My Mr. Li is jealous

Chapter 148 Why Didn't You Tell Me?

Chapter 148 Why Didn't You Tell Me? (1)

It seems that the sofa has also been replaced with a new one, which is still exactly the same as the original one. Yu Niannian tried to sit on it, why does it feel much more comfortable than the previous one?
Maybe it's because of the newness, Yu Niannian didn't think much about it, if she only knew about this sofa, it would cost millions of dollars, she would definitely be scared and fall off the sofa! !

Since she didn't sleep well last night, Yu Niannian went back to the bedroom with her mobile phone, threw her head on the pillow, found a comfortable angle, and fell asleep after a while.

Li Ruobei on the other end of the phone, listening to her even breathing, raised the corners of his lips, and a warm smile appeared on his face. He returned to the desktop without hanging up the phone, opened the information page, edited a text message, and sent it to Pai The bodyguard who went to protect Yu Niannian sent it.

After finishing all this, Li Ruobei put the phone back to her ear, listening to her breathing, gradually felt sleepy...


When Yu Niannian woke up, it was already around twelve o'clock in the noon. If the doorbell didn't keep ringing like a reminder, she really wanted to sleep until the sky was dark and the sky was dark. I don't know what time it is this year, this month and today. .

Yu Niannian's first reaction was to immediately pick up the phone, press it a few times but there was no response, only to realize that the phone turned off automatically when it was out of battery.

Regardless of the more and more rapid ringing of the doorbell, she took the phone to charge first, and then walked unhurriedly to the entrance.

When she opened the door, she found that the person who rang her doorbell was a man in a suit and leather shoes. Yu Niannian knew him, wasn't he the one who was discovered by him when he eavesdropped in the hospital last time?
Isn't he Li Ruobei's bodyguard?How come here?Yu Niannian looked at the bodyguard who was obviously relieved, and then complained to her helplessly, "Miss Yu, I thought something happened to you!"

The ghost knows that he almost kicked the door just now...

"Uh...Sorry, I was sleeping just now." Yu Niannian would not tell him that he didn't get up because he stayed in bed, "But, what's the matter with you?"

As soon as she mentioned it, the bodyguard handed over the bag in his hand, "Oh, this is the meal our BOSS ordered for you."

"Li Ruobei ordered it for me?" Yu Niannian pointed at herself, blinking her eyes in surprise.

"Yes, that's right. Do you need me to send it in for you?"

"No, no, no, I'll just take it in by myself, thank you!" Yu Niannian quickly took the bag over.

"You're welcome, Ms. Yu, just tell us if you have anything to do. This is my mobile phone number." As he spoke, the bodyguard took out a business card from his suit pocket, and handed it over mechanically with both hands.

In fact, Yu Niannian wanted to say that there was no need for such trouble, and she could just do it herself, but out of politeness, she still took the business card back.

Seeing her close the door and go in, the bodyguard also turned around and walked in the direction of the elevator. While walking, he took out his mobile phone and called Li Ruobei, reporting, "Boss, Ms. Yu has already brought her lunch in." .”

Li Ruobei was sitting on the hospital bed eating at the moment. He picked up his chopsticks and said to the phone, "Okay, I see. You guys are downstairs to protect her safety. If you find any movement, report it to me immediately."



in the afternoon.

Nan Gongyi made an appointment as scheduled, and came to Yu Niannian's apartment to pick her up for dinner in Jinbihuanghuang.

Originally going back after eating, when the group of them came out of the private room,
(End of this chapter)

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