly spread.

Like this, the pain from the heart didn't feel so clear.

From the moment Li Ruobei closed the door, Yu Niannian also seemed to have noticed the change on his face, she pouted in confusion, then murmured in the direction he left, "Who is it! He changed his face as soon as he was talking? His temper is much worse than before, why don't you let people see it?"

After mumbling, Yu Niannian rolled his eyes and began to think carefully, where did he say something wrong?So much so that it made his young master unhappy?
Yu Niannian thought about it for a while. She thought about it, but she never thought of it. Which sentence did she say wrong?
 ps: Please ask for tickets~ Today is the third update!

(End of this chapter)

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