My Mr. Li is jealous

Chapter 137 Feeling Empty

Chapter 137 Feeling Empty (2)

When Guan Jingming called his sister-in-law later, Yu Niannian realized later that her face flushed instantly, and then retorted, "Well, you think too much, I'm not your sister-in-law!!"

"Ouch! Sister-in-law is really shy! Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, I didn't see anything yesterday morning, don't worry!"

Yu Niannian, "..."

Are you sure he didn't read anything yesterday morning?In Yu Niannian's mind, ten thousand grass-ninny horses galloped past...

After speaking, Guan Jingming leaned down and began to examine her, "Sister-in-law, your heart is beating so fast! Don't be nervous, relax a little, I won't eat you."

Yu Niannian, "..."

Could she say it was because he was startled by calling her sister-in-law?
"Why are you dancing faster and faster? Sister-in-law, are you really okay?"

Yu Niannian turned black, and simply pushed him away, "I'm really fine. Also, don't keep your sister-in-law coming and going, I'm not used to it."

Besides, who promised to marry the liar?Yu Niannian's current behavior is obviously a small twist, but she didn't realize it.

Seeing this, Guan Jingming said to the nurse beside him, "Go and do your work! I have something to say to Miss Yu."

"Okay, then I'll go out first."

After the nurse left, the ward fell into an atmosphere of silence, and neither of them spoke again.

Maybe Guan Jingming didn't know what to say about this matter, so Yu Niannian waited quietly for him to speak, until after a long time, Yu Niannian felt a little nervous under his gaze, so she took the initiative to ask, "Excuse me?" What to say."

"That brother Bei..."

For a moment, both of them opened their mouths and stopped at the same time.

Li Ruobei?What happened to Li Ruobei?Why didn't you come back by this time?In fact, Yu Niannian really wanted to ask these few questions, but she didn't have the courage, so she said, "Say it! I'll listen."

Guan Jingming faltered for a while before choking out his voice, "Well, Brother Bei...he has to go abroad in a hurry, and he can't come back yet. I will take care of you for him during the next few days when you are hospitalized. .”

"Oh, he doesn't go abroad, there's no need to report these things to me! I'm not someone like him." The expression on Yu Niannian's face was extraordinarily calm, as if what she just heard had nothing to do with her. Nothing is the same.

Guan Jingming was dumbfounded. Didn't Brother Bei and her reconcile as before? Are they already together?
Could it be...he hasn't told Yu Niannian what happened back then?
"You...don't you ask him why he went abroad?" Guan Jingming asked luckily.

"He and I have nothing to do with each other, why do I ask so many questions!"

"Aren't you... already together?" While speaking, Guan Jingming pointed to the ring on her hand with his chin.

"Oh, this! Li Ruobei forced me to wear it, and I was thinking about refusing his request in a few days." Yu Niannian was a little guilty on the surface, and she put it on on the spot in front of Guan Jingming. The diamond ring on the middle finger was taken off, and then put into the drawer of the bedside table.

"Could it be that you really don't have any feelings for Brother Bei?"

"It's been so many years, I don't want to talk about it now, if Dr. Guan is fine, I should get up and take a shower,
 PS: Thank you for the 1888 tipped by 'Please see my personal description' and the 488 tipped by 'Deer Dead Rose Sea'.love you~
  Three shifts tomorrow, okay!

(End of this chapter)

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